Form 6-K
Table of Contents

United States
Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of
May 2010
Vale S.A.
Avenida Graça Aranha, No. 26
20030-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)
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Press Release
Signature Page

Table of Contents

Financial Statements — March 31, 2010
Filed at CVM and SEC on 05/05/10
Gerência Geral de Controladoria — GECOL



Table of Contents

Vale S.A.
Report of Independent Auditors about the limited revision
Condensed Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2010 and March 31, 2010
Condensed Statement of Income for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009 for the consolidated and for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010 and March 31, 2009 for the parent Company
Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income (Deficit) for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009
Condensed Statement of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009
Condensed Statement of Cash Flows for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009 for the consolidated and for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010 and March 31, 2009 for the parent Company
Condensed Statement Added Value for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009
Notes to the Interim Condensed Financial Statements



Table of Contents

  Rua da Candelária, 65 11° — 15°
  20091-020 Rio de Janeiro. RJ — Brasil
  Caixa Postal 949
  Telefone (21) 3232-6112
Fax (21) 2516-6319
(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)
Report of Independent Accountants
on the Limited Review
To the Board of Directors and Stockholders
Vale S.A.
We have carried out a limited review of the interim condensed financial information individual and consolidated of Vale S.A. and its subsidiaries, for the period of three months ended March 31, 2010, comprising the condensed balance sheet in March 31, 2010 and the condensed statements of operations, changes in stockholders’ equity, comprehensive income, cash flows and value added and notes, related to the period ended March 31, 2010, prepared under the responsibility of the Company’s management.
Our review was carried out in accordance with specific standards established by the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil (“Institute de Auditores Independentes do Brasil — IBRACON”), and mainly comprised: (a) inquiries of and discussions with management responsible for the accounting, financial and operating areas of the Company with regard to the main criteria adopted for the preparation of the interim information and (b) a review of the relevant information and of the subsequent events which have, or could have, significant effects on the financial position and operations of the Company and its subsidiaries.
Based on our limited review, we are not aware of any significant adjustments which should be made to the interim condensed financial information referred to above for it to be in accordance with the Technical Pronouncement CPC 21 Interim Financial Reporting, applicable to the preparation of interim financial information.
The interim condensed financial information mentioned in the first paragraph also includes comparative accounting information for the results for the quarter ended March 31, 2009, obtained from the corresponding interim condensed financial information for that quarter. The limited review of the interim condensed financial information for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 was conducted by other independent auditors, who issued their unqualified report, dated May 6, 2009.



Table of Contents

Vale S.A.
As mentioned in Note 7.3, the Brazilian Securities Commission (“Comissão de Valores Mobiliários — CVM”) approved several Technical Pronouncements, Interpretations and Orientations issued by the Comitê de Pronunciamentos Técnicos — CPC, valid for 2010, that changed the accounting practices adopted in Brazil. These changes were adopted and disclosed by the Company in the preparation of the March 31, 2010 Quarterly Information — ITR. The Quarterly Information for the preceding periods, presented for comparative purposes, were adjusted to include the changes in accounting practices adopted in Brazil for 2010, and are being restated in accordance with CPC 23 — Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Correction of Errors (“Politicas Contábeis, Mudança de Estimativa e Retificação de Erros”). In connection with our review of the quarterly information relating to the quarter ended March 31, 2010, we also reviewed the adjustments arising from the changes in accounting practices disclosed in Note 7.3 relating to the quarter ended March 31, 2009. We are not aware that those adjustments are inadequate or have not been appropriately recognized, taking into consideration all material aspects. We have been engaged solely to review the adjustments described in Note 7.3 and not to review and neither to apply any other form of procedure on the quarterly information for the quarter ended March 31, 2009, and, therefore, we do not express any form of conclusion on that quarterly information.
Rio de Janeiro, May 5, 2010
Auditores Independentes
CRC 2SP000160/O-5 “F” RJ
Marcos Donizete Panassol
Contador CRC 1SP155975/O-8 “S” RJ



Table of Contents

A- Condensed Financial Statements
(A free translation from the original in Portuguese, accounting practices adopted in Brazil)
1- Condensed Balance Sheet
Balances as of   In millions of Reais
            Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Notes     March 31,
    December 31,
2009 (l)
    March 31,
    December 31,
2009 (l)
            (unaudited)             (unaudited)          
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
    7.6       20,266,871       13,220,599       2,335,918       1,249,980  
Short term investments
    7.7       21,643       6,524,906              
Accounts receivable from customers
            7,112,212       5,642,820       3,703,017       3,360,426  
Related parties
    7.8       143,705       144,029       5,256,544       4,359,807  
    7.9       6,395,001       5,913,024       1,965,079       1,881,583  
Taxes to recover or offset
            2,835,346       2,684,662       1,813,700       1,880,888  
Derivatives at fair value
            315,844       182,932       128,942        
Advances for suppliers
            841,193       872,287       736,664       751,409  
            1,855,678       1,579,687       190,199       154,816  
            39,787,493       36,764,946       16,130,063       13,638,909  
Non-current assets
Related parties
    7.8       81,203       63,710       2,152,458       1,842,485  
Loans and financing
    7.13       303,984       285,894       154,194       135,906  
Prepaid expenses
            296,737       294,550              
Judicial deposits
    7.14       2,556,097       3,108,522       1,886,332       2,433,036  
Advances to energy suppliers
            873,348       889,227              
Deferred income tax and social contribution
            3,259,102       2,760,226       2,490,131       2,049,677  
Taxes to recover or offset
            1,559,088       1,539,910       110,358       157,993  
Derivatives at fair value
    7.24       1,312,950       1,506,084       982,607       1,097,690  
            527,208       546,933       355,722       357,632  
            10,769,717       10,995,056       8,131,802       8,074,419  
            4,579,462       4,589,890       90,417,032       87,894,653  
    7.11       22,773,475       22,604,578       17,415,271       17,312,970  
Property, plant and equipment
    7.12       106,188,535       102,495,433       34,625,943       33,882,584  
Biological assets
            239,489       288,286       236,320       285,117  
            133,780,961       129,978,187       142,694,566       139,375,324  
Total of assets
            184,338,171       177,738,189       166,956,431       161,088,652  
Liabilities, and stockholders’ equity
Current liabilities
Payable to suppliers and contractors
            4,101,376       3,848,855       2,417,590       2,382,899  
Payroll and related charges
            1,044,558       1,556,360       630,386       1,009,912  
Current portion of long-term debt
    7.13       7,438,577       5,310,606       2,170,847       2,053,280  
Short-term debt
    7.13       660,893       646,325              
Related parties
            30,642       33,468       8,080,755       7,342,680  
Taxes, contributions and royalties
            198,711       255,915       92,795       97,317  
Provision for income tax
            260,414       366,132              
Pension Plan
            325,567       292,756       161,940       160,740  
Ferrovia Norte Sul subconcession
            520,728       496,262              
Derivatives at fair value
    7.24       197,997       263,595              
Provision for asset retirement obligations
    7.15       143,895       157,048       107,603       121,485  
Dividends and interest on stockholders’ equity
            2,907,283       2,907,283       2,907,283       2,907,283  
            1,634,274       1,338,672       585,410       466,129  
            19,464,915       17,473,277       17,154,609       16,541,725  
Non-current liabilities
Pension Plan
    7.16       3,224,968       3,099,313       603,051       636,496  
Long-term debt
            36,074,286       36,132,427       13,777,012       12,071,905  
Related parties
            102,704       103,164       27,737,324       28,110,935  
Provisions for contingencies
    7.14       3,692,504       4,201,617       2,101,252       2,730,560  
Deferred income tax and social contribution
            9,415,676       9,306,370       1,418,625       1,320,215  
Derivatives at fair value
    7.24       444,964       39,676              
Provision for asset retirement obligations
    7.15       2,045,704       1,930,752       756,518       724,037  
            4,073,398       3,886,052       3,402,187       3,194,664  
            59,074,204       58,699,371       49,795,969       48,788,812  
Redeemable noncontrolling interest
            1,309,423       1,272,314              
            60,383,627       59,971,685       49,795,969       48,788,812  
Stockholders’ equity
Preferred class A stock — 7,200,000,000 no-par-value shares authorized and 2,108,590,520 (2008 — 2,108,579,618) issued
            18,469,222       18,469,222       18,469,222       18,469,222  
Common stock — 3,600,000,000 no-par-value shares authorized and 3,256,724,482 (2008 — 3,256,724,482) issued
            28,964,971       28,964,971       28,964,971       28,964,971  
Mandatorily convertible notes — common shares
            2,584,393       2,584,393       2,584,393       2,584,393  
Mandatorily convertible notes — preferred shares
            2,002,618       2,002,618       2,002,618       2,002,618  
Treasury stock — 77,581,904 (2008 — 76,854,304) preferred and 74,997,899 (2008 — 74,937,899) common shares
            (2,470,698 )     (2,470,698 )     (2,470,698 )     (2,470,698 )
Transaction cost of capital increase
            (160,771 )     (160,771 )     (160,771 )     (160,771 )
Equity assessment adjust
            48,223       14,190       (19,072 )     14,190  
Cumulative translation Adjustments
            (7,484,724 )     (8,886,380 )     (7,484,724 )     (8,886,380 )
Revenue reserves
            58,052,619       55,240,570       58,119,914       55,240,570  
Total Company stockholders’ equity
            100,005,853       95,758,115       100,005,853       95,758,115  
Noncontrolling interests
            4,483,776       4,535,112              
Total stockholders’ equity
            104,489,629       100,293,227       100,005,853       95,758,115  
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity
            184,338,171       177,738,189       166,956,431       161,088,652  
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

A free translation from the original in Portuguese, accounting practices adopted in Brazil)
2- Condensed Statement of Income
Period ended in (unaudited)   In millions of Reais (except as otherwise stated)
            Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Notes     March 31,
    December 31,
2009 (l)
    March 31,
2009 (I)
    March 31,
    March 31,
2009 (I)
Operating revenues
Ore and metals
            10,369,372       9,421,070       10,699,022       6,165,662       6,846,362  
Aluminum-related products
            1,095,625       1,085,957       1,048,818       102,953       125,038  
Transport services
            621,554       630,291       514,767       305,456       241,861  
Steel products
            209,794       133,355       169,915              
Other products and services
            286,977       410,520       483,318       56,466       81,879  
            12,583,322       11,681,193       12,915,840       6,630,537       7,295,140  
Cost of products and services
Ores and metals
            (4,719,829)       (5,025,393)       (4,979,917)       (3,250,545)       (2,517,384)  
Aluminum-related products
            (946,447)       (1,030,020)       (1,051,383)       (168,970)       (110,334)  
Transport services
            (472,084)       (471,326)       (426,117)       (229,729)       (205,688)  
Steel products
            (190,711)       (129,158)       (154,046)              
Other products and services
            (306,129)       (544,646)       (263,615)       (22,178)       (50,010)  
            (6,635,200)       (7,200,543)       (6,875,078)       (3,671,422)       (2,883,416)  
Gross profit
            5,948,122       4,480,650       6,040,762       2,959,115       4,411,724  
Gross margin
            47.3%       38.4%       46.8%       44.6%       60.5%  
Operating expenses
Selling and Administrative
            (565,487)       (695,435)       (564,214)       (306,196)       (272,342)  
Research and development
            (313,642)       (522,435)       (441,229)       (211,946)       (268,101)  
Other operating expenses, net
    7.22       (1,044,443)       (995,065)       (884,515)       (356,582)       (350,826)  
            (1,923,572)       (2,212,935)       (1,889,958)       (874,724)       (891,269)  
Operating profit
            4,024,550       2,267,715       4,150,804       2,084,391       3,520,455  
Equity results
            7,214       22,447       13,450       2,260,694       897,814  
            7,214       22,447       13,450       2,260,694       897,814  
Financial results, net
            (1,336,700)       (367,053)       (363,724)       (1,577,246)       (228,241)  
Loss on disposal of assets
Income before income tax and social contribution
            2,695,064       1,591,971       3,800,530       2,767,839       4,190,028  
Deferred income tax and social contribution
            (511,930)       848,932       (1,157,050)       (339,064)       (1,091,415)  
            865,377       335,192       397,927       563,074       50,646  
    7.10       353,447       1,184,124       (759,123)       224,010       (1,040,769)  
Results on continued operations
            3,048,511       2,776,095       3,041,407       2,991,849       3,149,259  
Results on discontinued operations
    7.5       (224,448)                   (112,505)        
Net income of the period
            2,824,063       2,776,095       3,041,407       2,879,344       3,149,259  
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests
            (55,281)       68,489       (107,852)              
Net income attributable to the Company’s stockholders
            2,879,344       2,707,606       3,149,259       2,879,344       3,149,259  
Earnings per preferred share
            0.54       0.59       0.49       0.54       0.49  
Earnings per common share
            0.54       0.59       0.49       0.54       0.49  
Earnings per preferred share linked to convertible mandatorily notes (*)
            0.54       0.59       0.87       0.54       0.87  
Earnings per common share linked to convertible mandatorily notes (*)
            0.54       0.59       0.87       0.54       0.87  
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

3- Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income (deficit)
    In millions of Reais
Period ended in (unaudited)   (Except as otherwise stated)
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    March 31,
    December 31,
2009 (l)
    March 31,
    March 31,
    December 31,
2009 (l)
    March 31,
2009 (I)
Comprehensive income (deficit) is comprised as follows:
Company’s stockholders:
Net income attributable to Company’s stockholders
    2,879,344       2,707,606       3,149,259       2,879,344       2,707,606       3,149,259  
Cumulative translation adjustments
    1,401,656       (632,873 )     (1,012,286 )     1,401,656       (632,873 )     (1,012,286 )
Unrealized gain (loss) — available-for-sale securities
Gross balance as of the period/year end
    11,434       (37,436 )     303,601       11,434       (37,436 )     303,601  
Tax (expense) benefit
    (8,219 )     5,299       (81,637 )     (8,219 )     5,299       (81,637 )
    3,215       (32,137 )     221,964       3,215       (32,137 )     221,964  
Surplus (deficit) accrued pension plan
Cash flow hedge
Gross balance as of the period/year end
    10,053       (9,414 )           10,053       (9,414 )      
Tax (expense) benefit
    (46,530 )     (9,413 )           (46,530 )     (9,413 )      
    (36,477 )     (18,827 )           (36,477 )     (18,827 )      
Total comprehensive income attributable to Company’s stockholders
    4,247,738       2,023,769       2,358,937       4,247,738       2,023,769       2,358,937  
Noncontrolling interests:
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests
    (55,281 )     68,489       (107,852 )                        
Cumulative translation adjustments
    5,525       1,198,475       (11,657 )                        
Cash flow hedge
    8,106       (52,471 )                              
Total comprehensive income (deficit) attributable to Noncontrolling interests
    (41,650 )     1,214,493       (119,509 )                        
Total comprehensive income
    4,206,088       3,238,262       2,239,428                          
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

(A free translation from the original in Portuguese, accounting practices adopted in Brazil)
4- Condensed Statement of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity
Period ended in (unaudited)   In millions of Reais
                                    linked to                                                                            
                                    mandatory                                             Cumulative             Total company                
            Paid in     Transactions     Transactions     conversion in     Expansion /     Unrealized             Fiscal     Equity     translation     Retained     stockholders’     Noncontrolling        
    Notes     capital     costs     costs     shares     Investments     profit     Legal     incentives     adjustments     adjustments     earnings     equity     interests     Equity  
On December 31, 2008
            47,434,193       (160,771 )     (2,448,490 )     3,063,833       38,883,814       38,521       3,383,677       89,844       7,945       5,982,074             96,274,640             96,274,640  
Initial adjustments for adoption of new accounting practices
    7.3                                                                   33,431       33,431       4,681,456       4,714,887  
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustments
                                                                  (5,982,074 )     5,982,074                    
On January 1, 2009 (l)
            47,434,193       (160,771 )     (2,448,490 )     3,063,833       38,883,814       38,521       3,383,677       89,844       7,945             6,015,505       96,308,071       4,681,456       100,989,527  
Net income for the period
    7.3                                                                   3,149,259       3,149,259       (107,852 )     3,041,407  
Treasury stock
    7.20                   (23,642 )                                                     (23,642 )           (23,642 )
Adjustments for adoption on new practices for comparison
    7.3                                                                   76,753       76,753             76,753  
Cumulative translation Adjustments
                                                                  (1,012,286 )           (1,012,286 )     (11,566 )     (1,023,852 )
Unrealized result of market value
    7.24                                                       221,964                   221,964             221,964  
Non-controlling shareholders’ interest
                                                                                    424       424  
On March 31, 2009 (l)
            47,434,193       (160,771 )     (2,472,132 )     3,063,833       38,883,814       38,521       3,383,677       89,844       229,909       (1,012,286 )     9,241,517       98,720,119       4,562,462       103,282,581  
On September 30, 2009 (l)
            47,434,193       (160,771 )     (2,470,698 )     4,587,011       38,883,814       38,521       3,383,677       89,844       74,356       (8,253,507 )     13,499,869       97,106,309       3,416,404       100,522,713  
Net income for the period
    7.3                                                                   2,707,606       2,707,606       68,489       2,776,095  
Adjustments for adoption on new practices for comparison
    7.3                                                                   633       633             633  
Cumulative translation Adjustments
                                                                  (632,873 )           (632,873 )     1,198,475       565,602  
Cash flow hedge
                                                            (18,827 )                 (18,827 )     (52,471 )     (71,298 )
Unrealized result of market value
    7.24                                                       (32,137 )                 (32,137 )           (32,137 )
Additional remuneration of mandatorily convertible securities
    7.19                                                       58,093             (58,093 )                  
Non-controlling shareholders’ interest
                                                                                    (95,785 )     (95,785 )
Interim interest on stockholders’ equity
                                    (370,507 )                                   (94,805 )     (465,312 )           (465,312 )
Stockholder’s remuneration payed
                                                                        (2,907,284 )     (2,907,284 )           (2,907,284 )
Appropriation to revenue reserves
                                    6,653,282       (38,521 )     512,447       119,653                   (7,246,861 )                  
On December 31, 2009 (l)
            47,434,193       (160,771 )     (2,470,698 )     4,587,011       45,166,589             3,896,124       209,497       81,485       (8,886,380 )     5,901,065       95,758,115       4,535,112       100,293,227  
Net income for the period
                                                                        2,879,344       2,879,344       (55,281 )     2,824,063  
Cumulative translation Adjustments
                                                                  1,401,656             1,401,656       5,525       1,407,181  
Cash flow hedge
                                                            (36,477 )                 (36,477 )     8,106       (28,371 )
Unrealized result of market value
    7.24                                                       3,215                   3,215             3,215  
Non-controlling shareholders’ interest
                                                                                    (9,686 )     (9,686 )
On March 31, 2010
            47,434,193       (160,771 )     (2,470,698 )     4,587,011       45,166,589             3,896,124       209,497       48,223       (7,484,724 )     8,780,409       100,005,853       4,483,776       104,489,629  
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

