(Rule 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                     Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant   X
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant ___

Check the appropriate box:
___Preliminary Proxy Statement       ___Confidential, for Use of the Commission
                                         Only(as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
___Definitive Proxy Statement
_X_Definitive Additional Materials
___Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                        MUNICIPAL MORTGAGE & EQUITY, LLC
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
_X_No fee required.
___Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

___ Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

___ Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)  Filing Party:

(4)  Date Filed:


                               ADJOURNMENT NOTICE!

                                  June 15, 2001

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

Our Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  was adjourned to allow  additional time for
shareholders  to vote on  Proposals  2 and 3,  which  we  have  amended  and are
resubmitting  for your  consideration.  The meeting  will  reconvene on July 19,
2001,  at 11:45  a.m.,  and will be held at the offices of the  Company:  218 N.
Charles St., Suite 500, Baltimore,  Maryland 21201.  Regardless of the number of
shares you own, your vote is very  important to us and we need your support.  If
you have not already  voted,  please  return the enclosed  proxy form as soon as
possible.  If you wish to  change  your  vote in  consideration  of the  amended
proposals, you have until July 18 to do so. If you have already voted and do not
wish to change your vote, no action is necessary.

We have  amended  Proposal 2,  regarding  the  authorization  of the issuance of
shares under the 2001 Share Incentive Plan, to reduce the number of shares to be
authorized for issuance  under the plan from 1,000,000 to 900,000.  This reduces
the  percentage  of shares  represented  by the plan to 4.2% of the total shares
outstanding as of March 31, 2001.  Proposal 3, relating to the 2001 Non-employee
Directors' Share Plan, is unchanged.  However,  the total number of shares to be
issued  under  both  plans  is now  1,050,000,  or  4.88%  of the  total  shares
outstanding  as of March  31,  2001.  Attached  to this  letter  is the  amended
Proposal 2 and its amended Appendix, as well as the original Proposal 3 with its
original Appendix.

With the amendment to Proposal 2, the number of shares  authorized  for issuance
under  the  two  share  incentive  plans  will  be  less  than  5% of the  total
outstanding  shares  as of March  31,  2001.  As a  result,  the New York  Stock
Exchange  rules will allow  members of the exchange to vote on Proposals 2 and 3
in the absence of specific instructions from the beneficial owners. Accordingly,
if your shares are held of record by a broker or some other  entity,  and if you
have accepted the  discretionary  voting  option of that broker or entity,  then
your shares may be voted in favor of the Board's  recommendation.  If you object
to the Board's  recommendation,  please vote using any of the methods  stated on
the enclosed proxy card.

Your Board of Directors  believes that providing  share  incentives to employees
and non-employee  Directors  provides an important means to link compensation to
the Company's performance and to promote continued identity of interests between
the Company's independent Directors, employees and shareholders.

To approve Proposals 2 and 3, 50% or more of our total  outstanding  shares need
to vote in  favor  of them.  Therefore  a  significant  voting  return  from our
shareholders  is required.  Please save your  company the expense of  additional
solicitation costs by voting in FAVOR of Proposals 2 and 3 as soon as possible.

Proposal  1,  regarding  the  Election  of  Directors,  received  the  necessary
shareholder  approval and as a result will not be resubmitted to shareholders at
the July 19 meeting.

               Your Board of Directors recommends a vote in FAVOR

Your bank or broker  allows you to vote your  shares  telephonically  or via the
Internet if you wish. Kindly follow the instructions on the enclosed voting form
to cast your vote. The voting process is quick and easy.

If you have any questions or need assistance in voting your shares,  please call
our proxy  solicitor  Georgeson  Shareholder  Communications, Inc.  toll free at

Thank you for your time and effort.


/s/ William S. Harrison
Chief Financial Officer


                            2001 SHARE INCENTIVE PLAN
                    (Proposal No. 2) - Amended June 15, 2001

The following is a brief  description of the material features of the 2001 Share
Incentive  Plan.  The  description  is qualified in its entirety by reference to
such plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix A).

     In 1996 and 1998 the Company established the 1996 Share Incentive Plan (the
"1996  Plan") and the 1998 Share  Incentive  Plan (the "1998 Plan" and  together
with the 1996 Plan, the "Plans"),  respectively,  to provide a means to attract,
retain and reward  executive  officers and other key individuals of the Company,
to link individual compensation to measures of the Company's performance, and to
promote ownership of a greater proprietary interest in the Company. The Board of
Directors  believes  that the Plans met each of its  stated  purposes.  However,
1,514,269 of the 1,722,033 Common Shares (the "Shares") reserved for issuance in
connection with awards under the Plans have been awarded.

     Accordingly, the Board of Directors has adopted and recommends the approval
by Shareholders  of a new 2001 Share Incentive Plan (the "2001 Plan")  providing
for the  issuance  of up to  900,000  Shares to  executive  officers,  other key
employees and key independent  contractors.  Approximately 188 employees and key
independent  contractors  will be eligible to  participate in the 2001 Plan. The
terms of the 2001 Plan will be generally  the same as those of the 1996 and 1998
Plans.  Subject to approval by the  Company's  Shareholders,  the 2001 Plan will
become  effective  as of July 19,  2001 and expire  when  either the Board takes
action  to  terminate  the 2001  Plan or when no  Shares  remain  available  for
issuance  under the 2001 Plan and the Company and those who have been granted an
award  under  the 2001  Plan  (the  "Participants")  have no  further  rights or
obligations  under the 2001 Plan. The Board of Directors  believes the amount of
shares  available  under the 2001  Plan is  reasonable  and fair to the  current
Shareholders of the Company and represents less than 5% of the total outstanding
shares as of March 31, 2001.

     The 2001 Plan  authorizes  grants of a broad  variety of awards,  including
non-qualified  stock options,  stock  appreciation  rights,  restricted  shares,
deferred shares,  and shares granted as a bonus or in lieu of other awards.  Any
restricted  Share or deferred Share awards would need to be approved or ratified
by the  Share  Incentive  Committee  (the  "Committee").  The 2001  Plan will be
administered by the Committee.  The Committee is authorized to select from among
the eligible  participants  of the Company the individuals to whom awards are to
be granted and to determine  the number of Shares to be subject  thereto and the
terms and conditions  thereof.  The Committee may condition the grant,  vesting,
exercisability  or  settlement  of any  award on the  achievement  of  specified
performance  objectives.  The Committee is also  authorized to adopt,  amend and
rescind rules  relating to the  administration  of the 2001 Plan.  Awards may be
settled in cash,  Common  Shares,  or other  property,  in the discretion of the
Committee. The Committee may adjust the number of Shares reserved under the 2001
Plan and the number of Shares  relating to outstanding  awards and related terms
to reflect share splits of the Common Shares and other  extraordinary  corporate
events.  No member of the Committee  will be eligible to participate in the 2001

     Initially,  900,000  Shares are reserved for  issuance in  connection  with
awards under the 2001 Plan,  except that Shares issued as Restricted  Shares and
Shares issued as Awards other than Options  (including  Restricted  Shares) will
not exceed 20% and 40% of the total reserved under the 2001 Plan,  respectively.
Shares  subject to forfeited or expired  awards,  as well as shares  relating to
awards settled in cash or otherwise terminated without issuance of Shares to the
Participant, again become available under the 2001 Plan.

     The price to be paid by Participants  for Shares issued under the 2001 Plan
will be determined by the Committee in its sole  discretion.  The Exercise price
of Share options  ("Options") granted may be equal to, greater than or less than
the fair market value of Common  Shares on the grant date. As of March 30, 2001,
the fair  market  value of the Common  Shares was $22.40 per Common  Share.  The
Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  determines the time of Option exercise and
the method and form of payment of the Option.

     The Committee is also authorized to grant Share Appreciation Rights (SARs).
The Committee, in its sole discretion, determines the time at which a SAR may be
exercised,  the  method  of  exercise,  the  method of  settlement,  the form of
consideration,  the method by which Shares will be  delivered,  whether or not a
SAR is granted with any other award,  and any other terms and  conditions of any

     Participants  receiving Restricted Shares under the 2001 Plan will have all
the rights of a Shareholder (including voting and dividend rights),  except that
all such  Shares will be subject to such  restrictions  on  transferability  and
other  restrictions,  if any, that the Committee may impose.  If a Participant's
employment or contract  terminates  during the  applicable  restriction  period,
Restricted  Shares that are at that time subject to restrictions  are forfeited,
unless the Committee determines otherwise, and reacquired by the Company.

     Participants  receiving  Deferred Shares under the 2001 Plan will be issued
the Shares upon the  expiration of the deferral  period  specified in the award.
The  Deferred  Shares are  subject  to any  restrictions,  including  forfeiture
conditions,  the  Committee  may  impose.  The  Committee  may also  provide for
dividend  equivalent  payments to be  credited  in respect of  Deferred  Shares.
Unless the Committee  determines  otherwise,  if a  Participant's  employment or
contract  terminates during the applicable  deferral period, all Deferred Shares
subject to forfeiture are forfeited.

