Washington, D.C. 20549

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer
                    Pursuant to Rule 13a - 16 or 15d - 16 of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           For the month of April, 2008

                               HSBC Holdings plc

                              42nd Floor, 8 Canada
                        Square, London E14 5HQ, England

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of  Proxy  to the  stockbroker,  bank or other  agent  through  whom the sale or
transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee.

This document should be read in conjunction  with the Annual Report and Accounts
and/or Annual Review in respect of the year ended 31 December 2007.

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ordinary  shares of HSBC  Holdings  plc trade  under  stock  code 5 on The Stock
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Riverwoods Boulevard, Mettawa, Illinois 60045, USA.

                                HSBC Holdings plc
                                    Notice of
                             Annual General Meeting
                            to be held on 30 May 2008


Notice of the Annual  General  Meeting  to be held at  Barbican  Hall,  Barbican
Centre,  London  EC2 at 11.00 am on Friday 30 May 2008 is set out on pages 17 to

The action to be taken by  Shareholders is set out on page 6. Whether or not you
propose to attend the Annual  General  Meeting you are requested to complete and
submit a Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions  printed on the Form.
Submission of a Form of Proxy will not preclude a shareholder from attending and
voting in  person.  The Form of Proxy  must be  received  not less than 48 hours
before the time of the holding of the Annual General Meeting.

3 April 2008

Access  to the  Meeting  The  Barbican  Centre  is  wheelchair  accessible,  the
auditorium is fitted with an induction  loop,  and parking  spaces are available
for  disabled  drivers.  To help us ensure the Annual  General  Meeting is fully
accessible to all  Shareholders,  please  contact  Surinder Gill  (telephone +44
(0)20 7992 1385, fax +44 (0)20 7992 4631, e-mail  if you
have any particular access or other needs.

This Notice of Annual General  Meeting and the Annual Report and Accounts and/or
Annual Review are available on our website,

The  Annual   General   Meeting   can  be  viewed   live  on  the   internet  at  A recording of the Annual General Meeting will also be
available after the conclusion of the meeting until 30 June 2008.

                                                                  3 April 2008

Dear Shareholder

                 Special Business at the Annual General Meeting

The purpose of this letter is to give you details of the proposals which will be
considered as special  business at the Annual General  Meeting of the Company to
be held on Friday 30 May 2008. The Notice of Annual  General  Meeting is set out
on pages 17 to 34 of this document.

1 Resolutions 5 and 6 (Authority to Directors to allot shares and disapplication
  of pre-emption rights)

At last year's Annual  General  Meeting the  Directors  were again given general
authorities to allot shares.

The general purpose of these authorities is to enable the Directors to issue new
shares  without  having first to obtain the consent of  Shareholders  in general
meeting.  The need for such an issue of shares could arise, for example,  in the
context of a transaction  (such as the acquisition of a company) which had to be
completed speedily. The granting of such authorities is now commonplace and your
Board  takes the view that it would be in the  interests  of the  Company if the
authorities were renewed.

In addition to the Ordinary  Shares  reserved for issue pursuant to the exercise
of options  previously  granted  under the employee  share plans,  the Directors
would have  authority  to allot new Ordinary  Shares up to a maximum  amount (in
nominal  value) of  US$1,186,700,000,  equivalent to 20 per cent of the Ordinary
Shares in issue on 27 March 2008, being the latest practicable date prior to the
printing of this document.

Within this amount,  the Directors would have authority to allot Ordinary Shares
(and,  in addition,  to sell any Ordinary  Shares which may be held in treasury)
wholly for cash to  persons  other than  existing  Shareholders  up to a maximum
amount (in nominal value) of US$296,675,000. This is equivalent to approximately
5 per cent of the  Ordinary  Shares in issue on 27 March 2008.  The Company does
not currently hold any of its shares in treasury.

Other than on the exercise of options  granted under the employee share plans or
pursuant  to the  Company's  scrip  dividend  scheme  your  Board has no present
intention  of issuing any  further  Ordinary  Shares,  and no issue will be made
which would  effectively  change the control of the Company or the nature of its
business without the prior approval of Shareholders in general meeting.

The Board is again seeking authority to issue sterling, United States dollar and
euro preference shares.  These preference shares were created to underpin issues
of preferred  securities,  which are tax efficient  regulatory capital, and with
the  intention  that  they  may be  used  for the  purpose  of  raising  further
regulatory  capital.  If any of the  preference  shares  were to be issued  they
would, subject to regulatory approval, be redeemable at the Company's option and
carry no voting rights  except in  exceptional  circumstances  but would rank in
priority to the Company's  Ordinary Shares with respect to  participation in any
return of  capital.  The Board  has no  present  intention  of  exercising  this

It is proposed  that these  general  authorities  be  extended  until the Annual
General Meeting in 2009.

HSBC Holdings plc
Incorporated in England with limited liability. Registered in
England: number 617987
Registered Office and Group Head Office:
8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom


2    Resolution 7 (Purchase of Ordinary Shares by the Company)

The Company has power under its  Articles  of  Association  to purchase  its own
shares.  The Directors  consider that it is  appropriate  to seek renewal of the
mandate  giving  authority for the Company to make market  purchases of up to 10
per cent of its own Ordinary  Shares in issue.  It is emphasised that it remains
the Directors' policy to maintain a strong capital base, a policy which has been
one of the  Group's  strengths  over the  years.  Having  this  authority  will,
however, give added flexibility if the Directors consider it in the interests of
the Company and its  Shareholders  to purchase  Ordinary Shares in the market in
appropriate circumstances.

The UK Companies  Act 1985 (as amended)  permits the Company to elect to hold in
treasury  any  Ordinary  Shares it may  repurchase,  rather  than  automatically
cancelling those shares. Approval has been received from the relevant regulatory
authorities  in Hong Kong to enable the  Company to hold  repurchased  shares in
treasury.  The conditional  waiver granted by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 19
December 2005 was granted on the basis of certain  agreed  modifications  to the
Hong Kong Stock Exchange's  Listing Rules applicable to the Company,  details of
which  can be found on the  Company's  website,  and the Hong Kong
Stock Exchange's website,  Copies of the modifications are also
available from the Group Company Secretary,  HSBC Holdings plc, 8 Canada Square,
London E14 5HQ and the Corporation Secretary,  The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong SAR.

Further details  regarding the proposed  authority to be given to the Company to
purchase its own shares and the waiver  granted by the Hong Kong Stock  Exchange
are set out in Appendix I.

3    Resolutions 8 and 9 (Alterations to the Articles)

To reflect the  provisions  of the UK Companies Act 2006 brought into force on 1
October 2007, and certain additional provisions which will come into effect on 6
April 2008 and 1 October 2008 and other  related  matters,  it is proposed  that
certain alterations be made to the Articles of Association.

The UK Companies  Act 2006 sets out  directors'  general  duties  which  largely
codify the existing law but with some changes.  Under the UK Companies Act 2006,
from 1 October  2008 a director  must avoid a situation  where he or she has, or
can have,  a direct  or  indirect  interest  that  conflicts,  or  possibly  may
conflict, with the company's interests.  The requirement is very broad and could
apply,  for example,  if a director  becomes a director of another  company or a
trustee of another  organisation.  The UK Companies Act 2006 allows directors of
public  companies  to  authorise  conflicts  and  potential   conflicts,   where
appropriate,  where the  articles of  association  contain a  provision  to this
effect.  The UK  Companies  Act 2006 also allows the  articles to contain  other
provisions for dealing with  directors'  conflicts of interest to avoid a breach
of duty.  The  proposed  amendments  to the  Articles  of  Association  give the
directors  authority to approve such situations and to include other  provisions
to allow  conflicts of interest to be dealt with in a similar way to the current

There are safeguards that will apply when directors  decide whether to authorise
a conflict or potential conflict.  First, only directors who have no interest in
the matter  being  considered  will be able to take the relevant  decision,  and
secondly,  in taking the decision the directors must act in a way they consider,
in good  faith,  will be most  likely to  promote  the  company's  success.  The
directors will be able to impose limits or conditions when giving  authorisation
if they think this is appropriate.

The proposed  amendments to the Articles of  Association  relating to directors'
conflicts  of  interest  also  contain   provisions   relating  to  confidential
information,  attendance at board meetings and  availability  of board papers to
deal with situations  where a director may be in breach of duty if a conflict of
interest or potential  conflict of interest  arises.  These provisions will only
apply where the position  giving rise to the potential  conflict has  previously
been  authorised  by the  directors.  In  addition,  certain  changes  have been
proposed to permit directors to vote in relation to an indemnity or any proposal
concerning  the funding of  expenditure  by one or more  directors  on defending
proceedings  against  him/her or them where all directors are also being offered
an indemnity or funding on substantially the same terms.

It is the board's  intention to report annually on the Company's  procedures for
ensuring that the board's powers to authorise conflicts are operated effectively
and that the procedures have been followed.

Further  information in relation to the proposed  alterations to the Articles of
Association is set out in Appendix II.


The  remaining  provisions of the UK Companies Act 2006 are now expected to come
into force on 1 October 2009. In addition,  various  regulations  that relate to
certain of these provisions have yet to be finalised.  Consequently,  it will be
necessary  for the  Company to  undertake  a further  review of its  Articles of
Association in due course in order to reflect these other  provisions.  As these
further changes to the Articles of Association will be reasonably substantial in
number,  it is expected that the Company will adopt new Articles of  Association
at its Annual General Meeting in 2009.

4    Resolution 10 (Share plan)

Resolution  10 proposes  the  amendment of the rules of the HSBC Share Plan (the
"Plan"), which were adopted on 27 May 2005. The Plan expires on 27 May 2015. The
Plan as proposed to be amended is summarised in Appendix III.

In July 2007, the  Remuneration  Committee (the  "Committee")  appointed  Mercer
Limited  as its  independent  advisers  and,  as part of its  annual  review  of
remuneration,  requested  them to carry out a  comprehensive  assessment  of the
remuneration   arrangements   of  the  executive   Directors  and  other  senior
executives.  The  objective  was to  ensure  closer  alignment  of  remuneration
arrangements  with HSBC's  business  strategy,  taking into account  competitive
market practice.

Among the changes to the remuneration  strategy that are being implemented,  the
Company  is  seeking  approval  from its  shareholders  to make  changes  to the
performance  measures applicable to the vesting of Performance Share awards (see
Appendix  III)  which may be made  under the  Plan.  This is part of an  overall
change  in  remuneration  structure,  details  of  which  are  described  in the
Directors'  Remuneration  Report  issued on 3 March 2008.  The  intention  is to
rebalance  overall  remuneration  so that the base  salary  element is a smaller
proportion  of the  whole  remuneration  package.  At the  same  time a  greater
proportion  of  compensation  will  be  share-based,  which,  whilst  delivering
competitive  remuneration at the market median,  provides an opportunity for top
quartile total compensation for higher levels of performance. In addition, share
ownership requirements will be increased.

As part of the Company's on-going commitment to shareholder engagement,  we have
shared these proposals with its largest institutional shareholders, representing
approximately   50  per  cent  of  the  share  capital  of  HSBC,   and  leading
institutional  shareholder  bodies and have taken into account feedback received
from them.

The Committee proposes to continue making awards of Performance Shares under the
Plan and to maintain the overall maximum  individual  award at its current level
of 700 per cent of salary.  Reflecting the nature of the  performance  measures,
the  progressive  vesting of the  awards  geared to  outperformance,  as well as
competitive  market  practice in our global  comparator  group for  remuneration
purposes,  from 2008 the Committee expects to make awards to executive Directors
closer to or at the  permitted  maximum but which would only vest in full in the
event of full achievement of all performance measures.

The  Committee  believes that the vesting  schedules  applicable to the proposed
performance  measures  provide  an  appropriate  relationship  between  pay  and
performance and are aligned with corporate governance guidelines in the UK where
the  expectation is that threshold  vesting should be modest,  with full vesting
occurring for the achievement of significantly  greater value creation than that
applicable to threshold vesting.

Awards  will be granted  to  executive  Directors  and other  senior  executives
shortly after the Meeting.  These will be made under the amended Plan subject to
the proposed  amendments  to the Plan  receiving  shareholder  approval.  If the
proposed amendments are not approved by shareholders,  the Plan will continue to
be  operated in its  unamended  form.  The  performance  measures  for awards of
Performance Shares made prior to 2008 will not be affected by the proposals.

The expected value of long-term  incentive  awards under the  proposals,  taking
into account the new vesting schedules applicable to the performance conditions,
is 41 per cent of face value.

The Company currently  operates a formal share ownership policy,  expressed as a
number of shares, for the executive Directors and the senior management team. To
demonstrate  further  alignment  with  shareholders  and to reflect the proposed
increase  in  awards  to  executive  Directors,  it is  proposed  that the share
ownership requirements will be increased as follows:


o      Group Chairman and Group Chief Executive: increase from 300,000 to
      600,000 shares; and

o     Group Finance Director: increase from 100,000 to 200,000 shares.

The Group Chairman,  Group Chief Executive and Group Finance  Director will have
three  years  from the date of award in 2008 to  achieve  their  required  share
ownership target.

Appropriate targets will be set for other newly appointed  executive  Directors.
The  timeframe to achieve the  required  targets for newly  appointed  executive
Directors  will be five years,  effective  from the date of  appointment  to the

Whilst the formal share  ownership  policy is not part of the Plan,  information
has been  included  on this  policy to  provide  additional  information  on the
alignment of the executive Directors' interests with those of shareholders.

Changes to Performance Measures

It is proposed that, for future awards of Performance Shares, the vesting of the
awards will be based on three independent performance measures and an overriding
'sustained  improvement' judgement by the Committee.  In addition to performance
measures  based on  relative  total  shareholder  return  ("TSR")  and growth in
earnings per share ("EPS"),  a further  measure,  based on Group economic profit
("EP") will be used to  determine  the extent of the vesting of the  Performance
Shares. The three measures will apply as follows:  40 per cent of the award will
be linked to TSR, 40 per cent to EP, and the remaining 20 per cent to EPS.

Awards will not vest unless the  Committee  is satisfied  that HSBC's  financial
performance  has shown a  sustained  improvement  in the period  since the award
date. In  determining  this,  the Committee  will take into account all relevant
factors,  but in particular,  comparisons  against the TSR comparator group (see
Appendix III) in areas such as revenue growth and mix, cost  efficiency,  credit
performance, return on cash invested, dividend performance and TSR.

The proposed performance  measures and targets,  which are set out in Schedule 5
of the amended rules of the Plan,  will apply for awards made in 2008 subject to
the amendments to the Plan receiving  shareholder  approval.  The Committee will
review  annually  whether  the  performance   targets  remain   appropriate  and
challenging, or should be recalibrated,  for awards made thereafter, taking into
account  factors  such as  economic  expectations,  the  industry's  outlook and
shareholders' interests.

The  Committee  will  consult  in  accordance  with  institutional   shareholder
guidelines  on any future  changes  proposed  to the  nature of the  performance
measures and their percentage split referred to above.