(A free translation from the original in Portuguese, accounting practices adopted in Brazil)
5- Condensed Statement of Cash Flows
Period ended in (unaudited)   In millions of Reais
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
31, 2010
31, 2009 (l)
31, 2009 (I)
31, 2010
31, 2009 (I)
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income for the period
    2,824,063       2,776,095       3,041,407       2,879,344       3,149,259  
Adjustments to reconcile net income for the period with cash provided by operating activities:
Results of equity investments
    (7,214 )     (22,447 )     (13,450 )     (2,260,694 )     (897,814 )
Sale of assets
Results on continued operations
    224,448                   112,505        
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
    1,360,305       1,448,976       1,296,765       493,250       441,193  
Deferred income tax and social contribution
    (865,377 )     (335,192 )     (397,927 )     (563,074 )     (50,646 )
Monetary and exchange rate variations on assets and liabilities, net
    (188,341 )     (1,811,837 )     361,845       663,120       (378,832 )
Disposal of property, plant and equipment
    193,717       176,850       162,431       175,877       70,773  
Non recurring item — goodwill of Samitri
    400,848       (366,595 )     (43,775 )     78,256       61,984  
Dividends/interest on stockholders’ equity received
                      91,240       94,924  
    244,393       (80,097 )     (33,131 )     397,842       73,424  
    4,186,842       2,116,891       4,374,165       2,067,666       2,564,265  
Decrease (increase) in assets:
Accounts receivable
    (1,482,069 )     565,449       1,007,191       (335,683 )     2,988,598  
    (435,710 )     (185,803 )     504,458       (5,591 )     63,621  
Advances to energy suppliers
Taxes to recover or offset
    (10,019 )     (820,322 )     (164,804 )     68,004        
    566,784       82,315       (258,371 )     51,938       120,194  
    (1,361,014 )     (358,361 )     1,104,353       (221,332 )     3,172,413  
Increase (decrease) in liabilities:
Suppliers and contractors
    146,025       1,375,364       (728,025 )     34,690       (79,371 )
Payroll and related charges
    (521,208 )     179,278       (341,404 )     (379,525 )     (346,209 )
Taxes and contributions
    (157,723 )     (292,298 )     312,207       164,101       776,486  
    172,205       (333,491 )     (108,292 )     181,093       154,909  
    (360,701 )     928,853       (865,514 )     359       505,815  
Net cash provided by operating activities
    2,465,127       2,687,383       4,613,004       1,846,693       6,242,493  
Cash flows from investing activities:
Short term investments
    6,503,263       1,585,146       (2,054,202 )            
Loans and advances receivable
    16,560       (72,582 )     (65,384 )     91,408       (49,902 )
Guarantees and deposits
    (82,619 )     11,938       (51,728 )     (188,026 )     (21,496 )
Additions to investments
    (50,000 )     (2,032,492 )     (166,077 )     (538,033 )     (2,511,749 )
Additions to property, plant and equipment
    (3,354,333 )     (4,895,020 )     (3,682,753 )     (1,376,505 )     (1,647,821 )
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment/investments
Net cash used in acquisitions and increase of funds to subsidiaries, net of the cash of subsidiary
                (2,133,721 )            
Net cash used in investing activities
    3,032,871       (5,110,487 )     (8,153,865 )     (2,011,156 )     (4,230,968 )
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities:
Short-term debt additions
    3,075,770       761,393       356,101       379,444       266,974  
Short-term debt repayments
    (3,106,801 )     (756,418 )     (401,719 )     (779,760 )     (2,958,488 )
Long-term debt
    2,005,499       2,873,600       540,936       1,815,921       429,072  
Related parties
                            (4,795 )
Financial institutions
    (463,330 )     (118,352 )     (241,267 )     (165,212 )     (190,562 )
Dividends and interest on stockholders’ equity paid to stockholders
    (2,227 )     (2,646,655 )                  
Treasury stock
                (23,642 )           (23,642 )
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
    1,508,911       113,568       230,409       1,250,393       (2,481,441 )
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
    7,006,909       (2,309,536 )     (3,310,452 )     1,085,930       (469,916 )
Cash and cash equivalents of cash, beginning of the period
    13,220,598       15,560,596       24,639,245       1,249,980       6,712,705  
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
    39,364       (30,462 )     (8,797 )            
Initial cash in new consolidated subsidiary
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period
    20,266,871       13,220,598       21,319,996       2,335,918       6,242,789  
Cash paid during the period for:
Short-term interest
    (7,816 )     (22,745 )     (35,794 )     (1,660 )     (81,442 )
Long-term interest
    (448,669 )     (513,133 )     (647,133 )     (185,960 )     (641,357 )
Income tax and social contribution
    (251,890 )     (1,795,119 )     (335,254 )            
Non-cash transactions:
Additions to property, plant and equipment — interest capitalization
    (83,002 )     (102,521 )     (134,359 )     (26,791 )     (10,617 )
Transfer of advance for future capital increase to investments
                      (321,500 )     (124,550 )
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

6- Condensed Statement of Added Value
Period ended in (unaudited)   In millions of Reais
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    March 31,
    March 31,
2009 (I)
    March 31,
    March 31,
2009 (I)
Generation of added value
Gross revenue
Revenue from products and services
    13,029,349       13,188,983       6,971,347       7,474,223  
Revenue from the construction of own assets
    3,211,819       2,673,312       1,385,397       1,724,470  
Allowance for doubtful accounts
    (6,597)       (10,460)       (5,098)       (6,273)  
Less: Acquisition of products
    (413,160)       (387,715)       (256,792)       (43,956)  
Outsourced services
    (1,691,695)       (1,880,905)       (1,098,966)       (609,469)  
    (4,727,239)       (3,755,813)       (2,490,098)       (2,589,068)  
Fuel oil and gas
    (773,598)       (598,331)       (316,569)       (208,557)  
    (445,504)       (414,293)       (217,480)       (124,002)  
Other costs
    (2,009,716)       (1,887,823)       (943,381)       (975,487)  
Gross added value
    6,173,659       6,926,955       3,028,360       4,641,881  
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
    (1,360,305)       (1,296,765)       (493,250)       (441,193)  
Net added value
    4,813,354       5,630,190       2,535,110       4,200,688  
Received from third parties
Financial revenue
    98,809       1,087,530       40,409       695,476  
Equity results
    7,214       13,450       2,260,694       897,814  
Total added value to be distributed
    4,919,377       6,731,170       4,836,213       5,793,978  
    1,123,241       1,333,233       629,504       571,542  
Taxes, rates and contribution
    (109,989)       146,153       (66,280)       101,253  
    511,930       1,157,050       339,064       1,091,415  
    (865,377)       (397,927)       (563,074)       (50,646)  
Remuneration on third party’s capital
    1,435,509       1,451,254       1,617,655       931,155  
    2,879,344       3,149,259       2,879,344       3,149,259  
Minority interest
    (55,281)       (107,852)              
Distribution of added value
    4,919,377       6,731,170       4,836,213       5,793,978  
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

(A free translation from the original in Portuguese, accounting practices adopted in Brazil)
7- Notes To The Interim Condensed Financial Statements
(In millions of Brazilian Reais, except as otherwise stated)
7.1- Operational Context
Vale S.A, previously denominated Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, (“Vale”, the “Company”) is a Public Limited Liability Company with its headquarters in the city of Rio de Janeiro, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, whose main activities are mining, processing and sale of iron ore, pellets, copper concentrate and potash, as well as logistic services, power generation and mineral research and development. In addition, through its direct and indirect subsidiaries and jointly controlled companies, operates in nickel, copper, precious metals, cobalt (sub product), manganese, ferroalloys, kaolin, coal, steel and aluminum-related products.
On March 31, 2010 the principal operational consolidated subsidiaries and jointly controlled companies that we proportionally consolidate are:
            % voting          
Subsidiary   % ownership     capital     head office location   Principal activity
Parent Company
Alumina do Norte do Brasil S.A. — Alunorte
    57.03       59.02     Brazil   Alumina
Alumínio Brasileiro S.A. — Albras
    51.00       51.00     Brazil   Aluminum
Ferrovia Centro-Atlântica S.A.
    99.99       99.99     Brazil   Logistic
Ferrovia Norte Sul S.A.
    100.00       100.00     Brazil   Logistic
Mineração Corumbaense Reunida S.A.
    100.00       100.00     Brazil   Iron ore
PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk
    59.09       59.09     Indonesia   Nickel
Vale Australia Pty Ltd.
    100.00       100.00     Australia   Coal
Vale Colombia Ltd
    100.00       100.00     Colombia   Coal
Vale Inco Limited
    100.00       100.00     Canada   Nickel
Vale International S.A.
    100.00       100.00     Switzerland   Trading
Vale Manganês S.A.
    100.00       100.00     Brazil   Manganese and Ferroalloys
Vale Manganèse France
    100.00       100.00     France   Ferroalloys
Vale Manganèse Norway
    100.00       100.00     Norway   Ferroalloys
Jointly-controlled companies
California Steel Industries, Inc.
    50.00       50.00     Estados Unidos   Steel
Mineração Rio do Norte S.A.
    40.00       40.00     Brazil   Bauxita
MRS Logística S.A.
    41.50       37.86     Brazil   Logistic
Samarco Mineração S.A.
    50.00       50.00     Brazil   Minério de ferro
7.2- Summary of the Condensed Financial Statements and of the Principal Accounting Practices
The non audited quarterly condensed financial statements were prepared under the CPC 21 — Interim Financial Reporting and based on the Brazilian Corporate Law (with the new text by Law 11,638), Law 11,941 the standards, guidelines and interpretations issued by the Accounting Standards Committee - “CPC” and by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil — “CVM”.
The Company adopted from January 1, 2010, retroactively to January 1, 2009, for comparison purposes all the Accounting Standards issued by CPC and approved by CVM. So, certain balances and presentations previously disclosed are being resubmitted in comparison basis. Except as described in note 7.3, the quarterly financial statements followed the principles, methods and uniform criteria in relation to those adopted at the last fiscal year closing ended in December 31, 2009 and therefore should be read together with these.
In preparing of the financial statements, the use of estimates is required to book certain assets, liabilities and transactions. Consequently, the financial statements of Vale include certain estimates related to the useful lives of property, plant and equipment, contingencies, operational provisions and other similar evaluations. The actual amounts for the quarter periods are not necessarily indicative of the actual results for the period ended in December 31, 2010.



Table of Contents

The monetary rights and obligations denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the prevailing exchange rates at the time the balance sheet date, of which US$ 1,00 equal to R$ 1,7810 on March 31, 2010 (US$ 1,00 equal to R$ 2,3152 on March 31, 2009), for monetary items. For non monetary items valued at cost, we use the exchange rate at the day of the transaction or average rate of the month when they occur. For non monetary items measured at fair value, we use the exchange rate at the day of the transaction. Monetary rights and obligations in Brazilian currency are financially updated using contractual indexes.
Vale evaluated subsequent events until May 5, 2010, which is the date of the quarterly condensed financial statements.
7.3- Adoption of new practices and accounting estimates
During 2009, the CPC issued accounting standards that after approval by the CVM became mandatory for adoption for the year ended as of December 2010 and 2009 financial statements disclosed for purposes of comparison. Therefore, the Company adopted these standards in the condensed consolidated financial statements and in the parent Company from the first quarter of 2010, and made the necessary adjustments in the financial statements for the quarters ended March 31 and December 31, 2009.
The statements issued by the Accounting Standards Committee — “CPC” and approved by the Securities Commission — CVM, applicable to the Company, with effect from the year ending December 2010 are:
CPC 15 Business Combinations, which aims to improve the relevance, reliability and comparability of information that an entity provides in its financial statements about a business combination and its effect on the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. During the initial process of adoption we did not identify any significant adjustments.
CPC 16 Inventories. The objective of this Standard is to determine the measurement of inventories purchased for resale, the ones held for consumption or industrial use or in provision of services, in-process and finished goods ready for sale. During the initial process of adoption we did not identify any significant adjustments.
CPC 18 Investment in subsidiaries and affiliates. The objective of this Standard is to specify how the investments in affiliates should be accounted in the consolidated financial statements and in the financial statements of the Parent Company. During the initial process of adoption we did not identify any significant adjustments.
CPC 19 Investment in Controlled Joint Venture. The objective of this Standard is to specify how to account for interests in jointly controlled ventures (joint ventures) and the distribution of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of these enterprises in the financial statements of the investees. During the initial process of adoption we did not identify any significant adjustments.
CPC 20 Borrowing Costs. The objective of this Statement is the recognition of the borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, taking part of the cost of such assets. During the initial process of adoption we did not identify any significant adjustments.
CPC 21 Interim Financial Reporting. The objective of this Standard is to establish the minimum content of an interim financial statement and the principles for recognition and measurement of complete and condensed financial statements for the interim period. The Company has adopted this standard in January 1, 2010, according to note 7.2.
CPC 22 Segments Information. The objective of this Standard is to provide the disclosure that will enable users of financial statements to assess the nature and financial effects of business activities in which it is involved and the economic environments in which it operates. The Company discloses in their annual statements the segment information and starting on March 31, 2010, comparative information, having no material change in relation to accounting records.



Table of Contents

CPC 23 Accounting Policies, Changes in Estimates and Error Correction. The objective of this standard is to define criteria for selecting and changing accounting policies, together with the accounting treatment and disclosure of change in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and correction of error, improve the relevance and reliability of financial statements of the entity, and to enable comparability over time with the financial statements of other entities. The Company discloses in its financial statements at the end of each fiscal year, all accounting policies adopted by it, and any change or new address, follow all the decisions and guidelines for adoption. Therefore, in line with CPC 21 and CPC 23, the Company is disclosing all policies that change with the adoption of CPCs.
CPC 24 Subsequent Events. The objective of this Statement is to determine when the entity must adjust its financial statements with respect to the subsequent events to the accounting period which refers these statements, the information that the entity must disclose about the date on which the authorization is granted to issue the financial statements and the subsequent events following the accounting period related to these statements, and establish that the entity should not prepare its financial statements based on the continuity assumption if events after the accounting period related to the statements indicate that the continuity assumption is not appropriate. The Company has adopted this approach in their statements.
CPC 25 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. The goal is to establish criteria to be applied for recognition and measurement basis to correct measurement of provisions, liabilities and contingent assets and that sufficient information is disclosed in the notes to allow users to understand their nature, timeliness and value. The Company adopts practices very similar to this statement.
CPC 26 Presentation of Financial Statements. The goal is to define the basis for presentation of the financial statements to ensure comparability both with the financial statements for prior periods with the same entity as the financial statements of other entities. In this scenario, this standard establishes general requirements for the submission of financial statements, establishes guidelines for their structure and minimum requirements of content. The Company will adopt this standard for the complete annual financial statements in December 31, 2010.
CPC 27 Properties, Plant and Equipment. The goal is to establish the accounting treatment for fixed assets, so that users of financial statements can differentiate information about the entity’s investment in its fixed assets, and its variances. The main points to consider in accounting for fixed assets are the recognition of assets, the determination of their carrying amount, their depreciation (useful life) and assessing the need for recognition of impairment for losses to be recognized. The Company and its subsidiaries have been practicing the guidance in this standard.
CPC 29 Biological Assets and Agricultural Product. The goal is to establish the accounting treatment, and their disclosures relating to biological assets and agricultural products. The Company has in its financial records these assets, and during the initial process of adoption we did not identify any significant adjustments.
CPC 30 Revenue. The objective of this Standard is to establish criteria for the accounting treatment of revenue from certain types of transactions and events. It must be recognized when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and these benefits can be reliably measured. The Company has adopted the criteria required by this Statement, and there is no significant adjustment to be recorded, except for the presentation of net revenue and not gross revenue in the results.
CPC 31 Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. The objective of this Standard is to establish the accounting of non-current assets held for sale with the presentation and disclosure of discontinued operations. In particular, the Standard requires that assets which meet the criteria for classification as held for sale are measured at lower of book value or the fair value less cost to sell. The depreciation or amortization of the assets ceases and the assets are presented separately in the balance sheet and the results of discontinued operations are presented separately in the income statement. The Company adopted this guidance.
CPC 32 Income Taxes. The objective of this Technical Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment for taxes on income. The term tax on profit and includes all taxes and foreign national contributions are based on taxable profits. The term tax on profit also includes income taxes, such as withholding, which are due by the entity itself, through a subsidiary, affiliate or joint venture in which it participates. The effects relating to changes of due to the standard are the table of adjustment for adoption of new practices and accounting estimates.
CPC 33 Employee Benefits. The objective of this Standard is to address the accounting and disclosure for employee benefits. This requires the entity to recognize a liability when the employee renders service in exchange for benefits to be paid in the future, and an expense when the entity uses the economic benefit from the service received by the employee. The Company has in its financial statements, accounting records relating to events related to employee benefits, including events related to post-employment benefits and other post-employment benefits. The effects relating to changes of the standard are presented in the table of adjustments for adoption of new practices and accounting estimates.



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CPC 36 Consolidated Statements. The objective of this Standard is to increase the relevance, reliability and comparability of information that the parent Company provides in its financial statements, and the entities that are under control. It specifies the circumstances in which the entity should consolidate the financial statements of another entity (a subsidiary), the treatment in changes in ownership, in loss of controlling interest and the information that must be evidenced to enable users of financial statements to assess the nature of the relationship between the entity and its subsidiaries. The effects relating to changes of this standard are presented in the table of adjustments for adoption of new practices and accounting estimates.
CPC 37 Initial Adoption of International Accounting Standards. The objective of this Standard, basically applied to the consolidated financial statements, is to ensure that the first consolidated financial statements of an entity in accordance with International Accounting Standards issued by the IASB — International Accounting Standards Board (IFRSs — International Financial Reporting Standards) and the disclosures accounting for the interim periods covered by such financial statements contain high quality information and have the same net income and stockholders’ equity, except in exceptional situations. The Company is adopting the standard in January 1, 2010, and comparing to January 1, 2009. The statements (note for the first adoption, with the appropriate reconciliations) will be released on December 31, 2010, compared to 2009.
CPC 38 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, CPC 39 Financial Instruments: Presentation and CPC 40 Financial Instruments: Disclosure. The goal of the CPC 38 is to establish principles for recognizing and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy and sell non-financial items. The goal of the CPC 39 is to establish principles for presenting financial instruments as liabilities or equity and for offsetting financial assets and liabilities. Applying the classification of financial instruments, from the perspective of the issuer, into financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments, the classification of their interest, dividends, losses and gains, and the circumstances in which financial assets and financial liabilities should be offset. The goal of the CPC 40 is to require the entity to disclose in its financial statements what allows users to evaluate the significance of the financial instrument for the financial position and performance of the entity and the nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments to which the entity is exposed during the period and the end of the accounting period, and how the entity manages those risks. The Company already adopted the concepts and requirements in accordance with this standard. During the initial adoption process, the relevant effects were identified, and described in the table of adjustments for adoption of new practices and accounting estimates.
In addition to these standards we also adopt the respective interpretations and guidelines applicable mainly to the ICPC in 01 which deals with the Concession Contracts. The objective of this interpretation is to guide the Concessioners about the accounting methods of public service concessions to private entities. This standard applies to concessions if the Grantor has control of which services the Concessioner must provide with the infrastructure, to which the services must be provided, their price or any significant salvage value existing at the end of the concession period. It is also applied to the infrastructure already existing or acquired by the Concessionaire with third parties. The Company began to recognize in the intangible line, the assets of that category.
Thus, for the periods covered by the first financial statements in accordance with the new principles, the Company has evaluated the new rules and as a result of the adoption of the standards relevant to their initial balances has made adjustments in the intermediate and comparative statements as follows:
Employee benefits (CPC 33) — The Company made early records in employee benefit plans immediately, recognized an increase in liabilities with the offset in deferred income tax assets and in equity. Increase caused by the difference between the old and the new accounting policy. In these balances also are included gains and losses relating to previous accounting policy, which would fall within the limits of the corridor practices adopted by the Company for recognition of actuarial gains and losses from employee benefit plans in the previous principles, which continued to being adopted for new principles.
Provision for assets retirement obligation (CPC 25) — The entries made for the initial adoption of this statement; refer to the differences between the interest rates on long-term historical items used in previous and current use in new items for the discounted present value of obligations for asset retirement.
Financial instruments (CPC 38) — the entries made for the initial adoption of this standard are related to the additional remuneration of mandatorily convertible securities, debt remuneration, and by the new principle reclassified as capital remuneration (additional dividends).
Leasing — The Company recognized as fixed assets with an offset in loans and financing, the amount due to leasing contracts previously classified as operational leasing.