     Generally,  a Participant  receiving an Option under the 2001 Plan will not
recognize taxable income as a result of the grant.  However,  a Participant will
recognize  ordinary  income at the time of  exercise of the Option in the amount
equal to the  excess  of the fair  market  value  of the  Shares  at the time of
exercise over the Exercise Price. The amount of ordinary income  recognized by a
Participant  is generally  deductible  by the  Company.  The  deduction  will be
limited,  however,  to the extent it represents an expense  attributable  to the
production of tax-exempt income. In addition,  the Company may recognize taxable
gain at the time a Participant exercises an Option.
New Plan Benefits

     The number of Shares and other  awards  that may be granted  under the 2001
Share Incentive Plan is  undeterminable at this time, as such grants are subject
to the discretion of the Committee.

Vote Required for Approval

     The affirmative vote of a majority of the holders of the outstanding Common
Shares,  Term Growth  Shares,  Series I Preferred  Shares,  Series II  Preferred
Shares,  Series I Preferred Capital  Distribution Shares and Series II Preferred
Capital  Distribution Shares (voting as one class) is necessary for the approval
of the 2001 Share Incentive Plan. Shares represented by an executed proxy in the
form enclosed will, unless otherwise directed,  be voted for the adoption of the
2001 Share Incentive Plan.

 The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote FOR this proposal.

                     2001 NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS' SHARE PLAN
                                (Proposal No. 3)

The  following  is a brief  description  of the  material  features  of the 2001
Non-Employee Directors' Share Plan. The description is qualified in its entirety
by reference to such plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix B.

     In 1996 and 1998 the Company  established the 1996 Non-Employee  Directors'
Share Plan (the "1996  Directors'  Plan") and the 1998  Non-Employee  Directors'
Share Plan (the "1998  Directors'  Plan" and together  with the 1996  Directors'
Plan,  the  "Directors'  Plans"),   respectively,  to  provide  compensation  to
non-employee  Directors of the Company,  and to link  Director  compensation  to
measures of the Company's performance.  The Board of Directors believes that the
Directors'  Plans have achieved its stated  purposes.  A total of 100,000 Common
Shares (the "Shares") were reserved for issuance in connection with awards under
the Directors'  Plans. As of December 31, 2000,  there were no Shares  available
for issuance under the Directors' Plans.

     Accordingly, the Board of Directors has adopted and recommends the approval
by  Shareholders  of a new 2001  Non-Employee  Directors'  Share Plan (the "2001
Directors'  Plan")  providing  for  the  issuance  of up to  150,000  Shares  to
non-employee  Directors.   Approximately  six  non-employee  directors  will  be
eligible to  participate  in the 2001  Directors'  Plan.  The number and kind of
shares  reserved and  automatically  granted under the 2001  Directors' Plan are
subject to  adjustment  in the event of share  splits of the  Common  Shares and
other  extraordinary  events.  The  terms of the 2001  Directors'  Plan  will be
generally  the same as those of the 1996 and 1998  Directors'  Plans.  Under the
2001 Directors' Plan, non-employee directors will be granted options for Shares,
and may elect to  receive  Shares in lieu of fees.  Subject to  approval  by the
Company's  Shareholders,  the 2001 Directors'  Plan will become  effective as of
July 19, 2001 and expire when either the Board  takes  action to  terminate  the
2001 Directors'  Plan or when no Shares remain  available for issuance under the
2001  Directors'  Plan and the Company and those who have been  granted an award
under the 2001  Directors' Plan (the  "Participants")  have no further rights or
obligations under the 2001 Directors' Plan.


     Effective  January 1, 2000,  the  Directors'  Plans were amended to provide
that each  non-employee  director  receive an option to  purchase  7,000  Common
Shares upon his initial  election or appointment and an option to purchase 5,000
Common Shares on the date of each Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  Such options
will have exercise prices equal to the fair market value of Common Shares on the
date of grant.  As of March 30, 2001, the fair market value of Common Shares was
$22.40 per Common Share.  The full exercise price may be paid in cash (including
check) or by surrender of Shares  already owned by the  Participant  (except for
Shares  acquired  from the  Company by exercise of an Option or other award less
than six months before date of surrender) having a fair market value at the time
of exercise equal to the exercise price, or by a combination of cash and Shares.

     The options  will expire at the earlier of 10 years after the date of grant
or one year after the optionee  ceases serving as a director.  Options  received
upon initial  election or  appointment  will become  exercisable  in three equal
installments  commencing  at the  earlier  of: (a) the next  anniversary  of the
director's  initial  election,  or (b) the next Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.
Options  received  on the date of each  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  become
exercisable at the earlier of: (a) the next  anniversary of the option grant, or
(b) the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Such options are subject to earlier
exercisability  in the event of death,  disability,  or a change in control  (as
defined  in the  Directors'  Plans),  and  will be  forfeited  in the  event  of
cessation of service as a director  within 10 months after the date of grant. If
an option  expires for any reason  without  having been  exercised in full,  the
Shares subject to the unexercised portion of such option will again be available
for issuance under the 2001 Directors' Plan.

     Generally,  a  non-employee  director  receiving  an option  under the 2001
Directors'  Plan will not  recognize  taxable  income as a result of the  grant.
However, a Participant will recognize ordinary income at the time of exercise of
the option in the amount  equal to the  excess of the fair  market  value of the
Shares at the time of exercise over the exercise  price.  The amount of ordinary
income  recognized  by a  non-employee  director is generally  deductible by the
Company. The deduction will be limited,  however, to the extent it represents an
expense  attributable to the production of tax-exempt  income. In addition,  the
Company may recognize taxable gain at the time a non-employee director exercises
an Option.

Share or Deferred Shares in Lieu of Fees

     The 2001  Directors'  Plan permits a  non-employee  director to elect to be
paid any directors' fees in the form of Common Shares having a fair market value
equal to the amount of fees he has elected to forgo,  with such Shares  issuable
at the time the fees  otherwise  would  have been paid or on a  deferred  basis.
Whenever  dividends are paid or distributions are made with respect to Shares, a
Participant  to whom  Deferred  Shares are then  credited in a deferral  account
receive dividend equivalents.  The interest of each Participant in any fees paid
in the form of Common  Shares  or  Deferred  Shares  (and any  deferral  account
relating thereto) at all times will be nonforfeitable.

New Plan Benefits

     The  number  of Shares  that may be  granted  under  the 2001  Non-Employee
Directors' Share Plan to non-employee directors as a group is 150,000.

Vote Required for Approval

     The affirmative vote of a majority of the holders of the outstanding Common
Shares,  Term Growth  Shares,  Series I Preferred  Shares,  Series II  Preferred
Shares,  Series I Preferred Capital  Distribution Shares and Series II Preferred
Capital  Distribution Shares (voting as one class) is necessary for the approval
of the  2001  Non-Employee  Directors'  Share  Plan.  Shares  represented  by an
executed proxy in the form enclosed will, unless otherwise directed be voted for
the adoption of the 2001 Non-Employee Directors' Share Plan.

 The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote FOR this proposal.

                                                                   APPENDIX A

               2001 SHARE INCENTIVE PLAN - (Amended June 15, 2001)

     1. Purpose.
     The purpose of this 2001 Share  Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan") of  Municipal
Mortgage & Equity, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Company"), is
to advance the  interests  of the Company and its  shareholders  by  providing a
means  to  attract,   retain,  and  reward  executive  officers  and  other  key
individuals  of the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries,  to link  compensation  to
measures of the Company's performance in order to provide additional share-based
incentives to such  individuals  for the creation of shareholder  value,  and to
promote  ownership of a greater  proprietary  interest in the  Company,  thereby
aligning  such  individuals'  interests  more  closely  with  the  interests  of
shareholders of the Company.

     2.  Definitions.
     The  definitions  of  awards  under  the  Plan,  including  Options,   SARs
(including Limited SARs), Restricted Shares, Deferred Shares, and Shares granted
as a bonus or in lieu of other  awards  are set forth in  Section 6 of the Plan.
Such awards,  together with any other right or interest granted to a Participant
under the Plan,  are termed  "Awards." The  definitions  of terms  relating to a
Change in Control  of the  Company  are set forth in  Section 8 of the Plan.  In
addition  to such terms and the terms  defined in Section 1, the  following  are
defined terms under the Plan:

     (a) "Award Agreement" means any written  agreement,  contract,  notice to a
Participant, or other instrument or document evidencing an Award.

     (b) "Beneficiary"  means the person,  persons,  trust, or trusts which have
been  designated by a Participant in his or her most recent written  beneficiary
designation  filed with the  Committee to receive the benefits  specified  under
this Plan upon such Participant's  death. If, upon a Participant's  death, there
is no designated Beneficiary or surviving designated Beneficiary,  then the term
Beneficiary means the Participant's estate.

