The Continental Africa region production for the first quarter of 2015 was 351,000oz at a total cash cost of $714/oz compared to
374,000oz at a total cash cost of $808/oz in the same quarter last year. The region’s performance is attributable mainly to the strong
production from Geita and continuing ramp-up in Kibali, despite the limited operations at Obuasi and the absence of Navachab
production, the limited operational flexibility in oxide operations at Sadiola, as well as plant maintenance shutdowns at Iduapriem and
In the DRC, Kibali production for the quarter was 73,000oz at a total cash cost of $630/oz compared to 51,000oz at a total cash cost of
$538/oz in the same quarter last year. Production was 43% higher due to operation of both the oxide and sulphide circuits compared to
the same quarter last year when only the oxide circuit was operational. Quarter-on-quarter, production was impacted by decrease in
tonnage throughput due to fewer operating shifts together with a planned 5% decrease in recovered grade. Consequently, total cash
costs increased as a result of the lower production together with higher mining rates.
In Ghana, Iduapriem produced 40,000oz at a total cash cost of $1,046/oz compared to 45,000oz at a total cash cost of $716/oz in the
same quarter last year. Production declined year-on-year due to a 2% decrease in recovered grade together with a 9% decrease in
tonnage throughput. Tonnage throughput in the current quarter was impacted by a planned major plant shutdown to replace
components of the mill circuit. Total cash costs increased as production decreased and mainly because full-scale mining operations
only resumed during the quarter after executing a stockpile treatment plan last year.The impact of the mine plant shutdown that took
place during the quarter was compensated by higher grade ore tonnes processed.
As the Obuasi mine continued in limited operations state, with the feasibility study well advanced, production for the first quarter of 2015
was significantly down at 17,000oz at a total cash cost of $628/oz, compared to 53,000oz at a total cash cost of $1,234/oz in the same
quarter last year. Current production was from scaled down surface operations and tailings maintenance activities.
In the Republic of Guinea, Siguiri’s production was 64,000oz at a total cash costs of $887/oz, compared to 70,000oz at a total cash
cost of $800/oz in the same quarter last year. Production declined as expected, due to depletion of higher grade ore sources. Total cash
costs were higher than the same period last year as a result of inflationary increases together with the impact of the lower recovered
grade. Tonnage throughput was impacted by a four-day minor plant shutdown, together with fewer operating shifts during the quarter.
In Mali, Morila’s production for the first quarter of 2015 was 20,000oz at a total cash cost of $535/oz. Production increased as a result of
the higher grade tonnes sourced from the satellite pit 7s commissioned in the latter part of last year.
Sadiola’s production for the first quarter of 2015 was maintained at 19,000oz at a total cash cost of $876/oz. The current quarter’s
production compared to the previous quarter was impacted by a 16% decrease in tonnage throughput partly offset by a 7% increase in
recovered grade from tonnes mined in the satellite oxide pits. Total cash costs, however, decreased from $1,262/oz compared to the
same quarter last year due to a 25% decrease in volumes mined as a result of limited operational flexibility in the oxide operations,
together with the cumulative benefit of the cost management initiatives.
The Yatela mine accelerated the transition to full closure. The current quarter’s operational performance is therefore not comparable to
previous periods.
In Tanzania, Geita’s production was 118,000oz at a total cash cost of $579/oz compared to 106,000oz at a total cash cost of $631/oz in
the same quarter last year. Production increased 11% as a result of accessing higher grade ore sources stripped in the Nyankanga pit.
Total cash costs decreased by 8%, primarily as a result of the efficiency of lower mining unit costs together with the benefits of lower
fuel prices. Current quarter production was somewhat impacted by a decrease in tonnage throughput, due to scheduled down time for
maintenance, together with fewer operating shifts in the quarter.
In the Americas region, production for the first quarter of 2015 was 236,000oz at a total cash cost of $665/oz compared to 236,000oz
at a total cash cost of $668/oz in the same quarter last year. Production remained stable, supported by strong performances from Cerro
Vanguardia and Mineração, where production was up 12% and 5% respectively, year-on-year. However, the region was negatively
impacted by lower placed grade, leach pad sequence timing and a mill start-up delay at the Cripple Creek & Victor mine, in addition to
lower feed grades and equipment challenges at Serra Grande. Total cash costs for the region declined marginally due to efficiencies
derived from the continued costs savings initiatives and benefiting from weaker currencies, and despite subdued production in some
parts of the region and high inflation in Argentina.
At Cripple Creek & Victor, production was 41,000oz at a total cash cost of $957/oz compared to 52,000oz at a total cash cost of $699/oz
in the same quarter last year. Production decreased year-on-year due to lower placed grade, leach pad sequence timing and increasing
pad height, causing longer leach solution transport time. Total cash costs increased due to lower recoverable grade, fewer tons mined
and below-plan ounce production due to the mill start-up delay, partially assisted by lower fuel prices.
In Argentina, Cerro Vanguardia´s production for the quarter was 12% higher at 65,000oz at a total cash cost of $651/oz, compared to
58,000oz at a total cash cost of $644/oz in the same quarter of last year, mainly due to the effect of higher heap leach production. Total
cash costs were negatively impacted by persistently high inflation in Argentina, with salary increases effective from February. Currency
weakness, however, had a positive effect on costs in addition to favourable stockpile movements, mainly as a result of lower tonnes
treated, and higher grades. These favourable effects were partially offset by higher heap-leach costs as high volume of material was
processed. Plans are being evaluated to further increase production in coming quarters.
In Brazil, operations produced 130,000oz at a total cash cost of $580/oz compared to 126,000oz at a total cash cost of $664/oz in the
same quarter of last year. Production increased year-on-year due to higher tonnages treated. Improved costs reflect production
Quarterly report March 2015 -