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          Press Release, dated May 4, 2005, relating to: Lafarge Q1 2005 Sales

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Euronext: LG, NYSE: LR Paris, May 4, 2005

First quarter 2005 sales

Positive pricing trends in most markets drive sales up

Sales rise 2.2% to € 2,945 million
Sales rise 1.9% on a like for like basis

Sales were up 2.2% to € 2,945 million as at March 31, 2005 compared to first quarter 2004 sales of € 2,881 million. The net scope effect was at 1.1%. Foreign exchange variations impacted sales by -0.8%.

"The underlying favorable trends in many of our markets have allowed for positive pricing. Volumes were held back this year compared to the first quarter of 2004 due to harsher winter weather, but this is quite usual given the seasonality of our business" said Jean Jacques Gauthier, Executive Vice President, Finance, he added "this first quarter volume trend does not alter our view for the year for which we expect overall favorable market conditions."

The sales report for each division, excluding foreign exchange, scope effects, and before inter divisional sales elimination is as follows:

CEMENT: +2.1%

In Western Europe price increases were realized in many countries and in particular in Germany and the UK. However sales were down due to lower volumes sold, essentially being the result of the winter weather across the region, which was more harsh than in the first quarter of 2004 as well as fewer working days. Greece continued to slow as expected compared to the high levels of demand in the run up to the Olympic Games.

North American sales have continued to strengthen in a favorable demand environment. Higher volumes and prices were seen across much of the United States, where strong demand levels were recorded in markets not impacted by unfavorable weather. Average prices increased in both the United States and Canada. The full impact of these price increases will continue throughout the year and a further price increase has been announced for the United States from July.

Despite further strong growth in Romania, sales in Eastern Europe were down, due to lower volumes in Poland and Russia.

Strong sales growth was recorded in the Mediterranean Basin where Jordan's strong construction sector continued its momentum. In Egypt prices continued to increase.

In Africa, sales grew strongly with favorable pricing trends in most countries and strong volumes in Kenya.

In Asia, India continued to enjoy strong volume growth and whilst prices continued to rise in the Philippines compared to 2004, slower construction led to reduced volumes. In Malaysia prices suffered in a difficult competitive environment, and in South Korea the depressed construction market drove volumes and prices lower.

In Latin America, Brazil experienced lower prices due to keen competition and some decline in volumes. Venezuela continued to show good improvement and Chile remained sound.

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In Aggregates, the first quarter of 2005 continues to show positive trends in many markets. Although Western European sales were down due to the poorer winter weather than in 2004, good increases in prices were achieved offsetting much of the volume decline. Good volume trends were seen in Aggregates across much of North America together with favorable pricing. Other countries saw generally strong levels of volume growth. Ready-mixed concrete volumes and prices in Western Europe experienced favorable trends. Volumes were however down in North America, largely due to the more difficult weather conditions seen in Canada compared to 2004, nevertheless prices were up, reflecting good pricing performance in all markets.

ROOFING: -9.1%

Much of the decline in sales comes from Germany, where volumes were significantly lower due to a weaker market compared to the start of 2004. In this environment, prices came under further pressure. Elsewhere in Western Europe the bad winter weather affected volumes in many countries, but pricing trends were favorable. Buoyant housing market conditions continued to drive sales growth in the United States.

GYPSUM: +4.5%

The growth was largely driven by significantly higher prices in North America, where volumes also continued to grow. Sales in Western Europe were flat as the 2005 winter weather conditions impacted volumes, however, there were favorable pricing trends. In Asia sales declined as a result of weaker volumes in South Korea coupled with some price competition, and in Australia the market continued to soften.


The negative foreign currency translation impact on sales was generated essentially from the decline in the US Dollar (-€19 million) versus the euro.


Sales from acquisitions amounted to a positive scope effect of € 57 million largely due to the acquisition of Cementos Selva Alegre in Ecuador in December 2004, to the acquisition of Hupfer Holdings in France (May 2004) and to the acquisition of the assets of The Concrete Company in the United States ( April 2004). The reduction in sales due to negative scope effect totaled € 25 million.


  March 31, 2005
€ Million
    March 31, 2004
€ Million
    Variation     At constant scope and foreign exchange     At constant scope and foreign exchange, before inter divisional sales elimination  

Cement 1,419     1,390     +2.1 %   +1.7 %   +2.1 %
Aggregates & Concrete 908     854     +6.3 %   +4.6 %   +4.5 %
Roofing 268     289     -7.3 %   -9.1 %   -9.1 %
Gypsum 344     332     +3.6 %   +4.4 %   +4.5 %
Others 6     16     -62.5 %   +60.9 %      

TOTAL 2,945     2,881     +2.2 %   +1.9 %   NA  

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Further to the publication on February 24, 2005 of the 2004 financial statements in IFRS, the 2004 Business Segment and Geographical Area Information restated in IFRS is now available, together with the financial statements to June 30, 2004 restated in IFRS.