     (c) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

     (d) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
time. References to any provision of the Code include regulations thereunder and
successor provisions and regulations thereto.

     (e) "Committee"  means the Share Incentive  Committee,  or such other Board
committee as may be designated by the Board to administer the Plan.

     (f) "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
from time to time. References to any provision of the Exchange Act include rules
thereunder and successor provisions and rules thereto.

     (g) "Fair Market Value"  means,  with respect to Shares,  Awards,  or other
property,  the fair  market  value of such  Shares,  Awards,  or other  property
determined by such methods or procedures  as shall be  established  from time to
time by the Committee.  Unless otherwise  determined by the Committee,  the Fair
Market Value of a Share means,  as of any given date, the closing sales price of
a Share  reported  in the table  entitled  "New York  Stock  Exchange  Composite
Transactions"  contained in The Wall Street Journal (or an equivalent  successor
table) for such date or, if no such  closing  sales price was  reported for such
date,  for the most  recent  trading  day prior to such date for which a closing
sales price was reported.

     (h) "Participant" means a person who, as an executive officer, key employee
or key independent  contractor of the Company or a subsidiary,  has been granted
an Award under the Plan which remains outstanding.

     (i) "Rule  16b-3"  means  Rule  16b-3,  as from time to time in effect  and
applicable  to the Plan and  Participants,  promulgated  by the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission under Section 16 of the Exchange Act.

     (j) "Share"  means a Common Share of the Company and such other  securities
as may be  substituted  for such  Share or such  other  securities  pursuant  to
Section 4.

     3. Administration.
     (a)  Authority  of the  Committee.  The Plan shall be  administered  by the
Committee.  The  Committee  shall  have  full and  final  authority  to take the
following actions, in each case subject to and consistent with the provisions of
the Plan:

          (i) to select Participants to whom Awards may be granted;

          (ii) to  determine  the type or types of Awards to be  granted to each

          (iii) to determine  the number of Awards to be granted,  the number of
     Shares to which an Award will relate, the terms and conditions of any Award
     granted under the Plan (including,  but not limited to, any exercise price,
     grant price, or purchase price, any restriction or condition,  any schedule
     or  performance  conditions  for the lapse of  restrictions  or  conditions
     relating to transferability,  forfeiture,  exercisability, or settlement of
     an Award, and waivers,  accelerations,  or modifications  thereof, based in
     each case on such considerations as the Committee shall determine), and all
     other matters to be determined in connection with an Award;

          (iv)  to  determine   whether,   to  what   extent,   and  under  what
     circumstances  an Award may be settled,  or the exercise  price of an Award
     may be paid, in cash, Shares, other Awards, or other property,  or an Award
     may be canceled, forfeited, or surrendered;

          (v) to determine whether, to what extent, and under what circumstances
     cash,  Shares,  other Awards,  or other property payable with respect to an
     Award  will  be  deferred  either  automatically,  at the  election  of the
     Committee, or at the election of the Participant;

          (vi) to prescribe the form of each Award Agreement,  which need not be
     identical for each Participant;

          (vii) to adopt,  amend,  suspend,  waive,  and rescind  such rules and
     regulations  and appoint such agents as the Committee may deem necessary or
     advisable to administer the Plan;

          (viii)  to  correct  any  defect or  supply  appropriate  text for any
     omission or  reconcile  any  inconsistency  in the Plan and to construe and
     interpret the Plan and any Award,  rules and regulations,  Award Agreement,
     or other instrument hereunder; and

          (ix) to make all other decisions and determinations as may be required
     under  the  terms of the Plan or as the  Committee  may deem  necessary  or
     advisable for the administration of the Plan.

     (b)  Manner  of  Exercise  of  Committee  Authority.  Unless  authority  is
specifically  reserved to the Board under the terms of the Plan,  the  Company's
Amended and  Restated  Certificate  of Formation  and  Operating  Agreement,  or
applicable law, the Committee shall have discretion to exercise  authority under
the Plan.  Any action of the Committee  with respect to the Plan shall be final,
conclusive, and binding on all persons,  including the Company,  subsidiaries of
the Company, Participants, any person claiming any rights under the Plan from or
through any  Participant,  and  Shareholders.  The express grant of any specific
power to the Committee, and the taking of any action by the Committee, shall not
be construed as limiting any power or authority of the Committee.  To the extent
permitted by applicable law, the Committee may delegate to officers or employees
of the Company or any  subsidiary  the  authority,  subject to such terms as the
Committee shall determine,  (i) to perform administrative  functions,  (ii) with
respect to  Participants  not  subject to Section  16 of the  Exchange  Act,  to
perform such other  functions of the Committee as the  Committee may  determine,
and (iii) with  respect to  Participants  subject to Section 16, to perform such
other  functions of the  Committee as the  Committee may determine to the extent
performance of such functions will not result in the loss of an exemption  under
Rule 16b-3 otherwise available for transactions by such persons.

     (c) Limitation of Liability. Each member of the Committee shall be entitled
to, in good faith, rely or act upon any report or other information furnished to
him by any  officer or other  employee  of the  Company or any  subsidiary,  the
Company's   independent   certified   public   accountants,   or  any  executive
compensation  consultant,  legal counsel, or other professional  retained by the
Company to assist in the administration of the Plan. No member of the Committee,
nor any officer or employee  of the Company  acting on behalf of the  Committee,
shall be  personally  liable for any action,  determination,  or  interpretation
taken or made in good faith with  respect  to the Plan,  and all  members of the
Committee  and any officer or  employee  of the Company  acting on behalf of the
Committee or members  thereof  shall,  to the extent  permitted by law, be fully
indemnified  and  protected  by the  Company  with  respect to any such  action,
determination, or interpretation.

     4. Shares Available Under Plan; Individual Award Limitations; Adjustments.
     (a) Shares  Reserved  for  Awards.  Subject to  adjustment  as  hereinafter
provided,  the total  number of Shares  reserved and  available  for issuance to
Participants  in connection  with Awards under the Plan shall be 900,000 Shares;
provided,  however,  that the number of Shares issued as Restricted Shares shall
not exceed 20% of such total;  the number of Shares  issued as Awards other than
Options  (including  Restricted  Shares) shall not exceed 40% of such total; and
the number of Shares  with  respect to which  Awards of Options  and SARs may be
granted to any Participant  shall not exceed 450,000 during any 12 month period.
No Award may be granted  if the  number of Shares to which  such Award  relates,
when  added to the  number  of  Shares to which  other  then-outstanding  Awards
relate,  exceeds an applicable limitation on the number of Shares then remaining
available  for issuance  under this Section 4. If all or any portion of an Award
is forfeited,  settled in cash, or terminated  without issuance of Shares to the
Participant,  the Shares to which such Award or portion  thereof  related  shall
again be available for Awards under the Plan, and such Award or portion  thereof
shall not count  against the  percentage  limitations  applicable  to Restricted
Shares and Awards other than Options; provided, however, that Shares withheld in
payment of the exercise price of any Option or withholding taxes relating to any
Award and  Shares  equal to the number of Shares  surrendered  in payment of the
exercise price of any Option or  withholding  taxes relating to any Award shall,
for  purposes  of this  provision,  be  deemed  not to have  been  issued to the
Participant  in  connection  with such Awards under the Plan.  The Committee may
adopt  procedures  for the  counting  of Shares  relating to any Award to ensure
appropriate  counting  and  avoid  double  counting  (in the case of  tandem  or
substitute awards). Any Shares issued pursuant to an Award may consist, in whole
or in part,  of  authorized  and unissued  Shares,  treasury  Shares,  or Shares
acquired in the market for the account of the Participant (which treasury Shares
or acquired Shares will be deemed to have been "issued" pursuant to such Award).

     (b)  Adjustments.  In the event that the Committee shall determine that any
recapitalization,  reorganization, merger, consolidation, spin-off, combination,
repurchase,  exchange of Shares or other securities of the Company,  stock split
or reverse split,  extraordinary  dividend (whether in the form of cash, Shares,
or  other  property),  liquidation,  dissolution,  or  other  similar  corporate
transaction  or event affects the Shares such that an adjustment is  appropriate
in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of each  Participant's  rights under
the Plan,  then the Committee  shall,  in such manner as it may deem  equitable,
adjust any or all of (i) the number and kind of Shares  remaining  reserved  and
available  for  issuance  under  Section  4(a),  (ii)  the  number  and  kind of
outstanding  Restricted  Shares  or  Restricted  Shares  relating  to any  other
outstanding  Award in  connection  with which  Restricted  Shares may be issued,
(iii) the  number  and kind of Shares  that may be  issued in  respect  of other
outstanding  Awards,  and (iv) the exercise price or grant price relating to any
Award (or, if deemed  appropriate,  the Committee may make  provision for a cash
payment with respect to any outstanding  Award).  In addition,  the Committee is
authorized to make  adjustments in the terms and conditions of, and the criteria
included in, Awards in recognition of unusual or nonrecurring events (including,
without  limitation,  events described in the preceding  sentence) affecting the
Company or any  subsidiary  or the  financial  statements  of the Company or any
subsidiary,  or in  response  to changes in  applicable  laws,  regulations,  or
accounting principles.