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Deferred income tax — The adjustments in this account refer basically a transfer of the shares recorded as current assets to non-current liabilities, according to CPC 26. The amount comprises with a tax loss of the parent Company of R$ 717,476 March 31, 2010 against R$ 799,243 December 31, 2009, and expects to realize it even in 2010.
Investments — The necessary entries made on the parent Company required by the adoption of new accounting principles for the affiliates. The effects of the adjustments are listed in the table below.
Minority interest — This line is now called Non-controlling shareholders’ participation and was assigned to Equity in accordance with CPC 26 and CPC 36. The participation of non-controlling shareholders, recorded in Equity requires that the movement of items of those shareholders occur in a similar way as those submitted to the controlling shareholders.
Redeemable non-controlling shareholders — the participation of non-controlling shareholders that is redeemable upon the occurrence of certain events beyond the control of the Company was classified as shares of redeemable non-controlling shareholders in non-current liabilities.
Adjustments of the Adoption of New Accounting Practices and Estimates
                    Minority             Parent Company  
Opening balance of new international accounting practices on January 1, 2009   Assets     Liabilities     interest     Equity     Assets     Liabilities     Equity  
Balance prior to the adoption of new practices
    184,845,948       82,489,989       6,081,319       96,274,640       171,759,376       75,484,736       96,274,640  
Employee Benefits
    102,817       108,208             (5,391 )     102,817       302,402       (199,585 )
Assets Retirement Obligation
    (48,169 )     (87,843 )           39,674                    
    18,437       19,289             (852 )                  
Deferred Income Taxes
    (429,936 )     (429,936 )                              
                            233,016             233,016  
Judicial deposits
    1,126,238       1,126,238                   861,791       861,791        
Adjustments to the new accounting practices on January 1, 2009
    769,387       735,956             33,431       1,197,624       1,164,193       33,431  
Equity of controlled shareholders
Non-controlling shareholders’ participation — OCI
                (4,691,278 )     4,691,278                    
Redeemable non-controlling shareholders
          1,390,041       (1,390,041 )                        
Balance on January 1, 2009 with the new practices
    185,615,335       84,615,986             100,999,349       173,436,415       77,128,344       96,308,071  
                    Minority             Parent Company  
On March 31, 2009 — 1st quarter of 2009   Assets     Liabilities     interest     Equity     Net income     Assets     Liabilities     Equity     Net income  
Balance in March 31, 2009 prior to the adoption of new practices
    187,954,278       83,326,291       6,016,408       98,611,579       3,150,903       172,461,210       73,849,631       98,611,579       3,150,903  
Opening balance adjustments on 01/01/09
    (356,851 )     (390,282 )           33,431             335,833       302,402       33,431        
    187,597,427       82,936,009       6,016,408       98,645,010       3,150,903       172,797,043       74,152,033       98,645,010       3,150,903  
Employee Benefits
    (2,529 )     (84,082 )           81,553       1,327       (2,529 )     (7,438 )     4,909       4,909  
Assets Retirement Obligation
    13,762       20,582             (6,820 )     (3,411 )                        
    (1,838 )     (2,214 )           376       440                          
Deferred Income Taxes
    (18,259 )     (18,259 )                                          
                                  70,200             70,200       (6,553 )
Judicial deposits
    1,151,379       1,151,379                         938,681       938,681              
Adjustments to the new accounting practices of 1Q10
    1,142,515       1,067,406             75,109       (1,644 )     1,006,352       931,243       75,109       (1,644 )
Equity of controlled shareholders
                          98,720,119       3,149,259                                  
Opening balance adjustments on 01/01/09
                (4,691,278 )     4,691,278                                
Non-controlling shareholders’ participation — OCI
                119,085       (119,085 )     (107,852 )                        
Redeemable non-controlling shareholders
          1,444,215       (1,444,215 )                                    
Balance on 03/31/09 with the new practices
    188,739,942       85,447,630             103,292,312       3,041,407       173,803,395       75,083,276       98,720,119       3,149,259  
                    Minority                     Parent Company  
On December 31, 2009 - 4Q09   Assets     Liabilities     interest     Equity     Net income     Assets     Liabilities     Equity     Net income  
Balance in 12/31/09 prior to the adoption of new practices
    175,738,728       74,194,328       5,807,426       95,736,974       2,628,094       159,757,929       64,020,955       95,736,974       2,628,094  
Adjustments to prior quarters
    (88,624 )     (29,621 )           (59,003 )           221,248       280,251       (59,003 )      
    175,650,104       74,164,707       5,807,426       95,677,971       2,628,094       159,979,177       64,301,206       95,677,971       2,628,094  
Employee Benefits
    (11,537 )     (108,509 )           96,972       3,824       (11,537 )     (33,932 )     22,395       22,395  
Assets Retirement Obligation
    (67,200 )     (49,846 )           (17,354 )     16,651                          
Additional Remuneration of Mandatorily Convertible Securities
    (1,323 )     (1,849 )           526       (25 )                        
Deferred Income Taxes
    1,537,654       1,537,654                                            
                                  57,749             57,749       57,117  
Judicial deposits
    630,491       630,491                         1,063,263       1,063,263              
Adjustments to the new accounting practices of 4Q10
    2,088,085       2,007,941             80,144       79,512       1,109,475       1,029,331       80,144       79,512  
Equity of controlled shareholders
                          95,758,115       2,707,606                                  
Non-controlling shareholders’ participation — OCI
                (4,535,112 )     4,535,112       68,489                          
Redeemable non-controlling shareholders
          1,272,314       (1,272,314 )                                    
Balance on 12/31/09 with the new practices
    177,738,189       77,444,962             100,293,227       2,776,095       161,088,652       65,330,537       95,758,115       2,707,606  



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7.4- Principles and Consolidation Practices
The quarterly condensed consolidated financial statements reflect the balances of assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity at March 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009 and the operations for the quarters ended March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009 of the parent Company and its direct and indirect subsidiaries and shared control. Overseas operations are translated into the reporting currency of financial statements in Brazil and are accounted for under equity, full or proportional consolidation of financial statements.
Vale participation in hydroelectric projects is done through consortium contracts under which the Company participates in assets and liabilities of enterprises in proportion to the share holding of the power generated. The Company has no joint liability for any obligation. Since there is no legal entity for the project, there are no stand alone, income tax, net income and equity. Brazilian law clearly states that no separate entity as a result of the consortium contract. Thus, Vale recognizes the proportionate share of costs and undivided interests in assets related to hydroelectric projects.
7.5- Acquisitions and Divestments
In line with our strategy to become a leading global player in the fertilizer business, during the first quarter of 2010, Vale entered into purchase agreements to acquire fertilizer assets in Brazil. Among these assets are phosphate rock mines and phosphates plants formerly owned by Bunge Participações e Investimentos, and a direct and indirect ownership of 78.9% in the equity capital of Fertilizantes Fosfatados S.A. — Fosfertil (Fosfertil) formerly owned by Bunge, Fertifós, Heringer, Fertipar, Yara e Mosaic. The total amount to be paid by these assets will be US$ 5,660 million. These transactions are still subject to the customary conditions precedent such as approval of governmental regulatory agencies. The control over these businesses has not been obtained at the date these financial statements were approved.
The Company entered into agreements to sell a minority interest on Bayóvar Project with Mosaic Company (Mosaic) and Mitsui & Co. Ltd. (Mitsui). The amount expected to be received for this ownership is US$ 660 million. The control of this project will be held by Vale. The transaction is subject to the finalization of the definitive shareholders’ agreement and commercial off take agreements and certain governmental regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.
As part of our portfolio management, we have entered into negotiations with the intention to sell our net assets of linked to kaolin activity. We have measured these assets at fair value and recognized in 1Q10, results an estimated loss in the amount of R$ 224,448 (R$ 112,505 in the parent Company).
7.6- Cash and cash equivalents
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    March 31, 2010             March 31, 2010        
    (unaudited)     40178     (unaudited)     40178  
    1,291,692       1,405,352       100,434       85,693  
Short-term investments
    18,975,179       11,815,247       2,235,484       1,164,287  
    20,266,871       13,220,599       2,335,918       1,249,980  
All the above mentioned time deposits represent low risk investments. Part of them is denominated in Brazilian Reais indexed to the CDI rate, and part denominated in US dollars.
7.7- Short-Term Investments
    March 31, 2010        
    (unaudited)     40178  
Time deposits (*)
    21,643       6,524,906  
Represent law risk investments with redemption between 91 and 360 days.



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7.8- Related parties
In the Company’s normal course of business, Vale enters into transactions with related parties regarding the sale and purchase of products and services, including the leasing of assets, loans under normal market conditions, marketing of raw material and rail transport services.
The balances of related parties operations, and its effects in the quarterly information’s, can be identified as follows:
    March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009  
    Customers     Related Parties     Customers     Related Parties  
Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização — KOBRASCO
    385       210              
Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização — HISPANOBRÁS
    29,202       131       29,297       136  
Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização — ITABRASCO
    1,043             1,042        
Korea Nickel Corporation
    5,877             18,922        
Mineração Rio do Norte S.A.
    216       16              
MRS Logistica S.A.
    359       360              
Samarco Mineração S.A.
    16,178       32,558       10,298       37,418  
    70,462       191,633       32,431       170,185  
    123,722       224,908       91,990       207,739  
Registered as:
    123,722       143,705       91,990       144,029  
          81,203             63,710  
    123,722       224,908       91,990       207,739  
    March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009  
    Suppliers     Related Parties     Suppliers     Related Parties  
Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização — KOBRASCO
    12,151       1,912       4,712       1,912  
Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização — HISPANOBRÁS
    68,979       2,182       27,861       1,051  
Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização — ITABRASCO
    4,016             4,783        
Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização — NIBRASCO
    16,451       9,520       8,307       9,518  
Minas da Serra Geral
          11,917       8,068       14,236  
Mineração Rio do Norte S.A.
    14,185             25,839        
MRS Logistica S.A.
    303,797       107,813       309,783       109,376  
    57,085       2       119,496       539  
    476,664       133,346       508,849       136,632  
    476,664       30,642       508,849       33,468  
          102,704             103,164  
    476,664       133,346       508,849       136,632  
    Parent Company  
    March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009  
    Customers     Related Parties     Customers     Related Parties  
ALUNORTE — Alumina do Norte do Brasil S.A.
    17,210       67,593       33,071       71,526  
Companhia Portuária Baía de Sepetiba — CPBS
    705       152,554              
    244,116             544,802       174  
Ferrovia Centro — Atlântica S.A.
    37,718       69,057       59,134       68,075  
Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização — KOBRASCO
    765       7,280       709       421  
Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização — HISPANOBRÁS
    59,364       267       59,555       12  
Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas S.A. — MBR
    771       610,305       6,033       686,804  
MRS Logistica S.A.
    436       37,351       1,277       6,018  
Salobo Metais S.A.
    3,255       233,555       3,499       233,555  
Samarco Mineração S.A.
    32,356       791,707       20,596       74,836  
Vale International S.A.
    2,170,816       4,642,374       1,672,019       4,652,712  
Vale Manganês S.A.
    32,723       181,205       36,022       181,205  
    149,241       615,754       169,083       226,954  
    2,749,476       7,409,002       2,605,800       6,202,292  
    2,749,476       5,256,544       2,605,800       4,359,807  
          2,152,458             1,842,485  
    2,749,476       7,409,002       2,605,800       6,202,292  



Table of Contents

    Parent Company  
    March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009  
    Suppliers     Related Parties     Suppliers     Related Parties  
ALUNORTE — Alumina do Norte do Brasil S.A.
    8,074             15,732        
Baovale Mineração S.A.
    44,470             38,790        
Companhia Portuária Baía de Sepetiba — CPBS
    100,785       2,315       30,185       2,319  
                4       490,955  
Ferrovia Centro — Atlântica S.A.
    14,077             14,101       1,583  
Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização — KOBRASCO
    24,303             9,424        
Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização — HISPANOBRÁS
    140,459       4,444       56,732       2,140  
Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas S.A. — MBR
    28,364       173,010       30,203       87,628  
MRS Logistica S.A.
    416,563             433,122        
Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização — NIBRASCO
    33,573       21,203       16,953       21,199  
Salobo Metais S.A.
    59,300             16,200        
Vale International S.A.
    100,571       35,360,850       41,740       34,807,832  
Vale Manganês S.A.
    69,805       256,257       142,400       39,951  
    1,040,344       35,818,079       845,586       35,453,615  
    1,040,344       8,080,755       845,586       7,342,680  
          27,737,324             28,110,935  
    1,040,344       35,818,079       845,586       35,453,615  
    Income     Cost and expenses     Financial  
    March 31, 2010             March 31, 2010             March 31, 2010          
    (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     (unaudited)     December 31, 2009  
Baovale Mineração S.A.
    1,552       4,812       4,523       18,281              
Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização — KOBRASCO
                10,631       33,009       28        
Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização — HISPANOBRÁS
    65,217       75,178       104,145       68,374       1,389       (1,862 )
Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização — ITABRASCO
                5,253       17,047       (10 )      
Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização — NIBRASCO
                9,213       43,546       27       (569 )
Log-in S.A.
    4,968       27,967                   (42 )     747  
Mineração Rio do Norte S.A.
                34,244       240,068       (101 )      
MRS Logistica S.A.
    2,754       13,173       119,336       525,716       (3,701 )     (29,906 )
Samarco Mineração S.A.
    59,318       92,234                          
          2,127       7,716       10,757       1,171        
    133,809       215,491       295,061       956,798       (1,239 )     (31,590 )
    Parent Company  
    Income     Cost and expenses     Financial  
    March 31, 2010             March 31, 2010             March 31, 2010          
    (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     (unaudited)     December 31, 2009  
ALBRAS — Alumínio Brasileiro S.A.
    104,048       129,916                          
ALUNORTE — Alumina do Norte do Brasil S.A.
    87,984       367,512       39,329       131,027       1,193       (22,405 )
Baovale Mineração S.A.
    3,419       9,624       9,046       36,562              
Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização — KOBRASCO
                21,261       66,018       56        
Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização - HISPANOBRÁS
    141,909       161,299       185,867       129,852       2,819       (3,267 )
Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização — ITABRASCO
                10,699       34,719       (20 )     (1,040 )
Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização — NIBRASCO
                18,801       88,869       56       63,203  
Companhia Portuária Baia de Sepetiba — CPBS
                61,080       290,833             (6,619 )
CVRD Overseas Ltd.
    623,937       2,550,763                   (7,220 )     131,189  
Ferrovia Centro — Atlântica S.A.
    41,223       181,720       18,319       9,021       3,592       4,647  
MRS Logistica S.A.
    3,901       19,223       203,993       899,659              
Samarco Mineração S.A.
    118,636       184,469                   (13 )      
Vale Energia S.A.
                83,081       217,047       5        
Vale International S.A.
    4,418,565       19,002,471                   (870,577 )     8,370,822  
Vale Manganês S.A.
    25,144       72,429                   30        
    4,762       17,538       5,378       21,516       4,800       25,229  
    5,573,528       22,696,964       656,854       1,925,123       (865,279 )     8,561,759  
Additionally, Vale has outstanding balances with Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social and BNDES Participações S.A. in the amounts of R$ 2,955,321 and R$ 1,171,684 on March 31, 2010, respectively, related to loans with charges at market interest rates, maturing up to September, 2029. These operations are booked as “Loans and Financing”
Vale also has short-term investments with Bradesco in the amount of R$ 144,756 in March 31, 2010.
    March 31, 2010  
Remuneration of key management personnel   (unaudited)  
Short-term benefits to management
Other long-term benefits to management



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7.9- Inventories
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    March 31, 2010
    40178     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009  
Finished products
Nickel (co-products and by-products)
    2,293,312       1,885,788       59,101       56,531  
Iron ore and pellets
    1,359,596       1,324,230       1,081,842       999,797  
Manganese and ferroalloys
    303,878       289,538              
Aluminum products
    291,917       251,169       216       1,094  
    72,451       73,402              
Copper concentrate
    110,921       89,187              
    63,666       60,754       63,666       60,754  
Steel products
    49,710       24,776              
    23,849       13,528       67,434       29,782  
    4,569,300       4,012,372       1,272,259       1,147,958  
Spare parts and maintenance supplies
    1,825,701       1,900,652       692,820       733,625  
    6,395,001       5,913,024       1,965,079       1,881,583  
7.10- Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution
Income taxes in Brazil of comprise federal income tax and social contribution on net income. The statutory rate applicable for the periods presented is 34%. In other countries where we have operations, the taxation rate varies between 1.67% and 40%.
The amount presented as income tax and social contribution result in the consolidated financial statements is reconciled with the rates established by law, as follows:
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Three-month period ended (unaudited)     Accumulated  
    March 31, 2010     December 31, 2009 (l)     March 31, 2009 (I)     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009 (l)  
Income before income tax and social contribution
    2,695,064       1,591,971       3,800,530       2,767,839       4,190,028  
Results of equity investment and goodwill amortization
    (7,214 )     (22,447 )     (13,450 )     (2,260,694 )     (897,814 )
Tax effect on non taxable functional currency
    (768,482 )     866,018       1,431,294              
    1,919,368       2,435,542       5,218,374       507,145       3,292,214  
Income tax and social contribution at combined tax rates
    34 %     34 %     34 %     34 %     34 %
Federal income tax and social contribution at statutory rates
    (652,585 )     (828,084 )     (1,774,247 )     (172,429 )     (1,119,353 )
Adjustments that affects the basis of taxes:
Income tax benefit from interest on stockholders’ equity
    374,000       872,050             374,000        
Fiscal incentives
    48,312       113,259       63,472       25,168       40,847  
Results of overseas companies taxed by different rates which difference than the parent company rate
    568,261       769,235       721,943              
    15,459       257,664       229,709       (2,729 )     37,737  
Income tax and social contribution
    353,447       1,184,124       (759,123 )     224,010       (1,040,769 )
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
Intangible   March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009  
Concession and subsoncession
    14,135,891       14,143,035       9,414,159       9,460,707  
Goodwill on acquisitions
    7,338,504       7,180,763       7,338,504       7,180,763  
Right of use
    648,734       654,723       648,734       654,723  
    650,346       626,057       13,874       16,777  
    22,773,475       22,604,578       17,415,271       17,312,970  



