Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.)

                          Filed by the Registrant /X/
                 Filed by a party other than the Registrant / /

                           Check the appropriate box:
                        / / Preliminary Proxy Statement
     / / Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
                         /X/ Definitive Proxy Statement
                      / / Definitive Additional Materials
             / / Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12

                             DOWNEY FINANCIAL CORP.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)


                              /X/ No fee required.

             / / Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules  14a-6(i)(1)
                 and 0-11.

(1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange  Act Rule  0-11  (set  forth the  amount  on which  the  filing  fee is
calculated and state how it was determined):

(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5) Total fee paid:

/ / Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1) Amount Previously Paid:

(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3) Filing Party:

(4) Date Filed:

                             DOWNEY FINANCIAL CORP.
                               3501 JAMBOREE ROAD
                            NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660
                                 (949) 854-0300

                                                                  March 17, 2003

                            WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2003
                                   10:00 A.M.

                             IRVINE MARRIOTT HOTEL
                            18000 VON KARMAN AVENUE
                               IRVINE, CALIFORNIA

Dear Friend and Shareholder:

     The Board of Directors and officers of Downey  Financial  Corp.  ("Downey")
are  pleased to extend to you a cordial  invitation  to attend  Downey's  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders at the time and place shown above to:

     1.   Elect three Class 2 Directors for terms of three years each;

     2.   Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as auditors for the year 2003; and

     3.   Transact  such other  business as may properly  come before the Annual
          Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

     The Board of Directors  has  selected  February 28, 2003 as the record date
for the  Annual  Meeting.  Only  those  shareholders  of  record at the close of
business  on that date will be  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting or any  adjournments  thereof.  Information  about the  matters on which
shareholders  will act is included in the  attached  Proxy  Statement.  Downey's
directors and  executive  officers will be available at the meeting to meet with

     Your vote is important  regardless of the number of shares you own. Whether
or not you expect to attend the meeting,  we ask that you PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN
advance for your cooperation.

     We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

                                Sincerely yours,

     /s/ MAURICE L. McALISTER                    /s/ CHERYL E. OLSON
       MAURICE L. McALISTER                         CHERYL E. OLSON
       Chairman of the Board                   Vice Chairman of the Board

                             /S/ DANIEL D. ROSENTHAL
                               DANIEL D. ROSENTHAL
                      President and Chief Executive Officer


Proxy Statement ..........................................................     1
Record Date and Voting of Shares .........................................     1
Voting and Revocation of Proxies .........................................     1
Solicitation of Proxies ..................................................     1
Proposal 1.  Election of Directors .......................................     2
  o Information Concerning Nominees and Directors ........................     2
  o Nominees for Election at this Meeting, as Class 2 Directors,
     to Terms Expiring in 2006 ...........................................     3
  o Class 3 Directors Whose Present Terms Continue until 2004 ............     3
  o Class 1 Directors Whose Present Terms Continue until 2005 ............   3-4
  o Retired Director .....................................................     4
Board Committees and Meeting Attendance ..................................   5-7
Director Independence ....................................................   8-9
Security Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers ...................    10
Executive Officers ....................................................... 11-13
Audit Committee Report ...................................................    14
  o Audit Philosophy .....................................................    14
  o Fees .................................................................    15
Proposal 2.  Ratify the Appointment of Auditors ..........................    15
Compensation Committee Report ............................................    16
  o Compensation Philosophy ..............................................    16
  o 2002 Compensation Programs ........................................... 16-18
Compensation .............................................................    19
  o Executive Compensation ...............................................    19
  o Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year ................................    19
  o Option Exercises and Holdings ........................................    20
  o Director Compensation ................................................ 20-21
Performance Graph ........................................................    22
Certain Relationships and Related Transactions ...........................    23
  o Transactions with Management and Certain Business Relationships ......    23
  o Loans to Management and Directors ....................................    23
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners ..........................    24
  o Principal Shareholders ...............................................    24
  o Equity Compensation Plan Information .................................    25
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance ..................    25
Proposals of Shareholders ................................................    25
Annual Report to Shareholders ............................................ 25-26
Other Business ...........................................................    26
  o Presented by Management ..............................................    26
  o Presented by Shareholders ............................................    26


                             DOWNEY FINANCIAL CORP.
                               3501 JAMBOREE ROAD
                         NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660

                                PROXY STATEMENT

     This proxy statement  ("Proxy  Statement") and the accompanying  proxy card
are furnished in  connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies by the Board of
Directors (the "Board") for use at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Downey
Financial Corp., a Delaware  corporation  ("Downey"),  to be held at 10:00 a.m.,
local time, on Wednesday,  April 23, 2003, at the Irvine Marriott  Hotel,  18000
Von Karman Avenue,  Irvine,  California 92612, and any adjournments thereof (the
"Annual Meeting").  Certain of the information  provided in this Proxy Statement
relates to Downey Savings and Loan Association,  F.A. and any predecessor entity
(the "Bank"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Downey.  This Proxy Statement and the
accompanying  form of proxy are being mailed to  shareholders  on or about March
17, 2003. The mailing address of the principal office of Downey is 3501 Jamboree
Road,  Newport  Beach,  California  92660.  Downey's  telephone  number is (949)

                        RECORD DATE AND VOTING OF SHARES

     On February  28, 2003,  the record date for  determining  the  shareholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting,  27,928,722  shares of
Downey's  common  stock  ("Common  Stock") were  outstanding.  A majority of the
shares  entitled to vote will  constitute  a quorum at the Annual  Meeting.  The
three director nominees receiving the highest number of affirmative votes at the
Annual Meeting will be elected. Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted for
purposes of  determining  a quorum,  but are not  considered as having voted for
purposes of determining the outcome of a vote.

                        VOTING AND REVOCATION OF PROXIES

     All  shares  represented  by a  properly  executed  proxy  will be voted in
accordance  with the  directions on such proxy.  If no directions are specified,
such shares will be voted FOR the election of the Board's nominees for directors
presented under Proposal 1 and FOR the  ratification of KPMG LLP as auditors for
the year 2003  presented  under Proposal 2. If for any reason one or more of the
nominees  should be unable or refuse to serve as a director  (an event which the
Board of  Directors  does not  anticipate),  the persons  named in the  enclosed
proxy, in their  discretion,  will vote for substitute  nominees of the Board of
Directors  unless  otherwise  instructed.  If any  other  matters  are  properly
presented to the Annual  Meeting for action  (including  any proposal to adjourn
the Annual Meeting),  the persons named in such proxy and acting thereunder will
vote in accordance with their best judgment on such matters.

     Any  shareholder may revoke his or her proxy at any time before it is voted
by filing with the Corporate  Secretary of Downey a written instrument  revoking
it or by filing a duly executed proxy bearing a later date. The execution of the
enclosed  proxy will not affect the right of a shareholder  to vote in person if
such shareholder  should decide to attend the Annual Meeting and desires to vote
in person.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     Downey will bear the cost of soliciting proxies.  Directors and officers of
Downey and  directors,  officers and  employees of the Bank may solicit  proxies
personally,  by mail,  telephone,  telecopier or other electronic  transmission.
Such  directors,  officers or employees will receive no  compensation  for their
solicitation  services other than their regular salaries,  but may be reimbursed
for  out-of-pocket  expenses.  Downey  will  request  record  holders  of shares
beneficially  owned by  others to  forward  this  Proxy  Statement  and  related
materials to the beneficial owners of such shares and will reimburse such record
holders for their reasonable expenses incurred in doing so.


                        PROPOSAL 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The directors of Downey are divided into three classes,  as nearly equal in
number as possible,  with one class to be elected annually.  The members of each
class are  elected  for terms of three  years and  until  their  successors  are
elected and qualified,  with one of the three classes of directors being elected
each year.  Article III,  Section 3.2 of Downey's Bylaws provides that the Board
of  Directors  shall be  composed  of not less  than  seven  nor more  than nine
members, the exact number to be fixed by the Board.

     Accordingly,  at this Annual  Meeting,  three  Class 2 Directors  are to be
elected to serve  three-year  terms and until their  respective  successors  are
elected and qualified. The following persons have been nominated by the Board of
Directors to serve as directors:

     For  election  as Class 2 Directors  to hold  office  until the 2006 Annual
     Meeting of  Shareholders,  and until their  successors are duly elected and
     qualified: Cheryl E. Olson, Lester C. Smull and Michael B. Abrahams.



     Certain  information  concerning each nominee for director and each current
director is set forth  below.  For  information  regarding  ownership  of Downey
Common Stock by nominees and  directors of Downey,  see  "Security  Ownership of
Directors  and  Executive   Officers"  below.   There  are  no  arrangements  or
understandings  between  any  director,  or any  nominee,  or any  other  person
pursuant  to which such  director  or nominee  is or was  nominated  to serve as

     The following table sets forth certain information concerning (i) the three
nominees  standing for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting,
and (ii) all other  directors  whose terms as directors  will continue after the
Annual Meeting.