         5. Eligibility.
     Executive   officers,   other  key  employees  and  other  key  independent
contractors of the Company and its  subsidiaries,  including any director who is
also an executive  officer or employee,  are eligible to be granted Awards under
the Plan; provided,  however,  that members of the Committee are not eligible to
be granted Awards under the Plan.

     6. Specific Terms of Awards.
     (a) General. Awards may be granted on the terms and conditions set forth in
this  Section  6. In  addition,  the  Committee  may  impose on amy Award or the
exercise thereof,  at the date of grant or thereafter (subject to Section 9(f)),
such additional terms and conditions,  not consistent with the provisions of the
Plan, as the Committee shall determine,  including terms requiring forfeiture of
Awards in the event of termination of employment by the  Participant or upon the
occurrence of other events.  In addition,  the Committee  shall require,  as the
condition  of the  issuance  of  Shares  in  connection  with  any  Award,  that
consideration  be received by the Company  which meets the  requirements  of the
Delaware Limited Liability Company act.

     (b) Options. The Committee is authorized to grant Options (which are not to
be treated as incentive  options under Section 422 of the Code) to  Participants
(including  "reload"  options  automatically  granted  upon  the  occurrence  of
specified exercises of options) on the following terms and conditions:

               (i)  Exercise  Price.  The exercise  price per Share  purchasable
          under an Option shall be determined by the Committee without regard to
          the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of grant of the Option.

               (ii) Time and Method of Exercise.  The Committee  shall determine
          the time or times at which an Option may be  exercised  in whole or in
          part,  the methods by which such exercise  price may be paid or deemed
          to be paid, the form of such payment,  including,  without limitation,
          cash,  Shares,  other  Awards or awards  granted  under other  Company
          plans,  or  other  property  (including  notes  or  other  contractual
          obligations of Participants to make payment on a deferred basis,  such
          as through "cashless exercise"  arrangements,  to the extent permitted
          by applicable  law), and the methods by which Shares will be delivered
          or deemed to be delivered to Participants.

               (iii)   Forfeiture.   Except  as  otherwise   determined  by  the
          Committee,  upon  termination  of  employment  or contract  during the
          applicable term of the Options, unexercised Options shall be forfeited
          and again be available  for Award by the Company;  provided,  however,
          that the Committee may provide,  by rule or regulation or in any Award
          Agreement,  or may determine in any individual  case,  that forfeiture
          conditions  relating to the Options will be waived in whole or in part
          in the event of terminations resulting from specified causes.

               (iv)  Dividend  Equivalents.   The  Committee  may  provide  that
          payments  in the form of  dividend  equivalents  will be  credited  in
          respect of an Option.  The amount of the dividend  equivalent shall be
          credited on the dividend  payment date in any of the following  forms:
          in cash, or in unrestricted Shares having a Fair Market Value equal to
          the amount of such  dividends,  or in  options  to acquire  additional
          shares under the Option at no cost based on the dividend payments,  or
          in a reduction of the exercise  price of the Option.  If the Committee
          provides for crediting dividend  equivalents in the form of additional
          Options or Shares,  such dividend  equivalents must be approved by the
          Committee  before  such  Options  or  Shares  can be  credited  to the

     (c) Share Appreciation Rights.
     The Committee is authorized to grant SARs to  Participants on the following
terms  and  conditions:

               (i) Right to Payment.  A SAR shall confer on the  Participant  to
          whom it is granted a right to  receive,  upon  exercise  thereof,  the
          excess  of (A) the  Fair  Market  Value  of one  Share  on the date of
          exercise  (or, if the Committee  shall so  determine,  the Fair Market
          Value of one Share at any time  during a  specified  period  before or
          after the date of  exercise),  over (B) the grant  price of the SAR as
          determined by the Committee as of the date of grant of the SAR.

               (ii) Other Terms. The Committee shall determine the time or times
          at which a SAR may be  exercised  in whole or in part,  the  method of
          exercise,  method of  settlement,  form of  consideration  payable  in
          settlement,  method by which  Shares will be delivered or deemed to be
          delivered  to  Participants,  whether  or not a SAR shall be in tandem
          with any other Award,  and any other terms and  conditions of any SAR.
          Limited  SARs  that may only be  exercised  upon the  occurrence  of a
          Change in  Control  (as such term is  defined  in  Section  8(b) or as
          otherwise  defined by the Committee) may be granted on such terms, not
          inconsistent  with this Section 6(c), as the Committee may  determine.
          Such Limited SARs may be either  freestanding  or in tandem with other

               (iii)   Forfeiture.   Except  as  otherwise   determined  by  the
          Committee,  upon  termination  of  employment  or contract  during the
          applicable term of the SARs,  unexercised  SARs shall be forfeited and
          again be available for Award by the Company;  provided,  however, that
          the  Committee  may  provide,  by rule or  regulation  or in any Award
          Agreement,  or may determine in any individual  case,  that forfeiture
          conditions  relating to the SARs will be waived in whole or in part in
          the  event  of  terminations  resulting  from  specified  causes.

     (d) Restricted Shares.
     The Committee is authorized to grant  Restricted  Shares to Participants on
the following terms and conditions:

               (i) Grant and Restrictions. Restricted Shares shall be subject to
          such restrictions on transferability and other  restrictions,  if any,
          as the Committee may impose,  which  restrictions may lapse separately
          or in combination  at such times,  under such  circumstances,  in such
          installments,  or otherwise as the Committee may determine.  Except to
          the  extent  restricted  under  the  terms of the  Plan and any  Award
          Agreement  relating to the Restricted  Shares,  a Participant  granted
          Restricted  Shares  shall  have  all of the  rights  of a  shareholder
          including, without limitation, the right to vote Restricted Shares and
          the right to receive dividends thereon.

               (ii) Forfeiture. Except as otherwise determined by the Committee,
          upon  termination  of  employment  during the  applicable  restriction
          period,   Restricted   Shares  that  are  at  that  time   subject  to
          restrictions  shall  be  forfeited  and  reacquired  by  the  Company;
          provided,  however,  that  the  Committee  may  provide,  by  rule  or
          regulation  or in  any  Award  Agreement,  or  may  determine  in  any
          individual case, that restrictions or forfeiture  conditions  relating
          to  Restricted  Shares will be waived in whole or in part in the event
          of terminations resulting from specified causes.

               (iii)  Certificates for Shares.  Restricted  Shares granted under
          the  Plan may be  evidenced  in such  manner  as the  Committee  shall
          determine.   If  certificates   representing   Restricted  Shares  are
          registered in the name of the  Participant,  such  certificates  shall
          bear an appropriate  legend  referring to the terms,  conditions,  and
          restrictions  applicable to such  Restricted  Shares,  the Company may
          retain  physical  possession of the  certificate,  and the Participant
          shall have delivered a stock power to the Company,  endorsed in blank,
          relating to the Restricted Shares.

               (iv)  Dividends and  Distributions.  Dividends paid on Restricted
          Shares shall be either paid at the  dividend  payment date in the form
          the  dividends  are  paid  to  other  shareholders,  in  cash,  or  in
          unrestricted  Shares having a Fair Market Value equal to the amount of
          such  dividends,  or the payment of such  dividends  shall be deferred
          and/or  the  amount  or  value  thereof  automatically  reinvested  in
          additional  Restricted  Shares,  other  Awards,  or  other  investment
          vehicles,  as the Committee  shall determine or permit the Participant
          to elect. Shares distributed in connection with a Share split or Share
          dividend,  and other  property  distributed  as a  dividend,  shall be
          subject to restrictions and a risk of forfeiture to the same extent as
          the  Restricted  Shares  with  respect to which  such  Shares or other
          property are distributed.

     (e) Deferred  Shares.
     The  Committee is  authorized  to grant  Deferred  Shares to  Participants,
subject to the following terms and conditions:

               (i) Award and  Restrictions.  Issuance  of Shares will occur upon
          expiration of the deferral  period  specified for an Award of Deferred
          Shares by the Committee (or, if permitted by the Committee, as elected
          by the Participant).  In addition, Deferred Shares shall be subject to
          such   restrictions  as  the  Committee  may  impose,  if  any,  which
          restrictions  may lapse at the expiration of the deferral period or at
          earlier  specified  times,  separately or in  combination,  under such
          circumstances, in such installments, or otherwise as the Committee may

               (ii) Forfeiture. Except as otherwise determined by the Committee,
          upon termination of employment  during the applicable  deferral period
          or portion thereof to which  forfeiture  conditions apply (as provided
          in the Award Agreement  evidencing the Deferred Shares),  all Deferred
          Shares that are at that time subject to such risk of forfeiture  shall
          be forfeited;  provided,  however,  that the Committee may provide, by
          rule or regulation or in any Award Agreement,  or may determine in any
          individual case, that restrictions or forfeiture  conditions  relating
          to Deferred  Shares will be waived in whole or in part in the event of
          terminations resulting from specified causes.