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7.12- Property, Plant and Equipment
            Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Average     March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009 (l)     March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009 (l)  
    depreciation             Accumulated                             Accumulated                  
    rates     Cost     depreciation     Net     Net     Cost     depreciation     Net     Net  
          531,431             531,431       477,304       303,117             303,117       272,174  
    2 %     8,913,211       (2,081,866 )     6,831,345       6,062,720       3,169,965       (804,913 )     2,365,052       2,331,492  
    4 %     30,940,719       (10,024,714 )     20,916,005       19,340,065       14,597,675       (4,567,749 )     10,029,926       9,752,380  
    8 %     13,514,279       (4,452,652 )     9,061,627       8,918,026       5,377,842       (1,945,334 )     3,432,508       3,442,026  
Information technology equipment
    20 %     2,428,242       (1,576,144 )     852,098       812,992       1,883,387       (1,209,196 )     674,191       667,047  
Mineral rights
    5 %     35,155,231       (3,323,437 )     31,831,794       23,967,860       3,414,678       (414,724 )     2,999,954       1,531,351  
    7 %     12,238,161       (4,023,509 )     8,214,652       11,232,093       3,263,656       (1,548,675 )     1,714,981       1,548,349  
            103,721,274       (25,482,322 )     78,238,952       70,811,060       32,010,320       (10,490,591 )     21,519,729       19,544,819  
Construction in progress
            27,949,583             27,949,583       31,684,373       13,106,214             13,106,214       14,337,765  
            131,670,857       (25,482,322 )     106,188,535       102,495,433       45,116,534       (10,490,591 )     34,625,943       33,882,584  
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
7.13- Loans and Financing
    March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009  
Trade finance
    560,431       545,851  
Working capital
    100,462       100,474  
    660,893       646,325  
Relates to short-term financing for export denominated in US dollars, with average annual interest rate of 2.02% per year.
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Current liabilities     Non current     Current liabilities     Non current  
    March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009 (l)     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009 (l)     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009 (l)     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009 (l)  
Foreign operations
U.S. dollars
    5,175,122       2,850,615       6,718,696       10,688,409       280,163       276,267       985,939       1,095,104  
Other currencies
    42,180       50,963       402,360       715,112       5,744       5,982       5,744       5,982  
U.S. dollars
                15,132,017       12,851,649                          
                1,805,700                         1,805,700        
Export securitization (*)
Perpetual notes
                139,232       136,120                          
Accrued charges
    303,128       346,128                   5,837       6,644              
    5,520,430       3,508,879       24,198,005       24,391,290       291,744       288,893       2,797,383       1,101,086  
Indexed by TJLP, TR, IGP-M and CDI
    147,044       145,231       6,324,203       6,233,293       108,000       107,891       5,962,641       5,975,944  
Basket of currencies
    2,506       2,450       4,594       5,104       2,506       2,450       4,594       5,105  
Loans in U.S. dollars
                1,013,276       989,770                   1,012,394       989,770  
Non-convertible debentures
    1,500,000       1,500,000       4,534,208       4,512,970       1,500,000       1,500,000       4,000,000       4,000,000  
Accrued charges
    268,597       154,046                   268,597       154,046              
    1,918,147       1,801,727       11,876,281       11,741,137       1,879,103       1,764,387       10,979,629       10,970,819  
    7,438,577       5,310,606       36,074,286       36,132,427       2,170,847       2,053,280       13,777,012       12,071,905  
period adjusted by new CPC’s accounting pronouncements, for comparative purposes, according to note 7.3.
Refers to debt securities collateralized by future receivables arising from certain exports sales.



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Long-term portions as of March 31, 2010 mature as follows:
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    2,321,040       6.43%       236,235       1.71%  
    2,583,738       7.16%       438,840       3.19%  
    5,982,446       16.58%       4,434,627       32.19%  
    1,865,280       5.17%       1,480,360       10.75%  
2015 onwards
    22,648,342       62.78%       7,186,950       52.17%  
No due date (Perpetual notes and non-convertible debentures)
    673,440       1.87%             0.00%  
    36,074,286       100.00%       13,777,012       100.00%  
As of March 31, 2010, annual interest rates on long-term debt were as follows:
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
Up to 3%
    11,567,231       2,289,504  
3,1% to 5%
    2,391,514       1,814,558  
5,1% to 7% (*)
    15,175,870       1,185,924  
7,1% to 9% (*)
    10,920,347       7,593,497  
9,1% to 11%
    1,274,633       1,034,275  
Over 11% (*)
    2,037,760       2,030,101  
Variable (Perpetual notes)
    43,512,863       15,947,859  
Includes Eurobonds, to which was entered a derivative transactions for 28% of the total amount at a total cost of 4.78% per year in US Dollars.
Includes non-convertible debentures and other loans denominated in Brazilian Reais which interest is equal to the accumulated variation of CDI and TJLP;(Brazilian interbank certificate of deposit and Long-term interest rate) plus spread. For these operations we have entered into derivative transactions to protect the Company from the exposure of variations of floating debt denominated in Reais. The total contracted amount for these operations is R$ 11,584,917 where R$ 7,489,105 has an original interest rate between 7.1% and 9%, and the major balance has original interest rate above 9%. After taking into account the derivatives contracts the average cost of these operations is equivalent to 4.58% per year in US dollars.
On March 31, 2010, R$1,481,456 (December 31, 2009 — R$ 1,310,316) of the outstanding debt was guaranteed, of which R$ 38,806 (December 31, 2009 — R$ 58,651) was guaranteed by Brazilian Federal Government and R$ 1,442,650 (December 31, 2009 — R$ 987,301) has guaranteed by other receivables. In December 31, 2009 R$ 264,364 which was guaranteed by receivables from the subsidiary CVRD Overseas Ltd. was redeemed in January, 2009. The remaining balance of R$ 42,031,407 (December 31, 2009 — R$ 40,132,717) has no guarantees.
Some long-term debt instruments have financial covenants. The main financial ratios are debt versus equity, debt versus EBITDA and interest coverage. Vale is in full compliance with financial covenants required.
7.14- Contingent Liabilities and Commitments
Vale and its subsidiaries are parties to labor, civil, tax and other suits and have been contesting these matters both administratively and in court, which, when applicable, are backed by judicial deposits. Provisions for losses are estimated and recorded by Management based on the opinion of the Legal Department and its external legal counsels.
In addition to the provisions recorded, there are other contingent liabilities, split between taxes, labor and civil claims, estimated as possible losses in the amount of R$ 9,648,965 (R$ 4,338,114 in the parent Company).
Contingent Liabilities
Provisions for contingencies net of judicial deposits, considered by Management and its legal counsel are sufficient to cover probable losses from, are detailed as follows:
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009  
I) Tax contingencies
    1,681,585       1,932,701       426,587       1,171,861  
II) Civil contingencies
    898,921       934,609       572,424       539,429  
III) Labor contingencies
    1,060,766       1,273,181       1,075,388       993,335  
IV) Environmental contingencies
    51,232       61,126       26,853       25,935  
Total accrued liabilities
    3,692,504       4,201,617       2,101,252       2,730,560  
    March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009  
Balance at the beginning of the period
    4,201,617       4,131,431       2,730,560       2,724,595  
Provisions, net of reversals
    (511,006)       95,797       (618,402)       62,590  
    (26,936)       (59,057)       (26,936)       (102,247)  
Monetary variance
    28,829       33,446       16,030       45,622  
Balance at the end of period
    3,692,504       4,201,617       2,101,252       2,730,560  



Table of Contents

I) Tax Contingencies:
Main tax causes refer substantially to discussions about the calculation basis of the Financial Compensation by Exploration of Mineral Resources (CFEM) and on denials of applications for compensation claims in the settlement of federal taxes. Others refer to collections of Additional Compensation Labor Ports (AITP) and questions about the location for Tax Services (ISS) incidence.
In 2009, accrued values related to discussion of compensation for losses and negative basis of social contribution above 30% were wrote down, due to withdrawal of the action and therefore ended the process with release of funds deposited in escrow in favor of the Union.
II) Civil Contingencies:
The civil lawsuits are mainly related to claims made against the Company by contractors in connection with losses allegedly incurred by them as a result of several economic plans, accidents and return of land.
III) Labor Contingencies:
Labor and social security contingencies — it refers mainly to claims for (a) payment of time spent traveling from their residences to the work-place, (b) additional health and safety related payments, and (c) disputes about the amount of indemnities paid upon dismissal and one-third extra holiday pay.
In addition to those provisions, there are judicial deposits that in March 31, 2010 totaled R$ 791,093 (R$ 630,498 at December 31, 2009) in Consolidated and R$ 333,657 (R$ 295,263 at December 31, 2009) in the parent Company.
Other commitments
In connection with a tax-advantaged lease financing arrangement sponsored by the French Government, Vale provided certain guarantees on December 30, 2004 on behalf of Vale Inco New Caledonia S.A.S. (VINC) pursuant to which was guaranteed payments due from VINC of up to a maximum amount of US$100 (“Maximum Amount”) in connection with an indemnity. This guarantee was provided to BNP Paribas for the benefit of the tax investors of GniFi, the special purpose vehicle which owns a portion of the assets in our nickel cobalt processing plant in New Caledonia (“Girardin Assets”). The Company also provided an additional guarantee covering the payments due from VINC of (a) amounts exceeding the Maximum Amount in connection with the indemnity and (b) certain other amounts payable by VINC under a lease agreement covering the Girardin Assets. This guarantee was provided to BNP Paribas for the benefit of GniFi.
Another commitment incorporated in the tax—advantaged lease financing arrangement was that the Girardin Assets would be substantially complete by December 31, 2009. In light of the delay in the start up of VINC processing facilities the December 31, 2009 substantially complete date was not met. Management proposed an extension to the substantially complete date from December 31, 2009 to December 31, 2010. Both the French government authorities and the tax investors have agreed to this extension, though a signed waiver has not yet been received from the tax investors. The French tax authorities issued their signed extension on March 12, 2010. Accordingly the benefits of the financing structure are fully expected to be maintained and Vale anticipates that there will be no recapture of the tax advantages provided under this financing structure.
In 2009, two new bank guarantees totaling US$58 (43) were established by Vale on behalf of VINC in favor of the South Province of New Caledonia in order to guarantee the performance of VINC with respect to certain environmental obligations in relation to the metallurgical plant and the Kwe West residue storage facility.
Sumic Nickel Netherlands B.V. (“Sumic”), a 21% stockholder of VINC, has a put option to sell to us 25%, 50%, or 100% of the shares they own of VINC. The put option can be exercised if the defined cost of the initial nickel-cobalt development project, as measured by funding provided to VINC, in natural currencies and converted to U.S. dollars at specified rates of exchange, in the form of Girardin funding, shareholder loans and equity contributions by shareholders to VINC, exceeded US$4.2 billion and an agreement cannot be reached on how to proceed with the project. On February 15, 2010, Vale has formally amended the agreement with Sumic to increase the threshold to approximately US$4.6 billion at specified rates of exchange.
Vale provided a guarantee covering certain termination payments due from VINC to the supplier under an electricity supply agreement (“ESA”) entered into in October 2004 for the VINC project. The amount of the termination payments guaranteed depends upon a number of factors, including whether any termination of the ESA is a result of a default by VINC and the date on which an early termination of the ESA were to occur. During the first quarter of 2010 the supply of electricity under the ESA to the project began, and the guaranteed amount now decreases over the life of the ESA from its maximum amount. As at March 31, 2010 the guarantee was US $180 million ( 133 million).
In February 2009, Vale and its subsidiary, Vale Inco Newfoundland and Labrador Limited (“VINL”), entered into a fourth amendment to the Voisey’s Bay Development agreement with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, that permitted VINL to ship up to 55,000 metric tones of nickel concentrate from the Voisey’s Bay area mines. As part of the agreement, VINL agreed to provide the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador financial assurance in the form of letters of credit each in the amount of US$16 (CAD$16) for each shipment of nickel concentrate shipped out of the province from January 1, 2009 to August 31, 2009. The amount of this financial assurance was US$110 (CAD$112) based on seven shipments of nickel concentrate and as of March 31, 2010, US$35.9 (CAD$36.4) remains outstanding.
As of March 31, 2010, there was an additional US$124 million in letters of credit issued and outstanding pursuant to Vale’s syndicate revolving credit facility, as well as an additional US$41 million of letters of credit and US$44 in bank guarantees that were issued and outstanding. These are associated with environmental reclamation and other operating associated items such as insurance, electricity commitments and import and export duties.
In April 2010, Vale paid interest on debentures in the amount of R$ 8,658.



Table of Contents

7.15- Provision for Asset Retirement Obligations
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009 (l)     March 31, 2010
    December 31, 2009 (l)  
Provisions in the beginning of year
    2,087,800       2,109,697       845,522       891,450  
Accretion expense
    48,789       136,210       32,482       90,407  
Liabilities settled in the current period
    (14,129 )     (85,842 )     (13,883 )     (74,419 )
Revisions in estimated cash flows
    29,728       38,632             (61,916 )
Cumulative translation adjustment
    37,411       (110,897 )            
Provisions in the end of year
    2,189,599       2,087,800       864,121       845,522  
    143,895       157,048       107,603       121,485  
    2,045,704       1,930,752       756,518       724,037  
    2,189,599       2,087,800       864,121       845,522  
7.16- Pension Plan
The information below summarizes the costs related to pension plans that include the obligations of the additional allowance and supplemental health care plan.
The additional allowance and medical insurance refer to Vale’s responsibility in the complementation of pensions and medical care related to resignation incentive plan during the periods between 1987 and 1989.
The company does not record on its balance sheet pension plans with “surplus” since don’t have access to future economic benefits in the form of rebate or refund of contribution, according to CPC 33 paragraph 59., being only disclosed in the notes.
In the 2009 annual financial statements Vale disclosed that expects to have disbursed in 2010 with pension plans and other benefits for the consolidated R$ 521,526 and R$ 209,851 for the parent Company. Until March 31, 2010, such contributions totaled R$ 80,551 for consolidated and R$ 35,543 for the parent Company. Vale does not expect significant changes in estimates released in 2009.
    Three-month period ended (unaudited)  
    March 31, 2010     December 31, 2009     March 31, 2009  
    Overfunded     Underfunded     Underfunded     Overfunded     Underfunded     Underfunded     Overfunded     Underfunded     Underfunded  
    pension     pension     other benefits     pension     pension     other benefits     pension     pension     other benefits  
Service cost — benefits earned during the period
          30,191       11,786       7,140       18,342       8,693       3,570       25,452       9,873  
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation
    126,046       159,094       42,804       204,691       135,784       50,638       102,346       124,021       44,726  
Expected return on assets
    (209,838 )     (145,719 )           (281,983 )     (109,230 )     (2,329 )     (140,992 )     (100,114 )      
Amortization of initial transitory obligation
                            8,000       (38,001 )           18,511       (16,161 )
Net periodic pension cost
    (83,792 )     43,566       54,590       (70,152 )     52,896       19,001       (35,076 )     67,870       38,438  
7.17- Long-term Incentive Compensation Plan
In 2008, with the purpose of introducing a “stockholders vision” to some of the Company’s executives, as well as improving the retention of these executives and reinforcing a sustainable performance culture, the Board of Directors approved a long-term incentive compensation plan, which was implemented with a three-year cycle.
As of March 31, 2010, 3,785,610 shares (1,809,117 shares as of December, 31, 2009) were covered by that benefit with a total amount accrued to support the incentives of R$96,817 (R$124,517 as of December 31, 2009), fully recognized in the statement of income.
7.18- Paid-up Capital
Class A preferred shares have the same rights as common shares, except for the right to elect the members of the Board of Directors. They have priority to a minimum annual dividend of 6% on the portion of capital represented by this class of share or 3% on the book equity value of the share, whichever is greater.
As of March 31, 2010, Company’s capital is R$ 47,434,193, corresponding to 5,365,304,100 shares, without par value.
The members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board together own 141,307 common shares and 1,197,075 preferred shares.
The Board of Directors has the power, without requiring an amendment to the bylaws, to allow the issue of new shares (authorized capital) including through the capitalization of profits and reserves up to the authorized limit of 3,600,000,000 common shares and 7,200,000,000 preferred shares without par value.
On April 30, 2010, (subsequent event) the Company paid its stockholders the amount of R$ 2,198,000 in the form of interest on stockholders’ equity, correspondent to R$ 0,421660513 per share.