The review  undertaken by the Committee has  highlighted  that a revision of the
current comparator group of 28 major banks is warranted to reflect HSBC's growth
strategy,  which is focussed  towards  emerging  markets  such as Asia and Latin
America, and to recognise the impact of the public listing of the major mainland
Chinese banks in recent years.  Therefore,  the Committee is proposing to update
the comparator group to include,  in addition to large global banks, other banks
against which HSBC competes for business on a regional  and/or local level.  The
Committee believes that this modified  comparator group,  consisting of 26 banks
at the date of the awards (see Appendix III), also reflects  HSBC's  competitors
for shareholder capital.

In  addition,  a change  to the TSR  measurement  method  is being  proposed  to
recognise the fact that the range of market  capitalisations within the modified
comparator  group is very wide and that only a few  global  banks  match HSBC in
terms of scale.

Therefore, instead of simply ranking the companies according to their individual
TSR   performance,   the   Committee   proposes  to  use  a  free  float  market
capitalisation  ("FFMC")  weighted method,  (see Appendix III), to recognise the
significant  size  differentials  within the  comparator  group.  The  Committee
considers that this method is appropriate as it takes into account the following
factors:  the impact of highly  volatile but smaller  banks on TSR ranking;  the
market capitalisation that is based on the


free float for each company in the comparator group; and the connection  between
the Group's size and the absolute and relative level of  shareholder  value that
it can potentially create.

To reflect the change in the TSR  measurement  method,  a new vesting  schedule,
(see Appendix III), is also being proposed.  Under the proposed  method,  20 per
cent of the TSR  part of the  award  would  vest  for  outperforming,  over  the
performance  period,  banks  comprising  50 per  cent of the  total  FFMC of the
comparator group, and 100 per cent would vest for outperforming banks comprising
75 per cent or more of the total  FFMC of the  comparator  group.  There will be
straight  line vesting  between  these two points and no vesting where HSBC does
not  outperform  banks  comprising  50 per  cent  of the  total  FFMC of the TSR
comparator group.

The  Committee  undertakes to review the new TSR  measurement  method during the
first year of its  operation,  and,  subject to the outcome of the review,  will
consult in accordance with institutional  shareholder guidelines on any material
proposed changes to this method.

EP As  explained  above,  EP  will  be a new  performance  measure.  It  will be
expressed in percentage  terms and calculated as the average  annual  difference
between  return on invested  capital and the Group's  benchmark cost of capital.
For the 2008 awards,  the  benchmark  cost of capital is 10 per cent. EP will be
measured over a three-year performance period. The Committee believes that EP is
a  key  measure  of  shareholder   value  creation  as  it  rewards   management
progressively  to the extent that the return on the capital  invested in HSBC by
its shareholders is in excess of the threshold return,  which itself exceeds the
Group's benchmark cost of capital.  Thus, EP is a complementary  measure to both
TSR, which is an external measure of shareholder value creation,  and EPS, which
is a direct measure of profits generated for shareholders.

It is proposed  that the vesting of  Performance  Shares linked to EP will start
when  the  average  EP over the  performance  period  exceeds  3 per  cent.  The
calculation  will be made on a straight  line basis from 3 per cent with 100 per
cent of the award vesting for average EP over the period of 8 per cent or more.

EPS Taking into account feedback received during consultation with institutional
shareholders aimed at simplifying the use of EPS as a performance measure, it is
proposed that the EPS growth calculation will be changed from the current method
of measuring total incremental EPS over the period to the simpler point to point
approach. Under this approach, EPS growth over the three-year performance period
will be  calculated  by comparing  the EPS in the final year of the  performance
period  with EPS in the year prior to grant,  the base year.  This  approach  is
explained in detail in Appendix III.

EPS growth  targets  will be  expressed  in absolute  percentage  terms  without
adjusting for  inflation.  In reviewing the  appropriateness  of these  targets,
recent and expected levels of inflation in the major markets in which we operate
have been taken into account. This recognises that HSBC is operating in a global
environment  and hence using a UK or another  country's  inflation  index is not

Under the  proposals,  20 per cent of the  Performance  Shares linked to the EPS
component will vest if the EPS in the final year of the three-year  period is 16
per cent higher than the EPS achieved in the base year (this equates to compound
annual  growth in EPS over the period of just over 5 per cent).  The  percentage
vesting  will rise on a  straight  line  basis to 100 per cent if the EPS in the
final year of the three-year  period is at least 28 per cent higher than the EPS
achieved  in the  base  year  (equating  to  compound  annual  growth  in EPS of
approximately 8.6 per cent or more).

5    Recommendation

Your Board  considers  that the proposals  described in this document are in the
best interests of HSBC Holdings plc and its Shareholders and recommends that you
should vote in favour of the resolutions  relating thereto. The Directors intend
to do so in respect of their own beneficial holdings.


6    Action to be taken

A Form of Proxy is enclosed or is available at for use at the
Annual General Meeting.  Whether or not you propose to attend the Annual General
Meeting,  you are requested to complete and submit a Form of Proxy in accordance
with the  instructions on the Form of Proxy.  The Form of Proxy must be received
not less than 48 hours  before the time of the  holding  of the  Annual  General
Meeting (or any adjourned  meeting).  The completion and submission of a Form of
Proxy will not preclude a Shareholder from attending and voting in person at the
Annual General Meeting.  Shareholders with internet access may submit their Form
of Proxy  electronically  at  by entering their  Shareholder
Reference Number and the Personal  Identification number which is either printed
on their  Form of Proxy or  which  has been  sent to them by email if they  have
registered an email  address to receive  electronic  communications.  For shares
held through  CREST,  proxy  appointments  may be submitted  via the CREST proxy
voting system.

If you would like a question or questions to be addressed at the Annual  General
Meeting please complete and return the form on page 35 or send your question via
email to

We will  endeavour to address any questions  raised when the item of business to
which the questions relate is under consideration by the Annual General Meeting.
Any  questions  submitted  that are not  relevant to the  business of the Annual
General Meeting will be forwarded for the attention of an appropriate executive.
Submitting a question in advance of the Annual  General  Meeting does not affect
your rights as a Shareholder to attend and speak at the Annual General Meeting.

Yours sincerely

S K Green
Group Chairman


                                   APPENDIX I


Set out below is  information  concerning the proposed  general  mandate for the
purchase  of  shares by the  Company  (Resolution  7),  which  incorporates  the
Explanatory Statement required to be sent to Shareholders in accordance with the
Listing  Rules  of the  Hong  Kong  Stock  Exchange  as well as  details  of the
conditional waiver granted by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to enable the Company
to hold in treasury any shares it may repurchase.

(a)  It is  proposed  that the  Company be given  authority  to  purchase  up to
     1,186,700,000  Ordinary Shares (which represent 10 per cent of the Ordinary
     Shares in issue on 27 March 2008, the latest  practicable date prior to the
     printing of this document). Purchases of shares will be at prices not below
     the nominal value of each Ordinary Share, US$0.50 (or the equivalent in the
     relevant currency in which the purchase is effected),  and at not more than
     105  per  cent of the  average  of the  middle  market  quotations  for the
     Ordinary  Shares on the London  Stock  Exchange  for the five  dealing days
     before the relevant  purchase or 105 per cent of the average of the closing
     prices of the Ordinary  Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the five
     dealing days before the relevant purchase, whichever is the lower.

(b)  The Directors  believe that it is in the best  interests of the Company and
     its  Shareholders to have a general  authority from  Shareholders to enable
     the Company to purchase  Ordinary Shares in the market and to give power to
     the  Directors  to  exercise  such  authority.  The  Directors  intend that
     purchases of shares  should only be made if they consider that the purchase
     would operate for the benefit of the Company and  Shareholders  taking into
     account  relevant  factors and  circumstances at that time, for example the
     effect on earnings per share. The Directors have no immediate plans to make
     any purchases under the proposed authority.

(c)  It is expected that purchases  will be funded from the Company's  available
     cash flow or liquid  resources and will, in any event, be made out of funds
     legally  available for the purchase in accordance  with the  Memorandum and
     Articles of Association  of the Company and the applicable  laws of England
     and Wales.

(d)  The Directors do not propose to execute purchases in circumstances where to
     do so would have a material  adverse effect on the capital  requirements of
     the Company or the liquidity levels which, in the opinion of the Directors,
     are from time to time  appropriate  for the  Company.  If the power to make
     purchases were to be carried out in full  (equivalent to 10 per cent of the
     Ordinary  Shares in issue on 27 March  2008,  being the latest  practicable
     date prior to the  printing  of this  document)  there  might be a material
     adverse  impact on the  capital or  liquidity  position  of the Company (as
     compared with the position  disclosed in its published audited accounts for
     the year ended 31 December 2007).

(e)  None of the  Directors,  nor, to the best of the knowledge of the Directors
     having made all  reasonable  enquiries,  any  associates (as defined in the
     Listing  Rules of the Hong Kong Stock  Exchange)  of the  Directors,  has a
     present  intention,   in  the  event  that  Resolution  7  is  approved  by
     Shareholders,  to sell any  Ordinary  Shares to the  Company.  No connected
     persons (as defined in the Listing  Rules of the Hong Kong Stock  Exchange)
     of the Company have notified the Company that they have a present intention
     to sell shares in the Company to the Company or have undertaken not to sell
     any of the shares in the Company held by them to the Company,  in the event
     that Resolution 7 is approved.

(f)  Under the  provisions of the UK Companies Act 1985 (as amended) the Company
     is permitted,  following any repurchase of Ordinary  Shares,  to retain and
     hold such shares in treasury,  provided that the number of such shares held
     in  treasury  does not  exceed  10 per cent of its  total  number of issued
     shares, rather than automatically cancelling them. On 19 December 2005, the
     Hong Kong Stock  Exchange  granted a  conditional  waiver to the Company to
     enable  it to  hold  shares  which  it  may  repurchase  in  treasury  (the
     "Waiver").   The  Waiver  is  subject  to  certain  conditions,   including
     compliance by the Company with all applicable  laws and  regulations in the
     United Kingdom in relation to the holding of shares in treasury. As part of
     the Waiver,  the Company has agreed with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange a set
     of modifications to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's  Listing Rules necessary
     to enable the  Company to hold  treasury  shares.  The  modifications  also


     various  consequential  matters to deal with the fact that the  Company may
     hold treasury shares in the future. A full version of the  modifications is
     available on the Company's website,,  and the Hong Kong Stock
     Exchange's website,  Copies of the modifications are also
     available  from the Group  Company  Secretary,  HSBC Holdings plc, 8 Canada
     Square,  London E14 5HQ and the  Corporation  Secretary,  The  Hongkong and
     Shanghai Banking  Corporation  Limited,  1 Queen's Road Central,  Hong Kong
     SAR. In accordance with the terms of the Waiver,  the Company confirms that
     it will comply with the applicable law and regulation in the United Kingdom
     in  relation  to the  holding  of any  shares  in  treasury  and  with  the
     conditions of the Waiver in connection with any shares which it may hold in

(g)  The Directors have undertaken to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that, if they
     exercise any power of the Company to make purchases  pursuant to Resolution
     7, they will do so in  accordance  with the Listing  Rules of the Hong Kong
     Stock  Exchange (as modified in accordance  with the terms of the Waiver to
     enable the Company to hold in treasury  any shares it may  repurchase)  and
     the applicable laws of England and Wales.

(h)  The Directors are not aware of any consequences which would arise under any
     applicable  Takeover Code as a result of any purchases  made by the Company
     pursuant to Resolution 7, if approved.

(i)  The Company  has not  purchased  any of its own shares  whether on the Hong
     Kong Stock  Exchange or  otherwise  in the six months  prior to the date of
     this document.

(j)  The highest and lowest prices at which  Ordinary  Shares or, in the case of
     the New York Stock  Exchange,  American  Depositary  Shares  ("ADS"),  have
     traded  on the Hong  Kong,  London,  New  York,  Paris  and  Bermuda  Stock
     Exchanges  during  each of the  twelve  months  prior to 27 March 2008 (the
     latest  practicable  date prior to the printing of this  document)  were as

                                                             New York
                        Hong Kong           London        Stock Exchange    Euronext Paris        Bermuda
                      Stock Exchange    Stock Exchange       (ADS(1))       Stock Exchange    Stock Exchange

                     Lowest   Highest  Lowest  Highest   Lowest  Highest    Lowest  Highest  Lowest   Highest
                      (HK$)    (HK$)   (GBP)    (GBP)      (US$)   (US$)    (EUR)    (EUR)     (BD$)    (BD$)

     March 2007      132.80    137.70   8.72     9.15     85.16   89.04     12.80    13.62    17.20    17.80
     April 2007      136.10    145.60   8.82     9.35     87.63   93.50     13.10    13.80    18.00    18.35
     May 2007        143.70    147.80   9.18     9.58     92.26   95.38     13.65    14.11    17.70    18.70
     June 2007       142.30    146.70   9.06     9.43     91.35   94.30     13.53    14.03    18.20    18.60
     July 2007       139.80    146.80   8.70     9.23     88.58   94.10     13.00    13.69    18.20    18.80
     August 2007     131.50    145.60   8.59     9.19     84.66   94.19     12.80    13.62    17.05    18.40
     September 2007  137.20    143.80   8.68     9.23     88.32   93.53     12.69    13.39    17.55    18.35
     October 2007    143.80    153.50   8.96     9.72     92.26   99.52     12.88    13.98    18.80    19.55
     November 2007   129.40    153.00   7.84     9.46     81.71   96.81     10.95    13.59    16.45    18.80
     December 2007   130.00    138.20   8.03     8.63     82.70   88.29     11.23    12.02    16.50    17.25
     January 2008    104.00    131.90   7.12     8.51     70.42   83.84      9.10    11.47    14.05    15.95
     February 2008   109.30    123.60   7.13     7.99     69.85   79.07      9.62    10.57    14.25    15.45

          1  Each ADS represents five Ordinary Shares.


                                   APPENDIX II


As a consequence  of certain  provisions of the UK Companies Act 2006 (the "2006
Act") which came into force on 1 October  2007,  further  provisions  which will
come into force on 6 April 2008 and 1 October 2008 and other related matters, it
is proposed to make  certain  alterations  to the Articles of  Association.  The
principal  alterations to the Articles of Association,  which are proposed to be
made by  Resolutions  8 and 9 in the  Notice  of  Annual  General  Meeting,  are
summarised below:

Part A: Amendments proposed to take immediate effect following the passing of
        Resolution 8.

1    To add  references to the 2006 Act where required to reflect the changes in
     law brought into force by the 2006 Act and replace  existing  references to
     the UK  Companies  Act 1985  where  these  have been  repealed  and,  where
     appropriate,  replaced  with new  sections in the 2006 Act  (Articles  2.1,
     52.1, 54.1, 55.2, 55.5, 66.1, 71.1, 80.1, 87.1, 92.1, 96.1, 97.1(b), 109.1,
     115.1,  117.1,  119.1,  137.1,  138.1,  141.1,  142.1, 143.1, 154.1, 155.1,
     157.1, 158.1, 168.1, 169.1, 170.2(j) and 170.2(l)).

2    To  reflect  the  change  in law  under  the  2006 Act  regarding  types of
     resolutions  that  can be  passed  in  general  meetings.  The  concept  of
     extraordinary  resolutions has been abolished from 1 October 2007 (Articles
     2.5, 48.1, 49.1, 55.3, 69.1 and 166.2).