               (iii)  Dividend  Equivalents.  The  Committee  may  provide  that
          payments  in the form of  dividend  equivalents  will be  credited  in
          respect of Deferred  Shares,  which amounts may be paid or distributed
          when accrued or deemed reinvested in additional Deferred Shares.

     (f) Bonus Shares and Awards in Lieu of Cash  Obligations.
     The Committee is authorized to grant Shares as a bonus,  or to grant Shares
or other Awards in lieu of Company  obligations to pay cash under other plans or
compensatory arrangements;  provided, however, that, in the case of Participants
subject to Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act, the amount of such Shares or Awards
shall be determined by the Committee in a manner  conforming to  then-applicable
requirements of Rule 16b-3.  Shares or Awards granted hereunder shall be subject
to such other terms as shall be determined by the Committee.

7.  Certain Povisions Applicable to Awards.
     (a) Stand-Alone,  Additional, Tandem, and Substitute Awards. Awards granted
under the Plan may, in the discretion of the Committee,  be granted either alone
or in addition  to, in tandem  with,  or in  substitution  for,  any other Award
granted under the Plan or any award granted under any other plan of the Company,
any  subsidiary,  or any  business  entity to be  acquired  by the  Company or a
subsidiary,  or any other right of a  Participant  to receive  payment  from the
Company or any subsidiary. Awards granted in addition to or in tandem with other
Awards or awards  may be  granted  either as of the same time as or a  different
time from the grant of such other Awards or awards. The per Share exercise price
of any Option,  grant  price of any SAR,  or  purchase  price of any other Award
conferring a right to purchase Shares granted in substitution for an outstanding
Award  or  award  may be  adjusted  to  reflect  the  in-the-money  value of the
surrendered Award or award.

     (b) Term of  Awards. The term of each Award shall be for such period as may
be determined by the Committee.

     (c) Form of Payment Under Awards.  Subject to the terms of the Plan and any
applicable Award  Agreement,  payments to be made by the Company or a subsidiary
upon  the  grant  or  exercise  of an  Award  may be made in such  forms  as the
Committee shall determine,  including,  without limitation,  cash, Shares, other
Awards, or other property,  and may be made in a single payment or transfer,  in
installments,  or on a  deferred  basis.  Such  payments  may  include,  without
limitation,  provisions  for the payment or crediting of reasonable  interest on
installment  or  deferred  payments  or  the  grant  or  crediting  of  dividend
equivalents  in respect of  installment  or  deferred  payments  denominated  in

     (d) Rule 16b-3  Compliance.  It is the intent of the Company that this Plan
comply in all respects  with  applicable  provisions of Rule 16b-3 in connection
with any grant of Awards to or other transaction by a Participant who is subject
to Section  16 of the  Exchange  Act  (except for  transactions  exempted  under
alternative  Exchange Act Rules or  acknowledged  in writing to be non-exempt by
such Participant).  Accordingly, if, at such time, any provision of this Plan or
any Award Agreement  relating to an Award does not comply with the  requirements
of Rule 16b-3 as then applicable to any such transaction, such provision will be
construed or deemed amended to the extent necessary to conform to the applicable
requirements of Rule 16b-3 so that such Participant  shall avoid liability under
Section 16(b).

     (e) Loan Provisions.  With the consent of the Committee, and subject at all
times to, and only to the  extent,  if any,  permitted  under and in  accordance
with,  laws  and  regulations  and  other  binding   obligations  or  provisions
applicable  to the Company,  the Company may make,  guarantee,  or arrange for a
loan or loans to a  Participant  with  respect to the  exercise of any Option or
other  payment  in  connection  with  any  Award,  including  the  payment  by a
Participant of any or all federal,  state, or local income or other taxes due in
connection with any Award. Subject to such limitations, the committee shall have
full  authority  to  decide  whether  to make a loan or loans  hereunder  and to
determine the amount, terms, and provisions of any such loan or loans, including
the  interest  rate to be charged in respect of any such loan or loans,  whether
the loan or loans are to be with or without recourse  against the borrower,  the
terms on which the loan is to be repaid and conditions,  if any, under which the
loan or loans may be forgiven.

     8. Change in Control Provisions.
     (a) In the event of a "Change in Control," as defined in this Section,  the
following acceleration provisions shall apply:

               (i)  any  Award  carrying  a  right  to  exercise  that  was  not
          previously  exercisable and vested shall become fully  exercisable and
          vested,  subject only to the  restrictions  set forth in Sections 7(d)
          and 9(a); and

               (ii) the  restrictions,  deferral of  settlement,  and forfeiture
          conditions  applicable to any other Award granted under the Plan shall
          lapse and such Award shall be deemed fully vested, and any performance
          conditions  imposed  with  respect to any Award  shall be deemed to be
          fully achieved, subject to the restrictions set forth in Sections 7(d)
          and 9(a).

     (b) For purposes of the Plan, a "Change in Control" shall have occurred if,
after consummation of the Transaction:

               (i) Any  "Person,"  as such  term is used in  Sections  13(d) and
          14(d) of the Exchange Act (other than the Company,  a subsidiary,  any
          trustee  or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under  an  employee
          benefit  plan of the  Company or any  corporation  owned,  directly or
          indirectly,  by the shareholders of the Company in  substantially  the
          same  proportions as their ownership of shares of the Company),  is or
          becomes  the  "beneficial  owner" (as  defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
          Exchange Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of securities of the Company
          representing 25% or more of the combined voting power of the Company's
          then outstanding voting securities;

               (ii) during any period of two consecutive years,  individuals who
          at the  beginning  of such period  constitute  the Board,  and any new
          director (other than a director designated by a person who has entered
          into an agreement  with the Company to effect a transaction  described
          in clause (i),  (iii), or (iv) of this Section 8(b)) whose election by
          the Board or nomination for election by the Company's shareholders was
          approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds (2/3) of the directors then
          still in office who either  were  directors  at the  beginning  of the
          period or whose  election or nomination for election was previously so
          approved,  cease for any  reason  to  constitute  at least a  majority

               (iii)  the   shareholders   of  the  Company  approve  a  merger,
          consolidation,  recapitalization, or reorganization of the Company, or
          a  reverse  share  split of any  class  of  voting  securities  of the
          Company,  or the  consummation of any such  transaction if shareholder
          approval is not obtained,  other than any such transaction which would
          result in at least 75% of the total  voting power  represented  by the
          voting  securities of the Company or the surviving entity  outstanding
          immediately after such transaction being beneficially owned by persons
          who together  beneficially  owned at least 75% of the combined  voting
          power of the voting securities of the Company outstanding  immediately
          prior to such transaction, with the relative voting power of each such
          continuing holder compared to the voting power of each such continuing
          holder  not  substantially  altered  as a result  of the  transaction;
          provided that, for purposes of this paragraph  (iii),  such continuity
          of ownership  (and  preservation  of relative  voting  power) shall be
          deemed to be satisfied if the failure to meet such 75%  threshold  (or
          to substantially preserve such relative voting power) is due solely to
          the  acquisition of voting  securities by an employee  benefit plan of
          the  Company  or such  surviving  entity or of any  subsidiary  of the
          Company or such surviving entity; or

               (iv) the  shareholders  of the Company approve a plan of complete
          liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale or disposition
          by the Company of all or substantially all of the Company's assets (or
          any transaction having a similar effect).

     9. General Provisions.
     (a) Compliance With Laws and Obligations. The Company will not be obligated
to issue or deliver Shares in connection with any Award or take any other action
under the Plan in a transaction subject to the registration  requirements of the
Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  or any other  federal or state  securities
law, any  requirement  under any listing  agreement  between the Company and any
stock exchange or automated quotation system, or any other law,  regulation,  or
contractual  obligation of the Company, until the Company is satisfied that such
laws, regulations,  and other obligations of the Company have been complied with
in full. Certificates  representing Shares issued under the Plan will be subject
to such  stop-transfer  orders and other restrictions as may be applicable under
such laws,  regulations,  and other  obligations  of the Company,  including any
requirement that a legend or legends be placed thereon.

     (b) Limitations on Transferability.  Awards and other rights under the Plan
will not be transferable by a Participant  except by will or the laws of descent
and  distribution  (or  to  a  designated   Beneficiary  in  the  event  of  the
{Participant's  death),  and, if  exercisable,  shall be exercisable  during the
lifetime of a  Participant  only by such  Participant  or his or her guardian or
legal representative;  provided,  however, that such Awards and other rights may
be transferred to one or more transferees during the lifetime or the Participant
in  connection  with  the  Participant's  estate  of  tax  planning,   and  such
transferees  may  exercise  rights  there  under in  accordance  with the  terms
thereof,  but only if and to the extent  consistent with the registration of the
offer and sale of Shares on Form S-8, Form S-3, or such other  registration form
of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  as may then be filed and effective
with respect to the Plan and  permitted by the  Committee.  The Company may rely
upon the  beneficiary  designation  last filed in  accordance  with this Section
9(b).  Awards and other  rights  under the Plan may not be  pledged,  mortgaged,
hypothecated,  or otherwise encumbered by a Participant and shall not be subject
to the claims of a Participant's creditors.