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7.19- Funds linked to Future Mandatory Conversion into Shares
Vale issued mandatory convertible notes, as follows:
    Date     Amount (thousands of reais)        
Headings   Emission   Expiration   Gross     Net of charges     Coupon  
Tranches RIO e RIO P
  Junho/2007   Junho/2010     3,601       3,064       5,50% a.a.  
Tranches VALE — 2012
Tranches VALEP — 2012
  Julho/2009   Junho/2012     1,858       1,523       6,75% a.a.  
The notes pay a coupon quarterly and are entitled to an additional remuneration equivalent to the cash distribution paid to ADS holders. These notes were classified as a capital instrument, mainly due to the fact that neither the Company nor the holders have the option to settle the operation, whether fully or partially, with cash, and the conversion is mandatory; consequently, they were recognized as a specific component of shareholders’ equity, net of financial charges.
The funds linked to future mandatory conversion, net of charges are equivalent to the maximum of common shares and preferred shares, as follows. All the shares are currently held in treasury (see note 7.20).
    Maximum amount of shares     Amount (thousands of reais)  
Headings   Common     Preferred     Common     Preferred  
Tranches RIO e RIO P
  56,582,040       30,295,456       2,111       953  
Tranches VALE — 2012
Tranches VALEP — 2012
    18,415,859       47,284,800       473       1,050  
On April 30, 2009 Vale paid additional interests to the holders of mandatory convertible notes from tranches VALE (former, RIO) and VALE P (former, RIO-P), in the amount of R$ 1.073721 and R$ 1.274361 per note, respectively.
On October 30, 2009, Vale paid additional interests to the holders of mandatory convertible notes from tranches RIO, RIO-P, VALE-2012 and VALE.P-2012 in the amount of R$ 0,857161, R$ 1,017334, R$ 1,236080 and R$ 1,429662, respectively.
On April 2010, Vale paid additional interests to the owners of the mandatory convertible notes: tranches RIO and RIO-P, R$ 0.722861, R$ 0.857938, R$ 1.042411 and R$ 1.205663 per note respectively and tranches VALE-2012 and VALE P-2012, R$ 1,042411 and R$ 1,205663 per note respectively.
7.20- Treasury Stock
On May 27, 2009, the Board of Directors approved the closing of the shares buy back program approved on October 16, 2008, covering up to 69,944,380 common shares and up to 169,210,249 preferred shares. At the closing program date 18,415,859 common shares and 47,284,800 preferred shares had been purchased.
As of March 31, 2010, 152,579,803 shares were held in the treasury, totaling R$ 2,470,698 as follows:
    Quantity     Unit acquisition cost     Average quoted market price  
Classes   March 31, 2010     December 31, 2009     Average     Low     High     March 31, 2010     December 31, 2009  
    77,581,904       77,581,904       23.59       1.17       52.40       45.37       33.22  
    74,997,899       74,997,899       8.58       1.67       168.99       52.27       38.23  
    152,579,803       152,579,803                                          



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7.21- Basic and diluted earnings per share
The amounts for basic and diluted earnings per share were calculated as follows:
    March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     March 31, 2009 (unaudited)  
Net income from continuing operations attributable to the Company’s stockholders
    3,103,792       2,707,606       3,149,259  
Discontinued operations, net of tax
    (224,448 )            
Net income attributable to the Company’s stockholders
    2,879,344       2,707,606       3,149,259  
Interest attributed to preferred convertible notes
          (29,538 )      
Interest attributed to common convertible notes
          (28,555 )      
Net income for the period adjusted
    2,879,344       2,649,513       3,149,259  
Basic and diluted earnings per share
Income available to preferred stockholders
    1,089,956       1,002,955       1,206,909  
Income available to common stockholders
    1,707,506       1,571,212       1,890,723  
Income available to convertible notes linked to preferred shares
    41,634       38,311       18,003  
Income available to convertible notes linked to common shares
    40,248       37,035       33,624  
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
(thousands of shares) — preferred shares
    2,030,998       2,030,998       2,030,998  
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
(thousands of shares) — common shares
    3,181,727       3,181,727       3,181,727  
Treasury preferred shares linked to mandatorily convertible notes
    77,580       77,580       30,295  
Treasury common shares linked to mandatorily convertible notes
    74,998       74,998       56,582  
    5,365,303       5,365,303       5,299,602  
Earnings per preferred share
    0.54       0.49       0.59  
Earnings per common share
    0.54       0.49       0.59  
Earnings per convertible notes linked to preferred share (*)
    0.54       0.87       0.59  
Earnings per convertible notes linked to common share (*)
    0.54       0.87       0.59  
Continuous operations
Earnings per preferred share
Earnings per common share
Earnings per convertible notes linked to preferred share (*)
Earnings per convertible notes linked to common share (*)
Discontinued operations
Earnings per preferred share
    (0.04 )            
Earnings per common share
    (0.04 )            
Earnings per convertible notes linked to preferred share (*)
    (0.04 )            
Earnings per convertible notes linked to common share (*)
    (0.04 )            
Basic earnings per share only, as dilution assumes conversion
If the conversion of the convertible notes had been included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share they would have generated the following dilutive effect as shown below:
    March 31, 2010 (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     March 31, 2009 (unaudited)  
Income available to preferred stockholders
    1,131,590       1,070,803       1,224,912  
Income available to common stockholders
    1,747,754       1,636,803       1,924,347  
Weighted average number of shares outstanding (thousands of shares) — preferred shares
    2,108,578       2,108,578       2,061,293  
Weighted average number of shares outstanding (thousands of shares) — common shares
    3,256,725       3,256,725       3,238,309  
Earnings per preferred share
    0.54       0.51       0.59  
Earnings per common share
    0.54       0.51       0.59  
Continuous operations
Earnings per preferred share
Earnings per common share
Discontinued operations
Earnings per preferred share
    (0.04 )            
Earnings per common share
    (0.04 )            
7.22- Other expenses
The line “Other net operating expenses/ income” totaled R$ 1,044,443 in March 31, 2010, mostly due to pre operational expenses and idle capacity and stoppage operations which comprised R$ 140,904 and R$ 381,343 respectively.



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7.23- Information by segment
Vale adopts for interim reporting of our consolidated operating segments, the accounting standard CPC 22 that introduced the concept of “chief operation decision maker” on the information reported by segment, for which financial information should be presented in the internal databases used by decision makers to evaluate performance of the segments and decide how to allocate resources to segments. The information was analyzed by segment as follows:
Results by segment — before eliminations (aggregated)
    Three-month period ended (unaudited)  
    March 31, 2010     December 31, 2009     March 31, 2009  
    Ferrous     Non ferrous     Logistic     Others     Elimination     Consolidated     Ferrous     Non ferrous     Logistic     Others     Elimination     Consolidated     Ferrous     Non ferrous     Logistic     Others     Elimination     Consolidated  
Gross revenues — Foreign
    12,539,837       3,615,647       20,504       352,492       (5,834,100 )     10,694,380       10,868,266       3,879,377       51,956       446,994       (5,377,539 )     9,869,054       14,134,719       3,884,140       12,548       479,408       (6,905,058 )     11,605,757  
Gross revenues — Domestic
    1,640,705       526,002       855,789       114,433       (801,960 )     2,334,969       1,356,925       604,931       784,032       122,866       (689,922 )     2,178,832       713,906       616,131       686,296       76,112       (519,679 )     1,572,766  
Cost and expenses
    (9,258,509 )     (3,678,517 )     (730,722 )     (612,806 )     6,636,060       (7,644,494 )     (8,945,777 )     (4,251,435 )     (655,102 )     (546,342 )     6,067,461       (8,331,195 )     (9,652,326 )     (4,311,407 )     (577,851 )     (614,107 )     7,424,737       (7,730,954 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization
    (631,523 )     (618,912 )     (77,623 )     (32,247 )           (1,360,305 )     (598,765 )     (686,881 )     (99,516 )     (63,814 )           (1,448,976 )     (397,966 )     (783,484 )     (84,900 )     (30,415 )           (1,296,765 )
Operating income
    4,290,510       (155,780 )     67,948       (178,128 )           4,024,550       2,680,649       (454,008 )     81,370       (40,296 )           2,267,715       4,798,333       (594,620 )     36,093       (89,002 )           4,150,804  
Resultado Financeiro
    (878,609 )     (410,588 )     (13,445 )     (34,058 )           (1,336,700 )     (219,440 )     (268,730 )     (14,643 )     135,760             (367,053 )     74,568       (399,986 )     (17,952 )     (20,354 )           (363,724 )
Gain on sale of assets
                                              (331,138 )                       (331,138 )                                    
Equity in results of affiliates and joint ventures and change in provision for losses on equity investments
    (12,176 )     592       (1,456 )     20,254             7,214       (9,457 )     800       350       30,754             22,447       (20,979 )     3,140       4,800       26,489             13,450  
Income taxes
    187,823       131,757       (9,291 )     43,158             353,447       638,865       533,917       (40,264 )     51,606             1,184,124       (1,104,903 )     388,492       (17,417 )     (25,295 )           (759,123 )
Discontinued operations, net of tax
          (224,448 )                       (224,448 )                                                                        
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests
    (3,010 )     55,161             3,130             55,281       (6,645 )     (79,268 )           17,424             (68,489 )     (6,147 )     112,142             1,857             107,852  
Net income attributable to Company’s stockholders
    3,584,538       (603,306 )     43,756       (145,644 )           2,879,344       3,083,972       (598,427 )     26,813       195,248             2,707,606       3,740,872       (490,832 )     5,524       (106,305 )           3,149,259  
Sales classified by geographic destination:
Foreign market
America, except United States
    324,400       574,242       20,504       5,520       (264,092 )     660,574       311,760       551,182       4,477             (273,306 )     594,113       104,216       676,241                   (174,188 )     606,269  
United States
    1,703       288,940             209,794       (39,690 )     460,747       (25,615 )     308,715             198,750       (55,830 )     426,020       3,982       530,552             169,915       (11,393 )     693,056  
    3,647,711       1,204,637             6,971       (2,322,601 )     2,536,718       2,959,328       1,242,985             4,724       (1,801,062 )     2,405,975       2,785,265       1,226,840                   (2,109,034 )     1,903,071  
Middle East/Africa/Oceania
    601,323       111,509             22,322       (231,347 )     503,807       601,941       219,605             29,686       (388,680 )     462,552       726,679       165,599                   (520,329 )     371,949  
    2,135,219       507,129             63,719       (1,179,975 )     1,526,092       1,630,350       577,470             62,435       (742,490 )     1,527,765       1,149,419       350,901             188,033       (555,286 )     1,133,067  
    4,957,152       363,550             14,423       (1,375,763 )     3,959,362       5,185,923       371,678       47,479       81,808       (1,727,458 )     3,959,430       8,189,774       460,849       12,548       10,164       (2,924,857 )     5,748,478  
Asia, other than Japan and China
    872,329       565,640             29,743       (420,632 )     1,047,080       204,579       607,742             70,875       (389,997 )     493,199       1,175,384       473,158             111,296       (609,971 )     1,149,867  
    12,539,837       3,615,647       20,504       352,492       (5,834,100 )     10,694,380       10,868,266       3,879,377       51,956       448,278       (5,378,823 )     9,869,054       14,134,719       3,884,140       12,548       479,408       (6,905,058 )     11,605,757  
Domestic market
    1,640,705       526,002       855,789       114,433       (801,960 )     2,334,969       1,356,925       604,931       784,032       122,866       (689,922 )     2,178,832       713,906       616,131       686,296       76,112       (519,679 )     1,572,766  
    14,180,542       4,141,649       876,293       466,925       (6,636,060 )     13,029,349       12,225,191       4,484,308       835,988       571,144       (6,068,745 )     12,047,886       14,848,625       4,500,271       698,844       555,520       (7,424,737 )     13,178,523  
Imobilizado, intangíveis e ativos biológicos
    45,715,578       66,911,242       5,254,177       11,320,502             129,201,499       40,968,049       63,725,379       7,139,651       13,552,218             125,385,297       38,012,816       70,554,104       5,993,482       11,201,206             125,761,608  
    87,711       47,378       216,607       4,227,766             4,579,462       102,092       51,510       218,063       4,218,225             4,589,890       19,993       164,409       218,778       2,451,709             2,854,889  



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7.24- Derivatives Financial Instruments
a) Risk Management Policy
Vale has developed its risk Management strategy in order to provide an integrated approach of the risks the Company is exposed to. To do that, we evaluate not only the impact of market risk factors in the business results (market risk), but also the risk arising from third party obligations with Vale (credit risk) and those risks inherent in Vale’s operational processes (operational risk).
Traditional market risk measures such as VaR (Value at Risk) are not sufficient to evaluate the group exposures once Vale’s main goal is to avoid a possible lack of cash to fulfill its future obligations.
The enterprise wide risk Management approach, that encompasses all kinds of risk, as well as the relations between the several market risk factors (correlations), aims to assess the impact that such events would bring considering the natural hedges presented in the company’s portfolio. Therefore, when assessing the risk associated with Vale’s business, one can observe the positive effect due to the mix of products and currencies in Vale’s portfolio. This diversification implies in a natural reduction of the overall risk of the company. Any risk mitigation strategy, whenever necessary, will be implemented if it contributes significantly for the reduction on the volatility on Vale’s cash flows bringing the risk of the company to an acceptable level.
Vale considers that the effective Management of risk is a key objective to support its growth strategy and financial flexibility. The risk reduction on Vale’s future cash flow contributes to a better perception of the company’s credit quality, improving its ability to access different markets and reducing the financing costs. Therefore, the board of directors has established an enterprise-wide risk Management policy and a risk Management committee.
The risk Management policy determines that Vale should evaluate regularly its cash flow risks as well as risk mitigation strategies. As previously stated, whenever considered necessary, these mitigation strategies should be put in place with the objective of reducing the risks regarding the obligations assumed by the Company, both with third parties and its shareholders.
The executive board is responsible for the evaluation and approval of the risk mitigation strategies recommended by the risk Management committee. The committee is responsible for overseeing and reviewing our risk Management principles and risk Management instruments, besides reporting periodically to the executive board regarding the Management process and risk monitoring, including the main risks Vale is exposed to and their impact on Vale’s cash flow.
The risk Management policy and procedures, that complement the risk Management governance model, require the diversification of operations and counterparties and prohibit speculative transactions with derivatives.
Besides the risk Management governance model, Vale has in place a well defined corporate governance structure with well defined roles and responsibilities. The recommendation and execution of derivative transactions are implemented by different and independent areas. It is responsibility of the risk Management department to define and propose to the risk Management committee market risk mitigation strategies consistent with Vale and it’s wholly owned subsidiaries corporate strategy. It is responsibility of the finance department the execution of the risk mitigation strategies through the use of derivatives. The independence of the areas guarantees an effective control on these operations.
The monitoring and monthly evaluations of the consolidated risk exposure allow us to evaluate the financial results and the impact on Vale’s cash flow, as well as guarantee that the initial goals will be achieved. The fair value measurements of the trades are reported weekly to Management.
All derivative trades were recognized in our balance sheet at fair value and their respective gains or losses were recognized in the earnings.
Considering the nature of Vale’s business and operations, the main market risk factors which the Company is exposed are:
Interest rates;
Foreign exchange;
Products prices;
Input and other costs.
b) Fair value computation methodology
Well-known market participants’ valuation methodologies were used to compute the fair value of the financial instruments. These instruments were evaluated computing their present values considering market curves that impact the instrument in the valuation date. The curves and prices used in the pricing for each group of instruments are detailed in the topic “market curves”.
The pricing method considered in the case of European options is the Black & Scholes model, which is widely used among derivatives market participants for the option pricing. In this model, the derivative fair value is a function of the volatility, spot price of the underlying asset, the strike price, the risk free rate and the time to maturity. In the case of options where the financial result is a function of the average of the underlying price for a certain period of the time, called Asian options, we use the Turnbull & Wakeman model, also widely used to price this type of instrument. Besides the parameters used on the Black & Scholes model it is considered in this model the price averaging period.
In the case of swaps, the long and short legs’ present values are estimated discounting their cash flows using the interest rate of the currency in which they are denominated. The difference between the present values of the long leg and short leg of the swap is the fair value.



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The computation method for the swaps linked to TJLP follows the description enclosed in CETIP’s formula book, which includes the TJLP forward curve definition. Therefore, TJLP is computed using the inflation target, published by Banco Central do Brasil, based on IPCA (Extended National Consumer Price Index) plus the Brazilian credit spread, which comprehends an international real interest rate and a Brazilian credit risk component, that is computed using the credit risk for the government bonds, for the medium and long term perspective.
The pricing for the commodities future settlement contracts (buy or sell) is computed using forward curves for each commodity. Normally, these curves are collected in the exchanges where these commodities are traded, among them, London Metals Exchange (LME) and COMEX (Commodities Exchange) or market price providers. When there is no price for a specific date, we use interpolations between the available periods.
c) Value at Risk computation methodology
The Value at Risk of the positions was measured using the historical simulation approach. Different market risk factors that impact the price of the derivatives included in our portfolio were identified and a two year sample of their historical daily returns was gathered.
The current positions of Vale’s derivatives were used to simulate their returns based on sample data and built a non parametric return distribution and consequently the value at risk for the portfolio considering one business day time horizon. The value at risk of the portfolio considers a 95% confidence level.
d) Sensitivity Analysis methodology
In the topic “sensitivity analysis” we present sensitivity analysis tables for all outstanding positions as of March 31, 2010. The scenarios defined for these analyses were:
MtM: it is the mark to market value of the instruments on March 31st, 2010;
Scenario I: unfavorable change of 25% - Potential losses considering a shock of 25% in the market risk factors used for MtM calculation that negatively impacts the fair value of Vale’s derivatives positions;
Scenario II: favorable change of 25% - Potential profits considering a shock of 25% in the market curves used for MtM calculation that positively impacts the fair value of Vale’s derivatives positions;
Scenario III: unfavorable change of 50% - Potential losses considering a shock of 50% in the market curves used for MtM calculation that negatively impacts the fair value of Vale’s derivatives positions;
Scenario IV: favorable change of 50% - Potential profits considering a shock of 50% in the market curves used for MtM calculation that positively impacts the fair value of Vale’s derivatives positions;
e) Contracts subjected to margin calls
Vale has contracts subject to margin calls only for part of copper and nickel trades executed by its wholly-owned subsidiary Vale Inco Ltd. The total cash amount as of March 2010 was not relevant.
f) Initial Cost of Contracts
The financial derivatives negotiated by Vale and its controlled companies described in this document didn’t have initial costs (initial cash flow) associated. Even the option contracts were executed trough zero cost structures (zero cost collars).
g) Foreign Exchange and Interest Rate Derivative Positions
The Company’s cash flow is subjected to volatility of several different currencies against the U.S. Dollar. While most of our product prices are indexed to US dollars, most of our costs, disbursements and investments are indexed to currencies other than the U.S. Dollar, mainly Brazilian Reais and Canadian dollars.
In order to reduce the company’s potential cash flow volatility arising from this currency mismatch we use FX derivatives instruments. Our main strategy is to swap Debts linked to BRL into USD so as to attenuate the impact of BRL/USD exchange rate as most of our revenues are denominated in USD.
These swap transactions have shorter — and sometimes similar — settlement dates than the final maturity of the debt instruments. Their amounts are similar to the principal and interest payments, taking into account the liquidity restrictions of the market. At each settlement date, the results on the swap transactions partially offset the impact of the foreign exchange rate in our obligations, contributing to stabilize the cash disbursements in U.S. Dollars for the interest and/or principal payment of our Brazilian Real denominated debt.
In the event of an appreciation (depreciation) of the Brazilian Real against the U.S. Dollar, the negative (positive) impact on Vale debt service (interest and/or principal payment) measured in U.S. Dollars will be almost totally offset by a positive (negative) effect from the swap transaction, regardless of the U.S. dollar / Brazilian Real exchange rate on the payment date.
Vale has also a cash flow exposure to interest rates risks over loans and financings. The U.S. Dollars floating rate debt in the portfolio consists mainly of loans including export pre-payments, commercial banks and multilateral organizations loans. In general, the U.S. Dollar floating rate debt is mainly subject to changes in the Libor. To mitigate the impact of the interest rate volatility on the cash flow, Vale takes advantage of natural hedges allowed by the positive correlation of metal prices and U.S. Dollar floating rates. When natural hedges are not present, Vale enters into financial instruments to obtain the same effect.
As of March 31, 2010, the total amount and interests of Brazilian Real denominated debt converted through swaps into US Dollars was R$ 11,585 million (US$ 6,505 million), and the total amount and interests of Euro denominated debt converted through swaps into US Dollars was € 140 million (US$ 189 million). The average cost in dollars was 4.59% after the swaps transactions were implemented and maturity between November 2010 and December 2027, with semi-annual interest payments1.
With the exception of a US$ 1,027 million debt with monthly, quarterly and annually interests and amortization payments.