                                                                         Director of    Year
                                Age At                                    Downey        Term
 Name                   February 28, 2003    Position(s) Currently Held   Since (1)    Expires
Cheryl E. Olson ...........      46          Director/Vice Chairman        1994         2003
Lester C. Smull ...........      70          Director                      1994         2003
Michael B. Abrahams .......      50          Director                      1999         2003

Dr. Paul Kouri ............      81          Director                      1994         2004
Brent McQuarrie ...........      51          Director                      1994         2004
James H. Hunter ...........      44          Director                      2002         2004
Gerald E. Finnell .........      63          Director                      2003         2005
Maurice L. McAlister ......      77          Director/Chairman             1994         2005
Daniel D. Rosenthal .......      50          Director, President and       1998         2005
                                               Chief Executive Officer

(1)  Downey was  organized  on October  21,  1994.  Prior  thereto,  each of the
     directors  was a  director  of the Bank  except  for  Daniel D.  Rosenthal,
     Michael B. Abrahams and James H. Hunter.


IN 2006

     Cheryl E. Olson - Mrs.  Olson is the Vice  Chairman of the Boards of Downey
and the Bank.  Mrs. Olson has served as a director of the Bank since 1987.  Mrs.
Olson is actively involved in a variety of real estate  development,  management
and consultant  activities.  Mrs. Olson also serves on the Board of Directors of
Arrow Records, Inc. Mrs. Olson is the daughter of Maurice L. McAlister, Chairman
of the Board of both Downey and the Bank.

     Lester C. Smull - Mr.  Smull is a  director  of Downey and the Bank and has
served as a director since 1994. In 1970, Mr. Smull founded Business  Properties
Development Company ("Business  Properties"),  a real estate development company
with offices in Irvine,  California and Phoenix,  Arizona.  Business Properties'
activities consist of the development, construction and management of commercial
shopping  centers,  office and industrial  buildings  throughout  California and
Arizona, in addition to land acquisition, planning, design, property management,
marketing and asset  management  services.  Mr. Smull is also a licensed general
contractor and operates Business Properties Construction Company.

     Michael B.  Abrahams - Mr.  Abrahams has served as a director of Downey and
the Bank since 1999.  Mr.  Abrahams  is a Managing  Director at Hoefer & Arnett,
Inc., a San Francisco based  investment  banking firm  specializing in financial
institutions.  Mr. Abrahams was a senior  research  analyst for Sutro & Co. from
1996 to 1999 and a Senior Vice President,  Investment Banking with Oppenheimer &
Co.,  Inc.  from 1991 to 1996.  In addition to serving as a research  analyst at
Bateman  Eichler,  Hill Richards from 1988 to 1991 and Johnston,  Lemon & Co. in
Washington,  DC from 1986 to 1988,  Mr.  Abrahams  was a policy  analyst  in the
Executive Office of the President,  Office of Management and Budget, Washington,
DC from 1981 to 1986.


     Dr. Paul Kouri - Dr. Kouri is a director of Downey and the Bank.  Dr. Kouri
has served as a director  of the Bank since  1959.  Dr.  Kouri also is  actively
involved in a variety of real estate development and management activities.  Dr.
Kouri is a retired physician having practiced for more than 45 years.

     Brent  McQuarrie - Mr.  McQuarrie is a director of Downey and the Bank. Mr.
McQuarrie  has served as a  director  of the Bank since  1987.  Mr.  McQuarrie's
principal  occupation  for more than the past five years has been  President and
director  of  Legacy  Realty  and  Investment  Corp.,  a Utah  real  estate  and
development company, formerly known as Seven Peaks Development.

     James H.  Hunter - Mr.  Hunter  became a director of Downey and the Bank on
July 8, 2002. Mr. Hunter's  principal  occupation for the past several years has
been Executive Vice President of Planning and Acquisition for The Corky McMillin
Companies,  a San Diego based residential real estate developer.  Mr. Hunter has
been with The Corky  McMillin  Companies  since 1990,  following nine years with
Exxon Co., U.S.A. where he held various engineering,  management and supervisory
positions  associated  with  oil and gas  exploration  and  production,  and was
involved in several major acquisitions.


     Gerald E. Finnell - Mr.  Finnell is a director of Downey and the Bank.  Mr.
Finnell  became a director on February  26, 2003 and  replaced Sam Yellen as the
Chairman of the Audit Committee.  Mr. Finnell was an audit partner with KPMG LLP
from 1962 to 1995,  served  as a  director  of KPMG LLP from  1987 to 1994,  was
Chairman of the Board and a member of the Audit and  Compensation  Committees of
BlueStone Holding Corp.  (formerly HealthStar Corp.) from 1997 to 1999 and was a
director  and a member  of the  Audit  and  Finance  Committees  of  Westminster
Capital, Inc. from 1997 to 1999.


     Maurice  L.  McAlister  - Mr.  McAlister  is the  Chairman  of the Board of
Directors of both Downey and the Bank and was a co-founder  of the Bank together
with the other co-founder, the late Gerald H. McQuarrie. Mr. McAlister served as
President  of the Bank from 1957 until his  retirement  in  September  1991.  In
addition,  Mr.  McAlister is a director and President of McAlister  Investments,
Inc., an affiliate of Downey.

     Daniel D.  Rosenthal - Mr.  Rosenthal is the President and Chief  Executive
Officer  of Downey and the Bank.  Mr.  Rosenthal  joined  the Bank in 1975,  was
appointed a director of DSL Service  Company,  a subsidiary of the Bank, in 1991
and was  appointed  as DSL  Service  Company's  Acting  President  in 1993.  Mr.
Rosenthal was named President of DSL Service Company in 1994 and was Senior Vice
President and Director of Major Loans of the Bank.  During 1998,  Mr.  Rosenthal
served as the  Chief  Operating  Officer  of the Bank and was  appointed  to the
Boards of Directors  of Downey and the Bank and assumed his current  position in
November 1998.


     Former director Sam Yellen retired in February 2003. Mr. Yellen served as a
director from 1992 and was the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board.



     Currently,   Downey  has  five  Board  Committees:   Audit,   Compensation,
Executive,   Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance,  and  Independent  Director
Criteria.  Membership in the  committees,  as of the record date of February 28,
2003, is as follows:

AUDIT*                     COMPENSATION                AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE*
-----                      ------------                -------------------------
Gerald E. Finnell, Chair   Michael B. Abrahams, Chair    Cheryl E. Olson, Chair
Michael B. Abrahams        Cheryl E. Olson               Maurice L. McAlister
Dr. Paul Kouri             Lester C. Smull               Daniel D. Rosenthal
Brent McQuarrie
EXECUTIVE                                              DIRECTOR CRITERIA*
---------                                              ------------------
Maurice L. McAlister, Chair                              James H. Hunter
Cheryl E. Olson                                          Michael B. Abrahams
Brent McQuarrie                                          Dr. Paul Kouri
Daniel D. Rosenthal

* Former director Sam Yellen served on these  committees until his retirement on
February 26, 2003,  after which Gerald E. Finnell became a director and Chair of
the Audit Committee.

AUDIT COMMITTEE                                           SEVEN MEETINGS IN 2002

     o    Responsible  for  recommending to the Board the engagement of Downey's
          and the Bank's independent accountants and assuring their independence
          and objectivity;

     o    Reviews  the scope of the audit plans of the  independent  accountants
          and the internal auditors;

     o    Oversees   Downey's  and  the  Bank's   policies   pertaining  to  the
          effectiveness of internal controls,  financial  reporting,  compliance
          and risk management;

     o    Reviews the objectivity,  effectiveness  and resources of the internal
          audit and internal asset review functions which report directly to the
          Audit Committee;

     o    Reviews  non-audit   services  to  be  performed  by  the  independent

     o    Reviews the  appropriateness  of fees for audit and non-audit services
          performed by the independent accountants; and

     o    Composed  of  "independent"  members  as defined in the New York Stock
          Exchange ("NYSE") listing standards.

COMPENSATION COMMITTEE                                      TWO MEETINGS IN 2002

     o    Establishes the overall  compensation and benefits policies for Downey
          and the Bank;

     o    Reviews  and  recommends  to  the  Board,  the  salary  and  incentive
          compensation for the President and Chief Executive Officer;

     o    Reviews and approves the salaries and incentive  compensation  for all
          other executive and senior officers of Downey and the Bank; and

     o    Reviews  and  approves  the   short-term   and   long-term   incentive
          compensation programs, including individual performance goals.