     (c) Taxes.  The Company and any  subsidiary  is authorized to withhold from
any Award granted or to be settled, any delivery of Shares in connection with an
Award,  any other payment  relating to an Award, or any payroll or other payment
to a  Participant  amounts of  withholding  and other  taxes due or  potentially
payable in connection with any transaction  involving an Award, and to take such
other  action as the  Committee  may deem  advisable  to enable the  Company and
Participants  to satisfy  obligations  for the payment of withholding  taxes and
other tax  obligations  relating  to any Award.  This  authority  shall  include
authority  to  withhold  or receive  Shares or other  property  and to make cash
payments in respect thereof in satisfaction of a Participant's tax obligations.

     (d) No Right to Continued Employment;  Leaves of Absence. Neither the Plan,
any Award Agreement,  or any action taken hereunder shall be construed as giving
any  Participant  the right to be  retained  in the  employ or  contract  of the
Company or any of its  subsidiaries,  nor shall it interfere in any way with the
right of the Company or any of its  subsidiaries to terminate any  Participant's
employment or contract at any time. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable
Award  Agreement,  an  approved  leave of  absence  shall  not be  considered  a
termination of employment for purposes of an Award under the Plan.

     (e) No Rights to Awards; No Shareholder  Rights. No Participant or employee
or independent contractor shall have any claim to be granted any Award under the
Plan, and there is no obligation  for  uniformity of treatment of  Participants,
employees or independent  contractors.  No Award shall confer on any Participant
any of the rights of a  shareholder  of the Company  unless and until Shares are
duly issued or transferred  and delivered to the  Participant in accordance with
the  terms  of the  Award  or,  in the case of an  Option,  the  Option  is duly

     (f) Changes to the Plan and Awards.  The Board may amend,  alter,  suspend,
discontinue,  or terminate the Plan or the Committee's authority to grant Awards
under the Plan without the consent of shareholders or Participants,  except that
any  amendment or  alteration  will be subject to the approval of the  Company's
shareholders at or before the next annual meeting of shareholders  for which the
record date is after the date of such Board action if such shareholder  approval
is required by any applicable federal or state law or regulation or the rules of
any stock exchange or automated quotation system on which Company securities may
then be listed or quoted, and the Board may otherwise  determine to submit other
such amendments or alterations to shareholders for approval;  provided, however,
that,  without  the  consent  of an  affected  Participant,  no such  action may
materially  impair  the  rights of such  Participant  with  respect to any Award
theretofore  granted to him. The  Committee  may waive any  conditions or rights
under,  or  amend,  alter,  suspend,   discontinue,   or  terminate,  any  Award
theretofore granted and any Award Agreement relating thereto; provided, however,
that,  without  the  consent  of an  affected  Participant,  no such  action may
materially impair the rights of such Participant under such Award.

     (g) Unfunded Status of Awards;  Creation of Trusts. The Plan is intended to
constitute an "unfunded"  plan for  incentive  and deferred  compensation.  With
respect to any  payments  not yet made to a  Participant  pursuant  to an Award,
nothing  contained in the Plan or any Award shall give any such  Participant any
rights  that are  greater  than  those of a  general  creditor  of the  Company;
provided,  however,  that the  Committee may authorize the creation of trusts or
make other  arrangements  to meet the  Company's  obligations  under the Plan to
deliver cash,  Shares,  other Awards,  or other property  pursuant to any Award,
which  trusts or other  arrangements  shall be  consistent  with the  "unfunded"
status of the Plan unless the Committee otherwise determines with the consent of
each affected Participant.

     (h)  Nonexclusivity  of the Plan.  Neither the  adoption of the Plan by the
Board nor its submission to the  shareholders  of the Company for approval shall
be construed as creating any limitations on the power of the Board to adopt such
other compensatory arrangements as it may deem desirable, including the granting
of awards  otherwise  than under the Plan, and such  arrangements  may be either
applicable generally or only in specific cases.

     (i) No Fractional Shares. No fractional Shares shall be issued or delivered
pursuant to the Plan or any Award.  The Committee shall determine  whether cash,
other  Awards,  or  other  property  shall  be  issued  or  paid in lieu of such
fractional  Shares or whether such fractional Shares or any rights thereto shall
be forfeited or otherwise eliminated.

     (j) Governing Law. The validity,  construction, and effect of the Plan, any
rules and regulations under the Plan, and any Award Agreement will be determined
in accordance  with the Delaware  Limited  Liability  Company Act and other laws
(including those governing  contracts) of the State of Delaware,  without giving
effect to principles of conflicts of laws, and applicable federal law.

     10. Shareholder Approval, Effective Date, and Plan Termination.
     The Plan will be effective  upon July 19, 2001,  subject to its approval by
the  shareholders  of the Company.  Unless  earlier  terminated by action of the
Board,  the Plan  will  remain  in effect  until  such time as no Shares  remain
available for issuance under the Plan and the Company and  Participants  have no
further rights or obligations under the Plan.

     As adopted by the Board of  Directors  on March 21,  2001 and  subsequently

                                   APPENDIX B

                     2001 NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS' SHARE PLAN

     1. Purpose.
     The purpose of this 2001 Non-Employee Directors' Share Plan (the "Plan") of
Municipal  Mortgage & Equity,  LLC, a Delaware  limited  liability  company (the
"Company"),  is to advance the interests of the Company and its  shareholders by
providing a means to attract  and retain  highly  qualified  persons to serve as
non-employee directors of the Company and to promote ownership by such directors
of a  greater  proprietary  interest  in  the  Company,  thereby  aligning  such
directors'  interests  more closely with the  interests of  shareholders  of the

     2. Definitions.
     In addition to terms  defined  elsewhere  in the Plan,  the  following  are
defined terms under the Plan:

     (a) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
time. References to any provision of the Code include regulations thereunder and
successor provisions and regulations thereto.

     (b) For purposes of the Plan, a "Change in Control" shall have occurred if,
after consummation of the Transaction:

               (i) Any  "person,"  as such  term is used in  Sections  13(d) and
          14(d) of the Exchange Act (other than the Company,  a subsidiary,  any
          trustee  or other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under  an  employee
          benefit  plan of the  Company or any  corporation  owned,  directly or
          indirectly,  by the shareholders of the Company in  substantially  the
          same  proportions as their ownership of shares of the Company),  is or
          becomes  the  "beneficial  owner" (as  defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
          Exchange Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of securities of the Company
          representing 25% or more of the combined voting power of the Company's
          then outstanding voting securities;

               (ii) during any period of two consecutive years,  individuals who
          at the  beginning  of such period  constitute  the Board,  and any new
          director (other than a director designated by a person who has entered
          into an agreement  with the Company to effect a transaction  described
          in clause (i),  (iii), or (iv) of this Section 2(b)) whose election by
          the Board or nomination for election by the Company's shareholders was
          approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds (2/3) of the directors then
          still in office who either  were  directors  at the  beginning  of the
          period or whose  election or nomination for election was previously so
          approved,  cease for any  reason  to  constitute  at least a  majority

               (iii)  the   shareholders   of  the  Company  approve  a  merger,
          consolidation,  recapitalization, or reorganization of the Company, or
          a  reverse  share  split of any  class  of  voting  securities  of the
          Company,  or the  consummation of any such  transaction if shareholder
          approval is not obtained,  other than any such transaction which would
          result in at least 75% of the total  voting power  represented  by the
          voting  securities of the Company or the surviving entity  outstanding
          immediately after such transaction being beneficially owned by persons
          who together  beneficially  owned at least 75% of the combined  voting
          power of the voting securities of the Company outstanding  immediately
          prior to such transaction, with the relative voting power of each such
          continuing   holder  compared  to  the  voting  power  of  each  other
          continuing  holder  not  substantially  altered  as a  result  of  the
          transaction; provided that, for purposes of this paragraph (iii), such
          continuity of ownership (and  preservation  of relative  voting power)
          shall be  deemed  to be  satisfied  if the  failure  to meet  such 75%
          threshold (or to substantially preserve such relative voting power) is
          due solely to the  acquisition  of voting  securities  by an  employee
          benefit  plan  of the  Company  or  such  surviving  entity  or of any
          subsidiary of the Company or such surviving entity; or

               (iv) the  shareholders  of the Company approve a plan of complete
          liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale or disposition
          by the Company of all or substantially all of the Company's assets (or
          any transaction having a similar effect).