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On the first quarter of 2010, Vale paid in Brazilian Reais an interest amount equivalent to R$ 109 million related to the Real denominated debt that were converted into U.S. Dollars through the use of swap transactions. However, the company has received R$ 48 million on the settlement of the swaps, offsetting the U.S. Dollar / Brazilian Real exchange rate variation impact in Vale debt service.
The following tables show as of March 31, 2010, the derivatives positions for Vale and controlled companies with the following information: notional amount, fair value, value at risk, gains or losses in the period and the fair value for the remaining years of the operations per each group of instruments.
Protection program for the Real denominated debt indexed to CDI
CDI vs. USD fixed rate swap - In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale entered into swap transactions to convert the cash flows from debt instruments denominated in Brazilian Reais linked to CDI to U.S. Dollars. In those swaps, Vale pays fixed rates in U.S. Dollars and receives payments linked to CDI.
CDI vs. USD floating rate swap - In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale entered into swap transactions to convert the cash flows from debt instruments denominated in Brazilian Reais linked to CDI to U.S. Dollars. In those swaps, Vale pays floating rates in U.S. Dollars (Libor — London Interbank Offered Rate) and receives payments linked to CDI.
Those instruments were used to convert the cash flows from debentures issued in 2006 with a nominal value of R$ 5.5 billion, from the NCE (Credit Export Notes) issued in 2008 with nominal value of R$ 2 billion and also from property and services acquisition financing realized in 2006 and 2007 with nominal value of R$ 1 billion.
R$ million
    Notional ($ million)             Average     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year*  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Index     rate     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2012     2013     2015  
Swap CDI vs. fixed rate swap
  R$ 7,574     R$ 7,574     CDI       101.07 %     8,245       8,062       53                                          
  USD 3,670     USD 3,670     USD       5.59 %     (7,236 )     (6,959 )     (30 )                                        
                                    1.009       1,103       23       235       937       103       (3 )     (28 )
Swap CDI vs. floating rate swap
  R$ 792     R$ 792     CDI       102.07 %     826       830       18                                          
  USD 430     USD 430     Libor       1.31 %     (756 )     (739 )     (4 )                                        
                                  70       91       14       27       57                   13  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: Debts linked to BRL
The protected items are the Debts linked to BRL because the objective of this protection is to transform the obligations linked to BRL into obligations linked to USD so as to achieve a currency offset by matching Vale’s receivables (mainly linked to USD) with Vale’s payables.
Protection program for the real denominated debt indexed to TJLP
TJLP vs. USD fixed rate swap - In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale entered into swap transactions to convert the cash flows of the loans with Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) from TJLP to U.S. Dollars. In those swaps, Vale pays fixed rates in U.S. Dollars and receives payments linked to TJLP.
TJLP vs. USD floating rate swap - In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale entered into swap transactions to convert the cash flows of the loans with BNDES from TJLP to U.S. Dollars. In those swaps, Vale pays floating rates in U.S. Dollars and receives payments linked to TJLP.
R$ million
    Notional ($ million)             Average     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year*  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Index     rate     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2013     2014     2015     2019  
Swap TJLP vs. fixed rate swap
  R$ 2,116     R$ 2,031     TJLP       1.41 %     1,975       1,845       30                                          
  USD 1,109     USD 1,048     USD       3.18 %     (1,864 )     (1,710 )     (21 )                                        
                                    111       135       9       70       149       (14 )     (4 )     (201 )
Swap TJLP vs. floating rate swap
  R$ 710     R$ 658     TJLP       0.92 %     646       616       4                                          
  USD 383     USD 385     Libor     Libor
%     (580 )     (562 )     (2 )                                        
                                  66       54       2       35             28             38  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: Debts linked to BRL
The protected items are the Debts linked to BRL because the objective of this protection is to transform the obligations linked to BRL into obligations linked to USD so as to achieve a currency offset by matching Vale’s receivables (mainly linked to USD) with Vale’s payables.



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Protection Program for Foreign Exchange Transaction
In order to reduce the cash flow volatility due to the foreign exchange transaction of the bond issued in Euro, Vale contracted a swap to protect the market risk which arises from the foreign exchange rate between U.S. dollars and Brazilian reais. These swaps were hired and settlement on March, when Vale received R$ 3.6 million.
Foreign Exchange cash flow hedge
Brazilian Real fixed rate vs. USD fixed rate swap – In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale entered into swap transactions to mitigate the foreign exchange exposure that arises from the currency mismatch between the revenues denominated in U.S. Dollars and the disbursements and investments denominated in Brazilian Reais.
R$ million
    Notional ($ million)                     Fair value     Gain Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Index     Average rate     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2011  
  R$ 4,600     R$ 2.675     Pré     7.61 %     4,640       2,644       54                          
  USD 2,493     USD 1,469     USD       0.00 %     (4,404 )     (2,516 )     (48 )                        
                                    236       128       6       130       166       70  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Hedged Item: part of Vale’s revenues in USD
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the hedged items’ P&L due to BRL/USD exchange rate. Again, the final objective of this program, according to the currency hedging strategy at Vale, is to offset the currency exposure of receivables with the currency exposure of payables.
Foreign Exchange Protection Program on cash flow
NDFs – In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale entered into non-deliverable forward transactions to mitigate the foreign exchange exposure that arises from the currency mismatch between the revenues denominated in U.S. Dollars and the disbursements and investments denominated in Brazilian Reais.
R$ million
                                                    Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (USD million)             Average rate     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (BRL/USD)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
    60       60     S       1.8425       (0.5 )     (0.2 )             3       (0.5 )
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s revenues in USD
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to BRL/USD exchange rate. Again, the final objective of this program, according to the currency hedging strategy at Vale, is to offset the currency exposure of receivables with the currency exposure of payables.
Protection program for the Euro denominated floating rate debt
Euro floating rate vs. USD floating rate swap – In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale entered into a swap transaction to convert the cash flows from loans in Euros linked to Euribor to U.S. Dollars linked to Libor. This trade was used to convert the cash flow of a debt in Euros, with an outstanding notional amount of € 5.3, issued in 2003 by Vale. In this trade, Vale receives floating rates in Euros (Euribor) and pays floating rates in U.S. Dollars (Libor).
R$ million
    Notional ($ million)                     Fair value     Gain Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Index     Average rate     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2011  
EUR floating rate vs.
USD floating rate swap
  5     5     EUR   Euribor+0.875%     12       12                                
  USD 5     USD 5     USD     Libor+1.0426%     (10 )     (9 )                              
                                    2       3             0.2       1       1  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: Vale’s Debt linked to EUR.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the hedged items’ P&L due to EUR/USD exchange rate. Again, the final objective of this program, according to the currency hedging strategy at Vale, is to achieve a currency offset matching receivables with payables.
Fair Value hedge program for the Euro denominated fixed rate debt
EUR fixed rate vs. USD fixed rate swap: In order to hedge the volatility of debt costs in U.S. Dollars, Vale entered into a swap transaction to convert the cash flows from loans in Euros linked to fixed rate to U.S. Dollars linked to fixed rate. Vale receives fixed rates in Euros and pays fixed rates in U.S. Dollars. This trade was used to convert part of the cash flow of a debt in Euros, with an outstanding notional amount of € 750 million, issued in 2010 by Vale.



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R$ million
    Notional (USD million)                     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     Average rate     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2011     2012     2013     2014  
EUR fixed rate vs. USD fixed rate swap                                                                                                
  140           EUR     4.375 %     372                                                      
  USD 189           USD     4.778 %     (369 )                                                    
                                    3                     6       (2 )     (1 )     (1 )     7  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: Vale’s Debt linked to EUR
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the hedged items’ P&L due to EUR/USD exchange rate. Again, the final objective of this program, according to the currency hedging strategy at Vale, is to achieve a currency offset matching receivables with payables.
Protection program for the USD floating rate debt
USD floating rate vs. USD fixed rate swap – In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, Vale Inco Ltd., Vale’s wholly-owned subsidiary, entered into a swap to convert U.S. Dollar floating rate debt into U.S Dollar fixed rate debt. Vale Inco used this instrument to convert the cash flow of a debt issued in 2004 with notional amount of US$ 200. In this trade, Vale pays fixed rates in U.S. Dollars and receives floating rates in U.S. Dollars (Libor).
R$ million
    Notional ($ million)                     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Index     Average rate     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2011  
  USD 150     USD 200     USD     3M Libor       266       260       0                          
                  USD     4.795 %     (279 )     (274 )     (3 )             (8 )     (6 )
                                    (13 )     (14 )     (3 )     0.5       (8 )     (6 )
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: Vale Inco’s floating rate debt.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Libor.
Foreign Exchange protection program for Coal Fixed Price Sales
In order to reduce the cash flow volatility associated with a fixed price coal contract, Vale used Australian Dollar forward purchase in order to equalize production cost and revenues currencies.
R$ million
    Notional ($ million)             Average rate     Fair value     (gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Fluxo   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (AUD/USD)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2011  
  AUD 36     AUD 41       B       0.66       16       15       2       2       13       3  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s costs in Australian Dollar.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to USD/AUD exchange rate. Again, the final objective of this program, according to the currency hedging strategy at Vale, is to achieve a currency offset matching receivables with payables.
h) Commodity Derivative Positions
The Company’s cash flow is also exposed to several market risks associated to global commodities price volatilities. To offset these volatilities, Vale contracted the following derivatives transactions:
Aluminum Strategic cash flow hedging program
In order to hedge our cash flow for 2009 and 2010, Vale entered into hedging transactions where we set fixed prices for part of Vale revenues for these periods.
                            R$ million  
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (ton)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/ton)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
    90,000       120,000     B       1,940       7       15                        
    90,000       120,000     S       2,073       (54 )     (62 )     (7 )                
                                    (47 )     (47 )     (7 )     12       (47 )
    90,000       120,000     S       1,945       (63 )     (65 )     (13 )     13       (63 )
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s revenues linked to Aluminum price



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The P&L shown for forwards in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Aluminum price. Nevertheless, in case of options, which are non-linear instruments, their P&L is partially compensated by the hedged item’s P&L.
Nickel Strategic cash flow protection program
In order to protect our cash flow for 2010, Vale entered into hedging transactions where we set fixed prices for part of Vale’s revenues for these periods.
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (ton)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/ton)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
    21,913       29,122     S       17,873       (277 )     (36 )     (26 )     68       (277 )
Type of contracts: OTC and LME Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s revenues linked to Nickel price.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Nickel price.
Nickel Sales Hedging Program
In order to reduce the cash flow volatility in 2010 and 2011, hedging transactions were implemented. These transactions fixed the prices of part of the sales in the period.
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized              
    Notional (ton)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/ton)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2011  
    19,500             S       21,869       (96 )                     58       (5 )     (91 )
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s revenues linked to Nickel price.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Nickel price.
Nickel Fixed Price Program
In order to maintain the exposure to Nickel price fluctuations, we entered into derivatives to convert to floating prices all contracts with clients that required a fixed price. These trades aim to guarantee that the prices of these operations would be the same of the average prices negotiated in LME in the date the product is delivered to the client. It normally involves buying Nickel forwards (Over-the-Counter) or futures (exchange negotiated). Those operations are usually reverted before the maturity in order to match the settlement dates of the commercial contracts in which the prices are fixed. This program was discontinued for sales in 2009 due to the decision to protect our cash flow.
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized              
    Notional (ton)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/ton)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2011  
Nickel Futures
    1,626       3,426     B       11,500       39       21       14       4       25       14  
Type of contracts: LME Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s revenues linked to fixed price sales of Nickel.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Nickel price.
Nickel Purchase Protection Program
In order to reduce the cash flow volatility and eliminate the mismatch between the pricing of the purchased nickel (concentrate, cathode, sinter and others) and the pricing of the final product sold to our clients, hedging transactions were implemented. The items purchased are raw materials utilized to produce refined Nickel. The trades are usually implemented by the sale of nickel forward or future contracts at LME or over-the-counter operations.
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (ton)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/ton)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
Nickel Futures
    1,260       1,446       S       21,490       (8 )     (4 )     (10 )     3       (8 )
Type of contracts: LME Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s revenues linked to Nickel price.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Nickel price.
Bunker Oil Purchase Protection Program
In order to reduce the impact of bunker oil price fluctuation on Vale’s freight hiring and consequently reducing the company’s cash flow volatility, bunker oil derivatives were implemented. These transactions are usually executed through forward purchases and swaps.



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R$ million
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (mt)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/mt)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
    333,500       452,000     B       395       45       78       21       11       45  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s costs linked to Bunker Oil price.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Bunker Oil price.
Maritime Freight Hiring Protection Program
In order to reduce the impact of maritime freight price fluctuation hired to support CIF and CFR sales and consequently reduce the company’s cash flow volatility, freight derivatives (FFA — Forward Freight Agreement) were implemented. These transactions are usually executed through forward purchases.
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (days)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/day)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
    5,225       6,125     B       30,634       27       50       18       23       27  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s costs linked to Freight price.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Freight price.
Coal Sales Protection Program
In order to reduce the cash flow volatility for 2010, Vale entered into hedging transactions to fix the price of a portion of coal sales during the period.
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (mt)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/mt)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
    270,000             S       82       (2 )             (0 )     3       (2 )
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: part of Vale’s revenues linked to Coal price.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Coal price.
Copper Scrap Purchase Protection Program
This program was implemented in order to reduce the cash flow volatility due to the quotation period mismatch between the pricing period of copper scrap purchase and the pricing period of final products sale to the clients, as the copper scrap combined with other raw materials or inputs of Vale’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Vale Inco Ltd, to produce copper. This program usually is implemented by the sale of forwards or futures at LME or Over-the-Counter operations.
Copper Scrap Purchase Protection Program
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (Ibs)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/lbs)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
    355,235             S       3       0.009                       0.1       0.009  
Tipo de contrato: OTC Contracts
Item protegido: part of Vale’s revenues linked to Copper price.
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to Copper price.
i) Embedded Derivative Positions
The Company’s cash flow is also exposed to several market risks associated to contracts that contain embedded derivatives or derivative-like features. From Vale’s perspective, it may include, but is not limited to, commercial contracts, procurement contracts, rental contracts, bonds, insurance policies and loans. The following embedded derivatives were observed in 2010:
Energy purchase
Energy purchase agreement between Albras, Vale’s controlled subsidiary, and Eletronorte. The contract has a clause that defines that a premium can be charged if aluminum prices trades in the range from US$ 1,450/t until US$ 2,773/t. This clause is considered as an embedded derivative.



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R$ million
                            Average                     Realized                      
    Notional (ton)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     Fair value by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/ton)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010     2011     2012  
    200,228       200,228     B       2,773       30       45                                          
    200,228       200,228     S       1,450       (317 )     (299 )                                        
                                    (287 )     (254 )           18       (115 )     (142 )     (30 )
Raw material and intermediate products purchase
Nickel concentrate and raw materials purchase agreements of Vale Inco Ltd, Vale’s wholly-owned subsidiary, in which there are provisions based on nickel and copper future prices behavior. These provisions are considered as embedded derivatives.
R$ million
                            Average                     Realized             Fair value  
    Notional (ton)             Strike     Fair value     Gain/Loss     VaR     by year  
Flow   31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     Buy/Sell     (USD/ton)     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10     31-Mar-10     2010  
For Customer Raw Material Contracts
Nickel Forwards
    1,025       440     S       20,755       (3.1 )     0.3       0               (3.1 )
Copper Forwards
    2,923       3,463               7,294       (0.9 )     (1.7 )     (2 )             (0.9 )
                                    (4.0 )     (1.4 )     (1 )     4       (4.0 )
j) Derivative Positions from jointly controlled companies
Below we present the fair values of the derivatives from jointly controlled companies. These instruments are managed under the risk policies of each company. However the effects of mark-to-market are recognized in financial statements to the extent of participation of each of these companies.
Protection program
In order to reduce the cash flow volatility, swap transactions was contracted to convert into Reais the cash flows from debt instruments denominated in US Dollars. In this swap, fixed rates in U.S. Dollars are received and payments linked to Reais (CDI index) are made.
R$ million
    Notional             Average     Fair value     VaR  
Flow   31-mar-10     31-dez-09     Index     rate     31-mar-10     31-dez-09     31-mar-10  
Swap CDI vs. fixed rate
  USD 114     USD 114     USD       2.98 %     212       210          
  USD 233     USD 245     CDI       100.23 %     (254 )     (272 )        
                                    (42 )     (62 )     6.5  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Protected Item: Debts indexed to USD
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the protected items’ P&L due to BRL/USD exchange rate.
Hedging program
Swap transactions to fix the rate of part of a USD denominated obligation linked to Libor USD were contracted. In this swap, floating rates (Libor USD) in US Dollars are received and payments linked to a fixed rate also in US Dollars are made.
R$ million
    Notional             Average     Fair Value     VaR  
Flow   31-Ma-10     31-Dec-09     Index     rate     31-Mar-10     31-Dec-09     31-Mar-10  
Swap USD floating rate vs. fixed rate
  USD 20     USD 20     Libor       Libor + 0.65 %     28.2       30.0          
                  Tx.Pré       3.98 %     (29.2 )     (30.9 )        
                                    (1.0 )     (0.9 )     0.1  
Type of contracts: OTC Contracts
Hedged Item: Debts indexed to Libor USD
The P&L shown in the table above is offset by the hedged items’ P&L due to fluctuations in the Libor USD rate.