     Reviews and makes recommendations to the Board regarding:

     o    Oversight  of Board  activities  related to corporate  governance  and
          organization structure;

     o    Qualifications for director candidates;

     o    Candidates for election and re-election to the Board;

     o    Candidates  for the position of Chairman of the Board,  and  President
          and Chief Executive Officer; and

     o    The  performance  of the President  and Chief  Executive  Officer,  in
          conjunction with the Compensation Committee.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                          ONE MEETING IN 2002

     o    Exercises  the powers of the Board  when the Board is not in  session,
          except for the authority to approve the  declaration  of dividends and
          except as may  otherwise  be limited or  restricted  under  applicable
          Delaware law or under Downey's Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws.


     o    Established  in  September  2002,  in response to  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act
          signed into law on July 20, 2002;

     o    Reviews the criteria for director  independence  established  by NYSE,
          NASDAQ and other public companies;

     o    Recommends director independence criteria for Downey directors; and

     o    Recommends to entire Board whether each Downey  director  qualifies as
          independent (then entire Board votes on director independence).

     Nominations of individuals for election to the Board of Downey at an annual
meeting of  shareholders  may be made by any  shareholder of Downey  entitled to
vote for the election of directors at such annual  meeting who complies with the
notice procedures set forth in Downey's Bylaws.

     To be timely,  a shareholder's  notice shall be delivered to or received at
Downey's principal executive offices not less than 20 days prior to the meeting;
provided,  however,  that if Downey gives shareholders less than 30 days' notice
of the date of the  meeting  (which  notice  must be  accompanied  by a proxy or
information statement which identifies the nominees of the Board), notice by the
shareholder  to be  timely  must be so  received  not  later  than the  close of
business on the 10th day  following  the day on which such notice of the date of
the meeting was mailed.  Such  shareholder's  notice  shall set forth as to each
person whom the shareholder  proposes to nominate for election or re-election as
a director (i) the name,  age,  business  address and residence  address of such
person,  (ii) the principal  occupation or employment of such person,  and (iii)
such person's  written consent to serving as a director,  if elected;  and as to
the shareholder  giving the notice (i) the name and address of such shareholder,
and (ii) the class and  number of shares of Downey  which are owned of record by
such shareholder. At the request of the Board, any person nominated by the Board
for  election  as a  director  shall  furnish  to the  Secretary  of Downey  the
information  required to be set forth in a  shareholder's  notice of  nomination
which  pertains to the nominee  together  with the  required  written  consents.
Ballots bearing the names of all persons  nominated by the Nominating  Committee
and by  shareholders  shall be provided  for use at the annual  meeting.  If the
Nominating  Committee  fails or  refuses  to act at  least 20 days  prior to the
annual  meeting,  nominations for directors may be made at the annual meeting by
any shareholder entitled to vote and shall be voted upon.


     No person  shall be elected as a director  of Downey  unless  nominated  in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this section.

     Actions taken by any of the foregoing committees are reported to the Board,
usually at its next meeting.

     During 2002,  the Board met 12 times for regular  meetings.  All  directors
attended at least 75% of the  aggregate  meetings  held during 2002 by the Board
and the  committees  of the Board on which  they  serve.  Directors  meet  their
responsibilities  not only by attending Board and committee  meetings,  but also
through  communication  with the Chairman,  Vice  Chairman,  President and Chief
Executive  Officer and other members of management on matters  affecting  Downey
and the Bank.


                              DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE

     Under new listing standards proposed by the NYSE, the Board may be required
to consist of a majority of independent  directors and certain committees of the
Board will be required to consist  solely of independent  directors.  During the
fourth quarter of 2002, the Board undertook a review of director independence in
light of more  stringent  standards for  independence  set forth in the proposed
NYSE listing  standards.  In September 2002 the Board established a new standing
committee - the  Independent  Director  Criteria  Committee  ("IDCC").  Director
Hunter is the chairman of the IDCC;  Directors  Abrahams,  Kouri and Yellen were
named as the other three  members.  (Director  Yellen  retired from the Board in
February 2003.) The IDCC met five times (from October 30, 2002 through  December
13, 2002),  considered the new laws and numerous  articles and  publications  on
director  independence  and considered  the  commercial,  banking,  business and
familial  relationships,   among  others,  between  each  director  and  Downey.
Independence  from management was a primary focus,  consistent with the proposed
NYSE listing standards.  The IDCC also recommended,  and the Board approved, the
adoption of a categorical  standard for director  independence of 2% of Downey's
capital.  Thus,  any  director  who has any type of business  relationship  with
Downey exceeding the 2% of capital threshold (whether loans from Downey or other
types of business),  either directly or through a company in which that director
is materially involved, is deemed not independent.

     In determining the 2% of capital threshold,  the IDCC considered the NASDAQ
independence criteria, which includes a per se finding of non-independence as to
any director who is a partner, controlling shareholder or executive officer of a
company which made or received  payments that exceed 5% of the company's  annual
gross revenues or $200,000, whichever is more, in the current year or any of the
past three years. The 2% of capital threshold compares favorably with the NASDAQ
criteria  in two  ways.  First,  since  Downey  is a  financial  institution,  a
threshold  based upon capital is more  appropriate  than a threshold  based upon
revenues. Second, the IDCC's 2% threshold is more conservative than the NASDAQ's
5% threshold;  for example,  as of December 31, 2002, 2% of Downey's capital was
approximately  $16.5 million as compared to 5% of Downey's  revenue for the year
ending December 31, 2002 of approximately $35.0 million.

     Based upon the IDCC's analysis and recommendations, the Board determined at
the November  2002  meeting  that six  directors  (Abrahams,  Kouri,  McAlister,
McQuarrie,  Olson and Yellen)  were  independent  and three  directors  (Hunter,
Rosenthal and Smull) were not  independent.  The Board also  determined that Mr.
Finnell,  who replaced former  director Yellen as Chair of the Audit  Committee,
qualifies as independent.  Thus, the Board as currently  comprised would satisfy
the  proposed  NYSE  independence  requirement.  Below is more  detail as to the
determination of each director's  independence.  The IDCC shall continue to meet
and analyze independence issues as proposed rules from both the NYSE and the SEC
are made final and published.


     Each director's only  compensation from Downey is director's fees; none has
ever been an officer or  employee  of Downey or its  subsidiaries;  and each has
little or no business,  banking or other  relationships  with  Downey.  Director
Kouri did receive a $260,000  loan from Downey in December 2000 which is secured
by his shares of Downey stock. The loan is current and the Board determined that
this loan did not change its independence findings.


     Mr.  Finnell's  only  compensation  from Downey is director's  fees. He has
never been an  officer or  employee  of Downey or its  subsidiaries;  and he has
little or no business, banking or other relationships with Downey.



     Mr. McAlister has substantial relationships with Downey, owns a substantial
amount of Downey's common stock and receives substantial fixed, nondiscretionary
compensation (beyond director's fees) under the Founder Retirement Agreement, as
noted in this Proxy Statement.  However, since the primary independence emphasis
under the proposed  NYSE Rules is on  independence  from  management,  the Board
concluded that Mr. McAlister  qualifies as independent  because Mr. McAlister is
not (and never has been) beholden to the management team which succeeded him and
the  compensation  he  receives  from  Downey  is  fixed  and  nondiscretionary.
Moreover,  as  a  substantial  Downey  stockholder,   Mr.  McAlister's  personal
interests are aligned with other shareholders'  interests; and in the commentary
to its  proposals,  the  NYSE  noted  that  it  does  not  view  ownership  of a
significant amount of stock, by itself, as a bar to an independence finding.


     Mrs.  Olson  is Mr.  McAlister's  daughter.  Mr.  McQuarrie  is the  son of
Downey's other  co-founder,  the late Gerald  McQuarrie.  Despite these familial
ties to Downey's co-founders, these two directors are deemed independent in part
because they have not been  officers or employees of Downey since 1982;  and the
only compensation they receive from Downey is director's fees.


     These two directors  were deemed not  independent  because  their  business
and/or  banking  relationships  with Downey  exceed the 2% of capital  threshold
described above. Mr. Smull and related entities have obtained several loans from
Downey which, in the aggregate,  exceed the 2% of capital threshold.  Mr. Hunter
is an officer of McMillin  Companies,  an entity which also has received several
construction  and  development  loans from  Downey  and is an equity  partner in
certain  developments  with DSL Service Company,  an affiliate of Downey.  These
debt  and  equity  transactions,  in the  aggregate,  exceed  the 2% of  capital


     Mr.  Rosenthal,  as Downey's  president  and CEO, is not  independent  from



     The  following  table  sets  forth,  as  of  February  28,  2003,   certain
information regarding the beneficial ownership of shares of Common Stock by each
director, each of the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table
on Page 19 and by all  directors  and  executive  officers  as a  group.  Unless
otherwise  stated,  the  beneficial  owner  exercises sole voting and investment
power over their shares.