3    To  reflect  the  change in law  under  the 2006 Act that a company  is now
     required,  if it refuses to  register  a  transfer  of shares,  to give the
     transferee  notice  of  refusal  together  with  reasons  for  the  refusal
     (Articles 35.1 and 36.1).

4    To reflect the change in law under the 2006 Act regarding the notice period
     for general meetings other than annual general  meetings.  A company is now
     only  required to give 14 days' notice for all general  meetings  including
     general meetings at which special resolutions are to be considered (Article

5    To reflect  the change in law under the 2006 Act that a member in a company
     trading on a regulated  market may now nominate the  underlying  beneficial
     owners  to enjoy  information  rights,  such as the  right to  receive  all
     communications sent to members (Article 55.4).

6    To  reflect  the  change  in law  under  the  2006 Act  regarding  members'
     entitlement to vote on a poll. Sections 321 and 329 of the 2006 Act provide
     that shares  that are relied on to demand a poll must carry  rights to vote
     on the resolution on which the poll relates,  rather than just the right to
     vote at the meeting (Article 66.1).

7    To reflect the change in law under the 2006 Act  relating to the time limit
     which a company can prescribe for the  revocation of proxies in the case of
     a poll taken more than 48 hours after it has been demanded (Article 79.1).

8    To reflect the change in law under the 2006 Act regarding board sanction of
     payments to or for the benefit of certain persons.  Section 247 of the 2006
     Act provides that the board is not permitted to sanction payments to or for
     the benefit of directors,  former directors and shadow  directors  (Article

9    To reflect  the  change in law under the 2006 Act  regarding  execution  of
     documents.  One  director may now execute a document on behalf of a company
     provided the director's signature is attested by a witness (Article 139.1).

Part B: Amendments  proposed under Resolution 9 to take effect on 1 October 2008
when certain provisions of the 2006 Act to which the amendments relate come into

10   To reflect  the  change in law under the 2006 Act  relating  to  directors'
     conflicts  of  interest  enabling  the  board to  authorise  conflicts,  or
     potential conflicts,  of interest in accordance with the 2006 Act (Articles
     130 and 137).

11   To reflect the change in law under the 2006 Act regarding  the  declaration
     of  director's  interests.  Sections  177 and  182-187 of the 2006 Act will
     replace  section 317 of the UK Companies  Act 1985 on 1 October 2008 with a
     few changes. These include a new timeframe for the notification of an


interest,  a requirement for a statement in the general notice giving the nature
and extent of the director's  interest,  a requirement for a further declaration
if there is a change in circumstances,  a provision allowing a declaration to be
made by notice in writing and a provision setting out the circumstances where no
such declaration is needed (Article 131).

12    To reflect the  provisions  at law which enable a company to indemnify its
     directors and/or fund the expenditure of a director on defence  proceedings
     so that the  matters in which a director is  interested  and is entitled to
     vote on, and count in the quorum in  relation  to,  under the  Articles  of
     Association  are  extended  to  include  the giving of  indemnities  or any
     proposal  concerning the funding of expenditure by one or more directors on
     defending  proceedings  against such director  where all directors are also
     being offered  indemnities or funding on substantially the same terms. This
     is intended to cover the specific  situation  where all directors are being
     offered the indemnity or funding in connection with defending  proceedings,
     and  therefore no director  would be entitled to vote or count  towards the
     quorum if the exception was not available. An example of this (although not
     exhaustive)  would be where there is an action against all directors at the
     same time and there is a  proposal  to fund all the  directors'  defence of
     that claim. Further restrictions are included under section 234 of the 2006
     Act in relation to the grant of an indemnity to  directors,  including  the
     requirements  that the  indemnity  does not  cover any  liability  to pay a
     criminal fine or regulatory  penalty,  any expenses in relation to criminal
     proceedings  in which the director is convicted,  or liability  owed by the
     director  to the  Company  (Article  132).  Although  the 2006 Act does not
     expressly cover this point,  it is difficult to envisage any  circumstances
     arising  in which  this  provision  would  apply to voting in respect of an
     indemnity or funding for the benefit of directors  acting otherwise than in
     their capacity as directors or in the performance of their duties on behalf
     of the Company.


                                  APPENDIX III

                            AS PROPOSED TO BE AMENDED

Constitution and General Structure
The Plan  provides  for awards of  Performance  Shares (the  release of which is
subject to the  attainment of corporate  performance  conditions)  or Restricted
Shares (the release of which is subject to the  individual  remaining in service
for a period,  typically  three years) and Options (which are granted on similar
terms to Performance  Shares or Restricted Shares but are exercisable at a price
based on the market  value of an  Ordinary  Share at the date of  grant).  As an
alternative to  Performance  Shares or Restricted  Shares,  Options with no or a
nominal exercise price ("Nil-Cost Options") may be granted.  References below to
Performance  Shares or Restricted Shares shall apply, with the necessary changes
being  made,  where such  shares are  delivered  by means of  Nil-Cost  Options.
References  below to Options  are to Options  which are  exercisable  at a price
based on the  market  value of an  Ordinary  Share  at the  date of  grant.  The
collective  term used in this summary for all these various forms of share award
is "Rights".

Schedules 1 and 2 of the Plan allow for the grant of Options,  on  tax-efficient
terms, to participants resident in the UK and the USA. Schedule 3 allows for the
grant of Rights, on tax-efficient terms, to participants  resident in France. It
is proposed  that a new  Schedule 4 be inserted to allow for the grant of Rights
to participants resident in India conditional on such participants entering into
an agreement to reimburse any local fringe  benefit tax paid by their  employing
company on the grant or exercise or vesting of such Rights.  It is proposed that
a new Schedule 5 be inserted to replace the existing Schedule 4, setting out the
proposed  performance  conditions for awards of Performance Shares to be granted
in 2008. Such performance measures will apply to awards made in 2008, subject to
approval of the  proposed  amendments  to the Plan by  shareholders  at the 2008
Annual General Meeting.

Any executive  Director or employee of the Company or any subsidiary is eligible
for participation in the Plan.  Selection for participation is at the discretion
of the Committee.

In respect  of Rights  granted  under  Schedule  1, 2 or 3 of the Plan,  further
restrictions  will apply in  relation to  eligibility  which  reflect  local law
requirements in the relevant countries.

Grant of Rights

No Rights may be  granted  at a time when  dealings  in the  Ordinary  Shares by
Directors are prohibited by the Company's Code for Securities Transactions. This
apart,  Restricted Shares may be granted at any time. Other Rights may generally
only be granted  within  the period of 42 days  commencing  on the  dealing  day
following the date on which the Company makes an announcement of its results for
any  year,  half  year  or  other  period  or  issues  any  prospectus,  listing
particulars or other document containing equivalent  information relating to its
shares.  However,  Rights may be granted outside these periods on a day on which
the Committee resolves that exceptional  circumstances have arisen which justify
the grant of Rights.  It is proposed to amend the rules so as to allow Rights to
be granted within the period of 42 days  commencing on the dealing day following
the date of a meeting of Shareholders approving amendments to the Plan.

Individual Limit
Save  for  awards  of  Restricted   Shares  granted  on  or  shortly  after  the
commencement  of  employment  or granted  in  substitution  for an annual  bonus
payment,  the total value of Rights  granted to any individual in any year shall
not exceed seven times base salary.  For this purpose the value of a Right shall
be the market value of the  Ordinary  Shares  comprised  in the Right.  Specific
limits set by UK and US tax legislation  apply to Options granted under Schedule
1 or Schedule 2 of the Plan.

Option Price
The price per Ordinary  Share payable on the exercise of an Option is set by the
Committee  at the grant  date and may not be less than the  higher of the market
price derived from the London Stock  Exchange Daily Official List of an Ordinary
Share on the grant date and the average market price derived from the


London Stock  Exchange  Daily  Official List of an Ordinary  Share over the five
dealing days immediately preceding the grant date.

Performance Conditions

The vesting of  Performance  Shares is, and the vesting of other  Rights may be,
dependent  on the extent to which  performance  conditions  based on the Group's
performance set by the Committee when the Rights are granted are achieved.

Awards subject to such performance conditions will not vest unless the Committee
is satisfied that HSBC's financial performance has shown a sustained improvement
in the period since the award date.

Where events  occur which cause the  Committee  to consider  that a  performance
condition has become unfair in either  direction or  impractical,  the Committee
may amend, relax or waive such condition as it deems appropriate.

The  proposed  new  Schedule  5 of the Plan  sets out the  proposed  performance
conditions  for  Performance  Share awards granted in 2008 which will be divided
into three  parts,  each of which  will be  subject  to a  separate  performance
condition as described  below,  with 40 per cent subject to a total  shareholder
return measure,  a further 40 per cent subject to an economic profit measure and
the  remaining  20 per cent  subject  to an  earnings  per  share  measure.  The
performance  conditions  which were set for awards of  Performance  Shares  made
prior to 2008 will not be affected by the new proposals.

Total  shareholder  return  ("TSR") is defined  as the total  value of  dividend
income (assumed to be reinvested in shares) and share price  movements  relating
to a share, measured over a defined period of time, expressed as a percentage of
the share price at the commencement of that time period.  Under the terms of the
HSBC Share  Plan,  TSR is measured in  sterling  over a  three-year  performance

Forty  per cent of an award of  Performance  Shares  (the  "TSR  Part")  will be
subject to a TSR  condition  which will  measure  HSBC's  performance  against a
comparator group. It is proposed to update the existing comparator group so that
it  initially  comprises  the 26 major  banks set out below.  These  include the
largest   banks  in  the  world   measured   in  terms  of  free  float   market
capitalisation,  other banks with which HSBC competes on a regional and/or local
basis.  During the  performance  period,  the Committee may, at its  discretion,
remove from the  comparator  group a member  which has ceased to be quoted or to
exist or whose  relevance  to HSBC as a  comparator  has,  in the opinion of the
Committee,  significantly diminished. The Committee may also, at its discretion,
add to the  comparator  group (whether to replace a removed member or otherwise)
if it believes that such  addition will enhance the relevance of the  comparator
group to HSBC.

The updated  comparator  group for the 2008 awards will  comprise  Banco  Bilbao
Vizcaya  Argentaria  S.A.,  Banco Bradesco S.A.,  Banco Itau Holding  Financeira
S.A., Banco Santander Central Hispano S.A., Bank of America Corporation, Bank of
China Limited,  Barclays PLC, BNP Paribas S.A.,  Citigroup  Inc.,  Credit Suisse
Group, DBS Group Holdings Ltd,  Deutsche Bank AG, Fortis,  HBOS plc,  Industrial
and Commercial  Bank of China Ltd,  JPMorgan Chase & Co.,  Lloyds TSB Group plc,
National  Australia  Bank  Limited,  Royal  Bank of  Canada,  The Royal  Bank of
Scotland Group plc, Societe Generale, Standard Chartered PLC, UBS AG, UniCredito
Italiano S.p.A., Wachovia Corporation and Wells Fargo & Company.

The extent to which the TSR Part will vest will be  determined  by  reference to
HSBC's TSR measured against the comparator group over a three-year period.

It is  proposed  to change  the way the TSR  measure is  benchmarked  by using a
market capitalisation  weighted method which will recognise the significant size
differentials  within the  comparator  group.  The proposed  method will work as

     (i)  the  free  float  market   capitalisation  at  the  beginning  of  the
          performance  period  ("FFMC") of each company in the comparator  group
          will be calculated  and expressed in sterling and then all the figures
          will be  totalled.  The free  float  will be as  calculated  by Morgan
          Stanley  Capital   International  (MSCI)  or  such  other  independent
          organisation as the Committee may consider appropriate

          and is  defined  as the  market  value  of the  proportion  of  shares
          outstanding  that is deemed to be available for purchase in the public
          equity markets by international investors;

     (ii) the TSR for all  members  of the  comparator  group  and HSBC  will be
          calculated  for  the  relevant  three-year   performance  period.  The
          starting  share  price  component  for HSBC's TSR will be the  average
          market price over the 20 dealing days  commencing  on the day on which
          HSBC's annual  results are announced,  which in 2008 was 3 March.  The
          starting  point for 2008 awards will therefore be the average over the
          period  from 3 March to 1 April  inclusive.  The end point will be the
          average market price over the 20 dealing days commencing on the day on
          which HSBC's annual results are announced  three years later.  TSR for
          all members of the  comparator  group will be  calculated  on the same
          basis; and

     (iii)HSBC's  outperformance of the comparator group will then be calculated
          by  dividing  the  total  FFMC  of all the  companies  that  HSBC  has
          outperformed in terms of TSR by the total FFMC of all the companies in
          the comparator group.

The proposed vesting schedule for the TSR Part is as follows:

     (i)  none will vest where HSBC outperforms  companies  comprising less than
          50 per cent of the total FFMC of the comparator group;

     (ii) 20 per cent will vest where HSBC outperforms  companies  comprising 50
          per cent of the total FFMC of the comparator group;

     (iii)vesting will be on a straight  line basis  between 20 per cent and 100
          per cent where HSBC outperforms  companies  comprising  between 50 per
          cent and 75 per cent of the total FFMC of the comparator group; and

     (iv) 100 per cent will vest where HSBC outperforms  companies comprising 75
          per cent or more of the total FFMC of the comparator group.

An example of how the TSR measure  would be applied in  different  scenarios  is
shown below:

                                                                    Total FFMC of                   Percentage
                                                                        companies                  of TSR Part
                                                      Total FFMC of      HSBC has                  which would
                                                         comparator  outperformed           out-          vest
                                                         group(GBPm)       (GBPm)    performance        (Note)

Scenario 1                                                1,000,000       770,000           77.0           100
Scenario 2                                                1,000,000       500,000           50.0            20
Scenario 3                                                1,000,000       450,000           45.0             0

Awards will not vest unless the  Committee  is satisfied  that HSBC's  financial
performance  has shown a  sustained  improvement  in the period  since the award

Forty per cent of an award of Performance Shares (the "EP Part") will be subject
to a new Group economic profit ("EP") measure. EP will be measured annually over
a three-year  period  beginning  with the year in which the award is made. EP in
respect of the three-year period will be the average annual  difference  between
return on invested  capital and the  Group's  benchmark  cost of capital (10 per
cent for 2008).  Return on invested capital is based on the profit  attributable
to shareholders,  both as defined in the Annual Report and Accounts for HSBC. EP
will be expressed as a percentage.

The proposed vesting schedule for the EP Part is as follows:

     (i)  none will vest where, on average, annual EP over the three-year period
          is less than 3 per cent;

     (ii) vesting  will be on a straight  line basis  between 0 per cent and 100
          per cent where, on average, annual EP over the three-year period falls
          between 3 per cent and 8 per cent; and

     (iii)100 per  cent  will  vest  where,  on  average,  annual  EP  over  the
          three-year period is 8 per cent or more.