     (c) "Deferred  Share" means a credit to a  Participant's  deferral  account
under Section 7 which  represents the right to receive one Share upon settlement
of the  deferral  account.  Deferral  accounts,  and  Deferred  Shares  credited
thereto, are maintained solely as bookkeeping entries by the Company evidencing
unfunded obligations of the Company.

     (d) "Exchange Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
References  to any provision of the Exchange Act include  rules  thereunder  and
successor provisions and rules thereto.

     (e) "Fair Market Value" of a Share means, as of any given date, the closing
sales price of a Share  reported in the table  entitled "New York Stock Exchange
Composite  Transactions"  contained in The Wall Street Journal (or an equivalent
successor  table) for such date or, if no such closing  sales price was reported
for such date,  for the most  recent  trading day prior to such date for which a
closing sales price was reported.

     (f) "Option"  means the right,  granted to a director  under  Section 6, to
purchase a  specified  number of Shares at the  specified  exercise  price for a
specified period of time under the Plan. All Options will be non-qualified stock

     (g) "Participant"  means any person who, as a non-employee  director of the
Company,  has been granted an Option or Deferred Shares which remain outstanding
or who has  elected  to be paid fees in the form of Shares  or  Deferred  Shares
under the Plan.

     (h) "Rule  16b-3"  means  Rule  16b-3,  as from time to time in effect  and
applicable  to the Plan and  Participants,  promulgated  by the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission under Section 16 of the Exchange Act.

     (i) "Share"  means a Common Share of the Company and such other  securities
as may be  substituted  for such  Share or such  other  securities  pursuant  to
Section 8.

     3. Shares Available Under the Plan.
     Subject to  adjustment as provided in Section 8, the total number of Shares
reserved and available for issuance  under the Plan is 150,000.  Such Shares may
be authorized but unissued Shares,  treasury  Shares,  or Shares acquired in the
market for the account of the Participant. For purposes of the Plan, Shares that
may be  purchased  upon  exercise of an Option or  delivered  in  settlement  of
Deferred  Shares will not be  considered  to be available  after such Option has
been  granted or Deferred  Share  credited,  except for  purposes of issuance in
connection with such Option or Deferred Share;  provided,  however,  that, if an
Option  expires for any reason without having been exercised in full, the Shares
subject to the  unexercised  portion of such Option will again be available  for
issuance under the Plan.

     4. Administration of the Plan.
The  Plan  will be  administered  by the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company;
provided,  however,  that any action by the Board  relating  to the Plan will be
taken only if, in addition to any other required  vote,  such action is approved
by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors who are not then eligible
to participate in the Plan.

     5. Eligibility.
     Each  director of the Company  who, on any date on which an Option is to be
granted  under Section 6 or on which fees are to be paid which could be received
in the form of Shares or deferred in the form of Deferred  Shares under  Section
7, is not an employee of the Company or any  subsidiary  of the Company  will be
eligible,  at such date, to be granted an Option under Section 6 or receive fees
in the form of Shares or defer fees in the form of Deferred Shares under Section
7. No person  other than those  specified  in this Section 5 will be eligible to
participate in the Plan.

     6. Options.
     An Option to purchase  7,000  Shares,  subject to adjustment as provided in
Section 8, will be  automatically  granted  to a person who is first  elected or
appointed  to serve as a member of the Board of  Directors  of the Company at or
after  the  effective  date  of the  Plan,  on the  date  of  such  election  or
appointment,  if such  director is eligible to be granted an Option at that date
and an option to purchase  5,000 Shares to each member of the Board of Directors
(which may include a director  who also will receive a grant under clause (i) of
this  sentence),  on the date of the final  adjournment of the Company's  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders each year, if such director is eligible to be granted an
Option at that date.

     (a) Exercise Price. The exercise price per Share  purchasable upon exercise
of an Option  will be equal to 100% of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the
date of grant of the Option.

     (b) Option Expiration. A Participant's Option will expire at the earlier of
(i) ten  years  after  the date of grant  or (ii)  one year  after  the date the
Participant ceases to serve as a director of the Company for any reason.

     (c)  Exercisability.  No Option  may be  exercised  unless and until it has
become exercisable in accordance with this Section 6(c). A Participant's  Option
received upon initial election or appointment  will become  exercisable in three
equal  installments  commencing at the earlier of : (a) the next  anniversary of
the  director's  initial  election,  or  (b)  at  the  next  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders;   Options   received  on  the  date  of  each  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  become  exercisable at the earlier of: (a) the next anniversary of
the option grant, or (b) at the next Annual Meeting of  Shareholders;  provided,
however, that a Participant's Option will become immediately exercisable in full
at the time the  Participant  ceases  to  serve  as a  director  due to death or
disability  or  upon  a  Change  in  Control;  and  provided  further,   that  a
Participant's Option may be exercised after the Participant ceases to serve as a
director for any reason other than death or  disability  only to the extent that
the Option was  exercisable at the date he or she ceased to be a director or has
become  exercisable  pursuant to this  Section  6(c) within two months after the
date he or she ceased to be a director.

     (d) Method of Exercise.  A Participant may exercise an Option,  in whole or
in part,  at such  time as it is  exercisable  and prior to its  expiration,  by
giving  written  notice of exercise to the Secretary of the Company,  specifying
the Option to be exercised and the number of Shares to be purchased,  and paying
in full the  exercise  price in cash  (including  by check) or by  surrender  of
Shares  already owned by the  Participant  (except for Shares  acquired from the
Company by exercise of an Option or other award less than six months  before the
date of surrender)  having a Fair Market Value at the time of exercise  equal to
the exercise price, or by a combination of cash and Shares.

     7. Receipt of Shares or Deferred  Shares In Lieu of Fees.
     Each  director  of the  Company  may elect to be paid  fees,  in his or her
capacity as a director (including annual retainer fees for service on the Board,
fees for service on a Board  committee,  fees for service as chairman of a Board
committee,  and any  other  fees  paid to  directors)  in the form of  Shares or
Deferred  Shares in lieu of cash  payment  of such  fees,  if such  director  is
eligible to do so under Section 5 at the date any such fee is otherwise payable.
If so elected, payment of fees in the form of Shares or Deferred Shares shall be
made in accordance with this Section 7.

     (a)  Elections.  Each  director  who  elects  to be paid  fees  for a given
calendar year in the form of Shares or to defer such payment of fees in the form
of  Deferred  Shares for such  calendar  year must file an  irrevocable  written
election with the Secretary of the Company no later than December 31 of the year
preceding  such  calendar  year;  provided,  however,  that any newly elected or
appointed  director  may file an  election  for any year not later  than 30 days
after the date such person first  became a director,  and a director may file an
election for the year in which the Plan became  effective not later than 30 days
after the date of effectiveness. An election by a director shall be deemed to be
continuing and therefore applicable to subsequent Plan years unless the director
revokes or changes such  election by filing a new election  form by the due date
for such form  specified in this  Section  7(a).  The election  must specify the

               (i) A percentage  of fees to be received in the form of Shares or
          deferred in the form of Deferred Shares under the Plan; and

               (ii) In the case of a  deferral,  the  period or  periods  during
          which settlement of Deferred Shares will be deferred  (subject to such
          limitations as may be specified by counsel to the Company).

     (b)  Payment of Fees in the Form of  Shares.  At any date on which fees are
payable to a  Participant  who has  elected to receive  such fees in the form of
Shares,  the Company will issue to such  Participant,  or to a designated  third
party  for the  account  of such  Participant,  a number  of  Shares  having  an
aggregate  Fair  Market  Value at that date  equal to the fees,  or as nearly as
possible  equal to the fees (but in no event greater than the fees),  that would
have been  payable at such date but for the  Participant's  election  to receive
Shares  in  lieu  thereof.  If the  Shares  are  to be  credited  to an  account
maintained by the Participant and to the extent reasonably  practicable  without
requiring  the actual  issuance of  fractional  Shares,  the Company shall cause
fractional  Shares to be credited to the  Participant's  account.  If fractional
Shares are not so credited,  any part of the Participant's  fees not paid in the
form of whole  Shares will be payable in cash to the  Participant  (either  paid
separately or included in a subsequent  payment of fees,  including a subsequent
payment of fees subject to an election under this Section 7).

     (c)  Deferral of Fees in the Form of  Deferred  Shares.  The  Company  will
establish a deferral  account for each  Participant  who elects to defer fees in
the form of Deferred  Shares under this Section 7. At any date on which fees are
payable to a  Participant  who has elected to defer fees in the form of Deferred
Shares,  the Company  will credit such  Participant's  deferral  account  with a
number of Deferred Shares equal to the number of Shares having an aggregate Fair
Market  Value at that date  equal to the fees  that  otherwise  would  have been
payable at such date but for the Participant's election to defer receipt of such
fees in the form of Deferred  Shares.  The amount of Deferred Shares so credited
shall include fractional Shares calculated to at least three decimal places.