                                  AGGREGATE NUMBER OF             PERCENT OF
------------------------        -------------------------     ------------------
Maurice L. McAlister ............     5,650,705 (1)                  20.2
Cheryl E. Olson .................       566,580 (2)                   2.0
Brent McQuarrie .................       417,177 (3)                   1.5
Daniel D. Rosenthal .............       112,188 (4)                   *
Dr. Paul Kouri ..................        13,639 (5)                   *
James H. Hunter .................         4,845 (6)                   *
Michael B. Abrahams .............         4,000                       *
Lester C. Smull .................           598                       *
Gerald E. Finnell ...............             -                       *
Jane Wolfe ......................        23,045 (7)                   *
Thomas E. Prince ................        15,915 (8)                   *
John R. Gatzke ..................         3,838                       *
All Directors and Executive
 Officers as a Group (16 persons)     6,821,281 (9)                  24.4%

(1)  Mr.  McAlister  with his spouse,  Dianne S.  McAlister,  as Co-trustor  and
     Co-trustee  of the  McAlister  Family  Trust,  exercise  shared  voting and
     investment power over all shares.
(2)  Includes  16,294 shares over which Mrs.  Olson shares voting and investment
(3)  Includes  174,100  shares  held  by Mr.  McQuarrie  as  Trustee  for  Jared
     McQuarrie,  Jennifer McQuarrie,  Justin McQuarrie and Jamie McQuarrie (Four
     Jays, Ltd.). In addition,  Mr. McQuarrie shares voting and investment power
     with his spouse,  Kathryn  McQuarrie,  as Co-trustor  and  Co-trustee  with
     respect to 36,420 shares, all of which are held in trust for the benefit of
     their  children.   Mr.  McQuarrie  holds  2,967  shares  in  an  Individual
     Retirement Account and Mr. McQuarrie's spouse, Kathryn McQuarrie, holds 827
     shares in an Individual Retirement Account. Mr. McQuarrie holds sole voting
     and  investment  power  with  respect to 1,050  shares and Mr.  McQuarrie's
     spouse,  Kathryn  McQuarrie,  holds sole voting and  investment  power with
     respect to 1,080 shares. Mr. McQuarrie's daughter,  Jamie McQuarrie,  holds
     sole voting and investment power with respect to 733 shares.  Mr. McQuarrie
     holds  200,000  shares  through  Next  Generation,  Ltd.,  a  Utah  limited
     partnership, in which he serves as General Partner.
(4)  Includes  options  covering  32,270 shares that are  exercisable  within 60
(5)  Dr. Kouri shares voting and investment power with respect to 4,687 shares.
(6)  Mr.  Hunter holds 4,845 sahres  through  Llano  Development,  Inc. - Profit
     Sharing Plan and Trust.
(7)  Includes  options  covering  21,228 shares that are  exercisable  within 60
(8)  Includes  options  covering  15,915 shares that are  exercisable  within 60
(9)  Includes shared voting and investment power over 5,926,908 shares, includes
     options covering 76,583 shares that are exercisable within 60 days.
*    Less than 1% of outstanding Common Stock at February 28, 2003.


                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     Executive  officers  are elected  annually and serve at the pleasure of the

     The following table sets forth the names of the current executive  officers
of Downey and the Bank,  along with certain other  information  relating to such

                                   AGE AT
NAME                          FEBRUARY 28, 2003                        CURRENT POSITION
----                            -------------    ---------------------------------------------------
Daniel D. Rosenthal (1) .......       50         President and Chief Executive Officer of Downey and
                                                   the Bank
Thomas E. Prince ..............       56         Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                                                   of Downey and the Bank
Gary F. Torrell ...............       47         Executive Vice President, General Counsel and
                                                   Corporate Secretary of Downey and the Bank
Jane Wolfe ....................       57         Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative
                                                   Officer of Downey and the Bank
Stanley M. Tarbell ............       42         Senior Vice President and Tax Director of Downey
                                                   and the Bank
John R. Gatzke ................       42         Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer
                                                   of the Bank
Lillian E. Gavin ..............       40         Executive Vice President and Director of Compliance
                                                   and Risk Management of the Bank
Richard D. Grout ..............       47         Executive Vice President and Director of Retail
                                                   Banking of the Bank
Lelah Jenkins .................       56         Executive Vice President and Chief Information
                                                   Officer of the Bank
Cliff J. Piscitelli ...........       53         Executive Vice President and Director of Asset
                                                   Management of the Bank
Kendice K. Briggs .............       35         Senior Vice President and Director of Human
                                                   Resources of the Bank
Kevin W. Hughes ...............       41         Senior Vice President and Director of Portfolio
                                                   Management and Secondary Marketing of the
Kent J. Smith .................       41         Senior Vice President and Controller of the Bank

(1)  See  "Information  Concerning  Nominees  and  Directors -  Directors  Whose
     Present Terms Continue  until 2005," for a description  of Mr.  Rosenthal's
     business background.

Thomas E. Prince - Prior to joining the Bank as  Executive  Vice  President
and Chief  Financial  Officer in May 1992, Mr. Prince spent 24 years at Security
Pacific  Corporation  and Security  Pacific  National Bank in various  financial
capacities,  the  last  eight  years  of  which as  Senior  Vice  President  and

     Gary F.  Torrell - Prior to joining the Bank as Executive  Vice  President,
General Counsel and Corporate  Secretary in January 2002, Mr. Torrell was senior
counsel at City  National  Bank.  From 1983  through  1999,  Mr.  Torrell was in
private practice, including six years as a partner at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky &
Walker, LLP.

     Jane Wolfe - Ms. Wolfe was  appointed  Executive  Vice  President and Chief
Administrative  Officer of the Bank on January 24, 2001. Prior to re-joining the
Bank as Executive  Vice  President and Chief Lending  Officer in April 1994, Ms.
Wolfe  served as Senior  Vice  President  and  Manager of  Mortgage  Lending for
Liberty  National Bank from  September  1993 to April 1994. Ms. Wolfe acted as a
mortgage lending consultant to several financial institutions from November 1992
to September  1993.  Prior to such time,  Ms.  Wolfe  served as  Executive  Vice
President  and Chief  Lending  Officer of the Bank from  August 1978 to November

     Stanley M.  Tarbell - Mr.  Tarbell has been Tax  Director of the Bank since
1989 and was appointed  Senior Vice  President in June 1998.  Mr. Tarbell joined
the Bank as Tax Manager in 1987, and prior thereto,  was a practicing  Certified
Public Accountant with the firm of Kenneth Leventhal and Company.

     John R. Gatzke - Mr.  Gatzke was  appointed  Executive  Vice  President and
Chief Lending  Officer of the Bank in January 2001.  Prior  thereto,  Mr. Gatzke
served as Senior Vice President and Assistant  Chief Lending Officer of the Bank
from June 1998 to January  2001.  Prior  thereto,  Mr. Gatzke served as Regional
Manager of Wholesale and Retail  Lending of the Bank,  and in 1997 was appointed
Senior Vice President and Director of Wholesale  Lending of the Bank. Mr. Gatzke
previously  held  positions with the Bank from 1986 to 1990 and served as a loan
officer. Prior to re-joining the Bank in 1992, Mr. Gatzke was employed by Knight
Ridder Newspapers from 1990 to 1991, responsible for marketing and sales of real
estate advertising.

     Lillian  E.  Gavin - Ms.  Gavin was  appointed  Executive  Vice  President,
Director of Compliance and Risk  Management of the Bank in December 1998.  Prior
to joining the Bank as Senior Vice  President,  Director of Compliance  and Risk
Management  in 1997,  Ms. Gavin was a senior  examiner with the Office of Thrift
Supervision and its predecessor,  the Federal Home Loan Bank Board,  since 1987,
and  was a bank  liquidation  specialist  with  the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance
Corporation from 1984 to 1987.

     Richard  D.  Grout - Mr.  Grout was  appointed  Executive  Vice  President,
Director  of Retail  Banking of the Bank on March 1, 2000.  Prior to his current
position,  Mr. Grout was with Union Bank of California and was  responsible  for
the bank's mortgage origination for Los Angeles County. Prior thereto, Mr. Grout
was with Home  Savings of America  from 1995 to 1998 and  American  Savings Bank
from 1984 to 1995, where he held various retail banking management positions.

     Lelah Jenkins - Ms. Jenkins was appointed  Executive Vice President,  Chief
Information Officer of the Bank in November 2002. From 1999 to 2002, Ms. Jenkins
served as Senior Vice President, Technology Strategy at California Federal. From
1995 to 1999, Ms. Jenkins served as Executive Vice President,  Chief Information
Officer at Glendale Federal.  From 1991 to 1995, Ms. Jenkins served as Director,
Company-Wide  Financial Systems for The Walt Disney Company.  From 1986 to 1991,
Ms.  Jenkins  served as Vice  President,  Systems  and  Programming  at Glendale
Federal Bank.

     Cliff  J.  Piscitelli  -  Mr.  Piscitelli  was  appointed   Executive  Vice
President,  Director  of  Asset  Management  of the Bank in  April  2001.  Prior
thereto,  Mr. Piscitelli served as Director of Mortgage Banking of the Bank from
October  2000 to April  2001.  Prior  thereto,  Mr.  Piscitelli  served as Chief
Executive  Officer  of KATL  Properties  from April  1995 to April  2000.  Prior
thereto,  Mr.  Piscitelli  served as Chief  Executive  Officer  and  co-owner of
Frontline Mortgage Company from December 1989 to January 1995.