An example of how the EP measure would be applied is shown below:

                                                                                                  Percentage of
                                                                                                        EP Part
                                                                                       Annual       which would
                                           Year 1     Year 2     Year 3      Total    Average              vest
                                                %          %          %                                  (Note)
                                        ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------  ----------------
                                        ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------  ----------------

Return on invested capital                     15         14         16
Benchmark cost of capital                      10         10         10
Economic Profit                                 5          4          6         15          5                40


Awards will not vest unless the  Committee  is satisfied  that HSBC's  financial
performance  has shown a  sustained  improvement  in the period  since the award

Vesting of the final 20 per cent of each award of  Performance  Shares (the "EPS
Part") will be subject to a growth in earnings per share  ("EPS")  measure.  The
base EPS is the EPS for the financial  year preceding that in which the award is
made  and  the  performance  period  will  be the  following  three  consecutive
financial years. EPS growth will be calculated by comparing the EPS in the third
year with the base EPS.

The proposed vesting schedule for the EPS Part is as follows:

     (i)  none will vest where the EPS in year 3 is less than 16 per cent higher
          than the base EPS;

     (ii) 20 per cent  will vest  where the EPS in year 3 is 16 per cent  higher
          than the base EPS;

     (iii)vesting will be on a straight  line basis  between 20 per cent and 100
          per cent  where  the EPS in year 3 is  between  16 per cent and 28 per
          cent higher than the base EPS; and

     (iv) 100 per cent will vest where the EPS in Year 3 is at least 28 per cent
          higher than the base EPS.

An example of how the EPS measure  would be applied in  different  scenarios  is
shown below:

                                                                                      EPS Growth
                                                                                       in Year 3     Percentage
                                                       EPS                         over the base    of EPS Part
                                                                                             EPS    which would
                                      Base Year     Year 1     Year 2     Year 3             (%)         (Note)
                                      ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------- --------------
                                      ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------- --------------

Scenario 1                                  100        106        110        115              15              0
Scenario 2                                  100        105        122        115              15              0
Scenario 3                                  100        105        115        122              22             60
Scenario 4                                  100        118        110        125              25             80
Scenario 5                                  100         80         80        130              30            100
Scenario 6                                  100        115        130        115              15              0

Awards will not vest unless the  Committee  is satisfied  that HSBC's  financial
performance  has shown a  sustained  improvement  in the period  since the award

Normal Vesting

A Right  will only vest in the  participant  to whom it is  awarded  or  his/her
personal representative(s) and is not transferable.

Subject to the  achievement  of any  performance  conditions,  Rights other than
Options normally vest at the end of a specified  period of  approximately  three
years and Options  normally  become  exercisable  from the third  anniversary of
grant. Options will lapse if not exercised by the tenth anniversary of grant.


Notional dividends
In  relation  to awards of  Performance  Shares and  Restricted  Shares,  when a
dividend  arises during the specified  period  referred to above,  the number of
Ordinary  Shares  comprised  in the Awards  will be  increased  by the number of
Ordinary  Shares which could have been  acquired  with the dividend  which would
have  been  received  had  the  participant  been  the  owner  of  the  relevant
Performance Shares or Restricted Shares.

Cessation of Employment
Currently,  if a participant  leaves the Group because of injury,  ill health or
disability,  redundancy,  retirement,  as a result of the company or business by
which  he/she is  employed  being  transferred  outside  the Group,  or in other
circumstances  which,  in the view of the  Committee,  justifies  him/her  being
treated as a "good leaver":

     (i)  vesting will normally be on a  time-apportioned  basis, i.e. according
          to the  proportion of the  restricted  period which has elapsed at the
          date of leaving;

     (ii) vesting will not normally be accelerated as a result of leaving; and

     (iii)performance conditions will be applied in the normal way.

It is  proposed  to amend the Plan so that a  participant  who  retires  will no
longer  automatically be treated as a good leaver.  It is also proposed to amend
the Plan so that a good leaver who has vested but unexercised  Options will have
six months from cessation in which to exercise  those Options,  after which they
will lapse.

If a  participant  leaves the Group other than in the above  circumstances,  all
his/her unvested Rights will lapse.

If a participant  dies whilst employed within the Group, all Rights vest in full
and  his/her  personal  representative(s)  will have  twelve  months in which to
exercise any  Options.  If a  participant  dies within six months of leaving the
Group as a good leaver and has unexercised  Options, it is proposed to amend the
Plan so that the deadline for exercise will be extended to the first anniversary
of the date of his/her death.

Change of Control or Reconstruction
If the  Company is taken  over,  Rights will vest  immediately  and,  unless the
Committee  determines that the  circumstances  are  sufficiently  exceptional to
justify the vesting of a greater  proportion,  on a time-apportioned  basis and,
under the proposed amendments,  to the extent that the Committee in its absolute
discretion determines that performance  conditions have been satisfied or should
be deemed to have been satisfied during the foreshortened performance period.

Alternatively,  and to the extent offered by the acquiring company,  Options and
Restricted  Shares may be  exchanged  for  equivalent  Rights over shares in the
acquiring company.  If the Company is the subject of a reconstruction  involving
substantially the same  shareholders,  all Rights will be replaced by equivalent
new rights in the new company or companies.

Issue or Transfer of Ordinary Shares
Following  vesting,  Rights will be satisfied by the transfer of Ordinary Shares
to the participant  except that new Ordinary Shares can be issued to satisfy the
exercise of Options.  Newly issued Ordinary Shares will rank pari passu with the
Ordinary Shares then in issue other than in respect of  entitlements  arising by
reference to a date prior to the date of  allotment.  Applications  will be made
for  listing  and  trading  of the new  Ordinary  Shares on the  relevant  stock

In the case of Options,  the  participant and the Company can agree for the gain
available  at the date of  exercise to be  satisfied  in lieu of exercise by the
transfer of existing Ordinary Shares having an equivalent value.


Issues and Reorganisations
Following a rights or capitalisation issue or other variation of capital, Rights
may be  adjusted as the  Committee  considers  appropriate,  provided  that,  as
confirmed by the auditors, in the case of Options the proportion of the Ordinary
Shares represented by each Option remains unchanged.

Pension Implications
Rights under the Plan and any resulting benefits are not pensionable emoluments.

The  Plan  may be  amended  by the  Committee  in any way  except  that  certain
amendments  which are to the  advantage  of  participants  (present  or  future)
require the prior approval of Shareholders and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange save
for minor  amendments  which the Committee  considers  necessary or desirable in
order to  benefit  the  administration  of the Plan,  or to  obtain or  maintain
favourable  tax,  exchange  control or  regulatory  treatment  for any  eligible
employee or participant or for the Company or any subsidiary.  Amendments to key
provisions  of  Schedule  1 of the Plan  require  the  approval  of HM Revenue &

The Plan will  terminate on 27 May 2015 unless the  Directors  or the  Committee
resolve to terminate it earlier.  Following termination no further Rights may be
awarded but existing Rights will not be affected.


                                HSBC Holdings plc
                        Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby  given that the Annual  General  Meeting of the Company will be
held at the Barbican Hall, Barbican Centre,  London EC2 on Friday 30 May 2008 at
11.00 am to transact the following ordinary business:

     1    to  receive  and  consider  the  Annual  Accounts  and  Reports of the
          Directors and of the Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2007;

     2    to approve the  Directors'  Remuneration  Report for the year ended 31
          December 2007;

     3    to re-elect Directors;

          Separate resolutions will be proposed for the re-election of:

         (a)  S A Catz;
         (b)  V H C Cheng;
         (c)  J D Coombe;
         (d)  J L Dura n;
         (e)  D J Flint;
         (f)  A A Flockhart;
         (g)  W K L Fung;
         (h)  S T Gulliver;
         (i)  J W J Hughes-Hallett;
         (j)  W S H Laidlaw;
         (k)  N R N Murthy; and
         (l)  S W Newton;

     4    to  reappoint  KPMG  Audit  Plc  as  Auditor  at  remuneration  to  be
          determined by the Group Audit Committee;

and by way of  special  business  to  consider  and (if  thought  fit)  pass the
following  Resolutions  of which  Resolutions  5, 7 and 10 will be  proposed  as
Ordinary  Resolutions  and  Resolutions  6, 8 and 9 will be  proposed as Special

     5    THAT   the   Directors   be  and  they  are   hereby   generally   and
          unconditionally authorised pursuant to and for the purposes of section
          80 of the Companies Act 1985 (the "Act") to exercise all the powers of
          the Company to allot relevant  securities  (within the meaning of that
          section) up to an  aggregate  nominal  amount of GBP100,000 and
          EUR100,000 (in each such case in the form of 10,000,000 non-cumulative
          preference   shares),   US$85,500  (in  the  form  of  8,550,000  non-
          cumulative  preference  shares) and  US$1,186,700,000  (in the form of
          Ordinary  Shares of US$0.50 each  ("Ordinary  Shares"))  provided that
          this authority shall be limited so that, otherwise than pursuant to:

          (a)  a  rights  issue  or  other  issue  the  subject  of an  offer or
               invitation,  open  for  acceptance  for a  period  fixed  by  the
               Directors, to:

              (i)   Ordinary   Shareholders   where  the   relevant   securities
                    respectively  attributable  to the interests of all Ordinary
                    Shareholders are  proportionate  (or as nearly as may be) to
                    the respective number of Ordinary Shares held by them; and


              (ii)  holders of securities,  bonds, debentures or warrants which,
                    in  accordance  with  the  rights  attaching  thereto,   are
                    entitled  to  participate  in such a  rights  issue or other

               but  subject  to such  exclusions  or other  arrangements  as the
               Directors  may  deem   necessary  or  expedient  in  relation  to
               fractional  entitlements or securities  represented by depositary
               receipts or having  regard to any  restrictions,  obligations  or
               legal  problems  under  the  laws of or the  requirements  of any
               regulatory  body or stock  exchange in any territory or otherwise
               howsoever; or

         (b)   the terms of any share plan for  employees  of the Company or any
               of its subsidiary undertakings; or

          (c)  any scrip dividend scheme or similar arrangements  implemented in
               accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company; or

          (d)  the  allotment  of up  to  10,000,000  non-cumulative  preference
               shares of  GBP0.01  each,  10,000,000  non-cumulative  preference
               shares of EUR0.01 each and  8,550,000  non-cumulative  preference
               shares of US$0.01 each in the capital of the Company,

          the  nominal  amount of  relevant  securities  to be  allotted  by the
          Directors  pursuant  to this  authority  wholly  for cash shall not in
          aggregate,  together  with any  allotment of other  equity  securities
          authorised by sub-paragraph  (b) of Resolution 6 set out in the Notice
          convening  this  Meeting,   exceed   US$296,675,000  (being  equal  to
          approximately  5 per cent of the nominal amount of Ordinary  Shares of
          the  Company  in issue at the  latest  practicable  date  prior to the
          printing  of the  Notice of this  Meeting)  and such  authority  shall
          expire at the conclusion of the Annual General  Meeting of the Company
          to be held in 2009 save that this  authority  shall  allow the Company
          before the expiry of this authority to make offers or agreements which
          would or might require  relevant  securities to be allotted after such
          expiry and the Directors may allot relevant securities in pursuance of
          such offers or agreements as if the authority conferred hereby had not

     6    THAT the Directors be and are hereby empowered  pursuant to section 95
          of the Companies Act 1985 ("the Act"):

         (a)   subject  to the  passing  of  Resolution  5 set out in the Notice
               convening this Meeting, to allot equity securities (as defined by
               section 94 of the Act) the  subject of the  authority  granted by
               Resolution 5; and

         (b)   to allot any other equity securities (as defined by section 94 of
               the Act) which are held by the Company in treasury,

          in each case as if section  89(1) of the Act did not apply to any such
          allotment,  provided that this power shall expire at the conclusion of
          the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2009 save that
          this power shall enable the Company before the expiry of this power to
          make  offers  or  agreements  which  would  or  might  require  equity
          securities  to be  allotted  after such expiry and the  Directors  may
          allot equity  securities  in pursuance of such offers or agreements as
          if the power conferred hereby had not expired.

     7    THAT  the  Company  be and is  hereby  generally  and  unconditionally
          authorised to make market purchases (within the meaning of section 163
          of the Companies  Act 1985) of Ordinary  Shares of US$0.50 each in the
          capital of the  Company  ("Ordinary  Shares")  and the  Directors  are
          authorised to exercise such authority provided that:

         (a)   the maximum  number of Ordinary  Shares  hereby  authorised to be
               purchased is 1,186,700,000 Ordinary Shares;

         (b)   the minimum price  (exclusive of expenses)  which may be paid for
               each Ordinary Share is US$0.50 (or the equivalent in the relevant
               currency  in  which  the  purchase  is  effected   calculated  by
               reference to the spot rate of exchange for the purchase of United
               States  dollars  with such other  currency as quoted by HSBC Bank
               plc in the London  Foreign  Exchange  Market at or about 11.00 am
               (London time) on the business day (being a day on which banks are
               ordinarily open for the transaction of normal banking business in
               London)  prior  to the  date  on  which  the  Ordinary  Share  is
               contracted to be purchased, in each case such rate to be the rate
               as conclusively certified by an officer of HSBC Bank plc);


         (c)   the maximum price  (exclusive of expenses)  which may be paid for
               each  Ordinary  Share  is the  lower  of (i) 105 per  cent of the
               average of the middle market  quotations for the Ordinary  Shares
               (as derived from the Daily Official List of London Stock Exchange
               plc) for the five dealing days  immediately  preceding the day on
               which the Ordinary  Share is  contracted  to be purchased or (ii)
               105 per cent of the average of the closing prices of the Ordinary
               Shares on The Stock  Exchange  of Hong Kong  Limited for the five
               dealing days immediately  preceding the day on which the Ordinary
               Share is  contracted  to be  purchased,  in each  case  converted
               (where relevant) into the relevant currency in which the purchase
               is effected  calculated by reference to the spot rate of exchange
               for the purchase of such  currency with the currency in which the
               quotation and/or price is given as quoted by HSBC Bank plc in the
               London Foreign Exchange Market at or about 11.00 am (London time)
               on the business day prior to the date on which the Ordinary Share
               is contracted  to be purchased,  in each case such rate to be the
               rate as conclusively certified by an officer of HSBC Bank plc;

         (d)   unless  previously  revoked or varied this authority shall expire
               at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company to
               be held in 2009; and

         (e)   the  Company  may prior to the  expiry of this  authority  make a
               contract to purchase  Ordinary  Shares under this authority which
               will or may be  executed  wholly or partly  after such expiry and
               may make a  purchase  of  Ordinary  Shares  pursuant  to any such

     8    THAT the  Articles  of  Association  of the  Company be and are hereby
          altered as follows:

         (a)   by deleting from the definition of "recognised person" in Article
               2.1 the  words  "section  185(4)  of the  Act"  and  substituting
               therefor the words "section 778(2) of the 2006 Act";

         (b)   by inserting at the end of the definition of "Principal Register"
               in Article  2.1 the words "and  sections  121 and 128 of the 2006
               Act" so that Article 2.1 reads as follows:

               "Principal  Register the register of members of the Company to be
               kept  pursuant to section 352 of the Act and sections 121 and 128
               of the 2006 Act";

         (c)   by inserting  into the  definition of  "Secretary" in Article 2.1
               before the word "Act" the word "2006";

         (d)   by  deleting  from  Article  2.5 the words  "or an  extraordinary
               resolution  shall also be effective,  and where an  extraordinary
               resolution is required a special  resolution" so that Article 2.5
               reads as follows:

               "Where for any purpose an ordinary  resolution  of the Company is
               required, a special resolution shall also be effective.";

         (e)   by deleting  from Article 35.1 the words "and without  giving any

         (f)   by inserting  into Article  36.1 the words ",  together  with the
               reasons for the refusal," so that Article 36.1 reads as follows:

               "36.1 If the Board  refuses to  register a transfer  of a share
                     it shall,  within  two  months  after  the  date on  which
                     the transfer  was lodged  with the  Company  send  notice
                     of the refusal,  together with the reasons for the refusal,
                     to the transferee.  Any  instrument  of  transfer  which
                     the Board refuses to register  shall  (except in the case
                     of suspected fraud)  be  returned  to  the  person
                     depositing  it.  All instruments of transfer which are
                     registered may be retained by the Company.";

         (g)   by deleting from each of Articles 48.1,  49.1 and 166.2 the words
               "an  extraordinary"  and  substituting   therefor  the  words "a

         (h)   by inserting into in each of Articles  52.1,  55.2,  66.1,  71.1,
               80.1, 92.1, 96.1,  97.1(b),  117.1,  141.1,  142.1, 143.1, 154.1,
               168.1, 169.1 and 170.2(j) the word "2006" before the word "Act";

         (i)   by deleting from Article 54.1 the words  "section 368 of the Act2
               and substituting therefor the words "sections 303-305 of the 2006


         (j)  by deleting the existing Article 55.1 and  substituting  therefor
              the following new Article 55.1:

              "55.1    An annual general meeting shall be convened by not less
                       than 21 clear days' notice in writing.  An extraordinary
                       general meeting shall be convened by not less than
                       14 clear days' notice in writing or such longer period
                       as may be required by law from time to time.";

         (k)   by deleting from each of Articles  55.3(d) and 69.1 the words "or

         (l)   by inserting into Article 55.4 the words 2and to any other person
               who may be entitled to receive it" so that  Article 55.4 reads as

              "55.4  The notice shall be given to the members  (other than any
              who,  under the provisions of these Articles or of any
              restrictions imposed on any shares, are not entitled to receive
              notice from the Company),  to the Directors,  to the Auditors and
              to any other person who may be entitled to receive it.";

         (m)   by deleting from Article 55.5 the words "section 376(2)(b) of the
               Act" and substituting  therefor the words "sections 314(2)(b) and
               338(3)(b) of the 2006 Act";

         (n)   by deleting from Article 66.1 the words "at the meeting" wherever
               they  appear  and   substituting   therefor  the  words  "on  the
               resolution", by inserting the words "(excluding any voting rights
               attached to any shares in the Company  held as treasury  shares)"
               into  Article  66.1(c)  and by  inserting  the words  "(excluding
               shares  in  the  Company  conferring  a  right  to  vote  on  the
               resolution  which  are held as  treasury  shares)"  into  Article
               66.1(d) so that Article 66.1 reads as follows:

              "66.1  At any general  meeting a resolution  put to a vote of
                     the meeting  shall be decided on a show of hands,  unless
                     (before  or on the  declaration  of the  result of the show
                     of hands) a poll is duly  demanded.  Subject  to the
                     provisions of the 2006 Act, a poll may be demanded by:

                    (a)  the Chairman of the meeting; or

                    (b)  by at least five members present in person or by proxy
                         and entitled to vote on the resolution; or

                    (c)  a member or  members  present  in  person or by proxy
                         representing  not less than  one-tenth  of the total
                         voting rights of all the members  having the right to
                         vote on the  resolution  (excluding any voting rights
                         attached to any shares in the Company held as treasury
                         shares); or

                    (d)  a member or  members  present  in  person  or by proxy
                         holding  shares  conferring  a right to vote on the
                         resolution,  being  shares on which an aggregate sum
                         has been paid up equal to not less than  one-tenth of
                         the total sum paid up on all the shares conferring that
                         right (excluding  shares in the Company  conferring
                         a right to vote on the resolution which are held as
                         treasury shares).";

         (o)   by deleting from Article 79.1 the words "at least 48 hours before
               the  commencement  of the  meeting  or  adjourned  meeting or the
               taking of the poll at which the appointment of proxy is used" and
               substituting  therefor  the words  "in the case of a  meeting  or
               adjourned  meeting at which the  appointment of proxy is used, at
               least  48  hours  before  the time for  holding  the  meeting  or
               adjourned  meeting  and, in the case of a poll taken more than 48
               hours after it was demanded at which the  appointment of proxy is
               used, at least 24 hours before the time  appointed for the taking
               of the poll" so that Article 79.1 reads as follows:

              "79.1  A vote given or poll demanded in  accordance with the terms
                     of an  appointment  of proxy shall be valid
                     notwithstanding the  death  or  mental  disorder of the
                     principal or the revocation of the  appointment of proxy,
                     or of the authority under  which  the  appointment of proxy
                     was executed or submitted, or the transfer of the share in
                     respect of which the appointment of proxy is given, unless
                     notice in writing of such death, mental disorder,
                     revocation or transfer shall have been received by the
                     Company at the Office,  or at such other place or places or


                    address  as has or have been  appointed  for the  deposit or
                    receipt of  appointments  of proxy, in the case of a meeting
                    or adjourned  meeting at which the  appointment  of proxy is
                    used,  at least 48 hours  before  the time for  holding  the
                    meeting  or  adjourned  meeting  and,  in the case of a poll
                    taken more than 48 hours after it was  demanded at which the
                    appointment  of proxy is used,  at least 24 hours before the
                    time appointed for the taking of the poll.";

         (p)   by inserting into each of Articles 87.1,  109.1,  115.1 and 119.1
               the words "and the 2006 Act"  after the words "the Act"  wherever
               they appear;

         (q)   by inserting into Article 117.1 the words "(other than directors,
               former  directors or shadow  directors)"  so that  Article  117.1
               reads as follows:

              "117.1   The Board may exercise any power  conferred on the
                       Company by the 2006 Act to make  provision for the
                       benefit of persons  (other than  directors,  former
                       directors or shadow  directors)  employed or formerly
                       employed by the Company or any of its  subsidiaries in
                       connection with the cessation or the transfer to any
                       person of the whole or part of the undertaking of the
                       Company or that subsidiary.";

         (r)   by  inserting  into  Article  137.1(a)  before  the  word  "Act",
               wherever  it  appears,  the word  "2006" and  deleting  the words
               "section  346" and  substituting  therefor  the  words  "sections
               252-256" so that the Article 137.1(a) reads as follows:

               "(a)   an  interest  of a person  who is for the  purposes  of
                      the 2006 Act  connected  (which  word shall have the
                      meaning  given thereto by sections  252-256 of the 2006
                      Act) with a Director  shall be treated as an interest of
                      the Director;";

         (s)   by  inserting  into  Article  137.1(c)  before  the  word  "Act",
               wherever  it  appears,  the word  "2006" and  deleting  the words
               "section  346" and  substituting  therefor  the  words  "sections
               252-256" so that the Article 137.1(c) reads as follows:

              "(c)    an  "associate" of a Director shall mean any person who
                      is for the purposes of the 2006 Act  connected  (which
                      word shall have the meaning  given  thereto by sections
                      252-256 of the 2006 Act) with a Director and any person
                      who is an  associate  of a  Director  within the meaning
                      of rule 1.01 of the rules  governing  the  listing of
                      securities on The Hong Kong Stock Exchange.";

         (t)   by  inserting  into  Article  138.1 after the words "the Act" the
               words ", the 2006 Act,";

         (u)   by inserting  into  Article  139.1 the words "or by a Director in
               the  presence of a witness who  attests  the  signature"  so that
               Article 139.1 reads as follows:

              "139.1   A document signed by a Director and by the Secretary or
                       by two Directors or by a Director in the presence of a
                       witness who attests the  signature and expressed (in
                       whatever form of words) to be executed by the Company
                       shall have the same effect as if it were executed under
                       the Seal, provided  that no  instrument  shall be so
                       signed which  makes it clear on its face that it is
                       intended by the person or persons making it to have
                       effect as a deed without the authority of a resolution
                       of the Board or of a committee of the Board authorised in
                       that behalf.  An  instrument or document which is
                       executed  by the Company as a deed  shall not be deemed
                       to be delivered by the Company solely as a result of it
                       having been executed by the Company.";

         (v)   by inserting  into Article  155.1 the words "and the 2006 Act(as
               appropriate)" so that Article 155.1 reads as follows:

              "155.1   The  Board  shall  cause  accounting records to be kept
                       in  accordance  with  the  Act  and the  2006  Act (as

         (w)   by deleting the existing Article 157.1 and substituting therefor
               the following new Article 157.1:

              "157.1   Except as provided in Article 158, the  Directors'
                       and Auditors' reports, together with copies of the
                       balance sheet and every  document required  by the Act
                       or the 2006 Act (as  appropriate) to be annexed to the
                       balance sheet and copies of the


                       profit and loss  account or income and  expenditure
                       account (subject  to the  provisions  of  section  230
                       of the Act or section 408 of the 2006 Act, as
                       appropriate) shall, not less than 21 clear days before
                       the annual general  meeting before which  they are to be
                       laid, be delivered, sent by post or made available on the
                       Company's  website to every member and holder of
                       debentures of the Company,  to the Auditors and to any
                       other  person  who may be  entitled  to  receive  them.
                       However,  this  Article  shall  not  require a copy of
                       those documents to be sent to any person who under the
                       provisions of these  Articles is not  entitled to receive
                       notices from the Company or of whose address the Company
                       is unaware or to any holder of  debentures  of whose
                       address  the Company is unaware  or to more  than one of
                       the  joint  holders  of any shares  or  debentures.
                       If all or any of the  shares  in or debentures  of the
                       Company  are  listed  or dealt in on any stock exchange,
                       there shall at the same time be forwarded to
                       the  secretary of that stock  exchange such number of
                       copies of each of those  documents as the regulations of
                       that stock exchange may require.";

         (x)   by deleting the existing Article 158.1 and substituting  therefor
               the following new Article 158.1:

              "158.1   The Company  may, in  accordance  with section 251 of the
                       Act or sections  426- 429 and sections  434-435 of the
                       2006 Act (as  appropriate)  and any  regulations  made
                       under  the Act or the 2006 Act (as  appropriate)  send a
                       summary financial  statement to any member,  holder of
                       debentures of the Company or other person who is entitled
                       to receive  notice of general  meetings  instead of or in
                       addition to the documents  referred to in Article 157.
                       Where it does so, the statement shall be delivered, sent
                       by post or made available on the Company's  website to
                       the member,  holder of  debentures  of the Company or
                       other person  entitled to receive notice not less than 21
                       clear days before the annual general meeting before which
                       those documents are to be laid."; and

         (y)   by inserting into Article 170.2(l) the words "or the 2006 Act (as
               appropriate)" so that Article 170.2(l) reads as follows:

              "(l)     the Board may utilise the relevant system to the fullest
                       extent available from time to time in the exercise of
                       the Company's  powers or functions under the Act or the
                       2006 Act (as appropriate) or these Articles or otherwise
                       in effecting any actions".

     9    THAT,  with effect from 1 October 2008, the Articles of Association of
          the Company be and are hereby altered as follows:

         (a)   by inserting  into Article  130.1 the word "2006" before the word
               "Act" and  deleting the words  "Article 131 is" and  substituting
               therefor the words "Articles  130A, if appropriate,  and 131 are"
               so that the introductory words of Article 130.1 begin as follows:

              "130.1   Subject to the provisions of the 2006 Act and provided
                       that Articles 130A, if appropriate,  and 131 are complied
                       with, a Director, notwithstanding his office:";

         (b)   by  deleting  the  existing  Article  130.1(d)  and  substituting
               therefor the following new Article 130.1(d):

              "(d)     shall not be liable to account to the Company for any
                       profit, remuneration  or other  benefit  realised by any
                       such office,  employment,  contract,  arrangement,
                       transaction  or proposal  or from any  interest in any
                       body corporate and no such contract, arrangement,
                       transaction,  proposal or interest shall be avoided on
                       the grounds of any such  interest or benefit nor shall
                       the receipt of any such  profit,  remuneration or any
                       other  benefit constitute a breach of his duty under the
                       2006 Act not to accept benefits from third parties.";

         (c)   by inserting a new Article 130A as follows:

              "130A    Power of the Board to authorise conflicts of interest

              130A.1   The Board may authorise any matter  proposed to it in
                       accordance  with these  Articles  which would,  if not so
                       authorised, involve a breach by a Director of


                       his duty to avoid conflicts of interest under section 175
                       of the 2006 Act,  including,  without  limitation, any
                       matter which relates to a situation in which a Director
                       has, or can have, an interest which conflicts, or
                       possibly may conflict, with the interest of the Company
                       (including the exploitation of any property, information
                       or opportunity,  whether or not the Company  could take
                       advantage of it, but  excluding any situation  which
                       cannot  reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to
                       a conflict of interest). The provisions of this
                       Article do not apply to a conflict of interest arising in
                       relation to a transaction or arrangement with the

              130A.2   Any such authorisation will be effective only if:

                       (a) the matter arose on or after 1 October 2008;

                       (b) any requirement as to quorum at the meeting at which
                           the matter is considered is met without counting the
                           Director in question or any other interested
                           Director; and

                       (c) the  matter was agreed to without  their  voting or
                           would have been agreed to if their votes had not been

              130A.3   The  Board may (whether at the time of the giving of the
                       authorisation or subsequently) make any such
                       authorisation subject to any limits or conditions it
                       expressly imposes but such  authorisation  is otherwise
                       given to the fullest extent permitted.

              130A.4   The Board may vary or terminate any such authorisation
                       at any time.";

         (d)   by deleting the existing  Article 131 and  substituting  therefor
               the following new Articles 131, 131A, 131B and 131C:

              "131     Declaration of interests

              131.1    A Director  shall  declare the nature and extent of his
                       interest in a matter  within  Article 130A to the other

              131.2    A Director who is aware that he is in any way interested
                       in a proposed  transaction  or  arrangement  with the
                       Company must declare the nature and extent of his
                       interest to the other Directors.

              131.3    A Director who is aware that he is in any way interested
                       in a transaction  or arrangement  that has been entered
                       into by the Company  must declare the nature and extent
                       of his interest to the other  Directors,  unless the
                       interest has already been declared under Article 131.2.

              131.4    The  declaration  of interest must (in the case of
                       Article  131.3) and may, but need not (in the case of
                       Article 131.1 or 131.2), be made:

                       (a) at a meeting of the Directors; or

                       (b) by general or specific notice to the Directors in
                           accordance with the 2006 Act.

              131.5    If a  declaration  of interest,  or deemed  declaration
                       of interest,  proves to be, or becomes,  inaccurate  or
                       incomplete, a further disclosure must be made.

              131.6    Any declaration of interest required by Article 131.1
                       above must be made as soon as reasonably practicable.

