Charleston, SC, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For over three decades, William L. Graham worked at Anheuser-Busch, and throughout his time there, he gained an appreciation for the trials and triumphs of the workingman. So, it’s no surprise that the star of his new action-packed novel is just that. Now enjoying retirement and free to pursue his creative interests, Graham presents his first book in a proposed trilogy that blends adventure, humor and paranormal hindsight.
In “Voodoo Rising,” protagonist Kevin Spears transforms from a demolition worker to Voodoo, a rogue operative with the power to perceive the past. Teaming up with a local detective and two FBI agents, Voodoo wants to use his newfound power to help others, but he is afraid of being exploited as a tool for the CIA. With the CIA hot on his trail and an impending threat from a terrorist cell, Voodoo must decide whether to protect himself or join forces with the very people he fears most. Graham’s tale of an average Joe who finds himself with an extraordinary opportunity to help people will appeal to anyone who loves a good plot twist. “The book is filled with plot twists and turns, and just when you think you have it figured out, you realize you don’t,” Graham says.
“Hindsight 20/20: Voodoo Rising” is available for purchase on and
About the Author:
For forty years, William L. Graham called Virginia home, working for Anheuser-Busch for over three decades and raising three daughters. Now retired, he lives in North Carolina with his wife and golden retriever. When not writing, he enjoys fishing, metal detecting, and working on classic cars. “Hindsight 20/20: Voodoo Rising” is his first novel.
Media Contact:
William L. Graham
Available for interviews: Author, William L. Graham

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing