Washington, D.C. 20549

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

                FURNISHED PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                03 February 2006

                               BRITISH AIRWAYS Plc
                               (Registrant's Name)

                                 Waterside HBA3,
                                   PO Box 365
                              Harmondsworth UB7 0GB
                                 United Kingdom

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1. January traffic statistics


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.

                                             BRITISH AIRWAYS Plc

                                             By:   /s/_________________________
                                                   Name: Alan Buchanan
                                                   Title:Company Secretary
                                                   Date  3rd February 2006

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit No.                 Description

1.                          January traffic statistics


Summary of the headline figures

In January 2006, passenger capacity, measured in Available Seat Kilometres, was
3 per cent above January 2005.  Traffic, measured in Revenue Passenger
Kilometres, was higher by 3.3 per cent.  This resulted in a passenger load
factor up 0.2 points versus last year, to 72.5 per cent.  The increase in
traffic comprised a 7.8 per cent increase in premium traffic and a 2.6 per cent
increase in non-premium traffic.  Cargo, measured in Cargo Tonne Kilometres, was
flat.  Overall load factor was also flat at 68.1 per cent.

Market conditions

Some yield improvement is still expected for this financial year.  Consequently,
revenue is now expected to grow by more than 8%.

Despite the improved revenue outlook, market conditions remain broadly unchanged
as significant promotional activity is required to maintain seat factors.


Underlying costs excluding fuel are now expected to be some 1% higher than the
guidance we gave at the beginning of the year, which was flat.

Fuel costs continue to be a challenge for the industry, but our guidance is
unchanged with total fuel costs expected to be up by GBP525 million this year.

Strategic Developments

British Airways' regional subsidiary, British Airways CitiExpress, was
relaunched as BA Connect in a major drive to improve profitability and compete
more aggressively in the UK regions by offering more choice and lower fares
slashed by more than 40 per cent.

The airline announced that it aims to comply fully with new US government
Advanced Passenger Information legislation by March 7, 2006. The new legislation
requires extra passenger information from all non-US passport holders travelling
to the US including their country of residence and a first night destination
address as well as data found in their passport.

At a speech at the Wings Club in New York, chairman Martin Broughton called on
the United States government to show courage and free the aviation industry from
its regulatory straitjacket by scrapping existing foreign ownership rules. He
challenged the US administration to create a genuine dialogue with Congress over
the potential benefits of allowing overseas companies to take majority stakes in
American carriers.


February 3, 2006                                CW/011/2006


                                          Month of January                    Financial year
                                                                           April through to Jan
BRITISH AIRWAYS                                     Change                                 Change
SCHEDULED SERVICES               2006       2005       (%)            2006        2005        (%)

Passengers carried (000)
UK/Europe                        1599       1599      +0.0           19601       19934       -1.7
Americas                          562        577      -2.6            6243        6120       +2.0
Asia Pacific                      166        147     +12.8            1592        1399      +13.8
Africa and Middle East            318        299      +6.1            2612        2585       +1.0
Total                            2644       2622      +0.9           30047       30038       +0.0

Revenue passenger km (m)
UK/Europe                        1425       1407      +1.3           18113       17859       +1.4
Americas                         3795       3881      -2.2           41925       40940       +2.4
Asia Pacific                     1727       1512     +14.2           16407       14391      +14.0
Africa and Middle East           2172       2025      +7.2           17654       17306       +2.0
Total                            9119       8825      +3.3           94100       90496       +4.0

Available seat km (m)
UK/Europe                        2532       2545      -0.5           26669       26034       +2.4
Americas                         5144       5185      -0.8           52816       52315       +1.0
Asia Pacific                     2225       1979     +12.4           21367       19481       +9.7
Africa and Middle East           2670       2497      +6.9           22864       22678       +0.8
Total                           12571      12206      +3.0          123715      120508       +2.7

Passenger load factor (%)
UK/Europe                        56.3       55.3      +1.0 pts        67.9        68.6       -0.7 pts
Americas                         73.8       74.8      -1.0 pts        79.4        78.3       +1.1 pts
Asia Pacific                     77.6       76.4      +1.2 pts        76.8        73.9       +2.9 pts
Africa and Middle East           81.3       81.1      +0.2 pts        77.2        76.3       +0.9 pts
Total                            72.5       72.3      +0.2 pts        76.1        75.1       +1.0 pts

Revenue tonne km (RTK) (m)
Cargo tonne km (CTK)              412        412      +0.0            4100        4148       -1.1
Total RTK                        1335       1305      +2.3           13508       13196       +2.4
Available tonne km (m)           1961       1917      +2.3           19326       18865       +2.4

Overall load factor (%)          68.1       68.1      +0.0 pts        69.9        69.9       +0.0 pts

Certain statements included in this statement may be forward-looking and may
involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, projections relating to
results of operations and financial conditions and the company's plans and
objectives for future operations, including, without limitation, discussions of
the company's business and financing plans, expected future revenues and
expenditures and divestments. All forward-looking statements in this report are
based upon information known to the company on the date of this report. The
company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any
forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise.

It is not reasonably possible to itemise all of the many factors and specific
events that could cause the company's forward-looking statements to be incorrect
or that could otherwise have a material adverse effect on the future operations
or results of an airline operating in the global economy.

                                                              Investor Relations
                                                                Waterside (HCB3)
                                                                      PO Box 365
                                                                         UB7 OGB
                                                       Tel: +44 (0) 20 8738 6947
                                                       Fax: +44( 0) 20 8738 9602