              131.7    Any  declaration  of interest  required by Article 131.2
                       above must be made before the Company  enters into the
                       transaction or arrangement or, in the case of an interest
                       which arose before 1 October  2008,  at the first
                       meeting of the Directors at which the question of
                       entering into the proposed  transaction or arrangement
                       is first taken into consideration.

              131.8    Any  declaration of interest under Article 131.3 above
                       must be made as soon as reasonably  practicable. Failure
                       to comply with this requirement does not affect the
                       underlying duty to make the declaration of interest.


              131.9    For the purposes of  Articles  131.1,  131.2 and 131.3,
                       a Director  need not declare an interest which arose on
                       or after 1 October 2008:

                       (a) if it cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give
                           rise to a conflict of interest;

                       (b) if, or to the extent that, the other Directors are
                           already aware of it; or

                       (c) if, or to the  extent  that, it concerns terms of his
                           service contract that have been or are to be

                           (i)  by a meeting of the Directors; or

                          (ii)  by a committee of the Directors appointed for
                                the purpose under these Articles.

              131A     Entitlement to keep information confidential

              131A.1   Subject  to  Article  131A.2,  a  Director shall be under
                       no duty to the Company with respect to any
                       information  which he obtains or has obtained otherwise
                       than as a Director of the Company and in respect of
                       which he has a duty of  confidentiality  to another
                       person.  In  particular,  the Director  shall not be in
                       breach of the  general  duties he owes to the  Company
                       under  sections  171-177 of the 2006 Act  because he

                      (a)  to disclose any such  information  to the Board or to
                           any Director or other officer or employee of the
                           Company; and/or

                      (b)  to use or apply any such information in performing
                           his duties as a Director of the Company.

              131A.2   To the extent that the relationship between a Director
                       and a person to whom he owes a duty of confidentiality
                       gives rise to a conflict of interest or possible conflict
                       of interest, Article  131A.1  applies  only  if  the
                       existence of that relationship  has been  authorised by
                       the Board  pursuant to Article  130A.

              131B     Avoiding conflicts of interest

              131B.1   Where the existence of a  Director's  relationship with
                       another person has been authorised by the Board pursuant
                       to Article  130A (and  subject  to any  limits  or
                       conditions imposed  pursuant to Article  130A.3)  and his
                       relationship with that  person  gives rise to a conflict
                       of interest or possible conflict of interest,  the
                       Director shall not be in breach of the general duties he
                       owes to the  Company  under sections  171-177 of the 2006
                       Act  because  he:

                      (a) absents  himself from meetings of the Board at which
                          any matter  relating  to the  conflict  of  interest
                          or possible conflict of interest  will or may be
                          discussed or from the discussion of any such matter at
                          a meeting or otherwise; and/or

                      (b) makes  arrangements not to receive  documents and
                          information  relating to any matter which gives rise
                          to the conflict of interest or possible  conflict of
                          interest  sent or supplied by the Company  and/or
                          makes arrangements for such documents and information
                          to be received and read by a professional adviser,

                    for so long  as he  reasonably  believes  such  conflict  of
                    interest or possible  conflict  of interest  subsists.

              131C   Overriding principles

              131C.1 The provisions of Articles 131A and 131B are without
                     prejudice to any equitable principle or
                     rule  of  law  which  may  excuse  the  Director  from:

                    (a) disclosing information in circumstances where disclosure
                        would  otherwise be required  under these  Articles; or

                    (b) attending meetings or discussions or receiving documents
                        and information as referred to in Article 131B, in
                        circumstances where such


                        attendance or receiving such documents and information
                        would otherwise be required under these Articles.";

               (e)  by deleting  the word "or" from the end of Article  132.1(e)
                    and inserting  into the end of Article  132.1(f) the word ";
                    or" and  inserting  into  Article  132.1 the  following  new
                    Article 132.1(g):

              "(g)  the giving of any other indemnity or any proposal concerning
                    the  funding  of  expenditure  by one or more  Directors  on
                    defending proceedings against him or them, or doing anything
                    to enable such Director or Directors to avoid incurring such
                    expenditure,  where  all  other  Directors  are  also  being
                    offered  indemnities  or funding on  substantially  the same
                    terms."; and

              (f)   by deleting  the  existing  Article  137.1 and  substituting
                    therefor the following new Article 137.1:

              "137.1   For the purposes of Articles 130 to 137:

                       (a) a conflict of interest includes a conflict of
                           interest and duty and a conflict of duties;

                       (b) an interest  means a direct or an indirect  interest,
                           and for these purposes an interest of a person who is
                           for the  purposes of the 2006 Act connected (which
                           word shall have the meaning given thereto by sections
                           252-256 of the 2006 Act) with a Director shall be
                           treated as an interest of the Director;

                       (c) an interest, transaction, arrangement or proposal of
                           which a Director  is aware  includes an  interest,
                           transaction, arrangement or proposal of which that
                           Director ought reasonably to be aware;

                       (d) in relation to an alternate Director, an interest of
                           his appointor  shall be treated as an interest of the
                           alternate Director in addition to any interest which
                           the alternate Director otherwise has; and

                       (e) an "associate" of a  Director shall mean any person
                           who is for the  purposes  of the 2006 Act  connected
                           (which word shall have the meaning  given thereto by
                           sections 252-256 of the 2006 Act) with a Director and
                           any person who is an  associate of a Director within
                           the meaning of rule 1.01 of the rules governing the
                           listing of securities on The Hong Kong Stock

     10   THAT the  amended  rules of the HSBC Share Plan (the main  features of
          which are  summarised  in  Appendix  III to the  Chairman's  letter to
          Shareholders  dated 3 April  2008 and a copy of which has been  signed
          for the purposes of identification by the Chairman of the Meeting) are
          hereby  approved and that the  Directors  are hereby  authorised to do
          whatever may be necessary or expedient to carry the amended HSBC Share
          Plan into effect.

By Order of the Board

R G Barber
Group Company Secretary                                            3 April 2008

HSBC Holdings plc
Incorporated in England with limited liability. Registered in England:
number 617987
Registered Office and Group Head Office:
8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom



     (1)  Voting at the Meeting may be decided on a show of hands, unless a poll
          is directed by the Chairman of the Meeting or a poll is demanded by:

         (a)  at least five members present in person or by proxy and entitled
              to vote at the Meeting; or

         (b)  a member or members present in person or by proxy  representing
              not less than one-tenth of the total voting rights of all
              the members having the right to vote at the Meeting (excluding any
              voting rights attached to any shares in the Company held as
              treasury shares); or

         (c)   a member or members  present in person or by proxy holding shares
               conferring a right to vote at the Meeting,  being shares on which
               an  aggregate  sum  has  been  paid up  equal  to not  less  than
               one-tenth  of the total sum paid up on all the shares  conferring
               that right (excluding shares in the Company conferring a right to
               vote at the Meeting which are held as treasury shares).

          It is again intended that a poll will be conducted on each  resolution
          referred to in this Notice of Annual General Meeting.

          The issued share capital of the Company with voting rights on 27 March
          2008, being the latest  practicable date prior to the printing of this
          document, was 11,867,422,018 ordinary shares of US$0.50.

     (2)  A member entitled to attend, speak and vote at the Meeting is entitled
          to appoint  another  person as his or her proxy to exercise all or any
          of his or her rights to attend,  speak and vote instead of the member.
          A member may appoint  more than one proxy in relation to the  Meeting,
          provided that each proxy is appointed to exercise the rights  attached
          to a different share or shares held by the member. A proxy need not be
          a member.  Completion  and  submission of an  instrument  appointing a
          proxy will not preclude a member from  attending  and voting in person
          at the Meeting.  If a member wishes to appoint more than one proxy and
          so requires  additional  proxy forms,  the original  proxy form may be
          photocopied  or additional  forms can be obtained  from  Computershare
          Investor  Services PLC, PO Box 1064, The Pavilions,  Bridgwater  Road,
          Bristol,  BS99 3FA, United Kingdom;  Computershare  Hong Kong Investor
          Services Limited,  Hopewell Centre,  Rooms 1806-1807,  18th Floor, 183
          Queen's Road East, Hong Kong SAR; or Corporate  Shareholder  Services,
          The Bank of Bermuda Limited, 6 Front Street, Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda.

          The right to appoint a proxy does not apply to  persons  whose  shares
          are held on their behalf by another person and who have been nominated
          to receive  communications from HSBC in accordance with section 146 of
          the UK Companies Act 2006 ("nominated persons"). Nominated persons may
          have a right under an agreement  with the registered  shareholder  who
          holds the shares on their behalf to be  appointed  (or to have someone
          else  appointed)  as  a  proxy  for  the  Meeting.  Alternatively,  if
          nominated persons do not have such a right, or do not wish to exercise
          it, they may have a right under such an agreement to give instructions
          to the person  holding the shares as to the exercise of voting  rights
          at the Meeting.

          The main point of contact for nominated persons remains the registered
          shareholder  (for  example  your  stockbroker,   investment   manager,
          custodian or other person who manages the  investment on your behalf).
          Any changes or queries relating to nominated persons' personal details
          and holdings  (including any administration  thereof) must continue to
          be directed to the registered  shareholder and not HSBC's  Registrars.
          The only  exception  is where HSBC,  in  exercising  one of its powers
          under the UK Companies Act 2006,  writes to nominated persons directly
          for a response.

     (3)  In order to be valid, the instrument  appointing a proxy and the power
          of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a
          copy of such  authority  certified  notarially  or in some  other  way
          approved by the Board, must be deposited not less than 48 hours before
          the time of the holding of the Meeting (or any adjourned  meeting) at:
          the offices of Computershare  Investor  Services PLC, PO Box 1064, The
          Pavilions,  Bridgwater Road,  Bristol,  BS99 3FA, United Kingdom;  the
          offices of Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, Hopewell
          Centre, Rooms 1806-1807,  18th Floor, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong
          SAR; or the offices of  Corporate  Shareholder  Services,  The Bank of
          Bermuda Limited, 6 Front Street,  Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda. In the case
          of an  appointment  of a proxy  submitted  in  electronic  form,  such
          appointment must be received not less than 48 hours before the time of
          the holding of the Meeting (or any  adjourned  meeting).  It should be


          however,  that any power of attorney or other authority relating to an
          appointment of a proxy cannot be submitted  electronically and must be
          deposited as referred to above for the appointment to be valid.

     (4)  Pursuant to the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001, changes to
          entries on the principal register of members of the Company maintained
          in England (the "Principal  Register")  after 12.01 a.m. (London time)
          on the day immediately  before the day of the Meeting or any adjourned
          meeting (as the case may be) shall be disregarded  in determining  the
          rights of a member to attend or vote at the  Meeting or any  adjourned
          meeting  (as the case may be).  Accordingly,  a member  entered on the
          Principal Register at 12.01 a.m. on the day immediately before the day
          of the Meeting or any adjourned  meeting (as the case may be) shall be
          entitled  to attend and vote at the Meeting or any  adjourned  meeting
          (as the case may be) in respect of the number of such  shares  entered
          against the member's name at that time.

     (5)  CREST  members  who wish to  appoint a proxy or  proxies  by using the
          CREST electronic proxy  appointment  service may do so for the Meeting
          or any adjourned meeting by following the procedures  described in the
          CREST manual. CREST personal members or other CREST sponsored members,
          and those CREST members who have appointed a voting service  provider,
          should refer to their CREST sponsor or voting  service  provider,  who
          will be able to take the appropriate action on their behalf.

          In order for a proxy  appointment  made by means of CREST to be valid,
          the appropriate  CREST message (a "CREST Proxy  Instruction")  must be
          properly  authenticated  in  accordance  with  Euroclear  UK & Ireland
          Limited's specifications and must contain the information required for
          such instructions,  as described in the CREST manual. The message must
          be  transmitted  so as to be received by the issuer's agent (ID 3RA50)
          by the latest time for receipt of proxy appointments specified in Note
          (3) above.  For this purpose,  the time of receipt will be taken to be
          the time (as determined by the timestamp applied to the message by the
          CREST  Applications  Host)  from which the  issuer's  agent is able to
          retrieve the message by enquiry to CREST in the manner  prescribed  by

          CREST  members and,  where  applicable,  their CREST sponsor or voting
          service providers should note that Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited does
          not make  available  special  procedures  in CREST for any  particular
          messages.  Normal system timings and limitations  will therefore apply
          in  relation  to the  input of  CREST  Proxy  Instructions.  It is the
          responsibility of the CREST member concerned to take (or, if the CREST
          member is a CREST personal member or sponsored member or has appointed
          a voting service provider, to procure that his CREST sponsor or voting
          service  provider  takes) such action as shall be  necessary to ensure
          that a message  is  transmitted  by means of the  CREST  system by any
          particular  time.  In  this  connection,   CREST  members  and,  where
          applicable,  their CREST  sponsors  or voting  service  providers  are
          referred,  in  particular,  to  those  sections  of the  CREST  manual
          concerning practical limitations of the CREST system and timings.

          Pursuant  to  Regulation  35(5)(a)  of the  Uncertificated  Securities
          Regulations  2001 the  Company  may  treat as  invalid  a CREST  Proxy
          Instruction if the Company has actual notice that:

          -    the information in the instruction is incorrect;

          -    the person expressed to have sent the instruction did not in fact
               send it; or

          -    the person sending the instruction on behalf of the relevant
               shareholder did not have the authority to do so.

     (6)  In the case of joint registered  holders of any share, the vote of the
          senior who  tenders a vote,  whether  in person or by proxy,  shall be
          accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders. For
          this purpose  seniority  shall be determined by the order in which the
          names of the  holders  stand in the  Principal  Register or either the
          Hong Kong or Bermuda  Overseas  Branch  Registers of the  Company,  as

     (7)  In order to  facilitate  voting by  corporate  representatives  at the
          Meeting,  arrangements will be put in place at the Meeting so that (i)
          if a corporate  shareholder  has appointed the Chairman of the Meeting
          as its corporate representative with instructions to vote on a poll in
          accordance   with  the  directions  of  all  of  the  other  corporate
          representatives  for that  shareholder at the Meeting,  then on a poll
          those  corporate  representatives  will give voting  directions to the
          Chairman and the Chairman  will vote (or withhold a vote) as corporate
          representative in accordance with those  directions;  and (ii) if more
          than one corporate representative for the


          same  corporate  shareholder  attends the  Meeting  but the  corporate
          shareholder  has not  appointed  the  Chairman  of the  Meeting as its
          corporate  representative,  a designated corporate representative will
          be  nominated,   from  those  corporate   representatives  who  attend
          (normally being the first to register at the Meeting unless  otherwise
          decided  at the  Meeting)  who  will  vote  on a poll  and  the  other
          corporate   representatives   will  give  voting  directions  to  that
          designated  corporate   representative.   Corporate  shareholders  are
          referred  to  the  guidance  issued  by  the  Institute  of  Chartered
          Secretaries    and    Administrators    on   proxies   and   corporate
          representatives  -  - for  further  details  of  this
          procedure.  The  guidance  includes  a sample  form of  representation
          letter if the Chairman is being appointed as described in (i) above.