     Kendice  K.  Briggs - Ms.  Briggs  was  appointed  Senior  Vice  President,
Director of Human  Resources of the Bank in November 2000. Ms. Briggs joined the
Bank in 1995 as an employment  supervisor  and was appointed  Vice President and
Manager of Human Resources in July 1998.  Prior thereto,  Ms. Briggs managed the
Human Resources Department for Imperial Thrift and Loan Association from 1991 to
1995 and, prior thereto,  worked for the accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand in
their Professional Personnel Department.


     Kevin W. Hughes - Mr. Hughes was appointed Senior Vice President,  Director
of Portfolio  Management  and Secondary  Marketing in February  2000. Mr. Hughes
joined the Bank as Vice  President  and Director of Secondary  Marketing in 1998
and prior thereto,  was Vice President,  Portfolio Manager for Washington Mutual
Bank from 1997. Prior thereto,  Mr. Hughes held various  positions with American
Savings Bank from 1988 to 1997, with American  Savings and Loan Association from
1984 to 1988, and with State Savings and Loan Association from 1982 to 1984.

     Kent J. Smith - Mr. Smith was appointed  Senior Vice President,  Controller
of the Bank in January 2001. Prior thereto,  Mr. Smith served as Vice President,
Acting  Controller  of the Bank from August 2000 and Vice  President,  Assistant
Controller of the Bank from June 1998 to July 2000. Mr. Smith joined the Bank in
October 1992 as a Senior Internal Auditor and was appointed  Financial Reporting
Manager in February 1996.


                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The  Audit  Committee  of the  Board  is  responsible  for  monitoring  the
integrity  of  Downey's  financial  reporting  process  and  systems of internal
controls  regarding  financial  reporting,  accounting and legal compliance.  In
addition, the Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the independence and
performance of Downey's independent  auditors,  the internal auditing department
and the internal asset review  function.  The Audit  Committee also  facilitates
communication among the independent auditors,  management, the internal auditing
department,  the  internal  asset  review  department  and the Board.  The Audit
Committee is currently  composed of four directors,  none of whom is employed by


     During 2000, the Audit Committee revised its written charter to comply with
new rules relating to the functioning of corporate audit committees  promulgated
by the Securities  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") and NYSE. The Audit Committee's
charter was  approved  by Downey's  Board of  Directors  in January  2001 and is
attached to Downey's 2001 proxy statement as Appendix A.

     During  2002,  the Audit  Committee  met seven times.  The Audit  Committee
reviewed and discussed  with  management  Downey's  quarterly and annual audited
financial  statements.  The  Audit  Committee  discussed  with  the  independent
auditors the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61.

     Communications with Audit Committee

     The Audit  Committee  discussed with the  independent  auditors  changes in
significant  accounting policies,  the process used by management in formulating
material  accounting  estimates  and  the  independent   auditor's   conclusions
regarding the reasonableness of such policies, estimates and adjustments arising
from  the  audit,  if any,  and  any  disagreements  with  management  over  the
application of accounting principles.

     The Audit Committee  received,  reviewed and discussed with the independent
auditors,  the auditor's  written  disclosures  regarding  independence  and the
letter from the auditor required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1,
Independence  Discussions  with  Audit  Committees.  Based on the review of such
disclosures and giving  consideration to the non-audit services provided by KPMG
LLP during 2002,  the Audit  Committee has concluded that  independence  has not
been impaired or compromised.

     Based on the Audit Committee's review and discussions  described above, the
Audit Committee  recommended to the Board that the audited financial  statements
be included in Downey's Form 10-K filed with the SEC.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Sam Yellen, Chairman*
                                            Michael B. Abrahams
                                            Dr. Paul Kouri
                                            Brent McQuarrie

* Former  director  Yellen,  who retired from the Board  effective  February 26,
2003,  reviewed this Audit Committee Report.  Director  Finnell,  who joined the
Board and became the Chair of the Audit  Committee on February 26, 2003,  had no
involvement in the Audit Committee during 2002.



     During  2002,  the Company paid the  following  amounts to KPMG LLP for the
services as described below:

     Audit Fees

     Downey paid a total of $220,000  for the audit and review of Downey's  2002
     financial statements.

     Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees


     All Other Fees

     Downey paid a total of $126,085  for all other  services  performed by KPMG
LLP, the majority of which were related to tax projects.


     The  Audit  Committee  of the  Board  has  appointed  KPMG LLP as  Downey's
auditors  for the year  2003  and this  appointment  is being  submitted  to the
shareholders for ratification. In the event the appointment is not ratified by a
majority of votes cast, in person or by proxy, it is anticipated  that no change
in auditors  would be made for the current  year because of the  difficulty  and
expense of making any change so long after the  beginning  of the current  year.
However,  such vote would be considered in connection  with the  appointment  of
auditors for the next year.

     KPMG LLP was Downey's  auditor for the year ended  December  31, 2002,  and
their  representative is expected to attend the meeting,  respond to appropriate
questions and if such representative desires, which is not now anticipated, make
a statement.

     In 1989, the Board engaged KPMG LLP as Downey's independent auditor and the
relationship  which has existed has been the customary  relationship  between an
independent accountant and client.



                          COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT


     The Compensation  Committee's goal is to align  compensation  programs with
the strategic  direction of Downey and to attract,  motivate and retain the best
qualified  employees.  In carrying out its duties,  the  Compensation  Committee
evaluates  compensation  and benefits  programs,  including  both  qualified and
nonqualified  programs,  as well as medical,  dental and other benefits programs
affecting all employees to ensure they are cost effective, competitive and fair.

     The Compensation  Committee  periodically compares Downey's pay policies to
peer  group  institutions.  The  Compensation  Committee  strives  to  implement
benefits programs which, based upon competitive and cost considerations, deliver
the highest level of value consistent with corporate and shareholder  interests.
Total compensation (including benefits) is established in the context of overall
job responsibilities,  achieving corporate and individual  performance goals and
objectives, as well as competitive compensation conditions.


     During 2002, the components of the  compensation  programs  included a base
salary, a bonus program ("Annual Incentive Plan"), the 1994 Long-Term  Incentive
Plan, a Deferred Compensation Plan, a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan (i.e., medical,
vision, dental and life coverages) and an Employees' Retirement and Savings Plan
(401(k) Plan).

     Base Salary

     During 2002, the Compensation  Committee reviewed base salaries of selected
employees,  including  all  executive  officers.  Based on such  review  and the
Compensation   Committee's  assessment  of  market  conditions  and  competitive
factors, the Compensation Committee recommended adjustments to base salaries for
such employees and executive  officers.  This recommendation was based on salary
survey data supplied by third party  nationally  recognized  salary  surveys and
salary surveys among the Bank's competitors.

     Annual Incentive Plan

     During 2002, the Compensation  Committee reviewed and the Board approved an
Annual  Incentive  Plan  for  Downey.  Individual  performance  objectives  were
established  for all eligible  participants  in the Annual  Incentive Plan based
upon their  individual  responsibilities  and Downey's 2002  approved  corporate
performance target for net income, which aligned each participant's compensation
with Downey's  approved  business plan.  During 2002, bonus incentives  targeted
under  the  Annual  Incentive  Plan for the  President  (who is also  the  Chief
Executive Officer),  and the Chief Administrative  Officer were targeted at 120%
and 100% of their  base  salary,  respectively.  Other  executive  officers  and
eligible  participants  of Downey and the Bank were  targeted at between 10% and
100% of their base salary. Pursuant to the Annual Incentive Plan, those targeted
amounts may be adjusted based upon  individual and corporate  performance  goals
which  provide for a potential  bonus  payment of up to 168% of an  individual's
targeted bonus amount.  However, to the extent that actual corporate performance
was 80% or below the approved corporate  performance goal, no bonus amounts were
to be paid to participants pursuant to the Annual Incentive Plan.

     During 2002, Downey achieved 85% of its corporate performance target. Based
upon 2002  corporate  and  individual  participant  performance,  bonuses  paid,
relative to the  targeted  amounts for all such  participants,  represented,  on
average, 30% of the bonus target.


     1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan

     In 1994, the Bank's Board approved a Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "LTIP").
The LTIP was  submitted  to the Bank's  shareholders  for  approval at a special
meeting of  shareholders  held on December  21, 1994.  Thereafter,  the LTIP was
adopted and ratified by Downey and, pursuant thereto, shares of Downey are to be
issued  upon the  exercise  of options  or  payments  of other  awards for which
payment is to be made in stock.