Lafarge’s annual general meeting of shareholders will be held on May 25, 2005.

Lafarge’s next financial publication – 2005 half year sales – will be on July 28, 2005 (before the Euronext stock market opens).

Lafarge, the world leader in building materials, holds top-ranking positions in all four of its Divisions: Cement, Aggregates & Concrete, Roofing and Gypsum. Lafarge employs 77,000 people in 75 countries and posted sales of €14.4 billion in 2004. Additional information is available on the web site at

For release worldwide with simultaneous release in the United States.

Stéphanie Tessier: 33-1 44-34-92-32
James Palmer: 33-1 44-34-92-93
Amanda Jones: 33-1 44-34-19-47
Danièle Daouphars: 33-1 44-34-92-93
Statements made in this press release that are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions ("Factors"), which are difficult to predict. Some of the Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: the cyclical nature of the Company's business; national and regional economic conditions in the countries in which the Group does business; currency fluctuations; seasonal nature of the Company’s operations; levels of construction spending in major markets; supply/demand structure of the industry; competition from new or existing competitors; unfavorable weather conditions during peak construction periods; changes in and implementation of environmental and other governmental regulations; our ability to successfully identify, complete and efficiently integrate acquisitions; our ability to successfully penetrate new markets; and other Factors disclosed in the Company's public filings with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers and the US Securities and Exchange Commission including its Reference Document and annual report on Form 20-F. In general, the Company is subject to the risks and uncertainties of the construction industry and of doing business throughout the world. The forward-looking statements are made as of this date and the Company undertakes no obligation to update them, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Conference Call on First Quarter Sales to March 31, 2005
Following the release of Lafarge’s sales to March 31, 2005, a conference call will be held on:
May 4th, 2005 at 15:30 French time, in English
(14:30 UK time; 09:30AM EDT in North America)
The speakers will be:
Jean-Jacques Gauthier – Executive Vice President, Finance
James Palmer – Vice-President Investor Relations
Danièle Daouphars – Manager Investor Relations

If you wish to participate in the conference call, please dial:
From France +33 (0)1 56 38 35 10
From UK +44 (0) 207 190 1596
From USA +1 (0) 720 356 7409
From USA toll free (US only) 0 888 595 4228
Conference call name: “Lafarge

A replay of the conference call will be available from May 4th, 2004 at 7.30 pm French time to May 11th, 2005 at 7.30 pm at the following numbers:
From France +33(0)1 70 99 32 94 Access code: 133141#
From UK +44 208 515 2499 Access code: 446999#
From USA +1 (0) 303 590 3010 Access code: 11029407#
From USA toll free (US only) 0800 405 2236 Access code: 11029407#

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Consolidated Figures (YTD)

(Millions of euros)     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04  



By geographical zone of destination                    
  Western Europe     1,319     1,348     -2 %
  North America     637     579     10 %
  Mediterranean Basin     114     104     10 %
  Central and Eastern Europe     107     111     -4 %
  Latin America     155     145     7 %
  Africa     297     255     16 %
  Asia /Pacific     316     339     -7 %
By business line                    
  Cement     1,419     1,390     2 %
  Aggregates & Concrete     908     854     6 %
  Roofing     268     289     -7 %
  Gypsum     344     332     4 %
  Others     6     16     -63 %

  Total     2,945     2,881     2 %

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Cement (YTD)  

Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidaries)  
(millions of tonnes)     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                  (current)     (like for like)  
Western Europe     6.6     6.9     -4 %      
North America     3.4     3.0     13 %      
Mediterranean Basin     1.9     2.0     -5 %      
Central and Eastern Europe     1.3     1.5     -13 %      
Latin America     1.6     1.6     0 %      
Africa     3.0     2.9     3 %      
Asia/Pacific     6.3     6.7     -6 %      

Total (1)     24.1     24.6     -2 %   -4.1 %


Sales (after elimination of inter divisional sales by destination)                          
(Millions of euros)     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                  (current)     (like for like)  
Western Europe     470     486     -3 %      
North America     219     194     13 %      
Mediterranean Basin     91     85     7 %      
Central and Eastern Europe     61     67     -9 %      
Latin America     101     96     5 %      
Africa     239     208     15 %      
Asia/Pacific     238     254     -6 %      