Table of Contents

k) Sensitivity Analysis on Derivatives
Amounts in R$ million
Program   Instrument   Risk   MtM     Scenario I     Scenario II     Scenario III     Scenario IV  
Protection program for the Real denominated debt indexed to CDI
  CDI vs. USD fixed rate swap   USD/BRL fluctuation     1,009       (1,811 )     1,811       (3,621 )     3,621  
      USD interest rate inside Brazil variation             (59 )     57       (121 )     111  
  CDI vs. USD floating rate swap   USD/BRL fluctuation     70       (189 )     189       (378 )     378  
      USD interest rate inside Brazil variation             (21 )     20       (44 )     39  
  Protected Items — Debt indexed to CDI   USD/BRL fluctuation     n.a.                          
Protection program for the Real denominated debt indexed to TJLP
  TJLP vs. USD fixed rate swap   USD/BRL fluctuation     111       (466 )     466       (933 )     933  
      USD interest rate inside Brazil variation             (57 )     54       (118 )     105  
      Brazilian interest rate fluctuation             (133 )     153       (251 )     329  
  TJLP vs. USD floating rate swap   USD/BRL fluctuation     66       (145 )     145       (290 )     290  
      USD interest rate inside Brazil variation             (40 )     36       (84 )     70  
      Brazilian interest rate fluctuation             (73 )     88       (134 )     196  
  Protected Items — Debts indexed to TJLP   USD/BRL fluctuation     n.a.                          
Protection Program for the Euro denominated floating rate debt
  EUR floating rate vs. USD floating rate swap   EUR/USD fluctuation             (3 )     3       (6 )     6  
      Euribor variation     2       (0 )     0       (0 )     0  
      USD Libor variation             (0 )     0       (0 )     0  
  Protected Items — Debts indexed to EUR   EUR/USD fluctuation     n.a.       3       (3 )     6       (6 )
Fair Value hedge program for the Euro denominated fixed rate debt
  EUR fixed rate vs. USD fixed rate swap   EUR/USD fluctuation     3       (92 )     92       (183 )     183  
  Protected Items — Debts indexed to EUR   EUR/USD fluctuation     n.a.       92       (92 )     183       (183 )
Protection Program for the USD floating rate debt
  USD floating rate vs. USD fixed rate swap   USD/BRL fluctuation     (13 )     (3 )     3       (7 )     7  
      USD Libor variation             (1 )     1       (1 )     1  
  Protected Items — Vale Inco’s Floating rate debt   USD Libor variation     n.a.       1       (1 )     1       (1 )
Bunker Oil Purchase Protection Program
  Bunker Oil forward   Bunker Oil price fluctuation     45       (70 )     70       (140 )     140  
  Protected Item: part of Vale’s costs linked to Bunker Oil price   Bunker Oil price fluctuation     n.a.       70       (70 )     140       (140 )
Maritime freight hiring protection program
  Forward freight agreement   Freight price fluctuation     27       (43 )     43       (87 )     87  
  Protected Item: part of Vale’s costs linked to Freight price   Freight price fluctuation     n.a.       43       (43 )     87       (87 )
Coal Sales Protection Program
  Sale of Coal forward contracts   Coal price fluctuation     (2 )     (10 )     10       (20 )     20  
  Protected Item: part of Vale’s costs linked to Freight price   Coal price fluctuation     n.a.       10       (10 )     20       (20 )
Aluminum strategic cash flow protection program
  Sale of aluminum forward contracts   Aluminum price fluctuation     (63 )     (93 )     93       (187 )     187  
  Aluminum options collars   Aluminum price fluctuation     (47 )     (90 )     90       (183 )     183  
  Protected Items — Part of Vale’s revenues linked to Aluminum price   Aluminum price fluctuation     n.a.       187       (187 )     373       (373 )
Foreign Exchange Protection Program on Coal Fixed Price Sales
  Australian dollar forwards   USD/AUD fluctuation     16       (15 )     15       (29 )     29  
  Protected Item: Part of Vale’s costs in Australian Dollar   USD/AUD fluctuation     n.a.       15       (15 )     29       (29 )
Foreign Exchange cash flow hedge
  BRL fixed rate vs. USD   USD/BRL fluctuation             (886 )     886       (1,771 )     1,771  
      USD interest rate inside Brazil variation     236       (6 )     6       (11 )     11  
      Brazilian interest rate fluctuation             (39 )     40       (76 )     82  
  Hedged Items — Part of Revenues denominated in USD   USD/BRL fluctuation     n.a.       886       (886 )     1,771       (1,771 )
Foreign Exchange Protection Program on cash flow
  Non deliverable forward   USD/BRL fluctuation     (0.5 )     (27 )     27       (53 )     53  
      USD Libor variation             (0.0 )     0.0       (0.1 )     0.1  
  Protected Items — Part of Revenues denominated in USD   USD/BRL fluctuation     n.a.       27       (27 )     53       (53 )
Nickel strategic cash flow protection program
  Sale of nickel future/forward contracts   Nickel price fluctuation     (277 )     (421 )     421       (843 )     843  
  Protected Item: Part of Vale’s revenues linked to Nickel price   Nickel price fluctuation     n.a.       421       (421 )     843       (843 )
Nickel purchase fixed price program
  Purchase of nickel future/forward contracts   Nickel price fluctuation     39       (18 )     18       (36 )     36  
  Protected Item: Part of Vale’s revenues linked to fixed price sales of Nickel   Nickel price fluctuation     n.a.       18       (18 )     36       (36 )
Nickel purchase protection program
  Sale of nickel future/forward contracts   Nickel price fluctuation     (8 )     (14 )     14       (28 )     28  
  Protected Item: Part of Vale’s revenues linked to Nickel price   Nickel price fluctuation     n.a.       14       (14 )     28       (28 )
Nickel purchase hedging program
  Sale of nickel future/forward contracts   Nickel price fluctuation     (96 )     (212 )     212       (424 )     424  
  Hedged Item: Part of Vale’s revenues linked to Nickel price   Nickel price fluctuation     n.a.       212       (212 )     424       (424 )
Copper Scrap Purchase Protection Program
  Sale of copper future/forward contracts   Copper price fluctuation     0.009       (1 )     1       (1 )     1  
  Protected Item: Part of Vale’s revenues linked to Copper price   Copper price fluctuation     n.a.       1       (1 )     1       (1 )
Embedded derivatives — Raw material purchase
  Embedded derivatives Raw material purchase   Nickel price fluctuation     (3.1 )     (7.8 )     7.8       (15.6 )     15.6  
Embedded derivatives — Raw material purchase
  Embedded derivatives — Raw material purchase   Copper price fluctuation     (1 )     (6 )     6       (11 )     11  
Embedded derivatives — Energy purchase
  Embedded derivatives — Energy purchase — Aluminum Options   Aluminum price fluctuation     (287 )     (105 )     153       (149 )     265  



Table of Contents

I) Sensitivity Analysis on Derivatives from jointly controlled companies
Amounts in R$ million
Program   Instrument     Risk     MtM     Scenario I     Scenario II     Scenario III     Scenario IV  
Protection program
  CDI vs. USD fixed rate swap   USD/BRL fluctuation     (42 )     (53 )     53       (106 )     106  
          USD interest rate inside Brazil variation             (0.0 )     0.0       (0.0 )     0.0  
  Protected Item — Debt indexed to USD   USD/BRL fluctuation     n.a.       53       (53 )     106       (106 )
Hedging program
  USD floating rate vs. USD fixed rate swap   USD/BRL fluctuation     (1 )     (1 )     1       (2 )     2  
          USD Libor variation             (0 )     0       (1 )     1  
  Hedged Item — Debt indexed to Libor   USD Libor variation     n.a.       1       (1 )     2       (2 )
m) Sensitivity Analysis on Debt and Cash Investments
The Company’s funding and cash investments programs linked to currencies different from Brazilian Reais are subjected to volatility of foreign exchange currencies, such as EUR/USD and USD/BRL.
Amounts in R$ million
Program   Instrument   Risk   Scenario I     Scenario II     Scenario III     Scenario IV  
  Debt denominated in BRL   No fluctuation                                
  Debt denominated in USD   USD/BRL fluctuation     (6,918 )     6,918       (13,836 )     13,836  
  Debt denominated in EUR   EUR/USD fluctuation     (455 )     455       (910 )     910  
Cash Investments
  Cash denominated in BRL   No fluctuation                                
Cash Investments
  Cash denominated in USD   USD/BRL fluctuation     (2,517 )     2,517       (5,034 )     5,034  
n) Credit risk on financial trades and financial institutions ratings
Derivatives transactions are executed with financial institutions that we consider to have a very good credit quality. The exposure limits to financial institutions are proposed annually for the Executive Risk Committee and approved by the Executive Board. The financial institutions credit risk tracking is performed making use of a credit risk valuation methodology which considers, among other information, published ratings provided by international rating agencies. In the table below, we present the ratings in foreign currency published by Moody’s e S&P agencies for the financial institutions that we had outstanding trades as of March 31, 2010.
Parent Company   Vale’s Counterparty   Moody’s*   S&P*
JP Morgan Chase & Co**
  JP Morgan Chase Bank   Aa3   A+
Banco Santander SA
  Banco Santander SA   Aa2   AA
Banco Santander SA
  Banco Santander Brasil SA   Baa3   BBB-
BNP Paribas**
  BNP Paribas Securities Corp   Aa2   AA
BNP Paribas
  BNP Paribas   Aa2   AA
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc**
  J Aron & Co   A1   A
Itau Unibanco Holding SA
  Banco Itau BBA SA   A1   BBB
Societe Generale**
  Banco Societe Generale do Brasil SA   Aa2   A+
Societe Generale
  Societe Generale   Aa2   A+
Credit Agricole SA**
  Calyon (London)   Aa1   AA-
Banco Votorantim SA
  Banco Votorantim SA   A3   BB+
Itau Unibanco Holding SA**
  União de Bancos Brasileiros SA   A2  
Banco do Brasil SA
  Banco do Brasil SA   A2   BBB-
Citigroup Inc**
  Citibank MA (Brazil)   A3   A
Deutsche Bank AG**
  Deutsche Bank AG (London)   Aa3   A+
HSBC Holdings plc
  HSBC Bank Brasil SA - Banco Multiple   A1   BBB-
Barclays PLC
  Barclays Bank PLC   Aa3   AA-
Banco Santander SA**
  Banco ABN AMRO Real SA   Aa2   AA
Standard Bank PLC**
  Standard Bank Limited (London)   Baa2  
Banco Bradesco SA
  Banco Bradesco SA   A1   BBS
BNP Paribas**
  BNP Paribas Energy a Commodities   Aa2   AA
Prudential Financial Inc**
  Prudential Bache Commodities Ltd (London)   Baa2   A
  Natixis Metals Limited   Aa3   A+
Mitsui Co Ltd**
  Mitsui Bussan Commodities Ltd   A2   A+
For brazilian Banks we used local long term deposit rating
Parent company’s rating



Table of Contents

O) Market Curves
To build the curves used on the pricing of the derivatives, public data from BM&F, Central Bank of Brazil, London Metals Exchange (LME) and proprietary data from Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg L.P. and Enerdata were used.
1. Commodities
Maturity   Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)  
    2,294       JAN11       2,384       NOV11       2,461  
    2,299       FEB11       2,392       DEC11       2,469  
    2,310       MAR11       2,400       JAN12       2,475  
    2,319       APR11       2,408       FEB12       2,482  
    2,330       MAY11       2,415       MAR12       2,488  
    2,339       JUN11       2,423       APR12       2,495  
    2,347       JUL11       2,432                  
    2,357       AUG11       2,439                  
    2,366       SEP11       2,447                  
    2,375       OCT11       2,454                  
Maturity   Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)  
    24,960       JAN11       24,920       NOV11       24,378  
    24,972       FEB11       24,870       DEC11       24,320  
    24,990       MAR11       24,820       JAN12       24,270  
    25,000       APR11       24,770       FEB12       24,221  
    25,010       MAY11       24,720       MAR12       24,172  
    25,010       JUN11       24,670       APR12       24,123  
    25,010       JUL11       24,611                  
    25,005       AUG11       24,552                  
    24,995       SEP11       24,494                  
    24,970       OCT11       24,436                  
Maturity   Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)  
    7,818       APR10       7,818       MAY10       7,834  
Bunker Oil
Maturity   Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)     Maturity     Price (USD/ton)  
    463       JAN11       485       NOV11       489  
    463       FEB11       485       DEC11       489  
    467       MAR11       485       JAN12       511  
    470       APR11       489       FEB12       511  
    474       MAY11       489       MAR12       511  
    474       JUN11       489       APR12       511  
    474       JUL11       489                  
    479       AUG11       489                  
    479       SEP11       489                  
    479       OCT11       489                  
Aluminum — Volatility
Maturity   Vol (% a.a.)     Maturity     Vol (% a.a.)     Maturity     Vol (% a.a.)  
    19.0       VOL9M       24.4       VOL4Y       23.7  
    22.1       VOL1Y       24.4       VOL5Y       23.4  
    24.3       VOL2Y       24.1       VOL7Y       23.4  
    24.5       VOL3Y       23.9       VOL10Y       23.4  
FFA — Forward Freight Agreement
Maturity   Price (USD/day)     Maturity     Price (USD/day)     Maturity     Price (USD/day)  
    35,536       JAN11       28,700       NOV11       26,875  
    35,536       FEB11       28,700       DEC11       26,875  
    36,579       MAR11       28,700       JAN12       25,218  
    37,111       APR11       26,875       FEB12       25,218  
    32,964       MAY11       26,875       MAR12       25,218  
    32,964       JUN11       26,875       APR12       25,218  
    32,964       JUL11       26,875                  
    30,268       AUG11       26,875                  
    30,268       SEP11       26,875                  
    30,268       OCT11       26,875                  



Table of Contents

2. Rates
USD-Brazil Interest Rate
Maturity   Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)  
    1.05       02/07/2012       2.89       02/01/2015       4.28  
    1.05       01/10/2012       3.08       01/04/2015       4.39  
    1.10       02/01/2013       3.29       01/07/2015       4.44  
    1.30       01/04/2013       3.50       04/01/2016       4.53  
    1.55       01/07/2013       3.66       01/07/2016       4.61  
    1.75       01/10/2013       3.79       02/01/2017       4.68  
    1.98       02/01/2014       3.92       02/01/2018       4.80  
    2.23       01/04/2014       4.04       02/01/2019       4.90  
    2.46       01/07/2014       4.15       02/01/2020       5.07  
    2.68       01/10/2014       4.22       04/01/2021       5.17  
US Interest Rate
Maturity   Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)  
    0.15       USD9M       0.42       USD5Y       2.81  
    0.33       USD1Y       0.54       USD7Y       3.45  
    0.29       USD2Y       1.20       USD10Y       4.02  
    0.26       USD3Y       1.82                  
    0.34       USD4Y       2.36                  
Maturity   Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)  
    6.00       01/01/2012       7.37       01/01/2014       7.31  
    6.00       01/04/2012       7.36       01/04/2014       7.30  
    6.88       01/07/2012       7.34       01/07/2014       7.31  
    7.91       01/10/2012       7.34       01/10/2014       7.34  
    7.83       01/01/2013       7.33       01/01/2015       7.39  
    7.61       01/04/2013       7.33       01/04/2015       7.47  
    7.46       01/07/2013       7.33                  
    7.40       01/10/2013       7.33                  
BRL Interest Rate
Maturity   Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)     Maturity     Rate (% a.a.)  
    8.61       01/07/2011       11.22       01/07/2014       12.20  
    8.61       02/01/2012       11.67       02/01/2015       12.19  
    8.66       02/04/2012       11.83       02/01/2017       12.26  
    8.96       02/07/2012       11.97       04/01/2021       12.55  
    9.19       02/01/2013       12.05                  
    9.86       01/07/2013       12.12                  
    10.40       02/01/2014       12.14                  
    10.87       01/04/2014       12.18                  
3. Currencies
Maturity   EUR/USD     Maturity     EUR/USD     Maturity     EUR/USD  
    1.35       EUR9M       1.35       EUR4Y       1.39  
    1.35       EUR1Y       1.35       EUR5Y       1.40  
    1.35       EUR2Y       1.36       EUR7Y       1.44  
    1.35       EUR3Y       1.37       EUR10Y       1.48  
Maturity   AUD/USD     Maturity     AUD/USD     Maturity     AUD/USD  
    1.09       AUD9M       1.13       AUD4Y       1.25  
    1.09       AUD1Y       1.14       AUD5Y       1.28  
    1.10       AUD2Y       1.18       AUD7Y       1.33  
    1.11       AUD3Y       1.22       AUD10Y       1.39  
Currencies — Ending rates as of December 31, 2009
    1.0150     USD/BRL     1.7810     EUR/USD     1.3518  



Table of Contents

    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Assets     Liabilities     Assets  
    March 31, 2010                     March 31, 2010                     March 31, 2010     December 31,  
    (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     (unaudited)     December 31, 2009     (unaudited)     2009  
            Non             Non             Non             Non             Non     Non  
    Current     current     Current     current     Current     current     Current     current     Current     current     current  
Derivatives not designated as hedge
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk
CDI & TJLP vs. USD fixed and floating rate swaps
          1,255,880             1,383,611                                     980,797       1,058,303  
Euro floating rate vs. USD floating rate swap
          1,810             2,559                                     1,810       2,559  
USD floating rate vs. CDI
                            28,942       13,029       38,829       23,364                    
USD vs. fixed rate swap
                            624       365       926                          
NDF swap
                            476             160                          
USD floating rate vs. USD fixed rate swap
                                  13,213       12,003       2,159                    
EuroBonds swap
AUD forward purchase
          15,784             14,946                                            
          1,276,209             1,401,116       30,042       26,607       51,918       25,523             982,607       1,060,862  
Fixed price purchase/ sale
    37,198       1,756       21,780       2,909       48,225       949       4,495       13,687                    
Strategic program (2)
                                  280,331       55,553                          
Maritime freight hiring protection program
    27,265             50,448                                                  
                                  41,409       27,640       466                    
Bunker oil (1)
    50,563             84,573                                                  
    9                         2,059                                      
    115,035       1,756       156,801       2,909       50,284       322,689       87,688       14,153                    
Cash flow hege
    200,809       34,985       26,131       102,059                               128,942             36,828  
Strategic nickel
                            117,671             123,989                          
    200,809       34,985       26,131       102,059       117,671       95,668       123,989             128,942             36,828  
    315,844       1,312,950       182,932       1,506,084       197,997       444,964       263,595       39,676       128,942       982,607       1,097,690  
Comprise realized derivatives in the amount of R$ 5,479 e R$ (16,431) in March 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009 respectively.
Comprise realized derivatives in the amount of R$ (17,589) and R$ 6,767 in March 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009 respectively.
Comprise realized derivatives in the amount of R$ (8,122) e R$ (39,197) in March 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009 respectively.
Comprise realized derivatives in the amount of R$ (75) in March 31, 2010.
The effects of derivatives on equity
The effects of hedge accounting that affects the stockholders’ equity are as follows:
    Consolidated (unaudited)  
    Currencies     Aluminum     Nickel     Total  
Balance on 31/12/09
    68,603       (63,235 )           5,368  
Fair value measurement
    62,632       (20,446 )     (95,929 )     (53,743 )
Transference to financial results due to settlement
    (6,403 )     23,669             17,266  
Balance on 31/03/10
    124,832       (60,012 )     (95,929 )     (31,109 )