     The LTIP was adopted to promote and advance the interests of Downey and its
shareholders by providing a means by which selected officers and employees would
be given an  opportunity  to acquire  stock in Downey and other  incentive-based
awards,  to assist in attracting and retaining the services of employees holding
key positions and to provide  incentives for such key employees to exert maximum
efforts  toward  results  that are in the best  interests  of all  shareholders.
Incentive  stock  options may be granted under the LTIP only to officers and key
employees, including directors if they are employees.  Currently,  approximately
38 officers and key employees are eligible to receive awards under the LTIP. The
LTIP is  administered by the  Compensation  Committee and, during 2002, no stock
option grants or other awards were made under the LTIP.

     Deferred Compensation Program

     During 1995,  the  Compensation  Committee  reviewed and the Board approved
implementation of a Deferred  Compensation Plan for key management employees and
directors.  The  Deferred  Compensation  Plan is  considered  to be an essential
element in a comprehensive  competitive benefits package designed to attract and
retain  individuals  who contribute to the success of Downey.  Participants  are
eligible to defer compensation on a pre-tax basis,  including director fees, and
earn a competitive interest rate on the amounts deferred. During 1999, the Board
terminated the 1995 Deferred  Compensation Plan and a 1999 Deferred Compensation
Program was approved for key management employees and directors.  Currently,  93
management  employees  and eight  directors are eligible to  participate  in the
program.  During 2002, 16 management employees and one director elected to defer
compensation pursuant to the 1999 Deferred Compensation Program.

     Employees' Retirement and Savings Plan

     The Bank  offers to its  employees a 401(k)  plan.  It is called the Downey
Savings  Employees'  Retirement and Savings Plan.  Participants are permitted to
make  contributions  on a pre-tax  basis,  a portion  of which is matched by the
Bank. For 2002, the Bank  contributed  $1.6 million as the employer match to the
Downey Savings Employees' Retirement and Savings Plan.

     Employee Stock Purchase Plan

     Downey  offers its  employees  participation  in  Downey's  Employee  Stock
Purchase  Plan.  Downey  believes that  ownership of Downey's stock by employees
will  foster  greater  employee  interest  in  Downey's   success,   growth  and
development  and will be to the mutual  benefit of the employee and Downey.  The
Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan is  designed  to provide  employees  a continued
opportunity  to purchase  Downey stock through  systematic  payroll  deductions.
Downey  bears all costs of  administering  the  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan,
including  broker's  fees,  commissions,  postage and other costs  incurred with
stock  purchases.  If an  employee  elects  to  terminate  participation  in the
Employee Stock Purchase Plan, or sells stock acquired through the Employee Stock
Purchase Plan, the employee is responsible for the associated costs.

     President and Chief Executive Officer Compensation

     During 2002,  Daniel D. Rosenthal  served as President and Chief  Executive
Officer of Downey and the Bank. In accordance with the Annual Incentive Plan and
achievement  of Downey's 2002 corporate


performance  target, the Compensation  Committee  recommended and Downey's Board
approved an incentive  compensation payment to Mr. Rosenthal of $126,000,  which
amount represents 30% of the targeted incentive amount.

     The Compensation  Committee  believes that the management team is dedicated
to  achieving   significant   improvement   in  Downey's   long-term   financial
performance.   The  Compensation   Committee   further  believes  that  Downey's
compensation  policies are designed to align closely the financial  interests of
senior executive management with the interests of Downey's  shareholders and, as
administered by the Compensation Committee, will enhance management's efforts in
these areas.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Michael B. Abrahams, Chairman
                                            Cheryl E. Olson
                                            Lester C. Smull




     The following Summary  Compensation  Table sets forth all compensation from
Downey and its  subsidiaries  for services  rendered during 2002, 2001, and 2000
which was  earned,  awarded or paid to  Downey's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and
Downey's four other most highly compensated  executive  officers  (collectively,
the "Named Executives").

                                                                     LONG-TERM  COMPENSATION
                                                                     AWARDS             PAYOUTS
                                                             ------------------------    -------
                                   ANNUAL COMPENSATION        RESTRICTED  SECURITIES
                                 -------------------------      STOCK     UNDERLYING      LTIP     ALL OTHER
---------------------------      ----   ------     -----     ---------- -----------     -------   ------------
Daniel Rosenthal ............... 2002  $350,000  $126,000        --          --           --       $ 6,000 (1)
 President and Chief Executive   2001   325,000   477,360        --          --           --         5,098 (1)
 Officer                         2000   300,000   492,624        --          --           --         7,643 (1)

Jane Wolfe ..................... 2002  $291,500  $ 87,450        --          --           --       $ 8,954 (1)
 Executive Vice President and    2001   275,016   336,600        --          --           --         4,689 (1)
 Chief Administrative Officer    2000   250,008   373,200        --          --           --         4,416 (1)

John Gatzke .................... 2002  $207,907  $162,370        --          --           --       $ 5,521 (1)
 Executive Vice President and    2001   198,008   242,352        --          --           --         5,215 (1)
 Chief Lending Officer           2000   180,006   268,704        --          --           --         3,733 (1)

Thomas E. Prince ............... 2002  $211,848  $ 13,241        --          --           --       $ 6,515 (1)
 Executive Vice President and    2001   203,708    50,925        --          --           --         4,221 (1)
 Chief Financial Officer         2000   194,007    53,350        --          --           --         4,042 (1)

Gary F. Torrell ................ 2002  $204,646* $ 13,500        --          --           --       $10,000 (1)
 Executive Vice President and
 General Counsel

*    Prorated amount actually paid (based on annual salary of $216,000)  because
     he was employed effective January 22, 2002.

(1)  Includes all other compensation as follows:

                                                             COMPANY                                       TOTAL
                                        DEFERRED   FLEX      MATCHING                                    ALL OTHER
                                         COMP     BENEFIT      401(K)      SIGNING    SERVICE    PRIZE     ANNUAL
---------------------------      ----   --------  -------  ----------    -----------  -------   ------- ------------
Daniel Rosenthal ............... 2002    $--     $   --      $6,000        $    --      $   --    $--      $ 6,000
                                 2001     --      3,398       1,700             --          --     --        5,098
                                 2000     --      2,943       1,700             --       3,000     --        7,643

Jane Wolfe ..................... 2002    $--     $   --      $5,954        $    --      $3,000    $--      $ 8,954
                                 2001     46      2,943       1,700             --          --     --        4,689
                                 2000     --      2,716       1,700             --          --     --        4,416

John Gatzke .................... 2002    $--     $   --      $5,521        $    --      $   --    $--      $ 5,521
                                 2001     82      2,306       1,700             --       1,000     127       5,215
                                 2000     --      2,033       1,700             --          --     --        3,733

Thomas E. Prince ............... 2002    $--     $   --      $5,515        $    --      $1,000    $--      $ 6,515
                                 2001     88      2,433       1,700             --          --     --        4,221
                                 2000     --      2,342       1,700             --          --     --        4,042

Gary F. Torrell ................ 2002    $--     $   --      $   --        $10,000      $   --    $--      $10,000


     Downey did not grant any options or stock appreciation  rights to the Named
Executives during 2002.



     The  following  table  provides  information  with  respect  to  the  Named
Executives  concerning  the  exercise  of options  during  2002 and  unexercised
options held by the Named Executives as of December 31, 2002:

                         AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN 2002
                              AND YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                          Number of                                              Value of Unexercised
                           Shares                  Number of Unexercised        In-the-Money Options at
                          Acquired                  Options at 12/31/02              12/31/02 (1)
                            on          Value    --------------------------   --------------------------
Name                      Exercise     Realized  Exercisable  Unexercisable   Exercisable  Unexercisable
----                     ----------    --------  -----------  -------------   -----------  -------------
Daniel D. Rosenthal .....   --            --       32,270        5,897          $546,318     $79,978
Jane Wolfe ..............   --            --       21,228        5,308           287,905      71,990
Thomas E. Prince ........   --            --       15,915        2,894           270,182      39,250

(1)  Value of unexercised  "in-the-money"  options is the difference between the
     market  price of the Common  Stock on December  31, 2002 ($39.00 per share)
     and the exercise  price of the options,  multiplied by the number of shares
     subject to the  option.


     Annual Compensation

     Currently,  directors who are not employees  receive (i) an annual retainer
of $24,000  payable  monthly or quarterly,  at the  director's  option,  (ii) an
attendance  fee of $1,000 for each Board meeting held on a regular Board meeting
day, and (iii) an attendance  fee of $1,000 for each meeting of a Downey or Bank
committee or $500 for each meeting of DSL Service  Company's Board held on a day
other than a regular  Board meeting day.  Non-employee  directors who review the
Thrift Financial Reports and Consolidated  Maturity/Rate Reports, required to be
filed quarterly with the Office of Thrift  Supervision,  also receive a $500 fee
per quarter in  connection  with the review and  execution  of those  regulatory
reports. The Chairmen of Downey's Audit and Compensation Committees each receive
an additional annual retainer of $5,000 and $3,000,  respectively.  The Chairman
of Downey's and the Bank's  Boards is entitled to receive an  additional  annual
retainer of $2,500, respectively.  Downey's and the Bank's Chairman has declined
to accept these  additional  annual  retainers.  Directors  are  reimbursed  for
reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
Furthermore,  directors are entitled to  participate  in and receive the medical
benefit coverage provided to the Bank's employees.