     (d)  Crediting  of Dividend  Equivalents.  Whenever  dividends  are paid or
distributions  are made with respect to Shares,  a Participant  to whom Deferred
Shares are then credited in a deferral account shall be entitled to receive,  as
dividend  equivalents,  an amount  equal in value to the amount of the  dividend
paid or  property  distributed  on a single  Share  multiplied  by the number of
Deferred Shares (including any fractional Share) credited to his or her deferral
account as of the record date for such dividend or  distribution.  Such dividend
equivalents shall be credited to the Participant's  deferral account as a number
of Deferred  Shares  determined by dividing the aggregate value of such dividend
equivalents by the Fair Market Value of a Share at the payment date of the
dividend or distribution.

     (e)   Settlement   of  Deferred   Shares.   The  Company  will  settle  the
Participant's  deferral  account by delivering to the Participant (or his or her
beneficiary)  a number of Shares  equal to the number of whole  Deferred  Shares
then  credited to his or her  deferral  account  (or a specified  portion in the
event of any partial  settlement),  together with cash in lieu of any fractional
share remaining at a time when less than one whole Deferred Share is credited to
such  deferral  account.  Such  settlement  shall  be made at the  time or times
specified in the  Participant's  election filed in accordance with Section 7(a);
provided,  however,  that a Participant may further defer settlement of Deferred
Shares if counsel to the Company  determines  that such further  deferral likely
would be effective under applicable federal income tax laws and regulations.

     (f) Nonforfeitability. The interest of each Participant in any fees paid in
the form of  Shares  or  Deferred  Shares  (and any  deferral  account  relating
thereto) at all times will be nonforfeitable.

     8. Adjustment Provisions.
     (a) Corporate  Transactions and Events. In the event any  recapitalization,
reorganization,   merger,  consolidation,   spin-off,  combination,  repurchase,
exchange of Shares or other  securities  of the Company,  share split or reverse
split,  extraordinary  dividend  (whether in the form of cash,  Shares, or other
property),  liquidation,  dissolution, or other similar corporate transaction or
event  affects the Shares such that an  adjustment  is  appropriate  in order to
prevent  dilution or  enlargement of each  Participant's  rights under the Plan,
then an  adjustment  shall be made,  in a manner  that is  proportionate  to the
change to the  Shares  and  otherwise  equitable,  in (i) the number and kind of
Shares  remaining  reserved and available for issuance under Section 3, (ii) the
number  and kind of Shares to be subject  to each  automatic  grant of an Option
under  Section 6, (iii) the number and kind of Shares  issuable upon exercise of
outstanding Options,  and/or the exercise price per Share thereof (provided that
no fractional Shares will be issued upon exercise of any Option),  (iv) the kind
of Shares to be issued in lieu of fees  under  Section 7, and (v) the number and
kind of Shares to be issued upon  settlement of Deferred Shares under Section 7.
The foregoing  notwithstanding,  no adjustment may be made  hereunder  except as
will be  necessary  to maintain the  proportionate  interest of the  Participant
under the Plan and to  preserve,  without  exceeding,  the value of  outstanding
Options and potential  grants of Options and the value of  outstanding  Deferred

     (b) Insufficient Number of Shares. If at any date an insufficient number of
Shares are available  under the Plan for the  automatic  grant of Options or the
receipt  of fees in the  form  of  Shares  or  deferral  of fees in the  form of
Deferred  Shares at that  date,  Options  will  first be  automatically  granted
proportionately  to each  eligible  director,  to the  extent  Shares  are  then
available  (provided  that no fractional  Shares will be issued upon exercise of
any Option) and  otherwise as provided  under Section 6, and then, if any Shares
remain  available,  fees shall be paid in the form of Shares or  deferred in the
form of  Deferred  Shares  proportionately  among  directors  then  eligible  to
participate  to the extent  Shares are then  available and otherwise as provided
under Section 7.

     9. Changes to the Plan.
     The Board of Directors may amend, alter, suspend, discontinue, or terminate
the Plan or  authority  to grant  Options  or pay fees in the form of  Shares or
Deferred   Shares  under  the  Plan  without  the  consent  of  shareholders  or
Participants,  except that any  amendment or  alteration  will be subject to the
approval of the Company's  shareholders  at or before the next annual meeting of
shareholders for which the record date is after the date of such Board action if
such shareholder  approval is required by any applicable federal or state law or
regulation or the rules of any stock exchange or automated  quotation  system as
then in  effect,  and the Board may  otherwise  determine  to submit  other such
amendments or alterations to shareholders for approval; provided, however, that,
without the consent of an affected  Participant,  no such action may  materially
impair the rights of such  Participant  with respect to any  previously  granted
Option or any previous payment of fees in the form of Shares or Deferred Shares.

     10. General Provisions.

     (a) Agreements. Options, Deferred Shares, and any other right or obligation
under the Plan may be evidenced by agreements or other documents executed by the
Company and the Participant  incorporating the terms and conditions set forth in
the Plan,  together with such other terms and conditions not  inconsistent  with
the Plan, as the Board of Directors may from time to time approve.

     (b) Compliance with Laws and Obligations. The Company will not be obligated
to issue or deliver  Shares in  connection  with any  Option,  in payment of any
directors' fees, or in settlement of Deferred Shares in a transaction subject to
the registration  requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any
other  federal  or state  securities  law,  any  requirement  under any  listing
agreement  between  the Company and any stock  exchange or  automated  quotation
system, or any other law, regulation,  or contractual obligation of the Company,
until  the  Company  is  satisfied  that  such  laws,  regulations,   and  other
obligations  of the  Company  have  been  complied  with in  full.  Certificates
representing  Shares issued under the Plan will be subject to such stop-transfer
orders and other restrictions as may be applicable under such laws, regulations,
and other obligations of the Company, including any requirement that a legend or
legends be placed thereon.

     (c) Limitations on Transferability. Options, Deferred Shares, and any other
right under the Plan will not be transferable by a Participant except by will or
the laws of descent and  distribution  (or to a  designated  beneficiary  in the
event of a Participant's  death), and will be exercisable during the lifetime of
the  Participant  only by  such  Participant  or his or her  guardian  or  legal
representative;  provided, however, that Options and Deferred Shares (and rights
relating   thereto)  may  be   transferred  to  one  or  more  trusts  or  other
beneficiaries  during  the  lifetime  of the  Participant  for  purposes  of the
Participant's   estate  planning  or  at  the  Participant's   death,  and  such
transferees may exercise rights thereunder in accordance with the terms thereof,
but only if and to the extent  then  permitted  under Rule 16b-3 and  consistent
with the  registration  of the offer and sale of Shares related  thereto on Form
S-8, Form S-3, or such other  registration  form of the  Securities and Exchange
Commission  as may then be filed and  effective  with  respect to the Plan.  The
Company may rely upon the beneficiary  designation last filed in accordance with
this Section 10(c).  Options,  Deferred Shares,  and other rights under the Plan
may not be pledged, mortgaged,  hypothecated, or otherwise encumbered, and shall
not be subject to the claims of creditors of any Participant.

     (d) Compliance  with Rule 16b-3.  It is the intent of the Company that this
Plan  complies  in all  respects  with  applicable  provisions  of  Rule  16b-3.
Accordingly,  if any provision of this Plan or any agreement  hereunder does not
comply with the  requirements  of Rule 16b-3 as then applicable to a transaction
by a  Participant,  such  provision  will be construed or deemed  amended to the
extent necessary, to conform to the applicable requirements with respect to such

     (e) No Right To Continue as a Director.  Nothing  contained  in the Plan or
any agreement  hereunder will confer upon any  Participant any right to continue
to serve as a director of the Company.

     (f) No Shareholder  Rights Conferred.  Nothing contained in the Plan or any
agreement  hereunder will confer upon any  Participant  (or any person or entity
claiming rights by or through a Participant)  any rights of a shareholder of the
Company  unless and until  Shares  are in fact  issued to such  Participant  (or
person)  or, in the case of an  Option,  such  Option is  validly  exercised  in
accordance with Section 6.

     (g)  Nonexclusivity  of the Plan.  Neither the  adoption of the Plan by the
Board of Directors nor any submission thereof to the shareholders of the Company
for approval shall be construed as creating any  limitations on the power of the
Board to adopt such other compensatory arrangements for directors as it may deem

     (h) Governing Law. The validity,  construction,  and effect of the Plan and
any agreement  hereunder  will be  determined  in  accordance  with the Delaware
Limited  Liability  Company  Act  and  other  laws  (including  those  governing
contracts)  of the State of Delaware,  without  giving  effect to  principles of
conflicts of laws, and applicable federal law.

     11. Effective Date and Plan Termination.
     The Plan will be  effective  if,  and at such time as, the  Company's  2001
Share  Incentive  Plan has  become  effective,  subject to its  approval  by the
shareholders of the Company. Unless earlier terminated by action of the Board of
Directors,  the Plan will remain in effect  until such time as no Shares  remain
available for issuance under the Plan and the Company and  Participants  have no
further rights or obligations under the Plan.

As adopted by the Board of Directors:           March 21, 2001