     (8)  The  Directors  are Lord  Butler* (who will retire as a Director on 30
          May 2008),  S A Catz (who will be appointed a Director on 1 May 2008),
          V H C Cheng,  J D  Coombe+,  Baroness  Dunn*  (who  will  retire  as a
          Director on 30 May 2008),  J L Dura n+, R A Fairhead+, D J Flint, A A
          Flockhart  (who will be  appointed  a Director  on 1 May 2008),  W K L
          Fung*, M F Geoghegan, S K Green, S T Gulliver (who will be appointed a
          Director on 1 May 2008), J W J  Hughes-Hallett+, W S H Laidlaw+,  Sir
          Brian Moffat* (who will retire as a Director on 30 May 2008), Sir Mark
          Moody-Stuart+,  G  Morgan+,  N R N Murthy  (who  will be  appointed  a
          Director on 1 May 2008),  S W Newton+,  S M Robertson+,  and Sir Brian
          Williamson+.   The  Group  Chairman  has  confirmed  that,   following
          performance  evaluation,  the  non-executive  Directors  standing  for
          re-election continue to perform effectively and demonstrate commitment
          to their roles. The particulars required to be disclosed,  pursuant to
          Rule 13.51(2) of the Rules  Governing the Listing of Securities on the
          Stock  Exchange of Hong Kong Limited,  of the  Directors  standing for
          re-election are:

         + Safra Ada Catz, BS, JD
          Age 46. A non-executive Director of HSBC Holdings plc with effect from
          1  May  2008.   President  and  Chief  Financial   Officer  of  Oracle
          Corporation.  Managing  Director of Donaldson,  Lufkin & Jenrette from
          1997 to 1999.  Joined Oracle in 1999 and was appointed to the Board of
          Directors in 2001.

          S A Catz brings to the board as a non-executive  director a background
          in international  business leadership,  having helped transform Oracle
          into the  second  biggest  producer  of  management  software  and the
          world's leading supplier of software for information management. It is
          the belief of the Board that S A Catz is fully able to  discharge  her
          duties as an independent non-executive Director.

          Vincent Cheng Hoi Chuen, MPhil, BSocSc
          Age 59. An  executive  Director of HSBC  Holdings plc since 1 February
          2008.  Chairman  of The  Hongkong  and  Shanghai  Banking  Corporation
          Limited.  Chairman  of HSBC  Bank  (China)  Company  Limited  and HSBC
          Investments  (Hong Kong) Limited and a Director of HSBC Bank Australia
          Limited.  Joined HSBC in 1978.  Appointed a Group  General  Manager in
          1995 and a Group Managing  Director in 2005. A Director of Great Eagle
          Holdings Limited and a Member of the Exchange Fund Advisory  Committee
          of the Hong  Kong  Monetary  Authority.  Vice  Chairman  of the  China
          Banking  Association from 10 December 2007.  Appointed a member of the
          National Committee of the 11th Chinese People's Political Consultative
          Conference (CPPCC), and a senior adviser to the 11th Beijing Municipal
          Committee of the CPPCC. Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
          Hang Seng Bank Limited from 1998 to 2005. A Director of Swire  Pacific
          Limited from 2005 to January 2008.

          V H C Cheng brings to the board, as an executive  director,  extensive
          experience in Asia. He is Chairman of HSBC's Asia  operations  and has
          30 years' business experience, particularly in mainland China and Hong
          Kong. He is also an expert public policy adviser and economist.

         + John David Coombe, FCA, FCT

          Age 62. A  non-executive  Director of HSBC  Holdings plc since 2005. A
          member of the Group Audit Committee and of the Remuneration Committee.
          Chairman of Hogg Robinson plc. A non-executive Director of Home Retail
          Group plc and a trustee of the Royal Academy Trust.  Former  executive
          Director  and Chief  Financial  Officer of  GlaxoSmithKline  plc and a
          former  member  of the  Supervisory  Board  of  Siemens  AG.  A former
          Chairman of The Hundred Group of Finance Directors and a former member
          of the Accounting Standards Board.


          + Jose Luis Duran

          Age 43. A non-executive  Director of HSBC Holdings plc since 1 January
          2008.  Chief  Executive of Carrefour SA and Chairman of its Management
          Board of  Directors.  Joined  Carrefour  SA in 1991.  Chief  Financial
          Officer and Managing  Director,  Organisation and Systems of Carrefour
          SA from 2001 to 2005.

          J L Duran brings to the board as a non-executive director a background
          in both  developed  and  emerging  markets.  He has held a  number  of
          positions within Carrefour's  businesses in Spain, southern Europe and
          the Americas,  and was appointed Chief Financial  Officer and Managing
          Director,  Organisation  and Systems in 2001.  In 2005 he became Chief
          Executive and was appointed  Chairman of the Management  Board.  It is
          the belief of the Board that J L Duran is fully able to discharge  his
          duties as an independent non-executive Director.

          Douglas  Jardine  Flint,  CBE, BAcc (Hons),  CA, FCMA,  PMD (Harvard),
          Group  Finance  Director  Age  52.  Joined  HSBC  Holdings  plc  as an
          executive  Director in 1995.  Non-executive  Chairman of HSBC  Finance
          Corporation. A non-executive Director of BP p.l.c. and a member of the
          Consultative  Committee  of the Large  Business  Advisory  Board of HM
          Revenue & Customs. Chaired the Financial Reporting Council's review of
          the Turnbull  Guidance on Internal  Control.  Served on the Accounting
          Standards   Board  and  the   Standards   Advisory   Council   of  the
          International  Accounting  Standards Board from 2001 to 2004. A former
          partner in KPMG.

          Alexander Andrew Flockhart, CBE
          Age 56. An executive  Director of HSBC Holdings plc with effect from 1
          May 2008. Chief Executive Officer of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
          Corporation Limited and Global Head of Commercial Banking. Joined HSBC
          in 1974.  A Director of Hang Seng Bank  Limited,  HSBC Bank  Australia
          Limited,  HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited, and Chairman of HSBC Bank
          Malaysia Berhad. Managing Director of The Saudi British Bank from 1997
          to 1999 and Senior Executive Vice-President,  Commercial Banking, HSBC
          Bank USA, N.A. from 1999 to 2002. Chief Executive Officer, Mexico from
          2002 to October 2006.  President  and Group  Managing  Director  Latin
          America and the Caribbean from October 2006 to 20 July 2007. Appointed
          a Group General Manager in 2002 and a Group Managing Director in 2006.

          A A  Flockhart  brings  to  the  board  as an  executive  Director  an
          international  background  with over 30 years'  experience at HSBC. He
          has   oversight  of  HSBC's  Asia   operations  in  19  countries  and
          territories and is also Global Head of Commercial Banking.

          A A Flockhart is often referred to in communications by the Company as
          Sandy Flockhart.

          * Dr William  Kwok Lun Fung,  OBE,  BSE,  MBA
          Age 59. A  non-executive  Director of HSBC  Holdings plc since 1998. A
          member of the Corporate Sustainability  Committee.  Deputy Chairman of
          The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.  Group Managing
          Director  of Li &  Fung  Limited.  A  non-executive  Director  of  CLP
          Holdings  Limited,  Integrated  Distribution  Services  Group Limited,
          Convenience  Retail  Asia  Limited,  Shui On Land  Limited  and  VTech
          Holdings Limited. A member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
          A former  non-executive  Director of Bank of  Communications  Co. Ltd.
          Former Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Hong
          Kong  Exporters'  Association  and the  Hong  Kong  Committee  for the
          Pacific Economic Co-operation Council.

          Stuart Thomson Gulliver, M.A. Oxon
          Age 49. An executive  Director of HSBC Holdings plc with effect from 1
          May 2008.  Chief  Executive  of Global  Banking  and  Markets and HSBC
          Global Asset Management.  Joined HSBC in 1980. A Director of HSBC Bank
          plc, HSBC Private Banking Holdings  (Suisse) SA, HSBC USA Inc. and The
          Hongkong and Shanghai  Banking  Corporation  Limited.  A member of the
          Supervisory  Board of HSBC  Trinkaus & Burkhardt  AG. Head of Treasury
          and Capital Markets in Asia-Pacific  from 1996 to 2002. Head of Global
          Markets  from 2002 to 2003 and  Co-Head of Global  Banking and Markets
          from 2003 to May 2006. Appointed a Group General Manager in 2000 and a
          Group Managing Director in 2004.


          S T  Gulliver  brings  to  the  board  as  an  executive  director  an
          international  background  with  over 28  years'  experience  at HSBC,
          particularly  in Asia.  Global  Banking and Markets,  is the wholesale
          banking  division  of the  Group  with  operations  in  more  than  60
          countries and territories.

          + James Wyndham John Hughes-Hallett, FCA
          Age 58. A  non-executive  Director of HSBC  Holdings plc since 2005. A
          member of the Group Audit  Committee and of the Nomination  Committee.
          Chairman of John Swire & Sons Limited. A non-executive Director of The
          Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from 1999 to 2004. A
          non-executive Director and formerly Chairman of Cathay Pacific Airways
          Limited and Swire Pacific Limited.  A Director of China Festival 2008.
          A trustee  of the  Dulwich  Picture  Gallery  and the Esmee  Fairbairn
          Foundation. A member of The Hong Kong Association and of the Governing
          Body of the School of Oriental  and  African  Studies,  University  of

          + William Samuel Hugh Laidlaw, MA, MBA
          Age 51. A non-executive  Director of HSBC Holdings plc since 1 January
          2008.  Chief  Executive  Officer of Centrica plc. A Trustee of RAFT, a
          medical charity for burns and reconstructive  surgery. A member of the
          Business Council for International Understanding.  President and Chief
          Operating Officer of Amerada Hess Corporation from 1995 to 2001. Chief
          Executive  Officer of Enterprise Oil plc from 2001 to 2002.  Executive
          Vice  President  of  Chevron  Corporation  from  2003 to  2006,  and a
          non-executive Director of Hanson PLC from 2003 to August 2007.

          W S H  Laidlaw  brings  to  the  board  as  a  non-executive  director
          significant  international  experience,  having had responsibility for
          businesses on four continents.  It is the belief of the Board that W S
          H Laidlaw is fully  able to  discharge  his  duties as an  independent
          non-executive Director.

          + Narayana Ramarao Nagavara Murthy, CBE
          Age 61. A non-executive Director of HSBC Holdings plc with effect from
          1 May 2008. Chairman and Chief Mentor of Infosys Technologies Limited,
          and former  Chief  Executive  Officer.  An  independent  non-executive
          Director  of  Unilever  plc and New  Delhi  Television  Limited  and a
          Director   of  the   United   Nations   Foundation.   An   independent
          non-executive Director of DBS Bank Limited until 2 April 2008.

          N R N Murthy  brings to the board a  background  in India.  He founded
          Infosys  Technologies  Limited  in  India  in 1981  and was CEO for 21
          years. Under his leadership,  Infosys was listed on NASDAQ in 1999 and
          today has offices in 23  countries  and  territories,  employing  over
          80,000 staff covering 66 nationalities.  It is the belief of the Board
          that N R N  Murthy  is  fully  able  to  discharge  his  duties  as an
          independent non-executive Director.

          + Stewart Worth Newton, FCA
          Age 66. A  non-executive  Director of HSBC  Holdings plc since 2002. A
          member of the Group Audit Committee. Chairman of The Real Return Group
          Limited.  A Member of the Investment  Committee of The Wellcome Trust,
          and the Investment Board of Cambridge University.  A Council Member of
          Imperial  College,  London and Chairman of the committee  advising the
          Council on the College Fund. An adviser to the Investment Committee of
          the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

          * Non-executive Director
          + Independent non-executive Director

          None of the  Directors  standing  for  re-election  has  any  material
          relationship  with another  Director,  member of Senior  Management or
          substantial or controlling shareholder.

          V H C Cheng,  A A Flockhart  and S T Gulliver are members of the Group
          Management  Board of HSBC Holdings plc. The Group  Management Board is
          chaired by M F Geoghegan,  the Group Chief  Executive of HSBC Holdings
          plc and D J Flint, the Group Finance Director of HSBC Holdings plc, is
          a member.  Baroness Dunn, W K L Fung, M F Geoghegan, S K Green and J W
          J  Hughes-Hallett  are  Directors  of HSBC  Holdings  plc who are,  or
          previously served


          as,  Directors  of  The  Hongkong  and  Shanghai  Banking  Corporation
          Limited,  of which Mr Cheng,  Mr  Flockhart  and Mr Gulliver  are also
          Directors.  Baroness  Dunn and J W J  Hughes-Hallett  are Directors of
          Swire Pacific Limited, of which Mr Cheng was also a Director from 2005
          to 31 January 2008.

          Mr  Flockhart  serves on the boards of Hang Seng Bank Limited and HSBC
          Bank (China)  Company  Limited with other Directors and members of the
          senior management of HSBC Holdings plc.

          Mr  Gulliver  serves on the  boards  of HSBC Bank plc,  HSBC Bank USA,
          National  Association,  HSBC National  Bank USA, HSBC Private  Banking
          Holdings  (Suisse) SA, HSBC USA Inc. and HSBC  Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG
          with other  Directors  and  members of the senior  management  of HSBC
          Holdings plc.

          J D Coombe,  an  independent  non-executive  Director of HSBC Holdings
          plc,  served  with D J  Flint,  the  Group  Finance  Director  of HSBC
          Holdings plc, on the Accounting  Standards  Board and on the Financial
          Reporting  Council's  review  of the  Turnbull  guidance  on  internal
          control.  HSBC  provides  banking  services  to his  former  employer,
          GlaxoSmithKline  plc,  from which he  retired  as a director  in March
          2005.  Mr Coombe is a Director  of Home  Retail  Group plc and,  until
          January 2008,  was a Director of Siemens AG both of which have banking
          relationships  with HSBC.  He is  Chairman  of Hogg  Robinson  plc who
          provides travel services to, and has banking relationships with, HSBC.

          J W J Hughes-Hallett,  an independent  non-executive  Director of HSBC
          Holdings  plc, is Chairman of John Swire & Sons Limited and a Director
          of Swire Pacific Ltd. Baroness Dunn, a non-executive  Director of HSBC
          Holdings plc, serves as a Director of both companies.  They both serve
          as Trustees of The Swire Educational  Trust. V H C Cheng, an executive
          Director of HSBC Holdings plc, was a Director of Swire Pacific Limited
          until January 2008. Mr  Hughes-Hallett  is a Director of The Hong Kong
          Association  with S K Green,  the Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings plc,
          and Baroness Dunn. He is also a Director of China Festival 2008 with S
          K Green. A non-wholly  owned  subsidiary of John Swire & Sons Limited,
          Hong Kong Aircraft  Engineering  Company Limited (HAECO),  owns 45 per
          cent of Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited (HAESL). Another 45 per
          cent of  HAESL  is  owned  by  Rolls  Royce  Group  plc,  of which S M
          Robertson, an independent non-executive Director of HSBC Holdings plc,
          is non-executive Chairman.  HAECO also provides management services to

          W S H Laidlaw, an independent  non-executive Director of HSBC Holdings
          plc, was Chief  Executive  Officer of Enterprise  Oil plc from 2001 to
          2002. During this time, Sir Brian Moffat, a non-executive  Director of
          HSBC  Holdings  plc,  also  served  as  a  non-executive  Director  of
          Enterprise Oil plc.