     Director Retirement Benefits

     A retirement benefit (the "Director  Retirement  Benefits") will be paid to
each  non-employee  director  or his or her  designated  beneficiary,  in  equal
monthly installments for a period of 60 months beginning the month following his
or her retirement.  The aggregate Director Retirement Benefits for each director
will equal  one-third  of the number of months of service as a director  by such
individual  (up to a maximum of 15 years of service)  multiplied  by the average
monthly qualified  (non-employee)  director compensation paid to such individual
during the three years preceding  cessation of service as a director.  Qualified
director compensation includes the annual retainer plus all meeting fees for the
Boards and committees of Downey, the Bank and their respective subsidiaries. The
right of each director to begin to receive such Director  Retirement Benefits is
subject to the  individual  director  having (i) ceased serving as a director of
Downey and the Bank, and (ii) served as a director for at least three years.  If
a majority  interest of Downey's  outstanding  stock is  transferred or acquired


than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution), then the entire earned
Director  Retirement  Benefits becomes payable  immediately,  and the three-year
minimum service  requirement  does not apply. If a retired director so requests,
Downey,  at its  option,  may make a single  lump-sum  payment  of the  Director
Retirement  Benefits.  Any such  accelerated  payment would be discounted at the
interest rate then in effect for the Bank's five-year certificate of deposit.

     As previously  noted,  former director Sam Yellen retired in February 2003.
In recognition of his service to Downey and the Bank and with Board approval, on
January  15,  2003  Downey,  the Bank and Mr.  Yellen  entered  into a  Director
Retirement  Benefits  Agreement  (the "DRBA")  which  provides for Mr. Yellen to
receive the regular Director Retirement Benefits for 60 months commencing in May
2005 (at the rate of $3,055.55 per month) plus supplemental  director retirement
benefits of $4,416.66  per month from March 2003 through  April 2005.  The total
amount due to Mr. Yellen under the DRBA is $298,166.33.

     Founder Retirement Agreement

     On December 21, 1989,  the Bank  entered into a retirement  agreement  (the
"Founder  Retirement  Agreement")  with Mr.  McAlister,  pursuant  to which  Mr.
McAlister's  compensation was $32,167 per month,  which payments  commenced upon
Mr. McAlister's  retirement as President of DSL Service Company, a subsidiary of
the Bank, in 1993. The Founder Retirement  Agreement provides for adjustments to
compensation  payments every three years,  based on the Consumer Price Index, as
defined under the Founder Retirement  Agreement.  Pursuant to these adjustments,
Mr. McAlister's  compensation was adjusted to $35,688.27 per month, effective as
of July 1, 1999.

     During 2000, in  consideration  and in recognition of Mr.  McAlister having
completed more than thirty years of service and his continuing  involvement with
the  growth  of  Downey  and the Bank,  the Bank  agreed  to amend  the  Founder
Retirement  Agreement  pursuant to which Mr.  McAlister and the Bank agreed that
Mr.  McAlister would be entitled to receive monthly  compensation for so long as
Mr.  McAlister lives but not less than 120 months from June 28, 2000.  Thus, the
payments will be made to Mr.  McAlister's estate through June 2010 should he die
prior to that date.  During 2002,  Mr.  McAlister  received  $428,259  under the
Founder Retirement Agreement. If a majority interest of Downey's Common Stock is
transferred or acquired,  then such compensation shall continue as scheduled or,
at Downey's  option,  a lump-sum  payment equal to the then present value of any
remaining compensation shall be paid.


                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The table below compares the performance of Downey with that of the S&P 500
composite  index,  the selected Peer Group and the 2001 Peer Group. The selected
Peer Group is SNL  Securities'  Western Thrift Index for publicly traded savings
institution  holding  companies.  The SNL  Securities'  Western  Thrift Index is
comprised of 31 companies and is considered  more  representative  than the 2001
Peer Group, as the prior index now only consists of two companies thereby making
it less  representative  of  competition in Downey's  primary market areas.  The
following  table assumes $100  invested on December 31, 1997 in Downey,  the S&P
500 and  equally in the  companies  in the Peer Group and 2001 Peer  Group,  and
assumes reinvestment of dividends on a daily basis.

              DOWNEY, S&P 500 Index, PEER GROUP AND 2001 PEER GROUP

                  1997        1998        1999        2000        2001        2002
Downey          100.00       94.95       76.59      211.28      159.76      152.29
S&P 500         100.00      128.55      155.60      141.42      124.63       96.95
Peer Group      100.00       86.08       68.99      136.30      126.18      143.17
2001 Peer Group 100.00       90.68       69.70      146.34      136.09      152.44




     During  2002,  employees  of Downey and the Bank  provided  accounting  and
related  services  to  Maurice  L.  McAlister,  Chairman  of  Downey's  Board of
Directors,  certain  members  of  Mr.  McAlister's  family  and  certain  of his
controlled  affiliates.  The aggregate value of these services was approximately
$64,431.  Downey  and the Bank  have  been  fully  reimbursed  for the  services

     Mr. Smull, a director of Downey and the Bank,  has a business  relationship
that is discussed in the following paragraph.

     On November 1, 2002,  the Bank's Board  approved a proposed  transaction in
which the Bank would enter into a commercial lease with Business Properties #22,
a California General Partnership ("BP #22"), to lease premises from BP #22 for a
Huntington Beach branch. Lester C. Smull, a director of Downey and the Bank, and
one of the three  members of Downey's  Compensation  Committee,  is the managing
general  partner of BP #22. It is expected that the definitive  lease  agreement
will contain  customary terms and conditions,  provide for a term of five years,
charge rent at the rate of $8,000 per month,  subject to  increases  of 3% every
five  years,  and provide for two  consecutive  five-year  options to extend the
term.  Management  believes  that the terms of the proposed  lease  arrangement,
including the monthly rent,  are at least as favorable to the Bank as prevailing
terms that could be obtained from a non-affiliated person.


     The Bank offers loans to directors,  officers and employees of Downey,  the
Bank and their  respective  subsidiaries.  These loans are made in the  ordinary
course of business and, in the judgment of management,  do not involve more than
the normal risk of  collectability or present other  unfavorable  features.  The
loans are made on  substantially  the same terms,  including  interest rates and
collateral,  as  those  prevailing  at  the  time  for  comparable  transactions
involving non-affiliated persons.

     Over a period of approximately 26 years, the Bank has made various loans to
Director Smull, in his individual  capacity,  to the Smull Family Trust and to a
number of California  partnerships in which Director Smull is a managing general
partner.  As of December 31, 2002,  the Bank had loans  outstanding  to Director
Smull or his related  partnerships in an aggregate amount of approximately $19.9
million. Each of the loans to Director Smull or his related partnerships (i) was
made in the  ordinary  course of business and on  substantially  the same terms,
including  interest rates and  collateral,  as those  prevailing at the time for
comparable  transactions  involving  non-affiliated  persons,  and  (ii) did not
involve more than the normal risk of collectability or present other unfavorable

     On December 20, 2000,  the Bank made a loan to Director  Kouri and his wife
Bobbie Jean Kouri in the amount of $260,000,  secured by 13,639 shares of Downey
stock held by the Kouris.  As of December 31, 2002, the  outstanding  balance of
the loan was $230,000.

     The Bank has made various loans to McMillin Companies,  LLC, where Director
Hunter is Executive Vice President of Planning and  Acquisition.  As of December
31, 2002, the Bank had loans outstanding to McMillin Companies,  LLC and related
entities in an  aggregate  amount of $49.6  million.  In  addition,  DSL Service
Company has a $19.8 million investment in McMillin Morgan Hill, LLC. Each of the
loans to the McMillin Companies partnerships (i) was made in the ordinary course
of business and on substantially  the same terms,  including  interest rates and
collateral,  as  those  prevailing  at  the  time  for  comparable  transactions
involving  non-affiliated persons, and (ii) did not involve more than the normal
risk of collectability or present other unfavorable features.