Table of Contents

The effects of derivatives on income statement
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Three-month period ended (unaudited)     Accumulated (unaudited)  
    March 31,     December 31,     March 31,     March 31,     March 31,  
    2010     2009     2009     2010     2009  
Derivatives not designated as hedge
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk
CDI & TJLP vs. USD fixed and floating rate swaps
    (76,284 )     343,195       76,647       (53,768 )     (60,611 )
USD floating rate vs. USD fixed rate swap
    1,500       (811 )     (1,283 )            
Euro floating rate vs. USD floating rate swap
    (750 )     (229 )     (1,373 )     (750 )     (1,373 )
AUD forward purchase
    2,834       1,040       6,089              
USD floating rate vs. CDI
    (254 )     (65,264 )                  
NDF swap
    (317 )     (160 )                  
Floating Libor vs. fixed Libor swap
    (1,804 )                        
Commodities price risk
Fixed price purchase/ sale
    (15,923 )     (1,102 )     (18,712 )            
Strategic program
    (249,371 )     (11,172 )                  
Copper scraps/ strategic copper
    8             (321 )            
Strategic copper
Natural gas
          266       (6,353 )            
Maritime freight hiring protection program
    (5,078 )     133,880                    
Bunker oil
    (11,110 )     71,978                    
    (2,059 )                        
Embedded derivatives
Fixed price nickel sales
          325       (15,569 )            
Customer raw material purchase
          6,416       4,650              
Energy purchase — aluminum options
    (40,943 )     (466 )                  
Derivatives designated as hedge
          (31,369 )                  
    (399,551 )     446,527       43,775       (54,518 )     (61,984 )
    Consolidated     Parent Company  
    Three-month period ended (unaudited)     Accumulated (unaudited)  
    March 31,     December 31,     March 31,     March 31,     March 31,  
    2010     2009     2009     2010     2009  
Derivatives not designated as hedge
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk
CDI & TJLP vs. USD fixed and floating rate swaps
    (51,446 )     154,700       49,255       (23,738 )     (21,866 )
USD floating rate vs. USD fixed rate swap
    3,069       (4,037 )     (3,859 )            
Euro floating rate vs. USD floating rate swap
AUD forward purchase
    (1,996 )     4,525                    
USD floating rate vs. CDI
    18,722       (3,071 )                  
Floating Libor vs. fixed Libor swap
    246       66                    
Commodities price risk
Fixed price purchase/ sale
    (1,462 )     (31,378 )     8,858              
Strategic program
    24,853       (64,448 )                  
Copper scraps/ strategic copper
Natural gas
          (818 )     (4,619 )            
Maritime freight hiring protection program
    (18,105 )     12,545                    
Bunker oil
    (22,900 )     19,465       (168 )            
Embedded derivatives
Fixed price nickel sales
Customer raw material purchase
Energy purchase — aluminum options
Derivatives designated as hedge
Cash flow hedge
    (6,403 )                        
    23,670       (8,387 )                  
    (4,112 )     79,993       49,958       (23,738 )     (21,866 )



Table of Contents

Summary the movement of our derivatives according to the period present as follows:
    Balances as of (unaudited)  
    March 31, 2010  
            Bunker oil and                                
    Currencies     Natural Gas     Freight     Aluminum     Copper / Coal     Nickel     Total  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 12/31/09
    1,451,864       84,573       50,448       (152,095 )           (49,045 )     1,385,745  
Payments (receipt) financial
    (37,807 )     (22,900 )     (18,105 )     51,309             23,391       (4,112 )
Financial expenses, net (1)
    36,396       (13,112 )     (6,096 )     (58,293 )     (2,056 )     (364,218 )     (407,379 )
Monetary variances, net (2)
    4,900       2,002       1,018             6       3,652       11,578  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 03/31/10
    1,455,353       50,563       27,265       (159,079 )     (2,050 )     (386,220 )     985,832  
    March 31, 2009  
            Bunker oil and                                
    Currencies     Natural Gas     Freight     Aluminum     Copper / Coal     Nickel     Total  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 12/31/08
    (1,336,013 )     (4,358 )                 626       79,185       (1,260,560 )
Payments (receipt) financial
    (45,396 )     4,787                   (491 )     (8,857 )     (49,957 )
Financial expenses, net (1)
    77,614       (7,931 )                 (321 )     (29,476 )     39,886  
Monetary variances, net (2)
    2,758       35                   (6 )     (761 )     2,026  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 03/31/09
    (1,301,037 )     (7,467 )                 (192 )     40,091       (1,268,605 )
    December 31, 2009  
            Bunker oil and                                
    Currencies     Natural Gas     Freight     Aluminum     Copper / Coal     Nickel     Total  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 09/30/09
    1,239,541       30,962       (69,888 )     19,405             (136,430 )     1,083,590  
Payments (receipt) financial
    (152,291 )     (17,647 )     (12,545 )     8,387             94,827       (79,269 )
Financial expenses, net (1)
    370,678       71,756       132,229       (179,890 )           (12,701 )     382,072  
Monetary variances, net (2)
    (5,250 )     (495 )     1,651       2             4,260       168  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 12/31/09
    1,452,678       84,576       51,447       (152,096 )           (50,044 )     1,386,561  
Comprise amounts related to hedge accounting which does not affect the financial results, as follows: R$3.409, R$(60.841) e R$(1.416), March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009, respectively.
These figures were recorded inside shareholders’ equity in the line “unrealized results of market value” net of income tax and in the proportion of our interest, when applicable.
Include exchange variance reclassification into equity: R$80, R$(3.446), R$(447), March 31, 2010, December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009, respectively.
    March 31,  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 12/31/09
Payments (receipt) financial
    (23,738 )
Financial expenses, net (*)
Monetary variances, net
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 03/31/10



Table of Contents

    March 31,  
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 12/31/08
    (1,078,850 )
Payments (receipt) financial
    (21,867 )
Financial expenses, net (*)
    (61,934 )
Monetary variances, net
    (50 )
Gain/ (losses) unrealized on 03/31/09
    (1,162,701 )
It comprises R$ 92.115 due hedge accounting which does not affect the results.
The maturities dates of the consolidated financial instruments are as follows:
Interest rates / Currencies
  December 2019
  December 2010
Bunker Oil
  December 2010
  December 2010
  July 2010
  December 2010
  December 2011
7.25- Subsequent events
The Company acquired in April 2010, for US$ 2,500 million, 51% interest on BSG Resources (Guinea) Ltd., which indirectly holds iron ore concession rights in Guinea, in Simandou South (Zogota), and iron ore exploration permits in Simandou North. From this amount US$ 500 million is payable immediately and the remaining US$ 2 billion on a phased basis upon achievement of specific milestones.
Aligned with the strategy of active management of our asset portfolio, the Company celebrated an agreement with Norsk Hydro to transfer all shares of Vale in Albras — Aluminum Brasileiro S.A. (Albras) Alunorte — Alumina do Norte do Brazil S.A. (Alunorte) and Companhia Alumina do Pará (CAP), and 60% of Paragominas mine and all bauxite mining rights in Brazil. For these transactions will be received USD 1.0. billion in cash and 22% of the voting capital of Hydro. In 2013 and 2015, will be sold the 40% remaining of the Paragominas mine and mining rights, by the amount of USD 400 million.



Table of Contents

Aluminum Area — Valesul (Additional information — unaudited)
        2009     2008  
        As of and for the three-month period ended     As of and for the three-month period ended  
Information       March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total     March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total  
Quantity sold — external market
  MT (thousand)                                   2                         2  
Quantity sold — internal market
  MT (thousand)     8                         8       13       9       9       9       40  
Quantity sold — total
  MT (thousand)     8                         8       15       9       9       9       42  
Average sales price — external market
  US$                                 2,392.81                         2,815.50  
Average sales price — internal market
  US$   4,200.12                         4,200.12       2,133.06       3,629.56       3,164.66       3,596.33       2,972.28  
Average sales price — total
  US$   4,200.12                         4,200.12       2,167.50       3,722.67       3,164.66       3,596.33       2,964.81  
Stockholders’ equity
  US$   357                         357       271       324       354       364       364  
Net operating revenues
  US$   33                         33       26       25       31       45       127  
Cost of products
  US$   (30 )                       (30 )     (27 )     (21 )     (28 )     (40 )     (116 )
Other expenses / revenues
  US$   (2 )                       (2 )     (3 )     (2 )     (4 )     (3 )     (12 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   2                         2       3       3       2       1       9  
  US$   3                         3       (1 )     5       1       3       8  
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   (2 )                       (2 )     (3 )     (3 )     (2 )     (1 )     (9 )
  US$   1                         1       (4 )     2       (1 )     2       (1 )
Net financial result
  US$   1                         1                                
Income before income tax and social contribution
  US$   2                         2       (4 )     2       (1 )     2       (1 )
Net income
  US$   2                         2       (4 )     2       (1 )     2       (1 )



Table of Contents

Aluminum Area — MRN (Additional information — unaudited)
        2009     2008  
        As of and for the three-month period ended     As of and for the three-month period ended  
Information       March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total     March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total  
Quantity sold — external market
  MT (thousand)     1,296                         1,296       798       777       838       1,192       3,605  
Quantity sold — internal market
  MT (thousand)     2,456                         2,456       2,640       2,865       3,182       3,346       12,033  
Quantity sold — total
  MT (thousand)     3,752                         3,752       3,438       3,642       4,020       4,538       15,638  
Average sales price — external market
  US$   23.50                         23.50       35.19       32.96       29.66       29.90       31.51  
Average sales price — internal market
  US$   22.83                         22.83       30.96       27.42       26.80       28.22       28.15  
Average sales price — total
  US$   23.06                         23.06       31.94       28.61       27.39       28.66       28.92  
Long-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   75                         75       84       77       71.343868011       64       64  
Short-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   235                         235       181       211       206.14828004       231       231  
Total indebtedness, gross
  US$   309                         309       265       288       277       295       295  
Stockholders’ equity
  US$   326                         326       276       374       426       330       330  
Net operating revenues
  US$   76                         76       96       91       96       114       397  
Cost of products
  US$   (65 )                       (65 )     (49 )     (59 )     (65 )     (79 )     (252 )
Other expenses / revenues
  US$   (2 )                       (2 )     (1 )     (1 )     (1 )     (4 )     (7 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   14                         14       12       1       15       26       54  
  US$   23                         23       58       32       45       57       192  
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   (14 )                       (14 )     (12 )     (1 )     (15 )     (26 )     (54 )
  US$   9                         9       46       31       30       31       138  
Net financial result
  US$   (5 )                       (5 )     (1 )     23       10       (127 )     (95 )
Income before income tax and social contribution
  US$   4                         4       45       54       40       (96 )     43  
Income tax and social contribution
  US$   (1 )                       (1 )     (15 )     (1 )     (14 )     (37 )     (67 )
Net income
  US$   3                         3       30       53       26       (133 )     (24 )



Table of Contents

Aluminum Area — Albras (Additional information — unaudited) — Consolidated Subsidiary
        2009     2008  
        As of and for the three-month period ended     As of and for the three-month period ended  
Information       March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total     March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total  
Quantity sold — external market
  MT (thousand)     101                         101       107       109       101       115       432  
Quantity sold — internal market
  MT (thousand)     5                         5       5       6       5       7       23  
Quantity sold — total
  MT (thousand)     106                         106       112       115       106       122       455  
Average sales price — external market
  US$   2,085.21                         2,085.21       1,388.35       1,378.32       1,689.77       1,852.89       1,579.27  
Average sales price — internal market
  US$   2,572.00                         2,572.00       1,783.09       1,251.00       1,656.00       2,067.14       1,691.39  
Average sales price — total
  US$   2,108.17                         2,108.17       1,405.98       1,372.42       1,688.08       1,865.19       1,584.94  
Long-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   217                         217       250       233       233.332208537       217       217  
Short-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   216                         216       156       152       185.099263259       229       229  
Total indebtedness, gross
  US$   433                         433       406       385       418       446       446  
Stockholders’ equity
  US$   1,065                         1,065       778       952       1,080       1,094       1,094  
Net operating revenues
  US$   222                         222       156       158       178       226       718  
Cost of products
  US$   (197 )                       (197 )     (161 )     (168 )     (172 )     (216 )     (717 )
Other expenses / revenues
  US$   (25 )                       (25 )     (13 )     (10 )     (12 )     (20 )     (55 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   6                         6       5       6       7       7       25  
  US$   6                         6       (13 )     (14 )           (3 )     (30 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   (6 )                       (6 )     (5 )     (6 )     (7 )     (7 )     (25 )
  US$                                 (18 )     (20 )     (6 )     (10 )     (54 )
Net financial result
  US$   (33 )                       (33 )     (1 )     63       32       15       109  
Income (loss) before income tax and social contribution
  US$   (33 )                       (33 )     (19 )     43       26       5       55  
Income tax and social contribution
  US$   (1 )                       (1 )     8       (15 )     (9 )     56       40  
Net income (loss)
  US$   (34 )                       (34 )     (11 )     28       17       61       95  



Table of Contents

Aluminum Area — Alunorte (Additional information — unaudited) — Consolidated Subsidiary
        2009     2008  
        As of and for the three-month period ended     As of and for the three-month period ended  
Information       March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total     March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total  
Quantity sold — external market
  MT (thousand)     1,106                         1,106       1,225       1,257       1,237       1,280       4,999  
Quantity sold — internal market
  MT (thousand)     212                         212       216       273       253       218       960  
Quantity sold — total
  MT (thousand)     1,318                         1,318       1,441       1,530       1,490       1,498       5,959  
Average sales price — external market
  US$   259.91                         259.91       192.84       214.82       255.36       287.31       238.90  
Average sales price — internal market
  US$   267.55                         267.55       170.69       190.76       265.62       289.10       239.79  
Average sales price — total
  US$   261.14                         261.14       195.62       210.39       257.10       287.57       239.05  
Long-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   825                         825       845.397       845       835       835       835  
Short-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   23                         23       52.676       39       31       24       24  
Total indebtedness, gross
  US$   848                         848       898       884       866       859       859  
Stockholders’ equity
  US$   2,473                         2,473       1,789       2,197       2,477       2,495       2,495  
Net operating revenues
  US$   339                         339       278       323       376       426       1,403  
Cost of products
  US$   (291 )                       (291 )     (304 )     (354 )     (352 )     (356 )     (1,366 )
Other expenses / revenues
  US$   (14 )                       (14 )     (7 )     (9 )     (13 )     (20 )     (49 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   29                         29       24       32       30       33       119  
  US$   63                         63       (9 )     (8 )     41       83       107  
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   (29 )                       (29 )     (24 )     (32 )     (30 )     (33 )     (119 )
  US$   34                         49       (33 )     (40 )     11       50       (12 )
Net financial result
  US$   (20 )                       (20 )           144       73             217  
Income (loss) before income tax and social contribution
  US$   14                         63       (33 )     104       84       50       205  
Income tax and social contribution
  US$   32                         32       11       (35 )     (28 )     (58 )     (110 )
Net income (loss)
  US$   46                         46       (22 )     69       56       (8 )     95  



Table of Contents

Pelletizing Affiliates — Hispanobras (Additional information — unaudited)
        2009     2008  
        As of and for the three-month period ended     As of and for the three-month period ended  
Information       March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total     March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total  
Quantity sold — external market
  MT (thousand)     217                         217                         75       75  
Quantity sold — internal market
  MT (thousand)     780                         780                   243       753       996  
Quantity sold — total
  MT (thousand)     997                         997                   243       828       1,071  
Average sales price — external market
  US$   67.06                         67.06                         70.90       62.70  
Average sales price — internal market
  US$   75.30                         75.30                   70.08       75.18       65.66  
Average sales price — total
  US$   73.51                         73.51                   70.08       74.79       65.46  
Stockholders’ equity
  US$   156                         156       96       105       166       164       164  
Net operating revenues
  US$   73                         73                   17       62       79  
Cost of products
  US$   (77 )                       (77 )                 (19 )     (66 )     (85 )
Other expenses / revenues
  US$   (3 )                       (3 )     (7 )     (10 )     (10 )     (6 )     (33 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   1                         1       2       2       2       2       8  
  US$   (6 )                       (6 )     (5 )     (8 )     (10 )     (8 )     (31 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   (1 )                       (1 )     (2 )     (2 )     (2 )     (2 )     (8 )
  US$   (7 )                       (7 )     (7 )     (10 )     (12 )     (10 )     (39 )
Net financial result
  US$   2                         2       1       1       1       1       4  
Income (loss) before income tax and social contribution
  US$   (5 )                       (5 )     (6 )     (9 )     (11 )     (9 )     (35 )
Income before income tax and social contribution
  US$   1                         1                   9       3       12  
Net income
  US$   (4 )                       (4 )     (6 )     (9 )     (2 )     (6 )     (23 )



Table of Contents

Pelletizing Affiliates — Samarco (Additional information — unaudited)
        2009     2008  
        As of and for the three-month period ended     As of and for the three-month period ended  
Information       March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total     March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31     Total  
Quantity sold — Pellets
  MT (thousand)     4,793                         4,793       2,141       3,313       6,011       5,440       16,905  
Quantity sold — Iron ore
  MT (thousand)     353                         353       714       236       345       314       1,609  
Quantity sold — total
  MT (thousand)     5,146                         5,146       2,855       3,549       6,356       5,754       18,514  
Average sales price — Pellets
  US$   89.07                         89.07       98.56       71.89       70.60       79.88       75.01  
Average sales price — Iron ore
  US$   54.08                         54.08       62.56       75.17       45.52       56.15       61.36  
Long-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   854,405                         854,405       769,734       819,663       719,676       949,564       949,564  
Short-term indebtedness, gross
  US$   517,672                         517,672       698,816       455,569       415,149       520,704       520,704  
Total indebtedness, gross
  US$     1,372,077                         1,372,077       1,468,550       1,275,232       1,134,825       1,470,268       1,470,268  
Stockholders’ equity
  US$   1,225                         1,225       822       1,073       1,375       1,224       1,224  
Net operating revenues
  US$   445                         445       260       247       482       445       1,434  
Cost of products
  US$   (236 )                       (236 )     (97 )     (173 )     (250 )     (248 )     (768 )
Other expenses / revenues
  US$   (59 )                       (59 )     (59 )     (7 )     (48 )     (57 )     (171 )
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   1                         1       18       22       31       36       107  
  US$   151                         151       122       89       215       176       602  
Depreciation, amortization and depletion
  US$   (1 )                       (1 )     (18 )     (22 )     (31 )     (36 )     (107 )
  US$   150                         150       104       67       184       140       495  
Net financial result
  US$   (363 )                       (363 )     (3 )     164       79       15       255  
Income (loss) before income tax and social contribution
  US$   (213 )                       (213 )     101       231       263       155       750  
Income tax and social contribution
  US$   (34 )                       (34 )     (18 )     (54 )     (41 )     (39 )     (152 )
Net income (loss)
  US$     (247 )                       (247 )     83       177       222       116       598  



Table of Contents

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
  Vale S.A.
  By:   /s/ Roberto Castello Branco    
Date: May 6, 2010    Roberto Castello Branco   
    Director of Investor Relations