One in a Million: Execution of Justice, by Pat Shannan, Review by Steffan Bertsch, Oregon Attorney:
Occasionally I have been asked to review books, but, rarely do I give an unsolicited assessment of one. I am making One in a Million by Pat Shannan the exception. It's a fact-laden piece of "fiction" about the IRS gone mad, and, while this might shock some, has set up mafia-style hit squads in the CID with the Commissioner's tacit approval! While most of you know full well that "government" agencies would never do such a thing, that's exactly what this book dares to reveal. Shannan sprinkles the enjoyable, fast-paced novel with many esoteric facts, long hidden from view of the sleeping public, such as those revealed in "The Franklin Cover-Up" about our beloved George Bush being involved in an adolescent sex ring while holding the office of VICE president. Any freedom-loving American will appreciate the veiled references to modern heroes such as Richie Mack and courtroom tyrants like Jack Tanner, and will also enjoy the express bolstering of Tupper [Saussy]'s and Irwin [Schiff]'s reputations as the writer explains how freedom was lost as fiat money invaded our borders. It's a spry read that is perhaps more fantasy than actual fiction, which might just get through to some sleepers, if ever it reaches their hands.
"A masterpiece!" - Sharon Lee, who continues:
Pat Shannan uses his storytelling talent to combine mystery, suspense, truth, and history into a great novel. One In A Million is a historical novel filled with suppressed truths and historical facts about the hoax of the tax system. It's a gripping story of family, courage, truth, tragedy, and violent retribution. One In A Million is much more than a crime story. It is a priceless education of our tax system and banking system. It is a compelling, convicting, and awesome story of the hypocrisy of the Internal Revenue Service. I recommend One In A Million to everyone! Courageous work from a talented writer. ONE IN A MILLION IS TRULY ONE IN A BILLION.
One in a Million: Execution of Justice is a 360-page paperback with a retail price of $24.00 (eBook $19.00). The ISBN is 979-8-89127-713-7. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at https://dorrancepressroom.com/one-in-a-million-execution-of-justice/ or our online bookstore at https://rosedogbookstore.com/one-in-a-million-execution-of-justice/
Matthew Zappone
RoseDog Books
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