     At the close of  business  on February  28,  2003,  the record date for the
Annual  Meeting,   there  were  27,928,722   shares  of  Downey's  Common  Stock
outstanding  and entitled to vote,  all of one class,  and each having one vote.
The holders of a majority of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote, either
present in person or  represented  by proxy,  constitute a quorum for the Annual


     Information concerning the owners of more than 5% of the outstanding Common
Stock as of the record date for the Annual Meeting follows:

                                                                     Percent  of
                                             Amount/Nature of        Outstanding
Name/Address                               Beneficial Ownership         Stock
------------                               --------------------      -----------
McAlister Family Trust (1) ..............       5,650,705                20.2%
  3501 Jamboree Road
  Newport Beach,  CA 92660
Gerald H. McQuarrie Family Trusts (2) ...       1,522,405                 5.5%
  Hawkins, Cloward & Simister
  1095 South 800 East, Suite #1
  Orem, UT  84097

(1)  Mr.  McAlister  with his spouse,  Dianne S.  McAlister,  as Co-trustor  and
     Co-trustee  of the  McAlister  Family  Trust,  exercise  shared  voting and
     investment power over all shares.
(2)  Oneida B.  McQuarrie-Gibson  serves as Trustee for the Gerald H.  McQuarrie
     Family  Trusts.  Includes  61,283 shares held by the Survivor  Trust of the
     Gerald H. McQuarrie  Trusts;  7,216 shares held by the By-Pass Trust of the
     Gerald H. McQuarrie Family Trusts; 76,150 shares held by the Exempt Marital
     Trust of the Gerald H. McQuarrie  Family Trusts;  1,088,255  shares held by
     the  Non-Exempt  Marital Trust of the Gerald H.  McQuarrie  Family  Trusts;
     92,743  shares held by  OBM-Brent,  Ltd.;  98,379 shares held by OBM-Scott,
     Ltd.; and 98,379 shares held by OBM-Sandy, Ltd.



     The following  table  summarizes  information  as of year-end 2002 and 2001
relating to equity  compensation  plans of Downey  pursuant  to which  grants of
options, restricted stock, or other rights to acquire shares have been or may be
granted, all of which have been approved by security holders.

Plan category                   Number of            Weighted-           Number of
                              securities to           average            securities
                                be issued            exercise             remaining
                                  upon               price of           available for
                               exercise of          outstanding        future issuance
                            outstanding options       options      under equity compensation
---------------             -------------------     -----------    -------------------------
December 31, 2002:
Equity compensation plans
 approved by security
 holders                     92,475                  $23.67               131,851

December 31, 2001:
Equity compensation plans
 approved by security
 holders                    120,189                  $22.69               131,851


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires Downey's and,
as may be determined,  the Bank's and their respective  subsidiaries'  executive
officers,  directors and persons who own more than ten percent (10%) of Downey's
Common  Stock,  to file with the SEC and the NYSE reports of ownership of Downey
securities and changes in reported  ownership.  Officers,  directors and greater
than ten percent (10%)  shareholders are required by SEC rules to furnish Downey
with copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file.

     Based  solely on a review of the reports  furnished  to Downey,  or written
representations  from reporting  persons that all reportable  transactions  were
reported, Downey believes that during the period January 1, 2002 to December 31,
2002,  Downey's  officers,  directors  and greater than ten percent (10%) owners
timely filed all reports they were required to file under Section 16(a);  except
that one report,  covering a total of four open market sale  transactions by Mr.
Brent McQuarrie,  was not timely reported on SEC Form 4. The  transactions  were
reported  as soon as they  became  known.  In  addition,  one open  market  sale
transaction by Mr.  Richard Grout was not timely  reported on SEC Form 4 but was
reported and timely filed on his year-end report on SEC Form 5.

                            PROPOSALS OF SHAREHOLDERS

     It is presently  anticipated  that the 2004 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders
will be held in April 2004. Shareholders desiring to exercise their rights under
the proxy rules to submit shareholder proposals are advised that their proposals
must be  received  by Downey no later than  November  14,  2003,  in order to be
eligible for  inclusion in Downey's  proxy  statement  relating to that meeting.
Shareholders  desiring to submit  proposals  pursuant to the proxy rules  should
submit their proposals to the Corporate Secretary,  Downey Financial Corp., 3501
Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, California 92660.

                          ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS

     Downey's  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  and Report on Form  10-K,  which
includes  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and related  notes  thereto,
accompanies this Proxy Statement.

     Annual  Reports on Form  10-K,  quarterly  reports  on Form  10-Q,  current
reports on Form 8-K and all  amendments to those  reports are available  free of
charge from our internet site,,  by clicking on "Investor
Relations" located on our home page and proceeding to "Corporate Filings."



                                 OTHER BUSINESS


     As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the management of Downey does not
know of any other  matters  that are to be  presented  for  action at the Annual
Meeting.  Should  any other  matters  come  before  the  Annual  Meeting  or any
adjournment  thereof,  the  persons  named  in  the  enclosed  proxy  will  have
discretionary  authority  to vote all proxies  with  respect to such  matters in
accordance  with their  judgment.  Additional  business may be properly  brought
before  the Annual  Meeting by or at the  direction  of a majority  of  Downey's


     Pursuant to Downey's  Bylaws,  only such business  shall be conducted,  and
only such  proposals  shall be acted upon at the Annual  Meeting as are properly
brought before the Annual Meeting.  For any new business  proposed by management
to be properly  brought  before the Annual  Meeting such new  business  shall be
approved  by the  Board,  either  directly  or  through  its  approval  of proxy
solicitation materials related thereto, and shall be stated in writing and filed
with the  Corporate  Secretary of Downey at least 60 days before the date of the
Annual  Meeting,  and all  business  so  stated,  proposed  and  filed  shall be
considered at the Annual Meeting. Any shareholder may make any other proposal at
the Annual  Meeting and the same may be  discussed  and  considered,  but unless
properly  brought  before the Annual  Meeting,  such proposal shall not be acted
upon at the Annual  Meeting.  For a proposal  to be properly  brought  before an
annual meeting by a shareholder,  the shareholder  must have given timely notice
thereof  in writing  to the  Corporate  Secretary  of  Downey.  To be timely,  a
shareholder's notice must be delivered to or received at the principal executive
offices of Downey not less than 120  calendar  days  before the date of Downey's
proxy statement  released to shareholders in connection with the previous year's
annual  meeting of  shareholders,  except that, if no annual meeting was held in
the previous year or if the date of the annual  meeting has been changed by more
than 30 calendar  days from the date  contemplated  at the time of the  previous
year's  proxy  statement,  notice by the  shareholder  to be  timely  must be so
received no later than the close of business on the 10th day  following  the day
on  which  such  notice  of the  date  of  the  annual  meeting  was  mailed.  A
shareholder's  notice  to the  Corporate  Secretary  shall  set forth as to each
matter the  shareholder  proposes to bring before the annual meeting (i) a brief
description  of the proposal  desired to be brought  before the annual  meeting,
(ii) the name and address of the shareholder proposing such business,  and (iii)
the  class and  number  of  shares  of  Downey  which are owned of record by the
shareholder. Notwithstanding anything in the Bylaws to the contrary, no business
shall be conducted at an annual meeting except in accordance with the procedures
set forth in Downey's Bylaws.

                                                      /s/ Gary F. Torrell
                                                          Gary F. Torrell
                                                        Corporate Secretary


                                REVOCABLE PROXY

                             DOWNEY FINANCIAL CORP.

     The undersigned  shareholder(s)  of Downey  Financial Corp. (the "Company")
hereby  nominates,  constitutes  and  appoints  Maurice L.  McAlister  and Brent
McQuarrie,  and each of them, the attorney,  agent and proxy of the undersigned,
with full  power of  substitution,  to vote all stock of the  Company  which the
undersigned  is entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the
Company (the  "Annual  Meeting")  to be held at the Irvine  Marriott,  18000 Von
Karman Avenue, Irvine,  California, on April 23, 2003 at 10:00 a.m., local time,
and any adjournments thereof, as fully and with the same force and effect as the
undersigned might or could do if personally thereat, as follows:



                        PLEASE DATE, SIGN AND MAIL YOUR

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF
                             DOWNEY FINANCIAL CORP.

                                 APRIL 23, 2003

                Please detach and mail in the envelope provided


1. Elect three Class 2 Directors for terms of three years each:

/  / For All Nominees                            /  /    Cheryl E. Olson
/  / Withhold Authority For All Nominees         /  /    Lester C. Smull
/  / For All Except (See instructions below)     /  /    Michael B. Abrahams

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual  nominee(s),  mark
     "FOR ALL EXCEPT"  and fill in the circle  next to each  nominee you wish to
     withhold, as shown here /X/

                                                 FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN
2.   Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as       /  /      /  /         /  /
     auditors for the year 2003; and

3.   OTHER BUSINESS.  In their  discretion,  the  proxyholders are authorized to
     transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting
     and any adjournment or adjournments thereof.



     To change the address on your  account,  please  check the box at right and
indicate your new address in the address  space above.  Please note that changes
to the registered  names(s) on the account may not be submitted via this method.
/  /

Please check here if you plan to attend the meeting.  /  /

----------------------------         ------------------------      ------

----------------------------         ------------------------      ------

     NOTE:  Please sign exactly as name  appears.  When shares are held as joint
tenants,  both should sign. When signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,
trustee or guardian,  please give full title as such. If a  corporation,  please
sign in full corporate name by president or other authorized  officer,  and if a
partnership,  please sign in full  partnership name by authorized  person.