          According to the register of Directors'  interests  maintained by HSBC
          Holdings  plc  pursuant to section 352 of the  Securities  and Futures
          Ordinance of Hong Kong, the Directors standing for re-election had the
          following  interests in the shares and loan capital of HSBC at 3 March
          2008 (the date of the Report of the Directors),  all beneficial unless
          otherwise  stated.  J L Duran, had no interests in the shares and loan
          capital of HSBC at 3 March 2008. Changes in Directors' interests since
          approval of the Report of the  Directors  on 3 March 2008 are shown in
          note (14) below.

          HSBC Holdings ordinary shares
          of US$0.50                                                                             Percentage of
                                        Beneficial            Controlled     Equity     Total         ordinary
                                             owner   Trustee  corporationderivatives interests shares in issue

          V H C Cheng                      241,469         -           -   3,070(1)   244,539             0.00
          J D Coombe                        12,655  33,799(2)          -          -    46,454             0.00
          D J Flint                         84,349  29,610(3)          -   2,310(1)   116,269             0.00
          W K L Fung                       328,000         -           -          -   328,000             0.00
          J W J Hughes-Hallett                   -  554,435(2)         -          -   554,435             0.00
          W S H Laidlaw                     20,000  4,500(2)           -          -    24,500             0.00
          S W Newton                         5,963         -      51,464          -    57,427             0.00

         1    Savings-related share options
         2    Non-beneficial
         3    Non-beneficial interest in 9,870 HSBC Holdings ordinary shares
              of US$0.50.


          At 3 March 2008, V H C Cheng and D J Flint had  additional  interests,
          which are  categorised  as the interests of a  beneficiary  of a trust
          under the  Securities  and Futures  Ordinance of Hong Kong, in 408,022
          and 770,018  HSBC  Holdings  ordinary  shares of US$0.50  respectively
          arising from conditional  awards of Performance  Shares under the HSBC
          Holdings  Restricted Share Plan 2000 and the HSBC Share Plan,  subject
          to the vesting arrangements summarised on pages 36 to 37 of the Annual
          Review  and set out on pages  325 to 327 and  pages  331 to 332 of the
          Annual Report and Accounts. The aggregate interests of V H C Cheng and
          D J Flint  in HSBC  Holdings  ordinary  shares  of  US$0.50  including
          interests arising through conditional awards of Performance Shares and
          awards  of   Restricted   Shares  were  652,561  and  886,287   shares
          respectively (less than 0.01 per cent of the shares in issue).

          At 3 March 2008, when their appointments as Directors with effect from
          1  May  2008  were  announced,  A A  Flockhart  and S T  Gulliver  had
          beneficial  interests in 131,571 and 2,022,961 HSBC Holdings  ordinary
          shares of US$0.50 respectively. At 3 March 2008, A A Flockhart and S T
          Gulliver  had  additional  interests,  which  are  categorised  as the
          interests of a beneficiary of a trust under the Securities and Futures
          Ordinance of Hong Kong, in 274,502 and 424,601 HSBC Holdings  ordinary
          shares of US$0.50  respectively  arising  from  conditional  awards of
          Performance Shares under the HSBC Holdings  Restricted Share Plan 2000
          and  the  HSBC  Share  Plan,  subject  to  the  vesting   arrangements
          summarised on pages 36 to 37 of the Annual Review and set out on pages
          325 to 327 and pages 331 to 332 of the Annual Report and Accounts, and
          in 51,167  and  743,796  HSBC  Holdings  ordinary  shares  of  US$0.50
          respectively  arising from awards of Restricted  Shares under the HSBC
          Share Plan. Mr Flockhart also had interests in options over 1,332 HSBC
          Holdings  ordinary  shares of US$0.50  granted under the HSBC Holdings
          Savings-Related  Share  Option  Plan:  International  and options over
          22,500 HSBC Holdings ordinary shares of US$0.50 granted under the HSBC
          Holdings Executive Share Option Scheme. The aggregate interests of A A
          Flockhart and S T Gulliver in HSBC Holdings ordinary shares of US$0.50
          including  interest arising through  conditional awards of Performance
          Shares and awards of  Restricted  Shares were  481,072  and  3,191,358
          shares  (less  than  0.01 and 0.03 per cent of the  shares  in  issue)

          S A Catz and N R N Murthy  had no  interests  in the  shares  and loan
          capital of HSBC at 3 March 2008, the date on which their  appointments
          as Directors with effect from 1 May 2008 were announced.

          S A Catz, J D Coombe, J L Duran, W K L Fung, J W J Hughes-Hallett, W S
          H Laidlaw,  N R N Murthy and S W Newton,  non-executive  Directors who
          are  standing  for  re-election,  each  receive  a  Director's  fee of
          GBP65,000  per  annum.   Non-executive   Directors'  fees,  which  are
          regularly  reviewed  and  compared  with  other  large   international
          companies,  were authorised by Shareholders at the 2006 Annual General
          Meeting,  following a comprehensive review of fees paid in other major
          UK  companies.  In  addition,  J  D  Coombe  receives  fees  totalling
          GBP40,000  per annum as a member of the Group Audit  Committee and the
          Remuneration  Committee.  W K L Fung receives fees totalling GBP20,000
          per annum as a member of the Corporate  Sustainability  Committee.  Mr
          Fung also  receives  a fee of  HK$450,000  (GBP28,816)  per annum as a
          director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. J W
          J  Hughes-Hallett  receives  fees  totalling  GBP40,000 per annum as a
          member of the Group Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee.  S W
          Newton  receives a fee of GBP20,000 per annum as a member of the Group
          Audit  Committee.  Committee fees are  determined by the Board.  Those
          Directors  to  whom  fees  are  payable  do not  participate  in  that

          Non-executive  Directors  do not  have  service  contracts  with  HSBC
          Holdings plc. Subject to their re-election by shareholders,  the terms
          of  appointment   for  the   non-executive   Directors   standing  for
          re-election  will  expire:  in 2009 in  respect  of W K L Fung and S W
          Newton; and in 2011 in respect of S A Catz, J D Coombe, J L Duran, J W
          J  Hughes-Hallett,  W S H  Laidlaw  and N R N  Murthy.  The  terms  of
          appointment  for  the   non-executive   Directors  are  available  for
          inspection at the registered  office of the Company in London and at 1
          Queen's Road Central,  Hong Kong SAR during usual  business  hours and
          will be available  for  inspection at the place and on the date of the
          Meeting from at least 15 minutes  before the Meeting  begins until the
          conclusion of the Meeting.

          V H C Cheng and A A Flockhart are employed on rolling  contracts dated
          1  October  1978 and 6 July 1974  respectively,  which  require  three
          months'  notice to be given by either party.D J Flint is employed on a
          rolling  contract  dated 29 September  1995 which  requires 12 months'
          notice to be given by the Company and nine months'  notice to be given
          by Mr Flint.


          S T Gulliver is employed on a rolling  contract  dated 8 December 2005
          which  requires  twelve  months'  notice to be given by either  party.
          Under each of their terms of  employment,  V H C Cheng, D J Flint, A A
          Flockhart and S T Gulliver receive a basic salary and are eligible for
          a discretionary  annual bonus and long term incentive award. The basic
          salaries of V H C Cheng, D J Flint, A A Flockhart and S T Gulliver are
          HK$7,500,000,   GBP700,000,  HK$4,494,384  and  GBP600,000  per  annum
          respectively.  The performance  factors to determine the discretionary
          annual  bonuses are  explained on page 35 of the Annual  Review and on
          pages  323 to 324  of the  Annual  Report  and  Accounts.  From  2008,
          remuneration  policy for  executive  Directors  is intended to provide
          competitive  rates of base salary targeted at the market median of the
          remuneration  comparator group whilst providing an opportunity for top
          quartile total  compensation  for higher levels of performance  with a
          greater proportion of total compensation being share-based.  Copies of
          the service contracts of the executive Directors will be available for
          inspection at the registered  office of the Company in London and at 1
          Queen's Road  Central,  Hong Kong during usual  business  hours on any
          business  day from the date of this  Notice  until the date of Meeting
          and at the  place  and on the  date of the  Meeting  from at  least 15
          minutes before the Meeting begins until the conclusion of the Meeting.
          Save as disclosed  above there are no further  matters or  particulars
          required  to be  disclosed  pursuant  to Rule  13.51(2)  of the  Rules
          Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

     (9)  The general purpose of the authorities to be conferred on
          the  Directors by  Resolutions  5 and 6 is to enable the  Directors to
          allot shares (or sell shares held by the Company in treasury following
          an own share  purchase) up to a specified  number without having first
          to obtain the consent of Ordinary Shareholders in general meeting. The
          Directors have  undertaken  that no capital will be issued which would
          effectively  change the  control  of the  Company or the nature of its
          business  without  the prior  approval  of  Ordinary  Shareholders  in
          general meeting.

     (10) The purpose of the  authority to be  conferred  by  Resolution 7 is to
          enable the Company to make  market  purchases  of its own shares.  The
          total number of options to subscribe for Ordinary  Shares  outstanding
          on 27 March 2008 (the  latest  practicable  date prior to  printing of
          this document) was 281,045,726  which represented 2.37 per cent of the
          issued  ordinary share capital as at that date. If the Company were to
          purchase  the maximum  number of  Ordinary  Shares  permitted  by this
          Resolution,  the options  outstanding on 27 March 2008 would represent
          2.63 per cent of the issued ordinary share capital.

     (11) The  purpose of  Resolutions  8 and 9 are to make  alterations  to the
          Articles of Association to reflect certain of the provisions of the UK
          Companies  Act 2006 which  have come into force on 1 October  2007 and
          which  will come  into  force on 6 April  2008 and 1 October  2008 and
          other  related  matters,  further  details of which are  contained  in
          Appendix II.

          Copies of the Articles of  Association of the Company and the Articles
          of  Association  of the  Company  as  proposed  to be  amended  by the
          provisions of  Resolutions 8 and 9 will be available for inspection at
          the  registered  office of the Company in London and at 1 Queen's Road
          Central,  Hong Kong SAR during usual  business  hours from the date of
          this Notice  until the date of the Meeting and at the place and on the
          date of the Meeting from at least 15 minutes before the Meeting begins
          until the conclusion of the Meeting.

     (12) The purpose of  Resolution  10 is to amend the rules of the HSBC Share
          Plan. A copy of the rules as proposed to be amended by  Resolution  10
          and a copy of the current  rules will be available  for  inspection at
          the  registered  office of the Company in London and at 1 Queen's Road
          Central,  Hong Kong SAR during usual  business  hours from the date of
          this Notice  until the date of the Meeting and at the place and on the
          date of the Meeting from at least 15 minutes before the Meeting begins
          until the conclusion of the Meeting.

     (13) For safety  reasons,  security  checks will be carried out on entry to
          the Meeting.  Shareholders are reminded that  briefcases,  cameras and
          tape-recorders  will not be allowed in the Meeting and that all mobile
          telephones must be switched off.

     (14) The  following  changes  in  the  interests  of  Directors  and of the
          Directors to be appointed  with effect from 1 May 2008, all beneficial
          unless  otherwise  stated,  in the  shares  and loan  capital  of HSBC
          Holdings plc and its subsidiaries or associated corporations have been
          notified to the Company  during the period from approval of the Report
          of the Directors and of the  announcements  of the appointments of S A
          Catz, A A Flockhart, S T Gulliver and


          N R N Murthy as Directors  with effect from 1 May 2008 on 3 March 2008
          to 27 March 2008 (the latest practicable date prior to the printing of
          this document):

         (a)   A A  Flockhart  acquired a  beneficial  interest  in 22,500  HSBC
               Holdings  ordinary shares of US$0.50 by the exercise of an option
               and sold 18,515 HSBC Holdings ordinary shares of US$0.50;

         (b)   The undernamed Directors were awarded Restricted Shares under the
               HSBC  Share  Plan  which  give rise to  additional  interests  as
               beneficiaries of a trust in the number of HSBC Holdings  ordinary
               shares of US$0.50  shown  below:

               V H C Cheng 82,295
               S T Gulliver 458,708
               A A Flockhart 11,929

         (c)   Upon the release of a Restricted Share award under the HSBC Share
               Plan, S T Gulliver's interests  categorised as a beneficiary of a
               trust under the  Securities  and Futures  Ordinance  of Hong Kong
               were reduced by 294,528 HSBC Holdings ordinary shares of US$0.50.
               120,755 HSBC Holdings ordinary shares of US$0.50 were sold by the
               trustees  of the Plan to meet  the tax  liability.  S T  Gulliver
               retained  88,804  HSBC  Holdings  ordinary  shares of US$0.50 and
               transferred  84,969 HSBC Holdings  ordinary  shares of US$0.50 to
               his   spouse.

    (15) The following  notifications of major  shareholdings  have been
         received by the Company pursuant to the requirements of UK Financial
         Services Authority Disclosure and Transparency Rule 5:

         o    Singularis Holdings Limited; AWAL Trust Company Limited; and Maan
              Abdulwahed  Al Sanea gave  notice on 16 April 2007 of an indirect
              interest on 16 April 2007 in 360,055,575  HSBC Holdings  ordinary
              shares,  representing  3.11 per cent of the  ordinary  shares  in
              issue at that date.

         o    Barclays PLC gave notice on 17 April 2007 of an indirect interest
              on 16 April 2007 in 518,233,657  HSBC Holdings  ordinary  shares,
              representing  4.47 per cent of the  ordinary  shares  in issue at
              that date.

          o   Legal and  General  Group Plc gave  notice on 27 March  2008 of a
              direct  interest on 26 March 2008 in  543,241,591  HSBC  Holdings
              ordinary  shares,  representing  4.57  per  cent of the  ordinary
              shares in issue at that  date.

    (16) In the event of a conflict  between  any  translation  and the English
         text hereof, the English text will prevail.


Annual General Meeting - 30 May 2008

If there is a question  or  questions  you would like to have  addressed  at the
Annual General Meeting on 30 May 2008,  please write your  question(s)  here and
return this form as indicated below. Alternatively, please send your question by
email to






We will  endeavour  to address  any issues  raised  when the item of business to
which the question relates is under consideration by the Meeting.  Any questions
submitted that are not relevant to the business of the Meeting will be forwarded
for the  attention of an  appropriate  executive.  These might  include  matters
relating to a  shareholder's  bank account or affairs,  which are unlikely to be
relevant to the business of the Meeting. Submitting a question in advance of the
Meeting does not affect your rights as a shareholder  to attend and speak at the



Shareholder Reference Number:

Please return this form to the Registrars:  Computershare Investor Services PLC,
PO Box 1064, The Pavilions,  Bridgwater Road,  Bristol BS99 3FA, United Kingdom;
Computershare  Hong Kong  Investor  Services  Limited,  Hopewell  Centre,  Rooms
1806-1807,  18th Floor,  183  Queen's  Road East,  Hong Kong SAR;  or  Corporate
Shareholder Services,  The Bank of Bermuda Limited, 6 Front Street,  Hamilton HM
11, Bermuda.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                               HSBC Holdings plc

                                                Name:  P A Stafford
                                                Title: Assistant Group Secretary
                                                Date:  3 April, 2008