New art gallery lets buyers ask questions to its artists

Gellart, a new Art Gallery based in Spain, connects buyers and artists, creating relationships that allow buyers to know more about the artist’s motivations. Before buying an artwork, collectors have the chance to communicate directly with the artists.

Madrid, Spain - October 15, 2019 /MarketersMedia/ is a new art gallery based in Spain that caters to worldwide clients offering contemporary art for both small and large collectors. Gellart believes that an artwork is linked to the biography, the aesthetic beliefs and the talent of its creator. It understands art an expression of the artist and not market trends.

Gellart’s initiative focuses on setting up a relationship between the artists and the collector of art. Before buying an artwork, collectors have the chance to ask the artists directly anything they want to know about their work. Potential buyers may ask the artists about their creative motivation for a particular piece, their evolution, the projects they are working on, or their influences in their creations. This allows for a deeper engagement between collectors and artists, which adds value and depth to the art they are buying. Knowing the background to the artwork will enrich and deepen its artistic meaning and value. This novel approach has met with extremely positive feedback from the art market.

Gellart understands that art is a means to enrich public and private spaces such as homes, offices, factories etc ... while making a rewarding investment at the same time. As part of Gellart’s efforts to allow fluid communication between the artists and the buyers, the gallery offers dedicated customer support, guaranteeing the art’s authenticity, door to door delivery and insurance shipping.

Gellart is also a classic gallery with few and well-selected artists. Both emerging and acclaimed artists conform the group of artists that create the gallery’s artwork in all its varied forms and techniques. Gellart is committed to its artists because they follow their own path, not market trends.

Among its artists Gellart offers artwork by renowned Spanish artists Belen Millan, a Spanish-American artist with a career in the NY Advertising industry for 15 years whose work has also been featured in Encaustic Art in the 21st Century; Federico del Barrio, for over 20 years has been, and still remains, a regular cartoonist in the newspaper La Razón, forming part of the team that signs as Cain, but is also an illustrator and author of several books; José Luis López de Zubiría, a renowned and multi awarded photographer in the field of gastronomy that illustrated the books of the most famous Basque cooks, that shares with Gellart his most personal works, unknown to the public; Rallitox, whose paintings, collages and performances can be found in public spaces of Barcelona, Madrid, New York, London and especially in Berlin, where he has lived; Raúl, with over three decades of daily collaboration in the Spanish national press as a cartoonist, he has also worked in the field of graphic design, comic strip or sculpture, having his works been exhibited in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, France, Greece, Colombia and Mexico; Ze Carrión, young but already a referent of the socially conscious street art, whose concerns about society, especially regarding immigrants and LGTB issues, can be found on the walls of his hometown, Madrid, as well as exhibitions in Colombia and Germany.

“I’ve been painting all my life, I remember how I was 12 years ago going out to paint under the bridges on the roads, placing my tag, painting dolls and destroying walls. Things have not changed that much since that time, it is just that twenty years later, I put my name instead of the tag, and painting, in addition to my vice, is also my job.

Art gives me freedom, and I have the need to share it, that is why I do both in parallel, studio work and street work. The Street art, the Graffiti, is for everyone, it is public art, art to share, to transmit, to transmit your message. Those are screams on the walls, dialogues on the street furniture. It claims the appropriation of the non-places, the space on the street, what was ours and belonged to everyone and no longer belongs to anyone, it was usurped.”

Gellart is an enterprise created by Marisol, Andrea and Aina, lovers and collectors of art with professional backgrounds in the fields of Law, Business and Engineering who have dedicated their professional careers, ranging from over 30 to 15 years of experience, to different areas within the world of Consulting services, especially in the field of digitization services. Being surrounded by friend artists as well as gallerist for years, they realized there was a disconnection in the online art community between art collectors and artists, with the main focus always placed on the art piece, while often stripping it of its meaning, its origin, why it came to happen. This is, putting the artist’s voice on the back seat. Marisol, Andrea and Aina decided to put their knowledge and experience to the service of a very personal female led entrepreneurial adventure that sets an unbreakable link between the artwork and the voice of its creator.

Contact Info:
Name: Marisol Elizari
Email: Send Email
Organization: Gellart

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Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88928200

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