Total consolidated sales     1,419     1,390     2 %   1.7 %

Sales (before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin)                          
(Millions of euros)     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                  (current)     (like for like)  
Western Europe     519     548     -5 %      
North America     251     221     14 %      
Mediterranean Basin     91     84     8 %      
Central and Eastern Europe     62     64     -3 %      
Latin America     122     111     10 %      
Africa     274     233     18 %      
Asia/Pacific     231     250     -8 %      

Total before elimination of interdivisional sales     1,550     1,511     3 %   2.1 %

(1) including 0,4 MT special products reported for the first time (thereof 0,2 MT for North America).
In 2004, these figures compare to 0,4 MT thereof 0,2 MT for North America   

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Aggregates & Concrete (YTD)

Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidiaries)  
Aggregates     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

(millions of tonnes)                 (current)     (like for like)  
Western Europe     17.1     18.2     -6 %      
North America     18.6     17.5     6 %      
Other countries     4.1     3.9     5 %    

Total     39.8     39.6     1 %   -3.2 %

Concrete     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

(millions of cbm)                 (current)     (like for like)  
Western Europe     3.4     3.5     -3 %      
North America     2.2     2.1     5 %      
Other countries     2.3     2.1     10 %      

Total     7.9     7.7     3 %   0.1 %


Sales (after elimination of inter divisional sales by destination)                  
(Millions of euros)     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                      (current)     (like for like)  
    Aggregates & related products     351     327     7 %      
    Ready-mix concrete & concrete products     557     527     6 %      
    Total Aggregates & Concrete     908     854     6 %   4.6 %

    of which     Western Europe     462     444     4 %      
         "     North America     319     299     7 %      
         "     Other countries     127     111     14 %      

Sales (before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin)                  
(Millions of euros)     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                      (current)     (like for like)  
    Total Aggregates & Concrete     910     859     6 %   4.5 %

    Aggregates & related products     420     393     7 %   4.1 %

    of which pure Aggregates     Total     346     331     5 %      
          Western Europe     197     191     3 %      
         "     North America     122     118     3 %      
         "     other countries     27     22     23 %      
    Ready-mix concrete & concrete products     559     530     5 %   4.9 %

    of which Ready-mix     Total     536     502     7 %      
          Western Europe     266     257     4 %      
         "     North America     164     150     9 %      
         "     other countries     106     95     12 %      
    Eliminations intra A&C           -69     -64     8 %      

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Roofing (YTD)

Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionally consolidated subsidiaries)
                2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                            (current)     (like for like)  
Concrete roof tiles     (millions of m2)                        
    Western Europe (1)           9.8     11.5     -15 %    
    North America           5.5     5.3     4 %    
    Other countries (1)           8.1     9.2     -12 %    
Clay roof tiles     (millions of m2)                  
    Western Europe           4.2     5.1     -18 %    
    Other countries           0.5     0.1          
Chimneys     (kms)     725     568     28 %    

Sales (after elimination of inter-divisional sales by destination)
(Millions of Euros)           2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                        (current)     (like for like)  
    Total           268     289     -7 %   -9.1 %

    Western Europe           196     216     -9 %    
          Germany     39     64     -39 %    
          Other countries     157     152     3 %    
    Other countries           72     73     -1 %    

Sales (before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin)                    
(Millions of Euros)           2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                        (current)     (like for like)  
    Total           268     289     -7 %   -9.1 %

    of which concrete roof tiles     Western Europe     84     96     -13 %    
         "     North America     28     25     12 %    
          Other countries     20     23     -13 %    
    of which clay roof tiles           45     51     -12 %    
    of which chimneys (1)           34     33     3 %    
    of which other roofing products     57     61     -7 %    

(1) Including the "other roofing products" of the Chimney business.                          

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Gypsum (YTD)

Volumes of gypsum wallboard (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionally consolidated subsidiaries)
(millions of m2)     2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                  (current)     (like for like)  
Total     165     167     -1 %   -1.0 %

Sales (after elimination of inter-divisional sales by destination)
(Millions of euros)                          
          2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                      (current)     (like for like)  
    Total     344     332     4 %   4.4 %

    of which Western Europe     188     192     -2 %    
    of which North America     70     59     19 %    
    of which other countries     86     81     6 %    

Sales (before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin)  
(Millions of euros)                        
          2005Q1     2004Q1     05/04     05/04  

                      (current)     (like for like)  
    Total     348     334     4 %   4.5 %

    of which Western Europe     199     199     0 %    
    of which North America     70     59     19 %    
    of which other countries     79     76     4 %    

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Sales Mars 31st 2005
Ytd like for like Sales variance analysis by region and in major markets.*
      Volume effect     Other effects **     Activity variation
vs 2004
Western Europe     -10.4 %   5.0 %   -5.4 %
    -4.5 %   4.4 %   -0.1 %
United Kingdom
    -10.9 %   6.3 %   -4.6 %
    2.0 %   1.0 %   3.0 %
    -37.0 %   14.0 %   -23.0 %
    -15.2 %   1.1 %   -14.1 %
Central Europe     -8.3 %   3.3 %   -5.0 %
    -25.1 %   4.3 %   -20.8 %
    17.1 %   5.0 %   22.1 %
    -30.4 %   16.2 %   -14.2 %
    -7.0 %   -2.0 %   -9.0 %
Mediterranean Basin     3.1 %   7.0 %   10.1 %
    -0.2 %   16.0 %   15.8 %
    -5.9 %   1.6 %   -4.3 %
    12.7 %   7.5 %   20.2 %
    0.0 %   12.6 %   12.6 %
North America     2.5 %   11.8 %   14.3 %
Latin America, Caraibs     -1.6 %   0.5 %   -1.1 %
    -1.3 %   -16.9 %   -18.2 %
    7.6 %   12.9 %   20.5 %
    -1.3 %   2.5 %   1.2 %
Africa, Indian Ocean     -0.6 %   12.6 %   12.0 %
    11.7 %   7.3 %   19.0 %
    -8.4 %   17.0 %   8.6 %
South Africa
    0.1 %   7.5 %   7.6 %
Asia, Middle East     -7.0 %   1.2 %   -5.8 %
    -24.2 %   6.2 %   -18.0 %
    -0.4 %   -6.1 %   -6.5 %
    -13.4 %   18.4 %   5.0 %
    11.0 %   0.7 %   11.7 %
South Korea
    -25.1 %   -2.7 %   -27.8 %
Total CEMENT     -4.1 %   6.2 %   2.1 %
AGGREGATES and related activities              
France (pure Aggregates)
    -10.1 %   5.2 %   -4.9 %
United Kingdom (pure Aggregates)
    -9.8 %   7.8 %   -2.0 %
North America (pure Aggregates)
    5.1 %   3.4 %   8.5 %
Pure Aggregates
    -3.2 %   4.2 %   1.0 %
Total Aggregates and related activities                 4.1 %
CONCRETE and related activities              
France (readymix)     2.5 %   3.6 %   6.1 %
United Kingdom (readymix)     2.4 %   7.5 %   9.9 %
North America (readymix)     -3.1 %   6.2 %   3.1 %
Total ReadyMix     0.2 %   4.9 %   5.1 %
Total Concrete and related activities                 4.9 %
Total Aggregate & Concrete                 4.5 %
* Variance on like for like sales on domestic markets before elimination of sales between Divisions  
** Other effects : including price effects, product and customer mix effects.        

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Sales Mars 31st 2005
Ytd like for like Sales variance analysis by region and in major markets.*
      Volume effect     Other effects **     Activity variation
vs 2004
Western Europe Concrete T&F     -13.7 %   0.3 %   -13.4 %
Western Europe Clay T&F     -12.3 %   0.5 %   -11.8 %
    -7.3 %   5.3 %   -2.0 %
    -11.4 %   7.6 %   -3.8 %
    -7.6 %   1.5 %   -6.1 %
    -9.1 %   3.6 %   -5.5 %
    -40.4 %   -2.9 %   -43.3 %
    -26.8 %   -7.1 %   -33.9 %
United States (Concrete)     5.3 %   12.9 %   18.2 %
Chimneys      -8.2 %   -2.1 %   -10.3 %
Accessories                 -8.7 %
Total ROOFING                 -9.1 %
BOARDS     -1.0 %   5.5 %   4.5 %
Western Europe     -4.7 %   4.6 %   -0.1 %
North America     2.0 %   21.7 %   23.7 %
Asia, Pacific     -5.5 %   -6.2 %   -11.7 %
Total GYPSUM                 4.5 %
* Variance on like for like sales on domestic markets before elimination of sales between Divisions  
** Other effects : including price effects, product and customer mix effects.        

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date May 4, 2005 Lafarge
  By:   /s/ Jean-Pierre Cloiseau
  Name:   Jean-Pierre Cloiseau
  Title:   Senior Vice President, Finance

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